Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema, Lenau, Torben Anker, Keshwani, Sonal and Chakrabarti, Amaresh, 2015, Book Section, Biocards and Level of Abstraction Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15). ICED . Design Society, pp. 177-186. ISBN 978-1-904670-65-0
Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema, Li, Xuemeng and Daalhuizen, Jaap, 2016, Book Section, Identifying design requirements for emerging markets Proceedings of 11th TMCE 2016. Organizing Committee of TMCE. ISBN 978-94-6186-634-9
Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema and Søndergaard, Erik Stefan, 2015, Book Section, Decision making in Global Product Development: Case studies from Danish industry Proceedings of 22nd EurOMA Conference. European Operations Management Association. ISBN NA
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2010, Book Section, Geography and the environment A Cultural History of Childhood and Family in the Early Modern Age (V.3). Berg. ISBN 9781847887962
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2011, Book Section, The global Renaissance: Cross-cultural objects in the early modern period Global Design History. Routledge. ISBN 9780415572859
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2010, Book Section, “The spirit is ready, but the flesh is tired”: Erotic objects and marriage in early modern Italy The Erotic Cultures of Renaissance Italy. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754662143
Alexiou, Katerina, Agusita, Emma, Alevizou, Giota, Chapain, Caroline, Greene, Catherine, Harte, Dave, Ramster, Gail and Zamenopoulos, Theodore, 2016, Book Section, Asset mapping and civic creativity: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy In: Hargreaves, Ian and Hartley, John, (eds.) The Creative Citizen Unbound. Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 181-204. ISBN 9781447324959 Item availability may be restricted.
Alliance, Antivoid, 2022, Book Section, Amass you radiant heretics, Rictus, Broadmarch revisited In: Madden, Caleb, De Sousa, Tiago, Cieciura, Grant, Sav, Chris, Kotting, Andrew, Warren, Ellis, Mess, Katie, Seki, Yumino, Dews, Graham, O'Clarey, Tina and Pendrell, Luke, (eds.) AMASS RADIANT HERETICS. Outlands Network/Antivoid solutions, Brighton, UK, pp. 28-45. ISBN 978-1-7395874-1-3
Alwani, Ralf, Raby, Elizabeth, West, Jonathan, Bichard, Jo-Anne and Spencer, Jak, 2018, Book Section, Foyle Bubbles: How can design reduce suicide attempts using everyday social and civic spaces? In: Barron, Deirdre and Seemann, Kurt, (eds.) Design4Health, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design4Health 2017, (pp. page range of paper) Melbourne Cricket Ground, 4 - 7 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sheffield Hallam University, Swinburne University of Technology, pp. 20-23. ISBN 978-0-6480892-1-6
Alwani, Ralf, Spencer, Jak and Bichard, Jo-Anne
Amar, Dhokia, Efstratios, Doukakis, Asadipour, Ali
Amaral, Carla
Anderson, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Poyade, Matthieu, 2014, Book Section, A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education In: Ma, Minhua, Jain, Lakhmi and Anderson, Paul, (eds.) Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68 (1). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 29-50. ISBN 978-3-642-54815-4
Anke, Jakob, Collier, Lesley and Ivanova, Ninela, 2019, Book Section, Implementing sensory design for care-home residents in London In: Niedderer, Kristina, Ludden, Geke, Cain, Rebecca and Wolfel, Christian, (eds.) Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness. TUDpress, Dresden, Germany, pp. 109-122. ISBN 9783959081832
Ash, Jesse, 2009, Book Section, Networks of Voices And the Quietness of Tunnels In: Holder, Will, (ed.) F.R.David. De Appel, Amsterdam, pp. 181-196. ISBN 1874026X
Ash, Jesse, 2012, Book Section, Noise of Placards - The Proximity of Protest In: Holder, Will and Gibson, Beatrice, (eds.) The Tiger's Mind by Beatrice Gibson (Ed.). Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783943365504
Aydemir, Ayşe Zeynep and Jacoby, Sam, 2021, Book Section, Design research and a shift in architectural education and practice In: Cabrera i Fausto, Ivan, Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto, Mas Tomás, Ángeles, Barrera Puigdollers, José Manuel, Bosch Roig, Lluís, Higón Calvet, José, Llorca Ponce, Alicia, Palomares Figueres, María Teresa, Portalés Mañanós, Ana and Songel González, Juan María, (eds.) The Architect and the City. EAAE-ARCC International Conference, 2 . Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, València, pp. 1426-1436. ISBN 978-8490489826
Aynsley, Jeremy, 2011, Book Section, Developing a Language of Vision: Graphic Design in California Living in a Modern Way. California Design 1930-1965. MIT Press/LACMA, Los Angeles, pp. 262-287. ISBN 9780262016070
Aynsley, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, Graphic and interior design in the Viennese coffeehouse around 1900: Experience and identity The Viennese Café and Fin-de-Siècle Culture. Berghahn. ISBN 9780857457646
Aynsley, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, L’Allemagne et la Suisse L’Art du Design. Citadelles & Mazenod. ISBN 9782850885624
Baker, Camille
Baker, Camille
Barfield, Naren, 2008, Book Section, The Research:Creativity nexus The Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: Drivers for Change. GLAD/Jill Rogers Associates Limited. ISBN 0954711173
Barton, Gemma, 2017, Book Section, Architecture 2.0 In: Benedict Brown, James, Harriss, Harriet, soane, james and morrow, Ruth, (eds.) A Gendered Profession: The Question of Representation in Space Making. RIBA Publishing, pp. 192-197. ISBN 9781859469972
Barton, Gemma, 2022, Book Section, Equitable and desirable futures In: Barton, Gemma, (ed.) Design Studio Vol. 5: Experimental Realism: (Design) Fictions and Futures. Design Studio Series . RIBA Publishing, London, pp. 32-39. ISBN 9781914124099
Barton, Gemma, 2023, Book Section, [Spatial] Pedagogic readings of Queer Theory: Experimental Realism and opportunities for teaching and learning In: Stead, Naomi and Jobst, Marko, (eds.) Queering Architecture Methods, Practices, Spaces, Pedagogies. Bloomsbury Visual Arts . Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 221-235. ISBN 9781350267053
Barton, Gemma, 2016, Book Section, The grey area between reality and representation: The practices of architects and film-makers In: Clift, Edward, Guaralda, Mirko and Mattes, Ari, (eds.) Filming the City: Urban Documents, Design Practices and Social Criticism through the Lens. Mediated Cities . Intellect, pp. 165-181. ISBN 9781783205547
Bartzoka, Kyproula, Charoupia, Helen and Bofylatos, Spyros
Baurley, Sharon, Petreca, Bruna, Selinas, Paris, Selby, Mark and Flintham, Martin, 2020, Book Section, Modalities of expression: Capturing embodied knowledge in cooking TEI '20: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 785-797. ISBN 9781450361071
Bernardini, Sara, Jovan, Ferdian, Jiang, Zhengyi, Watson, Simon, Weightman, Andrew, Moradi, Peiman, Richardson, Tom, Sadeghian, Rasoul and Sareh, Sina
Berry, Josephine, 2025, Book Section, Rift In: Favaretto, Lara, (ed.) Prospective Lexicon. RIBCO, Riga. ISBN --- (In Press)
Berry, Josephine and Iles, Anthony, 2021, Book Section, The exploitation of isolation: Urban development and the artist's studio In: Vilenica, Ana, (ed.) Radical Housing: Art, Xstruggle, Care. Theory on Demand, 42 . Institute of Network Cultures, Netherlands, pp. 165-186. ISBN 9789492302786
Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2015, Book Section, ExcLOOsion: How Design is Failing Sanitary Provision In: Tauke, Beth, Smith, Korydon and Davis, Charles, (eds.) Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences. Routledge, New York, pp. 243-259. ISBN 9781138023178 Item availability may be restricted.
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Alwani, Ralf, Raby, Elizabeth, West, Jonathan and Spencer, Jak, 2018, Book Section, Creating an Inclusive Architectural Intervention as a research Space to Explore Community Wellbeing In: Langdon, Pat, Lazar, Jonathan, Heylighen, Ann and Dong, Hua, (eds.) Breaking Down Barriers: Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design. Springer Nature . Springer, Cham Switzerland, pp. 3-15. ISBN 978-3-319-75027-9 Item availability may be restricted.
