Abbas-Nazari, Amina, 2024, Thesis, Speculative voicing: A sonic speculative design methodology for vocal imaginaries in the AI era PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Aboim, Mariana, 2024, Thesis, Material intangibilities PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Adami, Elisa, 2019, Thesis, Writing history under erasure: radical historiographical practices in Lebanese postwar art PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Adams, Dominic Barnaby, 2022, Thesis, The continuous body: Emergence, authority and expiation in the oeuvre of Georges Bataille PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Agret, Alix, 2019, Thesis, The seen, the scene and the obscene: eroticism in photographically illustrated magazines in France, 1931-1939 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ai, Wenbo, 2024, Thesis, Integrating design literacy within Chinese health promoting hospitals PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ainley, Rosa, 2016, Thesis, Writing Alexandra Palace: plurivocity as a methods of cultural recovery of buildings PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Aishman, Steven, 2019, Thesis, The Intersection of Digital Practice and Everyday Life PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Al-Ogayyel, Rana, 2023, Thesis, The Al-Sadu tent divider, the veil and the materiality of privacy: The construction of Muslim women's self-identity through the printed opacity of soft dividers PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Alamoudi, Mallaa, 2024, Thesis, Design for Saudi public services: Integrating graphic design to improve the experience of Zamzam water services across the Umrah visitors’ journey PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Alexander, Cradeaux, 2023, Thesis, Playing with (my)self: Reconfiguring 21st century performance art as an emerging encounter amongst the becoming-stage, the becoming-actor, and the becoming-audience PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Andr, Be, 2024, Thesis, Painting in the age of technological reproducibility: Re-establishing sensuousness via the complexity of System of Emergent Touch (SET) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Anjum, Maham, 2013, Thesis, Artisanal craft pottery in South Asia (and Ethiopia) and the potential for expanding markets locally and globally MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Archer, L Bruce, 1968, Thesis, The Structure of Design Processes Other thesis, Royal College of Art.
Armstrong, Dorothy, 2020, Thesis, What is an ‘oriental’ carpet? Reimagining, remaking, repossessing the patterned pile carpets of South, Central and West Asia since 1840 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Arun Kumar, Pranay, 2020, Thesis, EcoDesign for medical devices: Barriers and opportunities to eco effective design of medical devices MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Atkinson, Elizabeth, 2020, Thesis, Animals and their artists: An exploration of impossible encounters PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Auger, James, 2012, Thesis, Why Robot? Speculative design, the domestication of technology and the considered future PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Avilla Royo, Raul, 2022, Thesis, Collaborative architecture Barcelona: The architect as enabler PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Baker, Daniel, 2011, Thesis, Gypsy Visuality: Alfred Gell's art nexus and its potential for artists PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Balaskas, Vasileios (Bill), 2017, Thesis, Mapping utopian art: alternative political imaginaries in new media art (2008-2015) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Balint, Tibor, 2016, Thesis, Design Space for Space Design: Humanly {S:pace} Constructs Across Perceptual Boundaries PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Barbieri, Chiara, 2017, Thesis, Graphic design and graphic designers in Milan, 1930s to 1960s PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Barr, Sue, 2017, Thesis, The architecture of transit: photographing incidents of sublimity in the landscapes of motorway architecture between the Alps and Naples PhD thesis, R.
Barron, Neil, 2001, Thesis, Technology as Handmaiden to Generative Drawing MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Beals, Alejandro, 2012, Thesis, Blurring Boundaries: Strategies for the Creation of Ambiguity in Architecture MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Behseta, Julie, 2013, Thesis, Synthetic and Natural Polymers Recycled to Make Matter with New Functionality and Aesthetics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Beier, Sofie, 2009, Thesis, Typeface legibility: Towards defining familiarity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bell, Rebecca, 2019, Thesis, Questions of craft: Making for the state in socialist Czechoslovakia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Benque, David, 2020, Thesis, Case board, traces, & chicanes: Diagrams for an archaeology of algorithmic prediction through critical design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Benson, Margaret, 1994, Thesis, How is holography art? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Berthon, Magali, 2021, Thesis, Silk and post-conflict Cambodia: Embodied practices and global and local dynamics of heritage and knowledge transference (1991-2018) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Beyer, Bastian, 2019, Thesis, Between duck and tree: metabolism-informed composite tectonics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Biderman, Kevin, 2020, Thesis, Visual surveillance and direct action protest in the City of London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Blightman, Juliette, 2024, Thesis, Room After Woolf: A practice-based investigation into creative production and domestic space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Bolger, Mary Ann, 2016, Thesis, Designing modern Ireland: the role of graphic design in the construction of modern Ireland at home and abroad (1949-1979) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bonett, Helena, 2019, Thesis, Artistic legacy and patrimonial knowledge: a case study of Barbara Hepworth at Tate PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Boos, Emmanuel, 2011, Thesis, The Poetics of Glaze: Ceramics Surface and the Perception of Depth PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Borgefalk, Gustav, 2021, Thesis, A cybernetic service design approach for taming persuasive service systems: Reflective case studies for design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Borowicz Richardson, Anja, 2022, Thesis, Sculpting with object-gestures: An everyday working gesture as an artistic proposition and a space to reimagine material resonances PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2002, Thesis, Media Space: an analysis of spatial practices in planar pictorial media. PhD thesis, Middlesex University.
Brachlow, Heike, 2012, Thesis, Shaping Colour: Density, Light and Form in Solid Glass Sculpture PhD thesis, The Royal College of Art.
Brasó, Emma, 2018, Thesis, Parafictional artists. From the critique of authorship to the curatorial turn PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Brett, David, 1984, Thesis, Quantities and qualities: Arts and manufactures 1830-1930: A study of the philosophy and ideology of design reform PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Brett, Desmond, 2024, Thesis, (Re)modelling form: Sculpture in flux PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Brown, Steve Royston, 2010, Thesis, The Physicality of Print PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bueti, Federica, 2020, Thesis, Poetics of negation: The personal in the writings of Carla Lonzi, Hélène Cixous, Moyra Davey, Frances Stark, and Anne Boyer PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Burkardt, Svetlana, 2022, Thesis, Value creation: Russian and Chinese oil painting markets 1980s-2018 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Button, Victoria, 2013, Thesis, The portrait drawings of Hans Holbein the Younger: function and use explored through materials and techniques PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cagol, Stefano, 2013, Thesis, Towards a Genealogy of the Thematic Contemporary Art Exhibition: Italian Exhibition Culture from the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista (1932) to the Palazzo Grassi’s Ciclo della Vitalità (1959 – 1961) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Campagna, Federico, 2021, Thesis, Metaphysics and metaethics in the design of strategy video games PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Candela, Emily, 2015, Thesis, Mid-Century Molecular: The Material Culture of X-ray Crystallographic Visualisation across Postwar British Science and Industrial Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art in collaboration with the Science Museum.
Cano Piniero, Almudena, 2020, Thesis, The potential of design in neighbourhood planning: A design-led reconstruction of the Kentish Town case PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Castán Cabrero, Marina, 2019, Thesis, ‘Soft embodied architectures’: towards a hybrid embodied design ideation method for soft embodied architectural design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chang, Ban-Yuan, 2023, Thesis, The shamanic condition of becoming posthuman: Being embedded in scattered landscapes PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Charlesworth, J.J., 2016, Thesis, Art criticism: the mediation of art in Britain 1968-76 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chessa, Maria, 2020, Thesis, A silent evolution: Material engagement and knowledge behind the rise of paper technology across Italy and England (1590-1800) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chiu, Pao-Chen, 2022, Thesis, Translating erasure: Proposing auto-theory as a practice for artistic enquiry and analysis while comprehending personal grief PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cho, Yen-Ting, 2014, Thesis, Cubic Film: Interdisciplinary development of digital participatory moving image medium PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Choi, Yoon Jung, 2020, Thesis, Design to Let Things Go: Towards an understanding of user detachment from hibernating or accumulated objects at end of use and the promotion of object longevity and material circulation through care practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chong Kwan, Gayle, 2022, Thesis, Imaginal Travel: political and ecological positioning through fine art practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chun, Yongkeun, 2020, Thesis, Displayed modernity: Advertising and commercial art in colonial Korea, 1920-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Clark, Sheila, 2019, Thesis, The design and prototyping of innovative sustainable material solutions for automotive interiors PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Clements, Nicholas, 2011, Thesis, Revival: The Aesthetics of Revival Subcultures and Re-enactment Groups Explored Through Fashion Image-making MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Clow, Miranda, 2020, Thesis, The design of trust, past and present: A dialogue between ‘design for trust’ in contemporary design practice and the fire insurance industry in England 1680–1914 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cojanu, Cristina, 2013, Thesis, Arabesque: Recovered Fragments of What Could Have Been a Novel of Manners PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Connolly, Brigit, 2018, Thesis, Translating practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cook, Duncan, 2014, Thesis, Art, Agency and Eco-Politics: Rethinking Urban Subjects and Environment(s) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Coombes, Justin, 2012, Thesis, Photography, Memory and Ekphrasis PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Costa, José Filipe, 2012, Thesis, Cinema forges the event Filmmaking and the case of Thomas Harlan’s Torre Bela PhD thesis, The Royal College of Art.
Costello, Criodhna, 2015, Thesis, The Continuous View, Practices of Attraction in the Moving Image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dalton, Ben, 2020, Thesis, Taking on the network: Making space for the identity play of networked publics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
De Ruysser, Tine, 2009, Thesis, “Wearable Metal Origami”? The Design and Manufacture of Metallised Folding Textiles PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dell'Aglio, Francesca, 2024, Thesis, London in-between: Ritual, habit, and collective space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dhillon, Kim, 2017, Thesis, More than words: text art since conceptualism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Doyle, Shaun, 2023, Thesis, The kynic impulse: Kynismus as contemporary art practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dunne, Anthony, 1997, Thesis, Hertzian tales: An investigation into the critical and aesthetic potential of the electronic product as a post-optimal object PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dutson, Claudia, 2017, Thesis, Thermal performance: the politics of environmental management in architecture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dziepak, Izabela, 2018, Thesis, Trusting the body. Colour pattern making in glass inspired by Lithyalin glass formula MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dzuverovic, Lina, 2017, Thesis, Pop art tendencies in self-managed socialism: pop reactions and counter-cultural pop in Yugoslavia in 1960s and 1970s PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