Bichard, Jo-Anne and GHEERAWO, Rama, 2010, Book Section, The Designer as Ethnographer: Practical Projects from Industry In: Clarke, Alison, (ed.) Design Anthropology Object Culture in the 21st Century. Springer Wien, New York, USA, pp. 45-55. ISBN 978-3-7091-02336
Bichard, Jo-Anne and Hanson, Julienne, 2009, Book Section, Inclusive Design of 'Away from Home' Toilets In: Cooper, Rachel, Evans, Graeme and Boyko, Christopher, (eds.) Designing Sustainable Cities. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 86-108. ISBN 978-1-405-17915-7
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Langdon, Patrick and Coleman, Roger, 2007, Book Section, Does My Stigma Look Big in This? Considering the acceptability and desirability in the inclusive design of technology products Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4554 . Springer, pp. 622-631. ISBN 9783540732785
Blackshaw, Gemma
Blackshaw, Gemma
Blackshaw, Gemma, 2014, Book Section, The modernist offence: Schiele and the naked female body In: Vergo, Peter and Wright, Barnaby, (eds.) Egon Schiele: The Radical Nude. Courtauld Institute, London. ISBN 9781907372698 Item availability may be restricted.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Book Section, Another country: British documentary photography since 1945 In: Gerry, Badger, (ed.) Another country: British documentary photography since 1945. Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 9780500022177
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Book Section, Collage In: Ribbentrop, Isabelle and Fiona, Shields, (eds.) Collage: Women of the Prix Pictet Since 2008. Gestalten, Berlin Germany. ISBN 9783967040852
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Book Section, London Apex: Urbane Fotografie zwischen Konstruktion und Vision/ London Apex: Urban photography between Construction and Vision In: Harnack, Maren and Stollmann, Jorg, (eds.) Identifikationsraume. Universitaetsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin87, pp. 29-39. ISBN 978-3-7983-2924-9
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Book Section, London: A Modern Project Unseen London: The city through the eyes of contemporary photographers. Hoxton Mini Press, London, pp. 277-286. ISBN 978-1-910566-24-4
Blees Luxemburg, Rut and Ebbensgaard, Caspar, 2021, Book Section, Manifestos for the night In: Martha, Michalowska and Andrea, Cetrulo, (eds.) Interior Realms. Theatrum Mundi, London, UK. ISBN 978-1916-186439
Blösch-Paidosh, Alexandra, Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema and Shea, Kristina, 2019, Book Section, Evaluating the Potential of Design for Additive Manufacturing Heuristic Cards to Stimulate Novel Product Redesigns Volume 2A: 45th Design Automation Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ISBN 978-0-7918-5918-6
Borg, Erik and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2012, Book Section, The Thesis: texts and machines In: Andrews, Richard, Borg, Erik, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Domingo, Myrrh and England, Jude, (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. SAGE, London, pp. 13-30. ISBN 9780857027399
Bottazzi, Roberto, 2009, Book Section, Time and Islands: the spatial politics of football’ In: Jutting, D.H, Schulze, B and Muller, U, (eds.) Local Sport in Europe. Waxmann, pp. 235-240. ISBN 9783830920151
Boyd, Jonathan, 2022, Book Section, I can't even string a sentence together DIE MYSTERIEN DER ZEICHEN. Arnoldsche Publishing, Germany, pp. 176-193. ISBN ISBN 978-3-89790-670-9
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2009, Book Section, Mapping the unseen: making sense of the subjective image. In: Nold, Christian, (ed.) Emotional cartography: technologies of the self. Emotional Cartography, London, pp. 39-52. ISBN 9780955762314
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2015, Book Section, May not duration be represented as distinctly as space? – geography and the visualisation of time in the early eighteenth century In: Beck, David, (ed.) Knowing Nature in Early Modern Europe. Warwick Series in the Humanities, 5 . Pickering and Chatto, London, pp. 119-137. ISBN 9781848935181 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2008, Book Section, Representing space: the pictorial imperative. In: Turner, Phil, Turner, Susan and Davenport, Elisabeth, (eds.) Exploration of space, technology and spatiality: interdisciplinary perspectives. Information Science Reference, Hershey PA, pp. 128-140. ISBN 9781605660202
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2017, Book Section, ‘To see at one glance all the centuries that have passed’ - early visualisations of historical time In: Black, Alison, Luna, Paul, Lund, Ole and Walker, Sue, (eds.) Information design: research and practice. Routledge, London, pp. 3-22. ISBN 978-1-4724-3070-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, Bevan, Emma and Kudikov, Aleksei, 2013, Book Section, Just In Time: defining historical chronographics In: Bowen, Jonathan, Keene, Suzanne and Ng, Kia, (eds.) Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture. Springer Series on Cultural Computing . Springer, pp. 243-257. ISBN 9781447154051 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Gristwood, Simone, 2016, Book Section, Computing, Design, Art: Reflections on an Innovative Moment in History In: Gadducci, Fabio and Tavosanis, Mirko, (eds.) History and Philosophy of Computing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 487 . Springer, pp. 101-115. ISBN 978-3-319-47285-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, Moar, Magnus, Jacobs, Rachel, Watkins, Matt, Shackford, Robin, Oppermann, Leif and Capra, Mauricio, 2009, Book Section, Art and technology for health. In: Dwivedi, Ashish N., (ed.) Handbook of research on information technology management and clinical data administration in healthcare. IGI Global., Hershey, PA, pp. 616-630. ISBN 9781605663562
Britton, Alison, 2016, Book Section, Curiosity and Speculation In: Vad-Schou, Lil, (ed.) Karen Bennicke - Spatial Destabilisation. Strandberg Publishing, Copenhagen Denmark, pp. 88-104. ISBN 978-87-9294981-3
Britton, Alison, 2011, Book Section, Essay in Book: a Creating Art Value book, Norwegian publication. In: Veiteberg, Jorunn, (ed.) Thing Tang Trash. Creating Art Value . Bergen National Academy of the Arts and Art Museums Bergen, Bergen, Norway, pp. 28-37. ISBN 978-82-9180845-1
Britton, Alison, 2016, Book Section, Homework In: Olding, Simon, (ed.) Making Thinking LIving. Crafts Study Centre, University of the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK, pp. 6-19. ISBN 978-0-9570212
Britton, Alison, 2017, Book Section, Preface : Circling In: Adamson, Glenn, Droth, Martina and Olding, Simon, (eds.) Things of beauty growing: British Studio Pottery. Yale University Press, pp. 12-17. ISBN 9780300227468
Britton, Alison, 2018, Book Section, The Sumptuous Appeal of the Tactile In: Hughes, Philip and Olding, Simon, (eds.) Angus Suttie. Ruthin Crafts Centre, The Centre for the Applied Arts, Ruthin, Wales, 08-13. ISBN 978-1-905865-93-2
Broach, Zowie, 2014, Book Section, The Dress for "Remembered, Felt, Imagined Forever' Conditioned by Dress. The Relationship between Mind, Film & Performance. ArtEZ Press, UAL. ISBN 978-94-91444-15-9 Item availability may be restricted.
Broach, Zowie, 2015, Book Section, She sees out to us and we see in La Muta/ Oltre il silenzio - La Muta / Beyond silence. Baskerville books, Bologna, Italy, pp. 10-11. ISBN 978 88 8000 900 9
Brooker, Graeme, 2022, Book Section, Inner-propriations: Degrowing the interior In: Schneiderman, Deborah, Lasc, Anca and Tehve, Karin, (eds.) Appropriated Interiors. Routledge, pp. 183-205. ISBN 9780367675196
Brooker, Graeme, 2022, Book Section, Site: An inventories approach to practice-led research In: Vear, Craig, Candy, Linda and Edmonds, Ernest, (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Practice Based Research. Routledge, oxford uk, pp. 398-415. ISBN 9781032182209
Brooker, Graeme, 2024, Book Section, The street: Disposition and the urban interior In: Marinic, Greg, (ed.) The Interior Urbanism Reader. Routledge, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781138336315
Brown, Steve R, 2015, Book Section, Extending the potential for the digitally printed ceramic surface IMPACT 9 International Printmaking Conference. China Academy of Art Press, Hangzhou, China, pp. 301-307. ISBN 9787550309579 Item availability may be restricted.