de Stael, Josephine, 2020, Thesis, The role of the model in Parisian fine jewellery knowledge PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Eden, Michael, 2008, Thesis, The hand and the glove: Actual and virtual explorations of the ceramic container PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Eldridge, Luci, 2017, Thesis, Mars, invisible vision and the virtual landscape: immersive encounters with contemporary rover images PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Elliot, Laura, 2008, Thesis, The Victoria and Albert Museum, 'modern' design and audiences: the New Art Display of 1901 and Britain Can Make It Exhibition of 1946 MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Emmanouil, Marina, 2012, Thesis, Graphic design and modernisation in Greece, 1945-1970 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2016, Thesis, IdIOT: second-order cybernetics in the 'smart' home PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fass, John, 2018, Thesis, Representing experiences of digital systems: the design and use of externalising models PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fatehrad, Azadeh, 2016, Thesis, Photography, desire and resistance in the lives of women, following the 1979 revolution in Iran PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Federer, Frances, 2010, Thesis, Gold, glass and the image MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Feinson, Nadine, 2011, Thesis, Blot: The Material Conditions of Appearance in Painting MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fernández López, Olga, 2011, Thesis, Dissenting Exhibitions by Artists (1968-1998). Reframing Marxist Exhibition Legacy. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ferreira Montuori, Bruna, 2024, Thesis, Practices of narration: A plural (re)imagination of Maré PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Findley, Jules, 2018, Thesis, Fragmentation: materialising mourning from complicated grief PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Finkelstein, Rachel, 1984, Thesis, "An investigation of some factors affecting the use of computers for image-making" Other thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fitzsimons, Paula, 2023, Thesis, Up against the wall: A journey in culture, from resistant to dynamic, encountering the limit in the process PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Flintham, Matthew, 2011, Thesis, Parallel Landscapes: A Spatial and critical study of militarised sites in the United Kingdom PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Forlini, Francesca, 2022, Thesis, From within: Uncovering cultural domesticity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Forrester, Shannon, 2024, Thesis, The reparative turn in painting: Monstrous interventions in art and identity studies PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Franke, Björn, 2016, Thesis, Design as Inquiry: Prospects for a Material Philosophy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fraser, Inga, 2024, Thesis, Artists’ moving image: Film and modern art in Britain 1900-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Fraser, Marita, 2024, Thesis, Speaking with: Feminist methods for scoring excess PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
French, Michaela, 2020, Thesis, Taking the long view: Cultivating an ecological worldview through the attentive observation of light PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fried, Lauren, 2019, Thesis, A material history of trans identities in UK performance (1967-1990) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Galdon, Fernando, 2021, Thesis, Designing trust: Evolving models and frameworks towards prospective design futures in highly automated systems PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Game, Amanda, 2016, Thesis, Intimate Ecologies: An exploration of the languages of contemporary exhibitions and making in museums and related cultural spaces in the UK MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gao, Chang, 2023, Thesis, Using supernormal stimuli and eroticism to create artworks: An experiment in countering cultural hegemony and the complexity of postcoloniality in Chinese public space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Garcia, Edith, 2011, Thesis, 201186 MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
García-Verdugo, Lino Vital, 2012, Thesis, Multidisciplinary development of an electric vehicle typology for the city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gaudion, Katie, 2015, Thesis, A Designer’s Approach: Exploring how Autistic Adults with Additional Learning Disabilities Experience their Home Environment PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gaudion, Katie, 2010, Thesis, The development of textile props for the multi-sensory environment to encourage touch, movement and play MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Geaney, Victoria, 2022, Thesis, Vital assemblages: A fashion-led research investigation into collaboration between fashion design research and biology PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ginsberg, Alexandra Daisy, 2018, Thesis, Better: navigating imaginaries in design and synthetic biology to question 'better' PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Giudici, Paolo, 2023, Thesis, Ophelia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Glover, Hugo, 2020, Thesis, Animatory thinking: An enquiry into tacit knowledge within animation practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gokcek, Emine, 2020, Thesis, Co-incidental animation: Framing chance occurrences of illusion of movement as animation events MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Golchehr, Saba, 2019, Thesis, Data for design: Adopting data-driven approaches for long term citizen participation and social sustainability in design for the public realm PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gouet, Adrian, 2025, Thesis, Resonant passages: Painting as an allegorical machine PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Grigoriadis, Kostas, 2018, Thesis, Computational and conceptual blends: the epistemology of designing with functionally graded materials PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Guerin-Garnett, Nigel, 2024, Thesis, Corpoveillance: Dancing with A.I. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gundry, Lucy, 2020, Thesis, Haptic aesthetics of dress in the contemporary exhibition space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gálik, Györgyi, 2021, Thesis, Design for the change before behaviour PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hadjilouca, Marina, 2021, Thesis, The social turn: The performance designer as trigger for active co-existence PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hales, Derek, 2019, Thesis, Assimilating the Deleuzian Objectile to a Pataphysical Clinamen: A pataphysical objectile for design research PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Appendix: Translocated making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Thesis: Translocated Making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Hall, Jane, 2019, Thesis, Spaces of transcultural resistance: alterity in the design practices of Lina Bo Bardi and Alison and Peter Smithson PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Han, Eleni, 2024, Thesis, The predominant image: Architecture recaptured by the emancipation of photography PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Han, Eunju, 2012, Thesis, Locative Interaction In Urban Space: Programmatic Flexibility PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Thesis, Architecture Live Projects: acquiring and applying missing practice-ready skills PhD thesis, Oxford Brookes University.
Hasa, Elisavet, 2021, Thesis, Infrastructures of solidarity and care in Athens (2010-2020): Social movements, prototypical designs, and protocol systems PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Haslam, Susannah E., 2018, Thesis, After the educational turn: alternatives to the alternative art school PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
He, Yifei, 2020, Thesis, Contemporary Chinese painting and the studio: When and where does a painting practice begin and end? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Head, Raymond, 1982, Thesis, Sezincote: A paradigm of the Indian style Other thesis, Royal College of Art.
Held, Isabelle, 2020, Thesis, Designing the bombshell: Military-industrial materials and the shaping of women’s bodies in the United States, 1939–1976 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hesseldahl, Katrine, 2023, Thesis, The garment life matrix: A tool for negotiating complexity in Design for Sustainability PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Hewish, Andrew, 2018, Thesis, Tropologies of the line PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hijosa, Carmen, 2015, Thesis, Piñatex, the design development of a new sustainable material PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hillner, Matthias, 2019, Thesis, Dynamic IP Strategies for Design-led Start-ups PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hinton, Kathryn, 2010, Thesis, The Craft of Digital Tooling MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hong, Soon Min, 2019, Thesis, A design guideline for school shelters: disaster-resilient communities in the Lao People's Democratic Republic MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hothi, Ajay, 2015, Thesis, On the methodologies of the adaptation of text for gallery-based exhibition MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Houldsworth, Austin, 2018, Thesis, For money's sake:introducing Redefinition Design- a method to break out of the ubiquitous monetary paradigm; in the hope of finding genuine alternatives PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Huang, Tsai-Chun, 2020, Thesis, In-between pleats: Pleats, pleating and 'pliable logic' PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hughes, Anna, 2024, Thesis, Sickness in cyberspace: Sensual encounters in digital media towards a radically embodied future PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Humphrey, Charlotte, 2018, Thesis, Glass and place: using properties of the one to reflect (on) qualities of the other: an effort of attention PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Igoe, Elaine, 2013, Thesis, IN TEXTASIS: MATRIXIAL NARRATIVES OF TEXTILE DESIGN PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Imkampe-Cho, Young Eun, 2017, Thesis, Impactful by design: exploring a New Product Development (NPD) framework for socially responsible technology MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ionescu, Iulia, 2023, Thesis, Just like me but not exactly: AI, anthropomorphism & the human-technology gap PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Irani, Katherine, 2025, Thesis, ‘Discontinuous interruptions’: Bodiliness and pluralities in histories of the Indian Army, 1914-1918 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Itabashi, Miya, 2008, Thesis, The reception of Japanese prints and printmaking in Britain, 1890s - 1930s PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Izzard, Georgina, 2024, Thesis, Tools, skill & identity: The work of Birmingham’s manufacturing jewellers, 1940-1960 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jamieson, Claire, 2015, Thesis, NATØ: Exploring architecture as a narrative medium in postmodern London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jean, Nils, 2015, Thesis, Digital Debris of Internet Art: An Allegorical and Entropic Resistance to the Epistemology of Search PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jenkins, Jessica, 2014, Thesis, Visual arts in the urban environment in the German Democratic Republic. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jeppesen, Travis, 2016, Thesis, Towards a 21st century expressionist art criticism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jhaveri, Shanay, 2016, Thesis, The journey in my head: cosmopolitanism and Indian male self-portraiture in 20th century India: Umrao Singh Sher-Gil, Bhupen Khakhar, Ragubhir Singh. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jiang, Ningyi, 2021, Thesis, Embedding service design practice within service innovation process: From studio practice to business transformation at scale PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Johannesson, Asa, 2020, Thesis, The queering of photography: A generative encounter PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Johnson, Owen, 2015, Thesis, Glass, Pattern, and Translation: A Practical Exploration of Decorative Idiom and Material Mistranslation using Glass Murrine PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jones, Michelle, 2015, Thesis, Less than Art- Greater than Trade. English Couture and the Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers in the 1930s and 1940s. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jones, Sarah, 2015, Thesis, Moving Slowly or Not at All PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jukes, Alexander P., 2017, Thesis, 3-D computer generated animation and the material plane - an investigation of the material qualities of 3-D computer generated animation and relations to space and form PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Järdemar, Cecilia, 2016, Thesis, Photography and the face: the quest to capture the contained PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kang, Yiyun, 2018, Thesis, The spatiality of projection mapping: a practice-based research on projected moving-image installation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kann, Michael, 2021, Thesis, Designing the domestic Internet of Things using a practice-orientated perspective PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kapelouzou, Iris Stavroula, 2010, Thesis, HARMING WORKS OF ART The challenges of contemporary conceptions of the artwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Karanika, Myrto, 2015, Thesis, Exploring Perceptual Matters: A Textile-Based Approach PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kawash, Ameera, 2022, Thesis, Digital aftercares: Digital retooling for agency, value, and co-vulnerability as artistic practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Kay, Olivia Lory, 2010, Thesis, Gathering in the Orphans: Essay Films and Archives in the Information Age MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kearney, Helen L., 2017, Thesis, Mapping modernity: the London Postal Map of 1856 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kei, Juliana, 2019, Thesis, Pessimist Utopia: Theo Crosby 1950-1990 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kelly, Sarah, 2020, Thesis, Warm like ice: Radical empathies for glacial times PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kerr, Hui-Ying, 2017, Thesis, Envisioning the bubble: creating and consuming lifestyles through magazines in the culture of the Japanese bubble economy (1986-1991) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kilburn-Toppin, Jasmine, 2013, Thesis, Crafting Artisanal Identities in Early Modern London: The Spatial, Material and Social Practices of Guild Communities c.1560-1640 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kilcoyne, Janet, 2018, Thesis, A case for art as a socially engaged, politicising force, utilising the work of Alfredo Jaar PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Hye Eun, 2015, Thesis, Designing Fashion with Qi Energy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Stephanie, 2021, Thesis, How can historical amnesia be brought to the surface? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Sun Ae, 2014, Thesis, The Past and the Present: Reflections of Everyday Life in English Ceramic Figurines MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Trent, 2024, Thesis, Lumia - the art of lighting the void in time: Prototyping new instruments as a historical discourse PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Vicky, 2021, Thesis, The production of the subject through space, architecture and image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
King, Melanie, 2024, Thesis, Ancient light: Rematerialising the astronomical image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kirby-Ginns, Sarah, 2024, Thesis, With the Participatory Consumer Audience in mind: exploring and developing professional brand identity designers reflexive practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kirschner, Anja, 2023, Thesis, Anamersion: Toward a postcinematic poetics of immersion PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kirsten, Robin, 2022, Thesis, Museum of Infinite Relations: Artists’ spaces, worlds and models of the universe PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Klevgaard, Trond, 2018, Thesis, New typography in Scandinavia: domesticating theory and practice amongst the graphic trades, 1927-43 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Klingler, Johanna, 2022, Thesis, The pre-material: Potentials of the infrastructural as applied form MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Knight, David, 2018, Thesis, Making planning popular: popular agency, online discourse and English public planning PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Knott, Stephen, 2011, Thesis, Amateur Craft as a Differential Practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kontis, Georgios, 2020, Thesis, Authenticity: Painting ontologies & the threatening image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Koslowski, Benjamin, 2018, Thesis, Framing privacy: architectural representation in digital spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kroenung, Teresa, 2022, Thesis, Momentaufnahmen: Building a feminist method of contemporary fashion analysis through the translation of Helen Grund’s texts PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kräutli, Florian, 2016, Thesis, Visualising Cultural Data: Exploring Digital Collections Through Timeline Visualisations PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kulkarni, Nayan Deepak, 2020, Thesis, Night moves: A mise-en-scene of a luminous economy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kullmann, Isabella, 2020, Thesis, Treading lightly between the analogue and digital to transform float glass: An alternative glass practice? MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kwon, Hyukgue, 2017, Thesis, Curating beyond representation: the paradox of curating as a site of dialogics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Kwon, Soon-Hak, 2024, Thesis, On detail, in detail: Reaching a state of nothing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