Brown, Steve R, 2013, Book Section, The materiality of print: Issues of artifice and integrity relating to the printed ceramic surface Surface Tensions: Surface, Finish and the Meaning of Objects. Manchester University Press.. ISBN 9780719087516
Browner, Davin, Sareh, Sina
Brownie, Barbara
Buchan, Suzanne, 2011, Book Section, Ghosts in the machine: experiencing animation In: Hilty, Greg, (ed.) Watch Me Move: The Animation Show. Merrell, London, pp. 28-38. ISBN 9781858945583
Buchan, Suzanne, 2020, Book Section, Memoria rerum: Animated materiality, memory, and amnesia In: van Gageldon, Maarten, Munteán, László and Shobeiri, Ali, (eds.) Animation and Memory. Palgrave Animation Series . Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3030348878 Item availability may be restricted.
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, Pervasive animation : an introduction In: Buchan, Suzanne, Branigan, Edward and Wolfe, Charles, (eds.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780415807241
Buchan, Suzanne, 2020, Book Section, Pervasive, disruptive and useful animation In: Zielinski, Siegfried and Merewehter, Charles, (eds.) Art in the 21st Century. Reflections and Provocations. Osage Publications, Hong Kong, pp. 112-134. ISBN 978-9887728139
Buchan, Suzanne, 2019, Book Section, (Re)Claiming cultural identity: Aboriginal animation from Cape Dorset to Quickdraw In: Straw, Will and Marchessault, Janine, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190229108 Item availability may be restricted.
Buchan, Suzanne, 2014, Book Section, Visual heteronym and animation as process in Frank Geßner’s Alias Yederbeck In: Gessner, Frank, (ed.) Alias Yederbeck. Expanded Animation Cinema. HFF "Konrad Wolf / RE-Voir, Potsdam-Babelsberg/ Paris, pp. 225-247. ISBN 9783000440809
Buchan, Suzanne, 2018, Book Section, The animated female body, feminism(s) and ‘mushi’ In: Hamlyn, Nicky and Smith, Vicky, (eds.) Experimental and Expanded Animation. New Perspectives and Practices. Experimental Film and Artists’ Moving Image . Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 203-229. ISBN 978-3-319-73872-7 Item availability may be restricted.
Buchan, Suzanne, 2007, Book Section, The animation fulcrum In: Hertz, Betti-Sue, (ed.) Animated painting. San Diego Museum of Art, pp. 28-35. ISBN 9780937108376
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, A cinema of apprehension: a third entelechy of the vitalist machine In: Buchan, Suzanne, (ed.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 143-171. ISBN 9780415807241
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Candela, Emily, 2019, Book Section, Making ‘Atomic’ History: Consuming Historical Narratives in the ‘Unofficial’ Digital Archive In: Hendon, Zoe and Massey, Anne, (eds.) Design, History and Time: New Temporalities in a Digital Age. Bloomsbury, London UK, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9781350060654 Item availability may be restricted.
Candela, Emily, 2023, Book Section, The scientist’s social network: Reimagining crystallographic diagrams ahead of the 1951 Festival Pattern Group Collaboration Design and Science. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 301-320. ISBN 978-1-3500-6192-7
Castan Cabrero, Marina and Suarez Zamora, Daniel, 2017, Book Section, Textile Choreographies: Bridging Physical and Digital Design in the Context of Architectural Design In: Karana, Elvin, Giaccardi, Elisa, Nimkulrat, Nithikul, Niedderer, Kristina and Camere, Serena, (eds.) International Conference 2017 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG): Conference Proceedings. TU Delft Open, Netherlands, pp. 249-260. ISBN 978-87-90775-90-2
Cepl, Jasper, Jacoby, Sam
Cheang, Sarah, 2022, Book Section, Being Chiang Yee: Feeling difference and storytelling In: Bevan, Paul, Witchard, Anne and Zheng, Da, (eds.) Chiang Yee and his circle: Chinese artistic and intellectual life in Britain, 1930-1950. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9789888754137
Cheang, Sarah, 2024, Book Section, Flowers,feathers and fashion: hair, nature and design innovation in late Qing China In: Harrison-Hall, Jessica, (ed.) China's 1800s: Material and Visual Cultre. British Museum Research Publications (241). British Museum, London, pp. 166-175. ISBN 978-0861592418
Cheang, Sarah and Kramer, Elizabeth, 2021, Book Section, Global connections and fashion histories: East Asian embroidered garments In: Cheang, Sarah, De Greef, Erica and Takagi, Yoko, (eds.) Rethinking fashion globalization. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London, pp. 37-64. ISBN 9781350180062 (paperback); 9781350180079 (e-book); 9781350180055 (hardback)
Cheang, Sarah, 2010, Book Section, Chinese robes in Western interiors: transitionality and transformation In: Myzelev, Alla and Potvin, John, (eds.) Fashion, Interior Design and the Contours of Modern Identity. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 125-145. ISBN 978-0-7546-6915-9
Cheang, Sarah, 2018, Book Section, Fashion, Chinoiserie, and the Transnational: Material Translations between China, Japan and Britain In: ten-Doesschate Chu, Petra and Milam, Jennifer, (eds.) Beyond Chinoiserie: Artistic Exchange between China and the West during the Late Qing Dynasty (1796-1911). East and West, 4 . Brill, Leiden, NL, pp. 235-267. ISBN 978-90-04-38782-9 Item availability may be restricted.
Cheang, Sarah, 2017, Book Section, ‘Specimens of Coiffures’: Hair, Fashion, Race and Ethnicity Studies in Textiel 5: Haar (Studies in textile 5: Hair). Textielcommissie, Netherlands, pp. 89-103. ISBN 9789082128840 Item availability may be restricted.
Cheang, Sarah, 2013, Book Section, To the Ends of the Earth: Fashion and Ethnicity in the Vogue Fashion Shoot In: Bartlett, Djurdja, Cole, Shaun and Rocamora, Agnes, (eds.) Fashion Media. Berg, London. ISBN 9780857853703
Cheang, Sarah, 2008, Book Section, What's in a Chinese Room? 20th Century Chinoiserie, Modernity and Femininity Chinese Whispers: Chinoiserie in Britain 1650-1930. The Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove, Brighton, pp. 74-81. ISBN 978-0-948723-71-1
Choi, Christina
Choi, Christina
Choi, Christina
Cieslak, Maciej, Kanarachos, Stratis, Blundell, Mike, Diels, Cyriel and Baxendale, Anothony, 2019, Book Section, Applicability of modern correlation tools for ride comfort evaluation and estimation In: Vink, Peter, Naddeo, Alessandro, Frohriep, Susanne and Mansfield, Neil, (eds.) Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Comfort (ICC2019). Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands. ISBN 978-94-6384-054-5
Conti, Matteo, Putrus, Ghanim [ghanim.putrus@northumbria.ac.uk,] and Kotter, Richard [richard.kotter@northumbria.ac.uk], 2015, Book Section, Energy Efficiency in Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and its Impact on Total Cost of Ownership In: David, Beeton and Gereon, Meyer, (eds.) Electric Vehicle Business Models. Springer Lecture Notes in Mobility, VIII (1). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-12244-1
Coutts, Nicky, 2018, Book Section, Animal Print Suicide In: Pelzer-Montada, Ruth, (ed.) Perspectives on contemporary printmaking: Critical writing since 1986. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-1-5261-2575-0
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Book Section, 'A Distance of Stones' In: Damiani, Giulia and Goldberg, Keren, (eds.) Coated in Pre-existence. Elizabeth XI Bauer: A platform for Art and Criticism, London, pp. 24-31. ISBN N/A
Coutts, Nicky, 2011, Book Section, Pedagogies, (notes) In: Katherine, Meynell, (ed.) Mutual Dependencies. Artwords Press, London, pp. 86-87. ISBN 978 1 906441 25 8
Coutts, Nicky, 2015, Book Section, Preface In: Zhou, Jian, (ed.) Intersecting Practices of Contemporary Printmaking in the UK. China Academy of Art Press, China, pp. 2-5. ISBN N/A
Cozic, Laurent, Boyd Davis, Stephen and Jones, Huw, 2004, Book Section, Interaction and Expressivity in Video Games: Harnessing the Rhetoric of Film In: Göbel, Stefan, Spierling, Ulrike, Hoffmann, Anja, Iurgel, Ido, Schneider, Oliver, Dechau, Johanna and Feix, Axel, (eds.) Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3105 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 232-239. ISBN 978-3-540-22283-5
Cranfield, Ben
Cranfield, Ben, 2015, Book Section, ‘‘A stimulation to greater effort of living’: The Importance of Henry Moore’s ‘credible compromise’ to Herbert Read’s Aesthetics and Politics Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015. Tate, London. ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2
Crowley, David, 2017, Book Section, Eastern Europe, 1945-91 In: Ginzberg, Mary, (ed.) Communist Posters. Reaktion, London, pp. 139-173. ISBN TBC (In Press)
Crowley, David, 2016, Book Section, Návrat Modernismu In: Hubatová-Vacková,, Lada and Koryčánek, Rostislav, (eds.) OLGOJ CHORCHOJ TransFormations. Moravian Gallery, Brno. ISBN TBC (In Press)
Crowley, David, 2014, Book Section, Układ nerwowy: nowe maszyny i nowe ciała w sztuce i filmie w Polsce po odwilży In: Kordjak-Piotrowska, Joanna and Welbel, Stanisław, (eds.) Kosmos Wzywa! Sztuka i Nauka w dlugich latach Szescdziesiatych'. Zachęta — Narodowa Galeria Sztuki,, Warsaw, pp. 29-47. ISBN 978 83 64714 04 7 Item availability may be restricted.