LaBarge, Emily, 2016, Thesis, The essay as art form PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Labatt, Sheila, 2018, Thesis, Glass as ink: seeking spontaneity from the casting process PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lamb, Roland, 2014, Thesis, The Seaboard: discreteness and continuity in musical interface design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Landvreugd, Robert (Charl), 2019, Thesis, Imagining, tracing, experiencing, inhabiting, projecting: locating Afro artists as culturally native to the Dutch art world PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lange, Janina, 2019, Thesis, Destroy, she said: objects and subjects in silent slapstick film PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lass, Julian, 2020, Thesis, A witness's gesture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lasurt-Bachs, Lola, 2023, Thesis, The trace of the democratic creature: Art practice as transitory phenomena through re-enactment MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Le Couteur, Clair, 2019, Thesis, The fictive museum PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lean, Marion, 2020, Thesis, Materialising data experience through textile thinking PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Cecilia, 2024, Thesis, Olfactory-enabled aesthetics of experience design for human-AI chatbot interaction: Enhancing user engagement PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Chang Hee, 2018, Thesis, Synaesthesia Materialisation: Approaches to Applying Synaesthesia as a Provocation for Generating Creative Ideas Within the Context of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Yeseung, 2012, Thesis, The Ambiguity of Seamlessness: The Poetic Function of Making PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lees, Nicholas, 2012, Thesis, Drawing and Fabrication: an exploration of transition between two and three dimensions. MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lek, Lawrence, 2022, Thesis, Cinematic assemblage: Sinofuturist worldbuilding and the smart city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lengersdorf, Charlotte, 2023, Thesis, Towards an uncausal practice of visual communication PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Leon, Josh, 2023, Thesis, The Sitting: (after) If this is a Man PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Leung, Kwan Kiu, 2018, Thesis, Uncompromising female aesthetic subjectivity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Li, Leren, 2021, Thesis, Reviving boro: The transcultural reconstruction of Japanese patchwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Li, Weiyi, 2024, Thesis, Learning from the void: Researching design methods towards a new spatial paradigm PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Li, Yushi, 2024, Thesis, The drifting gaze: Sexuality and spectatorship in the Internet age PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Liao, Chenyi, 2022, Thesis, Applying the “human-dog interaction” metaphor in human-robot interaction: a co-design practice engaging healthy retired adults in China PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lohmann, Julia, 2018, Thesis, The Department of Seaweed: co-speculative design in a museum residency PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lovell, Moira, 2024, Thesis, The image as a template for posing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Ma, Jin Joo, 2017, Thesis, Dress-scape: wearing the sound of fashion PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ma, Weiyin, 2019, Thesis, Pop-up Home: Evidencing an urban nomad’s distributed domestic intimacy beyond a sedentary home MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Maclennan, Ruth, 2017, Thesis, From the White Sea to the North Sea: journeys in film, writing and ecological thought PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Maddock, Angela, 2018, Thesis, Bloodline: an experiment in knit and proximity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mallen, George Lauder, 1976, Thesis, A simulation approach to the study of organisational decision processes in the context of crime investigation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mamakos, Christina, 2019, Thesis, A Sense of Meaning: Applications of Embodied Cognition to Art Models PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mancke, Carol, 2021, Thesis, Thinking in public: The affordances of hopeless spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mandrescu, Andreea, 2025, Thesis, Smart light-emitting textiles as affective interfaces for the autonomous vehicle interior MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Manolis Cylwik, Mariepi, 2019, Thesis, Service design in the context of service - dominant logic for healthcare: a design project MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mason, Freddie, 2019, Thesis, The viscous: Slime, stickiness, fondling, mixtures PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mathus, Miguel, 2018, Thesis, Monochrome and trace in contemporary painting PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mausbach, Artur Grisanti, 2010, Thesis, Paradigm shift: the aesthetic of the automobile in the age of sustainability PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
McInally, FInlay, 2019, Thesis, The patient is performing as unexpected MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
McLean, Katherine Jane, 2019, Thesis, Nose-first: practices of smellwalking and smellscape mapping PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
McLeer, Brigid, 2020, Thesis, Withholding 'us': Images in the space of appearance PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Meng, Chunhui, 2016, Thesis, Redefining Nymph of the Luo River: A Practice-based investigation into a feminist reinterpretation of a traditional Chinese painting through the creation of animations MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Middleton, Nicholas, 2024, Thesis, The image, the frame, and the off-frame PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Milev, Yakim, 2024, Thesis, Analysis and optimisation of modular stadium design with machine learning PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Mirsky, Ronit, 2018, Thesis, An absent present: a personal journey through public commemoration MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Miyoshi, Kensho, 2019, Thesis, Objects in Motion: Exploring Kinaesthetic Empathy in Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Moody, Paul, 2023, Thesis, Acts of resistance: Formulating critical humanist documentary practice by centralising activists and artefacts of the Committee of 100 and Solidarity, 1956-74 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Morgan, Catrin, 2014, Thesis, A Taxonomy of Deception PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Morgan, Frances, 2021, Thesis, Electronic Music Studios London Ltd (EMS), the Synthi 100 synthesizer and the construction of electronic music histories PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mourgue d'Algue, Amélie, 2018, Thesis, Belonging in mother tongues PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mu, Ruidi, 2019, Thesis, Strange phantoms and fictitious dreamlands: art, life and me PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mueller-Csernetzky, Petra, 2022, Thesis, Design for change: An investigation into the value of manual design practice in organisational learning for highly specialised technology companies PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mulholland, Richard, 2010, Thesis, “From Dreams and Visions and Things Not Known”: Technique and Process in David Smith’s Drawings. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mulvey, Marianne, 2021, Thesis, Becoming public(s): Practising the public programme in the contemporary art institution PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Murray, Liz, 2022, Thesis, Performing resistance: The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp as artwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Neill, Julia, 2019, Thesis, Safety pin as a metaphor: from hard rebellion to equipment for a modern individualised youth identity MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Netter, Louis, 2020, Thesis, The graphic construct of the contemporary reportage artist: Vison, experience and drawing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Nie, Xiaoyi, 2023, Thesis, From curating to Cedong: Long March: A walking visual display and the emergence of contemporary Chinese curating PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Noronha Feio, Carlos, 2017, Thesis, Practices of everyday emancipation: an artists' toolkit PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Norris-Reeves, Suzie, 2014, Thesis, Constructing a Narrative of Fashion Practice as Inquiry PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Orr, Emily Marshall, 2017, Thesis, Designing display in the department store: techniques, technologies, and professionalization, 1880-1920 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ozer, Seyithan, 2021, Thesis, Interior complex: Design standardization in London’s housing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ozguner, Artun, 2020, Thesis, Inheritance / disavowal: Commemorating and representing the nation-state in Turkey from empire to republic, 1908-1940s PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Paine, Helen, 2016, Thesis, Laser shaping: a method for controlling the elastic behaviour of stretch fabrics for a targeted and graduated compressive effect on the body. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Palin, Thomas (Tom), 2018, Thesis, The condition of painting: reconsidering medium specificity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Palmberger-Suesse, Clara, 2024, Thesis, Ambivalent surfaces: An encounter with Rococo paintings MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Palmer, Katrina, 2011, Thesis, Reality flickers: Writing with found objects and imagined sculpture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Park, Hyunyim, 2020, Thesis, Service (eco)system in digital mapping platform: Developing a value co-creation framework and contribution of service design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pasidi, Antigoni, 2013, Thesis, staging the Encounter: The Work of Art as a Stage PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pasquier, Edith, 2019, Thesis, Discourses of photography in the Victoria and Albert Museum collection: the living bird PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Peasnall, Eve, 2013, Thesis, PAINTING BACKWARDS or how my fool encountered the melancholic PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pedder-Smith, Rachel, 2011, Thesis, The Glow of Significance: Narrating stories using natural history specimens PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pereira, Joana, 2021, Thesis, Mute legacies: Silent practices of resilience PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Petkova, Ioana, 2024, Thesis, In common: Housing coalitions for producing, owning and living in London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Petreca, Bruna Beatriz, 2016, Thesis, An understanding of embodied textile selection processes & a toolkit to support them PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Petrey, Grant, 2024, Thesis, The imaging of the city: The production of subjectivity within the dazzlement of the affective networked city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Phelan, Miriam, 2023, Thesis, Dress, masculinities and memory: Commemorating the revolutionary body in Ireland PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Phillips, Robert, 2015, Thesis, The Bee Lab kit: activities engaging motivated lay users in the use of open technologies for citizen science activities PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Philpott, Rachel, 2011, Thesis, Structural Textiles: Adaptable form and surface in three dimensions PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Phonghanyudh, Kwan, 2024, Thesis, Design, democracy, power, and care in Thailand: Designing and delivering collaborative local community services in the deep south region PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pineyro Irazabal, Ana, 2020, Thesis, Animating matter: A material-led exploration into the kinetic potential of nylon monofilament PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Playford, Vanda, 2004, Thesis, Reconfiguring the consultation: Rituals and storytelling in General Practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pochmann, Hans-Jörg, 2016, Thesis, The question concerning the sustaining support of digital objects MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Polati Trippe, Helena, 2019, Thesis, Designing public instrumentation as interaction: the role of design research and practice in the design for policy instruments PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Polmeer, Gareth, 2015, Thesis, Motion to Becoming: Nature and the Image in Time PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Polwarth, Colin, 2025, Thesis, An environmental approach to connected autonomous renewable energy vehicles, associated semiotics and the synthetically intelligent city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Potter, Jessica, 2013, Thesis, The Photograph as a Site of Writing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Priest, Paul, 2024, Thesis, From compliance to care: Shaping modern slavery competency in architectural professional practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Privett, Imogen, 2020, Thesis, Experience unbound: The effects of coworking on workplace design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Puchaski, Kleber R., 2008, Thesis, Feel the future: Perceptions of branding and design towards product development in the motor industry PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pulley, Robert, 2019, Thesis, Theatre of the imagination: exploring a pedagogic toolkit for creative development and global learning in primary education PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Querol, Núria, 2014, Thesis, The impact of globalisation on curating contemporary art in India, 1990-2012 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Quintana, Francisco, 2024, Thesis, Architectures of development and US housing aid in Cold War Latin America: Bolivia in the trajectory of inter-American housing operations PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rahaim, Margaret, 2015, Thesis, Material-Digital Resistance: Toward a Tactics of Visibility PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ram, Rosie, 2022, Thesis, Image as method: Nigel Henderson and the art of research PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rasouli, Idrees, 2024, Thesis, Decolonised innovation: Designing needs, dreams, and aspirations under resource constraints PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rebernjak, Rujana, 2018, Thesis, Designing self-management: objects and spaces of everyday life in post-war Yugoslavia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Rees, Alison, 2022, Thesis, Turning the page: A new dimension to the language of ceramics with reference to wayfaring, porcelain paperclay and the archetype of the paper page PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Renel, William, 2019, Thesis, Sonic inclusion: opposing auditory normalism in design through the lived experiences of d/deaf and disabled people in socially public spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rezende, Livia Lazzaro, 2010, Thesis, The Raw and the Manufactured: Brazilian Modernity and National Identity as Projected in International Exhibitions (1862–1922) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Richardson, Emily, 2019, Thesis, Articulating space: the translation of modern architectural space into filmic space through artists' film and moving image practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Robertson, Cole, 2024, Thesis, (Dis)connecting dots, (un)making meanings: how images occupy (and are occupied by) language PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rocco, Linda, 2024, Thesis, Future arts ecology: A curatorial proposal for industry 5.0 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Rocha Watt, Dionea, 2017, Thesis, Tracing loss, touching absence PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rock, Neal, 2017, Thesis, Herm as askesis: prosthetic conditions of painting PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rodrigues, Osmar V., 2008, Thesis, Agrivehicle: Design for the vehicle transporting sugar cane cutters PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Roe, Jae-seung, 2017, Thesis, Exploring an ideal car club design from a user's perspective PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rogers, Catherine, 2014, Thesis, Film Outside Cinema MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rogerson, Cordelia, 2010, Thesis, Preserving Jewellery Created from Plastics and Rubber: Application of Materials and Interpretation of Objects PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rojkowska, Joanna, 2022, Thesis, An analysis of the motifs of light and shadow in Arabesque (Germaine Dulac, 1929), Pharmacy (Franciszka and Stefan Themerson, 1930) and Wavelength (Michael Snow, 1967) in the context of an associated practice-based research project PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Roseta Vaz Monteiro, Filipa, 2009, Thesis, The modern avenue: Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Regent Street and Avenida da Liberdade PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rossi, Catharine, 2012, Thesis, Crafting Modern Design in Italy, from Post-War to Postmodernism PhD thesis, The Royal College of Art.