Cruz, Juan, 2015, Book Section, The Act of Looking Roger Ackling: Between the Lines. Occasional Papers, London, pp. 243-249. ISBN 978-0-9929039-6-1
Curran, Fiona, 2019, Book Section, Cloud ecologies: weather, pollution, time and data In: Alonso, Cristian, (ed.) Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art. University of Barcelona Editions, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 141-148. ISBN 9788491681557
Curran, Fiona, 2014, Book Section, Thinking the Interior: Atmospheric Envelopes and Entangled Objects SITUATION. RMIT University, Interior Design, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 30-31. ISBN 978-0-9808101-3-4
Curran, Fiona, Bracey, Andrew, Maier, Danica, Renton, Lucy, Barnett, Pennina, Jefferies, Janis and Vaughan, Sian, 2019, Book Section, Bummock: The Lace Archive Bummock: The Lace Archive. Flipping the Bummock Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 84-89. ISBN 9781999883010
Curtis, Barry, 2012, Book Section, Negotiated modernism: British suburbia between the wars Making a New World: Architecture & Communities in Interwar Europe. Leuven University Press. ISBN 9789058679093
Curtis, Barry, 2008, Book Section, War Games: Cold War Britain in film and fiction Cold War Modern: Design 1945–1970. V&A Publishing. ISBN 9781851775439
Curtis, Barry, 2018, Book Section, The irrational home In: Sterhoffer, Eszter and McGuirk, Justin, (eds.) Home Futures: Living in Yesterday’s Tomorrow. Home Futures . Design Museum, London, pp. 285-291. ISBN 978 1 872005 42 3 Item availability may be restricted.
Dagworthy, Wendy, 2013, Book Section, 'Foreword’ and ‘Designer statement: Womenswear' 80s Fashion: From Club to Catwalk. V&A Publishing. ISBN 9781851777259 Item availability may be restricted.
Dare, Eleanor, 2017, Book Section, An Artist’s Expert System: second order cybernetics for matching users to bespoke books Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS 2018). International Association of Academicians ( IAASSE ), pp. 19-20. ISBN 978-1-5108-5880-0
Dare, Eleanor, 2016, Book Section, Buildings on fire: Towards a new approach to urban memory. Burning down Memory, by Eleanor Dare In: Duijzings, Ger and Campkin, Ben, (eds.) Engaged Urbanism: Cities and Methodologies. I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., London. ISBN 9781784534592
Dare, Eleanor, 2020, Book Section, Locked down in the neoliberal Smart City: a-systemic technologies in crisis In: Flynn, Susan, (ed.) Equality in the City. Intellect, London. ISBN not known yet (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Dare, Eleanor and Papadaki, Elena, 2020, Book Section, Empathy for the Devil: VR installation and screen capture In: Papadaki, Elena, (ed.) Exhibiting the analogue / exhibiting the digital: Aftethoughts on an exhibition. University of Greenwich Galleries / Incandescent Square, 2020, London, pp. 20-23. ISBN 9780957343047
Denicke, Sandra
Diels, Cyriel, Harrow, Dale, Shu, Yichen and Stylidis, Kostas, 2024, Book Section, Designing perceived safety in autonomous vehicles: A data-informed-design approach sizing and shaping the design space AutomotiveUI '24 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. Association for Computing Machinery New York, NY, United States, United States, pp. 21-26. ISBN 979-8-4007-0520-5
Dormor, Catherine, 2018, Book Section, Caressing cloth: The warp and weft as site of exchange The erotic cloth: Seduction & fetishism in textiles. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 123-132. ISBN 9781474281751 Item availability may be restricted.
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Book Section, Between Reality and the Impossible Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étiennne 2010. Cité du Design Éditions, Saint-Étienne, France, pp. 129-153. ISBN 978-2-912808-40-0
Dutson, Claudia, 2017, Book Section, The entrepreneurial self In: Frichot, Hélène, Gabrielsson, Catharina and Runting, Helen, (eds.) Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, Economies, Technologies. Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities, 13 . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 292-302. ISBN 9780203729717 Item availability may be restricted.
Edelman, Jonathan Antonio, Jablokow, Kathryn, Sonalkar, Neeraj, Mabogunje, Ade and Leifer, Larry, 2017, Book Section, Design Whodunit: the relationship between individual characteristics and interaction behaviour in design concept generation ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2017). ASME, USA. ISBN 978-0-7918-5821-9 Item availability may be restricted.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2020, Book Section, #103 A Smart Theory of Design[ing] In: Rodgers, Paul Anthony
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2020, Book Section, # 104 A 1.5°C Theory of Design[ing] In: Rodgers, Paul Anthony
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2019, Book Section, A Circular 'Smart' World In: Fischer, Thomas and Herr, Christiane, (eds.) Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New. Design Research Foundations . Springer, Switzerland, pp. 101-117. ISBN 978-3-030-18557-2
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2019, Book Section, The IdIoT in the smart home In: Figueiredo, Sergio M.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, Thiermann, Alfredo and Cruz, Sebastian, 2023, Book Section, A not too comfortable future In: Rodgers, Paul, Bremner, Jonathan Craig and Innella, Giovanni, (eds.) Design for the Unthinkable World. Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom. (Submitted) Item availability may be restricted.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Faust, Chantal, 2023, Book Section, Coloring in the void: Absurdity and contemporary art In: Hjorth, Larissa, Jungnickel, Kat, Lammes, Sybille and Rae, Jen, (eds.) Failurists: When things go awry. Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 148-153. ISBN 9789083328201
Faust, Chantal, 2017, Book Section, 'The Masochistic Pulse' in DARK HABITS In: O'Callaghan, Bren and Perks, Sarah, (eds.) DARK HABITS. HOME Publications, Manchester, UK, pp. 59-67. ISBN 978-0-9935912-3-5
Faust, Chantal, 2015, Book Section, Pieces of Drawing In: Graham, Joe, (ed.) Anchor. Marmalade Publishers of Visual Theory, London. ISBN 9780993337307
Fernando, Galdon and Hall, Ashley
Ferrarello, Laura, 2016, Book Section, The Ecology of Legible Space In: Pipkin, Lacey, (ed.) The Pursuit of Legible Policy: Agency and Participation in the Complex Systems of the Contemporary Megalopolis. Grey Cities, Green Infrastructure . Buró Buró Oficina de proyectos culturales, Mexico City, pp. 73-79. ISBN 978-607-96255-5-9
Ferrarello, Laura, 2016, Book Section, The Tectonic of the Hybrid Real: Data Manipulation, Oxymoron Materiality and Creative Human–Machine Collaboration In: Velikov, Kathy, Manninger, Sandra, del Campo, Matias, Ahlquist, Sean and Thün, Geoffrey, (eds.) Acadia 2016 Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines: Projects Catalog of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. ACADIA . Acadia Publishing Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 124-129. ISBN 978-0692770955 Item availability may be restricted.
Ferrarello, Laura and Dormor, Catherine, 2021, Book Section, Interdisciplinary boundary experiences: Learning through conversations In: Bohemia, Erik, Nielsen, Liv Merete, Pan, Lusheng, Börekçi, Naz A.G.Z and Zhang, Yang, (eds.) Proceedings of the DRS Learn X Design 2021: 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers. DRS, Jinan, China, pp. 540-552. ISBN 978-1-912294-44-2
Ferrarello, Laura and Fairbrother, William, 2015, Book Section, Processes of Artefact Creation in the Hybrid-Reality Engaging with Materials through Material Oxymorons In: Anne Louise, Anne Louise, Buur, Jacob, Lønne, Irene Alma and Nimkulrat, Nithikul, (eds.) Tangible Means Experiential Knowledge Through Materials. Conference Proceedings - International Conference 2015 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge. Design School Kolding, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark, pp. 368-379. ISBN 978-87-90775-90-2
Ferrarello, Laura and Kedia, Suramya, 2017, Book Section, Limes. A Design Platform for Urban Responsive Behaviour In: Markoupoulou, Areti, Farinea, Chiara and Marengo, Mathilde, (eds.) Responsive cities: urbanism in the experience age. Symposium proceedings, 16-17 Sep 2017. Institut d'Arquitectura Avancada de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 52-69. ISBN 978-84-697-2705-8
Flory, Melanie and Ivanova, Ninela, 2019, Book Section, Design meets Neuroscience: Future directions for developing and implementing design probes In: Rodgers, Paul A., (ed.) Design Research for Change. Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 93-109. ISBN 978 1 86220 369 3 Item availability may be restricted.
French, Hilary, 2012, Book Section, Entries on 39 housing projects 20th-Century World Architecture: The Phaidon Atlas. Phaidon, London. ISBN 9780714857060
Galdon, Fernando, 2024, Book Section, The polygenetic designer In: Bremner, Jonathan Craig, Rodgers, Paul and Innella, Giovanni, (eds.) Design for the Unthinkable World: Strange Ecology and Unwelcome Change. Design Research for Change . Routledge, New York, pp. 69-87. ISBN 9781003370680 Item availability may be restricted.
Galdon, Fernando and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book Section, Synthetic consequential reasoning: Facilitating the design of synthetic morality in highly automated systems via a multidimensional-scalar framework In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Gremeaux-Bader, Vincent and Aminian, Kamiar, (eds.) Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications II. IHIET 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1152 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 501-506. ISBN 978-3-030-44266-8
Galdon, Fernando and Hall, Ashley, 2019, Book Section, The ontological nature of design: Prospecting new futures through probabilistic knowledge In: Rodgers, Paul, (ed.) Design for Change. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, pp. 111-128. ISBN 978-1-86220-369-3
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2021, Book Section, Designing trust in highly automated virtual assistants: A taxonomy of levels of autonomy In: Dingli, A., Haddod, F. and Klüver, C., (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in industry 4.0. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 928 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 199-211. ISBN 978-3-030-61044-9
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen, 2019, Book Section, From apology to compensation: A multi-level taxonomy of trust reparation for highly automated virtual assistants In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Colson, Serge and Choplin, Arnaud, (eds.) Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1018 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 42-46. ISBN 978-3-030-25628-9
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2019, Book Section, Addressing accountability in highly autonomous virtual assistants In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Colson, Serge and Choplin, Arnaud, (eds.) Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1018 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 10-14. ISBN 978-3-030-25628-9
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Gaudion, Katie, Hall, Ashley, Myerson, Jeremy and Pellicano, Liz, 2014, Book Section, Design and wellbeing: Bridging the empathy gap between neurotypical designers and autistic adults Proceedings of the Conference 'Design for Sustainable Well-being and Empowerment' DfWnE-2014. Delft University of Technology, Indian Institute of Science, pp. 61-77. ISBN 978-93-392-1970-3
Gera, Krity
Gera, Krity
Gheerawo, Rama
Gheerawo, Rama, Harrow, Dale, Ramster, Gail and Saunders, Mike, 2016, Book Section, Using public views on autonomous vehicles to shape the design of our future cities The 6th International Conference for Universal Design. International Association of Universal Design, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 127-136. ISBN 978-4-9908179-2-3 Item availability may be restricted.
Gheerawo, Rama and Vavik, Tom, 2009, Book Section, The Challenges in Universal Design In: Vavik, Tom, (ed.) Inclusive Buildings, Products & Services: Challenges in Universal Design. Tapir Academic Press, Norway, pp. 4-24. ISBN 9788251923446
Ghoreishi, Malahat
Giudici, Maria, 2017, Book Section, How to live in a jungle: The (bio)politics of the park as urban model In: Wall, Ed and Waterman, Tim, (eds.) Landscape and Agency: Critical Essays. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 65-77. ISBN 9781315647401 Item availability may be restricted.
Giudici, Maria Sheherazade, 2013, Book Section, Education, Consumption, Reproduction: Three Cautionary Tales architektur + analyse 3: Is there (anti)neoliberal Architecture? Jovis Verlag. ISBN 978-3868592177 Item availability may be restricted.
Giudici, Maria Sheherazade, 2013, Book Section, Specific Spaces: Government and the Emergence of architecture d’accompagnement, 1584–1765 The City as a Project. Ruby Press. ISBN 978-3-944074-06-1 Item availability may be restricted.
Giuliari, Beatrice, Kösters, Manuel, Zhou, Jan, Dingersen, Tim, Heissmann, André, Rotzoll, Ralf, Krüger, Jens, Giorgetti, Alejandro and Sommer, Bjorn
Golden, Pamela, 2024, Book Section, Hello we were talking about Hudson Hello We Were Talking about Hudson. Soberscove Press, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 33-37. ISBN 978-1-940190-34-1
Golding, Johnny, 2013, Book Section, The 9th Technology of Otherness: a certain kind of debt The Cruelty of the Classical Canon. ARTicle Press, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9
Golding, Johnny, 2009, Book Section, The Assassination of Time (or the birth of zeta-physics) In: Berressem, Hanjo and Haferkamp, Leyla, (eds.) Deleuzian Events: writing | history. Lit Verlag, Berlin, pp. 132-145. ISBN 978-3-643-10174-7
Golding, Johnny, 2008, Book Section, Conversion on the road to Damascus: minority report (1) In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) GEST: LABORATORY OF SYNTHESIS #1. BookWorks, London, UK. ISBN 9781870699969
Golding, Johnny, 2010, Book Section, Fractal Philosophy: Attunement as the Task of Art In: Zepke, Stephen and O'Sullivan, Simon, (eds.) Deleuze and Contemporary Art. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 133-154. ISBN 9780748638383
Golding, Johnny, 2018, Book Section, Friendship In: Turner, Lynn, Selbach, Undine and Broglio, Ron, (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 262-276. ISBN 9781474418416 Item availability may be restricted.