Russell, Gillian, 2017, Thesis, Re/staging: critical design and the curatorial. An analysis of emerging product design and the museum as context PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
SHERCLIFF, Emma, 2015, Thesis, Articulating Stitch: skilful hand-stitching as personal, social and cultural experience PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sagar, Ilona, 2024, Thesis, Persistent afterimages: The living structure of bodies, and archives PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sahoo, Shalini, 2021, Thesis, harmonising Human-Material-Interaction (hHMI) within transit spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sakellariou, Angeliki, 2019, Thesis, The architecture of distributed social care: the case of Athens MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Salisbury, Laura, 2022, Thesis, A human-centred study exploring how garments and e-textiles, specifically nanofiber yarns and ‘bead’ textile structures, can mediate stroke recovery PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sampson, Ellen, 2016, Thesis, Worn: Footwear, attachment and affective experience PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sanzeni, Filippo, 2025, Thesis, Designing wearables: a Practice-led framework for enhancement technologies PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Savage, Polly, 2018, Thesis, Un só povo: transnational solidarity and art education in Mozambique 1961- 1986 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Schaber, Friedemann, 2023, Thesis, Leather futures: How leather can be used as a material of choice for the future PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Schmeer, Johanna, 2021, Thesis, Xenodesign: Towards transversal engagement in design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Schmid, Helga, 2017, Thesis, Uchronia: time at the intersection of design, chronosociology and chronobiology PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Schmidt, Florian Alexander, 2015, Thesis, The Design of Creative Crowdwork – From Tools for Empowerment to Platform Capitalism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Schwab, Michael, 2008, Thesis, Image Automation: Post-Conceptual Post-Photography and the Deconstruction of the Photographic Image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Scott, Kirsten, 2012, Thesis, Pidgin Plait: fashioning cross-cultural communication through craft PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Scott, Steven, 2019, Thesis, The concurrency of events: conditions of alternation and delay PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Seher, Mirza, 2020, Thesis, Threads of the Indus: the subtle forms of power in craft development in Sindh, Pakistan PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Selby, Mark, 2021, Thesis, Machines at play: The attraction of automation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Seo, Jimin, 2016, Thesis, Jacquard Weave for Interior Design: Valuing Arts and Crafts through Encoding Emotion and Information PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shaw, Benjamin, 2007, Thesis, More than the Sum of the Parts: Shared Representations in Collaborative Design Interaction PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shaw, Benjamin, 1997, Thesis, Speaking Different Languages: Metaphor, Discourse and Disciplinary Conflict in Product Development MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shon, Kyung Hwa, 2019, Thesis, Stillman: the surface of the city and the depths of the psyche PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Silverthorne, Diane V., 2010, Thesis, New spaces of art, design and performance: Alfred Roller and the Vienna secession 1897-1905 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Singh, Charan, 2022, Thesis, Going sideways: The poetics of queer-becoming in India PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Siriphon, Wuthigrai, 2019, Thesis, Revealing localised design practice in Thai hand weaving PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Skatulski, Armelle, 2023, Thesis, Archive sub-versions: Photography, the accident, and the biopolitics of extraction PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Smith, Bridget, 2022, Thesis, Realising the unreal: Swedenborg, photography and vision(s) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Smith, David Cyrus, 2016, Thesis, Neutral doing: intended objects MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Smith, Kirsty, 2024, Thesis, Hubbacouture: From embodied knowledge to meaningful representation: The role of documentary as method to explore Skateboard media production for fashion media communication PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Song, Min Jeong, 2014, Thesis, Mechanisms of In-Betweenness: Through Visual Experiences of Glass PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sparkes, Emily, 2024, Thesis, Painting after the internet: Networked materialities PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stair, Julian, 2002, Thesis, Critical writing on English studio pottery 1910-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stankard, Suzanne, 2010, Thesis, Textile Praxis: The Case for Malaysian Hand-Woven Songket PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Staunton, Claire, 2023, Thesis, The post-political curator: Critical curatorial practice in de-politicised enclosures PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stehlikova, Tereza, 2012, Thesis, Tangible Territory Inviting the Body into the Experience of Moving Image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Steierhoffer, Eszter, 2016, Thesis, The rise of the curator and architecture on display. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stein, Amelia, 2023, Thesis, Metonymies: Four works by Julie Ault and Janette Laverrière PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Thesis, From Punk to the Hijab: British women’s embodied dress as performative resistance, 1970s to the present PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Tandler, Lynn, 2016, Thesis, The Role of Weaving in Smart material Systems PhD thesis, Northumbria University.