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Book Section, Michel Foucault: Der Mut zur Wahrheit (1984): The 9th Technology of Otherness (a certain kind of debt) In: Stieglitz, Olaf and Martschukat, Jürgen, (eds.) race & sex: Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit. Neofelis Berlin, Berlin, pp. 94-103. ISBN 978-3958080348
Golding, Johnny, 2019, Book Section, The Photograph of Thought In: Rubinstein, Daniel, (ed.) Fragmentation of the Photographic Image in the Digital Age. The Routedge History of Photography Series . Routledge, London/New York, pp. 212-223. ISBN 9781351027946
Goodbun, Jon, 2022, Book Section, There isn't one Green New Deal Making Futures. Spector Books, Leipzig, pp. 74-79. ISBN 9783959056250
Gough, Phillip, Forman, Jack, Pataranutaporn, Pat, Hepburn, Leigh-Anne, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, Cooper, Clare, Vujic, Angela, Kong, David Sun, Kim, Raphael, Maes, Pattie, Ishii, Hiroshi, Sra, Misha and Ahmadpour, Naseem, 2021, Book Section, Speculating on biodesign in the future home CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781450380959
Gray, Ros, 2013, Book Section, Haven’t you heard of internationalism?: The Socialist friendships of Mozambican cinema Postcommunist Film – Russia, Eastern Europe and World Culture: Moving Images of Postcommunism. Routledge. ISBN 9780415671644
Gray, Ros, 2010, Book Section, Renée Green’s elliptical mappings: Dreams of cinema and utopian islands Renée Green: Endless Dreams and Time-based Streams. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. ISBN 9780982678909
Gristwood, Simone and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2014, Book Section, The Reappearing Computer: the past and future of computing in design research In: Lim, Y.-K., Niedderer, K., Redström, J., Stolterman, E. and Valtonen, A., (eds.) Proceedings of DRS 2014: Design's Big Debates. Design Research Society / Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University, Umeå, pp. 618-632. ISBN 978-91-7601-068-6
Gulari, Melehat Nil
Guth, Christine, 2011, Book Section, Import Substitution, Innovation and the Tea Ceremony in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-century Japan In: Adamson, Glenn, Riello, Giorgio and Teasley, Sarah, (eds.) Global Design History. Routledge, London, pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-0-415-57287-3
Guth, Christine, 2011, Book Section, Import Substitution, Innovation and the Tea Ceremony in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-century Japan In: Adamson, Glenn, Riello, Giorgio and Teasley, Sarah, (eds.) Global Design History. Routledge, London, pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-0-415-57287-3
Guth, Christine, 2011, Book Section, Out of Touch: On the sensorial in the Historical Interpretation of Japanese Lacquer East Asian Lacquer: Material Culture, Science and Conservation. Archetype, London, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-9044982-60-9
Hagan, Susannah, 2013, Book Section, Climate and Identity In: Fraser, Murray and Golzari, Nasser, (eds.) Architecture and Globalisation in the Persian Gulf Region. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 347-359. ISBN 978-1-4094-4314-8
Hagan, Susannah, 2008, Book Section, Five Reasons to Adopt Environmental Design In: Saunders, William S., (ed.) NATURE, LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING FOR SUSTAINABILITY. Harvard Design Magazine Reader (6). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London, pp. 100-114. ISBN 978 0 8166 5359 1
Hagan, Susannah, 2010, Book Section, 'Performalism': environmental metrics and urban design In: Mostafavi, Mohsen and Dogherty, Gareth, (eds.) Ecological Urbanism. Harvard University Graduate School of Design and Lars Muller Publishers, Baden, Switzerland, pp. 458-467. ISBN 978-3-03778-189-0
Hall, Ashley, 2017, Book Section, Is Globalised Design Education Killing Design Variety? Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17). E&PDE . The Design Society, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978-1-904670-85-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Hall, Ashley, 2016, Book Section, Sports Innovation: New models and future potential In: Southgate, Dominic, Childs, Peter and Bull, Anthony, (eds.) Sports Innovation Technology and Research. World Scientific, United Kingdom, pp. 115-126. ISBN 978-1-78634-041-2
Hall, Ashley, 2017, Book Section, Translocation In Design In: Haruhiko, Fujita, (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Asian Design. Encyclopaedia of Asian Design, 4 (4). Bloomsbury, London UK. ISBN 978-0857853851 (In Press)
Hall, Ashley and Barker, Tom, 2011, Book Section, e-Artisans: Contemporary Design for the Global Market In: Adamson, Glenn, Riello, Giorgio and Teasley, Sarah, (eds.) Global Design History. Routledge, UK, pp. 180-188. ISBN 978-0-415-57287-3
Hall, Ashley, Ferrarello, Laura, Kann, Michael and Pulley, Robert, 2017, Book Section, Encouraging Creative Risk to Reduce Risk to Life Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17). E&PDE . The Design Society, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978-1-904670-85-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Hamlyn, Nicky, 2024, Book Section, Unframing The Palgrave Handbook of Experimental Cinema. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK., pp. 93-106. ISBN 978-3-031-55255-7 Item availability may be restricted.
Hammonds, Kit, 2011, Book Section, Games People Play In: Williams, Francis, (ed.) The Cat Came as a Tomato: Conversations on Contemporary Art and Play. South London Gallery, london. ISBN 978-1-898461-39-5
Hammonds, Kit, 2009, Book Section, Hannes Zebedin: Living in Glass Houses Hannes Zebedin. Secession, vienna. ISBN 978-3-902592-22-4
Harriss, Harriet, 2018, Book Section, A Comparative History of Live Projects Within the United States and the UK: Key Characteristics and Contemporary Implications In: Farhan, Karim, (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement. Routledge, USA, pp. 233-242. ISBN 9781138889699
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Book Section, Goodbye Mister Bond: 007’s critical advocacy for feminism & modernism Research Based Education 2016. The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK, pp. 348-357. ISBN 978-0-9929485-9-7
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Book Section, A gendered Pedagogy In: Harriss, Harriet, James, Soane, Ruth, Morrow and James, Brown, (eds.) A Gendered Profession. RIBA Publications, London, UK, pp. 247-255. ISBN 978-1859469972 Item availability may be restricted.
Harriss, Harriet and House, Naomi, 2016, Book Section, Interiority Complex: beyond binaries In: Harriss, Harriet, Morrow, Ruth, Soane, James and Brown, James, (eds.) A Gendered Profession. RIBA Publications, UK, pp. 209-219. ISBN 978-1859469972 Item availability may be restricted.
Harrow, Dale and Wu, Jiayu
Hosea, Birgitta, 2016, Book Section, Creative Actuality: Modes of Animated Documentary Animation in the Age of Crossover: the First China Animation Studies Conference Proceedings. Sichuan Press, ChengDu University, China, 009-016. ISBN 978-7-5410-7431-8
Howeson, Anne, 2017, Book Section, Drawing and Memory Reportage: The Techniques and Practices of Visual Journalism. Bloomsbury Books, London. ISBN 9781474224598
Hughes, Beth and Ruivo, Joao Prates, 2016, Book Section, The Assembly In: Giduci, Maria Scheherazade and Sacconi, Davide, (eds.) The Supreme Achievement. Black Square, Milano, Italia, pp. 22-23. ISBN 9788894030631 Item availability may be restricted.
Ibanez-Labiano, Isidoro, Jilani, Syeda Fizzah, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Alomainy, Akram, 2021, Book Section, Numerical and experimental analyses of wearable antennas, including novel fabrication and metrology techniques In: Loh, Tian Hong, (ed.) Metrology for 5G and Emerging Wireless Technologies (Telecommunications). Telecommunications, 99 . The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1-83953-278-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Ibanez-Labiano, Isidoro, Jilani, Syeda Fizzah, Zhang, Ronald Rui, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Alomainy, Akram, 2022, Book Section, Smart nanotextiles for communication In: Yilmaz, Nazire Deniz, (ed.) Smart Nanotextiles: Wearable and Technical Applications. Scrivener Publishing LLC, pp. 189-228. ISBN 9781119654780
Issaias, Platon, 2013, Book Section, The Absence of Plan as a Project In: Aureli, Pier Vittorio, (ed.) The City as a Project. Ruby Press, Berlin, pp. 292-331. ISBN 978-3-944074-06-1
Issaias, Platon, 2016, Book Section, Domestic, production and debt: For a theory of the informal In: Stoppani, Teresa, Ponzo, Giorgio and Themistokleous, George, (eds.) This Thing Called Theory. CRITIQUES: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities, A project of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, 12 . Routledge, London, pp. 222-230. ISBN 978-1-138-22300-4
Ivanova, Ninela
Jackson, Melanie and Leslie, Esther, 2017, Book Section, Unreliable Matriarchs In: Cohen, Mathilde and Otomo, Yoriko, (eds.) Making MilkThe Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781350029965
Jacoby, Sam, 2015, Book Section, Architectural Urbanism: Proposals for the Arab World In: Saliba, Robert, (ed.) Urban Design in the Arab World: Reconceptualizing Boundaries. Design and the Built Environment . Routledge, London, pp. 97-114. ISBN 9781472409768
Jones, Carl
Jones, Carl
Jones, Carl
Jordan, Mel, 2017, Book Section, Dominic from Luton is Impossible In: Allan, Dominic, Chambers, Eddie, Horton, Derek and Leahy, Olivia, (eds.) Dominic From Luton. Sunridge Avenue Projects, Luton, pp. 10-15. ISBN 9780995762909
Jordan, Mel, 2017, Book Section, Towards Critical Practices: Art and Design as Socially Productive Practices In: King, Linda and Young, Oonagh, (eds.) Transdisciplinary Practice. Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 14-19. ISBN 9780992964139
Jordan, Mel, Beech, Dave and Hewitt, Andy, 2017, Book Section, The Carracci Institute Year Book In: Jordan, Mel, Beech, Dave and Hewitt, Andy, (eds.) The Carracci Institute Year Book. NN Contemporary, Northampton, pp. 1-63. ISBN 9780995700123
Jordan, Mel, Beech, Dave and Hewitt, Andy, 2014, Book Section, Impossible Participation Interactive Contemporary Art: Participation in Practice. I.B.Tauris, London, UK, pp. 255-269. ISBN 978-1780765518
Jordan, Mel and Hewitt, Andy, 2016, Book Section, Politicizing Publics: A social framework for public artworks In: Cartiere, C. and Zebracki, M., (eds.) The Everyday Practice of Public Art: Art, Space, and Social Inclusion. Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 27-44. ISBN 978-1138829213
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2014, Book Section, A Guide to the Casino Architecture of Wedding In: Mackay, Robin, (ed.) Collapse Volume VIII: Casino Real. Urbanomic, pp. 255-276. ISBN 9780956775023
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2017, Book Section, (Re)Turning to the image In: Aßman, S. at al., (ed.) Wenden: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Phänomen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-14804-1
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2013, Book Section, Spirit In: Kivland, Sharon and Segal, Naomi, (eds.) Vicissitudes Histories & Destinies of Psychoanalysis’. Igrs Books, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London), pp. 189-198. ISBN 9780854572342
Kaasa, Adam
Kaasa, Adam, 2020, Book Section, The matter of erasure: making room for utopia at Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, Mexico City In: Schorch, Philipp, Saxer, Martin and Elders, Marlen, (eds.) Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 214-227. ISBN 978-1-78735-748-8
Kane, Josie, 2017, Book Section, Mechanical pleasures: The appeal of British amusement parks 1900-1914 In: Woods, Jason, (ed.) The Amusement Park: History, Culture and Heritage. Heritage, Culture and Identity . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 31-57. ISBN 9781472423726 Item availability may be restricted.
Kaynan, Ozge, Yildiz, Alptekin, Bozkurt, Yunus Emre, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Cebeci, Hulya, 2019, Book Section, Development of Multifunctional CNTs Reinforced PEI Filaments for Fused Deposition Modeling AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-62410-578-4
Knöll, Martin, Moar, Magnus, Boyd Davis, Stephen and Saunders, Mike, 2014, Book Section, Spontaneous Interventions for Health: How Digital Games May Supplement Urban Design Projects In: Brooks, A.L., Braham, S. and Jain, L.C., (eds.) Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 536 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 245-259. ISBN 978-3-642-45431-8
Kollectiv, Pil and Kollectiv, Galia, 2021, Book Section, A thousand kitchen tables In: Bajec, P., Holert, T. and Smith, M., (eds.) Pause. Fervour. Reflections on a Pandemic. Harun Farocki Institut & Journal of Visual Culture, pp. 119-122. ISBN 978-1-5272-9544-5
Korallo, Liliya, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Foreman, Nigel and Moar, Magnus, 2013, Book Section, Human-Centric Chronographics:Making Historical Time Memorable In: Huang, Weidong, (ed.) Handbook of Human Centric Visualization. Springer, New York, pp. 473-512. ISBN 978-1-4614-7484-5
Kräutli, Florian and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2013, Book Section, Known Unknowns: representing uncertainty in historical time In: Ng, K, Bowen, JP and McDaid, S, (eds.) Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2013. British Computer Society, London, pp. 61-68. ISBN 978-1-780172-15-6
Labarge, Emily, 2018, Book Section, Sylvia Plath In: Beber, Emmy, (ed.) The Bodies That Remain. Punctum Books, Santa Barbara, CA, US, pp. 269-297. ISBN 978-1947447677
Lahoud, Adrian, 2016, Book Section, Fallen Cities: Architecture and Reconstruction In: Andraos, Amale and Akawi, Nora, (eds.) The Arab City: Architecture and Representation. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 102-116. ISBN 9781941332146 Item availability may be restricted.
Lahoud, Adrian, 2014, Book Section, Floating Bodies In: Weizman, Eyal and Franke, Anselm, (eds.) Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth. Sternberg, Berlin. ISBN 9783956790111
Lahoud, Adrian, 2016, Book Section, Scale as a Problem, Architecture as a Trap In: Graham, James, Blanchfield, Caitlin, Anderson, Alissa, Carver, Jordan and Moore, Jacob, (eds.) Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 111-119. ISBN 978-3-03778-494-5
Lee, Chang Hee, Lockton, Dan and Kim, Ji Eun, 2018, Book Section, Exploring Cognitive Playfulness Through Zero Interactions In: Koskinen, Ilpo and Lim, Youn-kyung, (eds.) DIS '18 Companion Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM Press, NY, USA, pp. 63-67. ISBN 978-1-4503-5631-2
Lee, Yan Ki, 2011, Book Section, DESIGN ACT Socially and politically engaged design today � critical roles and emerging tactics In: Ericson, Magnus and Mazé, Ramia, (eds.) DESIGN ACT Socially and politically engaged design today � critical roles and emerging tactics. Sternberg Press, Sweden. ISBN 1934105619
Lees-Maffei, Grace and Houze, Rebecca, 2021, Book Section, Marginalised heritage and invisible history: The Silvertown war memorial Design and Heritage. Museum and Heritage Studies . Routledge, London, pp. 25-50. ISBN 9781003096146
Leister, Wiebke
Leister, Wiebke
Leister, Wiebke
Lindley, Siân, Smyth, Gavin, Corish, Robert, Loukianov, Anastasia, Golembewski, Michael, Luger, Ewa and Sellen, Abigail, 2018, Book Section, Exploring New Metaphors for a Networked World through the File Biography CHI 2018 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York City, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-5620-6
Lockton, Dan, Ricketts, Delanie, Chowdhury, Shruti Aditya and Lee, Chang Hee, 2017, Book Section, Exploring Qualitative Displays and Interfaces CHI EA '17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, USA, pp. 1844-1852. ISBN 9781450346566
Lomax, Yve, 2016, Book Section, Vocation In: Hiller, Susan and Treister, Suazanne, (eds.) Monica Ross - Ethical Actions: A Critical Fine Art Practice. Sternberg Press, Berlin, pp. 32-41. ISBN 978-3-956792-02-1
Loudon, Gareth
Machin, James, 2020, Book Section, Aleister Crowley and occult meaning In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Gothic Handbook Series, 1 . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 321-335. ISBN 978-3030331368
Machin, James, 2020, Book Section, Lovecraft, decadence, and aestheticism In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Gothic Handbook Series, 1 . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1223-1237. ISBN 978-3030331351
Main, Angus, 2019, Book Section, Countermeasures: Learning to Lie to Objects CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781450359719
Mausbach, Artur, 2015, Book Section, Inovação e mudança de paradigmas no design automotivo: Tesla e Google - Innovation and paradigm shift on automotive design: Tesla and Google In: Cosentino, Hélio Morrone, Morelli, Eduardo Zampar and Paterno, Francesco, (eds.) Inovação e mercado para o automóvel do futuro. Câmara Ítalo-brasileira de Comércio, Industria e Agricultura de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 204-208. ISBN TBC
Mausbach, Artur, Diels, Cyriel, Harrow, Dale and Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, Maria, 2023, Book Section, Plenary: Anti-ephemeral design for responsible production and consumption of mobility In: Benítez-Andrades, José Alberto, García-Llamas, Paula, Taboada, Angela, Estévez-Mauriz, Laura and Baelo, Roberto, (eds.) Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society: EURECA-PRO The European University for Responsible Consumption and Production. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences Series . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-3-031-25840-4
Mausbach, Artur, Harmer, Luke and Cain, Rebecca, 2019, Book Section, ‘Joyful Journeys’: putting wellbeing at the centre of future travel In: Petermans, Ann and Cain, Rebecca, (eds.) Design For Wellbeing: An Applied Approach. Design for Social Responsibility . Routledge. ISBN 9781138562929
Mausbach, Artur
McAllister, Jane and Denicke, Sandra
McShane, Angela, 2011, Book Section, Ballads and broadsides from the beginnings of print to 1660 The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, Volume 1: Cheap Print in Britain and Ireland to 1660. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199287048
McShane, Angela, 2010, Book Section, ‘The Extraordinary Case of the Flesh-Eating and Blood-Drinking Cavaliers’ In: McShane, A. J. and Walker, G., (eds.) The Extraordinary in Everyday Life in Early Modern England: A Celebration of the work of Bernard Capp. Palgrave, London. ISBN 9780230537248
Mclean, Flora, 2011, Book Section, House of Flora (illustrations) Fifty Hats That Changed the World. Design Musem, London, pp. 96-97. ISBN 9781840915693
Meldaikyte, Gabriele, Fusari, Gianpaolo, Matthews, Ed and West, Jonathan, 2018, Book Section, ICU Journey: Humanising the patient experience of Intensive Care In: Barron, Dierdre and Seemann, Kurt, (eds.) Design4Health, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design4Health 2017, 4 - 7 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sheffield Hallam University and Swinburne University of Technology, pp. 156-159. ISBN 978-0-6480892-1-6
Miles, Jonathan, 2014, Book Section, The Leaping Bones of Enrico David Enrico David Life Sentences. Michael Werner Kunsthandel, Koln/New York/London. ISBN 978-1-938809-13-2 Item availability may be restricted.