Teichmann, Esther, 2011, Thesis, Falling into photography on loss desire and the photographic PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Terzioglu, Nazli, 2017, Thesis, Do-fix: creating deeper relationships between users and products through visible repair PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Thorp, Juliet, 2012, Thesis, DARWIN’S DREAM: The Significance of Painting and its Collection at the Royal College of Art 1948-1998 MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Tidey, Jimmy, 2019, Thesis, Designing social media analytics tools to support non-market institutions: Four case studies using Twitter data PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Tillotson, Jenny, 1997, Thesis, Interactive olfactory surfaces: The wellness collection - A science fashion story PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Triming, Lee, 2015, Thesis, In the Meantime, Examples of the Same Lily (a temporary androgyne for Lynda Benglis and Richard Tuttle) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Trivedi, Nina, 2021, Thesis, The externalisation of the object: A critical study of object categories in the work of Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Tony Oursler, Jason Rhoades and Ryan Trecartin from 1974 to 2010 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Tsimourdagkas, Chrysostomos, 2014, Thesis, Typotecture: Histories, Theories and Digital Futures of Typographic Elements in Architectural Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Twemlow, Alice, 2013, Thesis, Purposes, Poetics, and Publics: The Shifting Dynamics of Design Criticism in the US and UK, 1955-2007 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vallance, Andrew, 2017, Thesis, Memories made in seeing: memory in film and film as memory PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Thesis, ‘Curatela’: Towards an unhurried politics of attention in post-representational curating PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vane, Olivia, 2020, Thesis, Timeline design for visualising cultural heritage data PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Verlak, Tanja, 2018, Thesis, Via fotografia: appearance and apparition PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vicente, Mercedes, 2017, Thesis, Images of people at work: the videomaking of Darcey Lange PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vikulina, Natalia, 2017, Thesis, A sense of place. Narratives of memory and identity as told through image and place MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Von Ompteda, Karin, 2022, Thesis, The influence of stroke width on legibility for low vision adults: Integrating scientific & design knowledge on typeface boldness PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Dooren, Jeroen, 2020, Thesis, We are not ourselves all of the time and we are not all of ourselves at any time: Heteronyms, personas and contemporary art PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Hal, Marieke, 2010, Thesis, Rethinking the Biennial MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Mourik Broekman, Pauline, 2023, Thesis, Chronicle of a practice-based thing: Network optics, epistemic crisis and the fabrication of voice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
WU, Anna, 2019, Thesis, Chinese wallpaper, global histories and material culture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wachsmann, Shira, 2024, Thesis, Landscape, war trauma, explosion: re-membering the moment before PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walker, Adam, 2021, Thesis, Ways of being beyond the perpetuating inequalities of the technosphere: Textual artistic intervention as a vital strategy in enabling resistant agency or, Embodying a practice of radical care PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walter, Helen, 2015, Thesis, Artist, professional, gentleman: designing the body of the actor-manager, 1870-1900 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wang, Peiqi, 2024, Thesis, Exploring and developing doctor-parent communication for neonatal care in a designerly way PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Wang, Yun, 2020, Thesis, Rediscovery of autonomy: The history of contemporary Chinese graphic design in the context of globalisation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wartena, Welmoet, 2024, Thesis, Entanglements of place: Exploring the Dutchness of contemporary typography in the Netherlands through a practical approach to discourse PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Webster, Shelley, 2013, Thesis, Stalking the illusion: space in glass PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wells, Matthew James, 2019, Thesis, Architectural models and the professional practice of the architect, 1834-1916 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
White, Hannah Jayne, 2019, Thesis, An exploration to integrate pliable textile and rigid metal properties within hybrid self-supporting woven forms using selective finishing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Williams, Leon B. M., 2009, Thesis, The development of digital technologies for use in jewellery with medical applications PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wilson, Conor J R, 2016, Thesis, Writing_Making: Object as body, language and material PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Winters, Amy, 2017, Thesis, Why does soft matter? Exploring the design space of soft robotic materials and programmable machines PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Woodberry, Imogen, 2024, Thesis, Seeking a new world: Modernism and alternative spirituality PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Woolley, Dawn, 2017, Thesis, Consumed: stilled lives and the pathologies of capitalism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wurfbaum, Florian, 2015, Thesis, The Use of the Unused Space MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yao, Wenjin, 2015, Thesis, Approaching Chineseness:Investigating the cultural transfer of behavioural factors in and through Chinese industrial design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yoland, K, 2025, Thesis, Desert-mapping: Site-specific modes of resistance to territoriality and colonisation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yoshimoto, Hideki, 2015, Thesis, Pulse and Rhythm: Exploring the Value of Repetitive Motion as an Element of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Young, Frances, 2024, Thesis, Between movement and stasis: Loops within the durational PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Young, Sharon, 2023, Thesis, Once more with feeling: A reinvention of ‘hysteria’ using photography, performance, and autofiction PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Young, Susan, 2023, Thesis, Bearing witness: Autoethnographic animation and the metabolism of trauma PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yu, Christin, 2024, Thesis, Fragments and borders: (Re)constructing Korean womanhood through patchwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zacharopoulou, Despina, 2022, Thesis, SPATIUM MONSTRORUM: Performance-as-surface PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zaide, Paolo, 2018, Thesis, Floodscape urbanism: architectural design strategies for Manila at risk PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zeiss, Richard, 2016, Thesis, Pure Materiality in the Painted Linguistic Turn MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zhang, John, 2018, Thesis, Towards a new normal: the changing relationship between foreign and Chinese architects in contemporary China PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zheng, Caroline Yan, 2024, Thesis, Creating affective touch with soft robotics: Designing affect-enabling interactive artefacts using an affect-, material-, and interaction-led (AMI-led) design framework PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zileli, Selin, 2022, Thesis, Constructing pedestrian-centric street mobility: Observation and simulation for design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ådahl, Anna, 2022, Thesis, Inside the postdigital crowds: The aesthetics and politics of the mediation and governing of digitised crowds PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Öhlund, Emily, 2024, Thesis, The lived experience of postgraduate craft students with dyspraxia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.