Montuori, Bruna and Kaasa, Adam, 2023, Book Section, A note on the door: Symbolic erasure and representational resistance in Rio de Janeiro In: Karunaratne, Gihan, (ed.) Informal Settlements of the Global South. Architectural Borders and Territories . Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781032043074
Mottram, Judith, 2016, Book Section, Creativity and art education: gaps between theories and practices In: Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele and Agnoli, Sergio, (eds.) Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking. Creativity in the Twenty First Century . Springer, Singapore, pp. 281-299. ISBN 978-981-287-617-1
Mottram, Judith, 2014, Book Section, Notes in response to James Elkins’ "Fourteen Reasons to Mistrust the PhD in Studio Art" In: Elkins, James, (ed.) Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art, Second Edition. New Academia, Washington, pp. 279-302. ISBN 978-0-9915047-5-6
Mottram, Judith, 2014, Book Section, What Is It, And Why Do a PhD in Art and Design? In: Elkins, James, (ed.) Artists with PhDs: On the New Doctoral Degree in Studio Art, Second Edition. New Academia, Washington, pp. 35-70. ISBN 978-0-9915047-5-6
Myerson, Jeremy, 2017, Book Section, Change makers: rethinking the productive workplace through an art and design lens In: Clements-Croome, Derek, (ed.) Creating the Productive Workplace: Places to Work Creatively (3rd Edition). Routledge. ISBN 9781138963344 Item availability may be restricted.
Myerson, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, The Evolution of Workspace Design: from the Machine to the Network In: Brooker, Graeme and Weinthal, Lois, (eds.) The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design. Berg. ISBN 9781847887450
Myerson, Jeremy, 2012, Book Section, Workspace redesign to support the ‘front end’ of innovation In: Price, I and Alexander, K, (eds.) Managing Organizational Ecologies: Space, Management and Organizations. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415896993
Myerson, Jeremy and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2010, Book Section, Welcoming Workplace: Rapid Design Intervention to Determine the Office Environment Needs of Older Knowledge Workers In: Inns, Tom, (ed.) Design for the 21st Century Volume 2: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings. Gower, Surrey, UK, pp. 208-224. ISBN 978-1-4094-0240-4
Myerson, Jeremy and Ramster, Gail, 2017, Book Section, Architecture: Workplace health and wellbeing: can greater design participation provide a cure? In: Cooper, Rachel and Tsekleves, Emmanuel, (eds.) Design for Health. Design for Social Responsibility . Routledge, UK. ISBN 9781472457424
Navarrete, Andrea, Gera, Krity
O'Riley, Tim, 2014, Book Section, Exactitude and Uncertainty In: Harrison, Paul Liam, Shemilt, Emile and Watson, Arthur, (eds.) Borders & Crossings: the artist as explorer. Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee. ISBN 1899837701
O'Riley, Tim, 2005, Book Section, Representing Illusions In: Macleod, Katy and Holdridge, Lin, (eds.) Thinking Through Art: Reflections on art as research. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415576334
Oakley, Peter, 2013, Book Section, Containing precious metals: hallmarking, minting and the materiality of gold and silver in medieval and modern England. In: Hahn, Hans Peter and Hadas, Weiss, (eds.) Mobility, Meaning and Transformations of Things: shifting contexts of material culture through time and space. Oxbow Books, Oxford. ISBN 9781842175255
Oakley, Peter, 2014, Book Section, Contrived Dereliction: Employing an aesthetic of decay at mining heritage sites Cultural Heritage and Tourism Vol.2: Engagement and Experience. Farterng Culture CO, Taipei. ISBN 0000-0000
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Book Section, Digital Crafting: Re-evaluating Promises and Pitfalls In: Cho, Hyejoung, (ed.) Making Futures Korea. Cheongju International Craft Biennale Committee, Cheongju, pp. 167-174.
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Book Section, Introducing Fairtrade and Fairmined Gold: An attempt to reconfigure the social identity of a substance In: Drazin, Adam and Kuechler, Susanne, (eds.) The Social Life of Materials. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472592668 Item availability may be restricted.
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Book Section, A Permanent State of Decay: contrived dereliction at heritage Mining Sites In: Orange, Hilary, (ed.) Reanimating Industrial Spaces. Left Coast Press. ISBN 9781611321685 Item availability may be restricted.
Oakley, Peter, 2008, Book Section, Praxeological Subjectification: the hidden power of practical activities In: Hatton, Kate, (ed.) Design Pedagogy Research. Jeremy Mills Publishing Ltd., pp. 19-28. ISBN 978 1 906600 35 8
Oakley, Peter and Keuchler, Susanne, 2014, Book Section, New Materials and their impact on the material world Objects and Materials: a Routledge companion. Culture, Economy and the Social . Routledge, London and New York, pp. 82-91. ISBN 9780415678803
Oktay, Gizem, Ikeya, Yuta, Lee, Minha, Barati, Bahareh, Lee, Youngsil, Chen, Yuning, Pschetz, Larissa and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2023, Book Section, Designing with the more-than-human: Temporalities of thinking with care In: Byrne, Daragh, Martelaro, Nikolas, Boucher, Andy, Chatting, David, Fdili Alaoui, Sarah, Fox, Sarah, Nicenboim, Iohanna and MacArthur, Cayley, (eds.) DIS '23 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conferenc. ACM, New York, USA, pp. 104-106. ISBN 9781450398985
Pacteau, Francette, 2013, Book Section, Seeing Through On Perfection: An Artists’ Symposium. Intellect Ltd. ISBN 9781841507101
Pajaczkowska, Claire, 2008, Book Section, On Humming : Reflections on Marion Milner's Contribution to Psychoanalysis In: Caldwell, Lesley, (ed.) Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition. Karnac, London, pp. 33-49. ISBN 13 978 1 85575 467 6
Pajaczkowska, Claire, 2010, Book Section, Tension, Time and Tenderness: Indexical Traces of Touch in Textiles In: Bryant, Antony and Pollock, Griselda, (eds.) Digital and Other Virtualities. New Encounters: Arts, Cultures, Concepts . I B Tauris & Co Ltd, London and New York, pp. 134-148. ISBN 9781845115678
Panneels, Inge, Phillips, Robert and Dhakal, Saurav, 2025, Book Section, In Our Hands: Nepali nature inspired climate solutions in the Anthropocene In: Saad, Qassim, (ed.) Futuring Craft: The Value of Craft: Conference Proceedings. IOTA, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 232-247. ISBN 9780645218237
Pantidi, Nadia, Selinas, Paris, Baurley, Sharon, Flintham, Martin and Rodden, Tom, 2017, Book Section, Bread Stories: Understanding the drivers of bread consumption for digital food customisation Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. ACM, pp. 152-161. ISBN 978-1-4503-5379-3
Pau, Stephanie and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book Section, Beyond speculation: Using imperfect experts for designing the collective futures of healthcare for space In: Christer, Kirsty, Craig, Claire and Chamberlain, Paul, (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. Lab4Living, Sheffield, UK, pp. 45-54. ISBN 978-1-8381117-0-0
Pavitt, Jane, 2009, Book Section, Design Client, Patron and Showcase: the Museum and the Creative Industries, in Guy Julier & Liz Moor (eds), Design and Creativity: Policy, Management and Practice. Design and Creativity: Policy, Management and Practice. Berg, London. ISBN 9781847883063
Pavitt, Jane, 2012, Book Section, The Future is Possibly Past: The Anxious Spaces of Gaetano Pesce. Atomic Dwelling: Anxiety, Domesticity, and Postwar Architecture. Routledge, pp. 26-44. ISBN 9780415676083 Item availability may be restricted.
Pendrell, Luke, 2022, Book Section, The Collage work of Luke Pendrell In: Lea, Sarah and Buchanan, Tom, (eds.) Out of the Box A Celebration of Contemporary Box Art. 8 Books, London, UK, pp. 304-305. ISBN 9781999858384
Pendrell, Luke, McKay, Robin and Trafford, James, 2014, Book Section, Speculative Aesthetics In: Pendrell, Luke, McKay, Robin and Trafford, James, (eds.) Speculative Aesthetics. Redactions . Urbanomic, Falmouth, UK, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-0957529571
Pereira, Godofredo, 2021, Book Section, Architecture and climate struggle In: Correia, Lucinda, (ed.) Counter-Architecture: Green Paper. EFABULA, Lisbon, pp. 84-87. ISBN 978-989-33-2025-9
Pereira, Godofredo, 2020, Book Section, Caring for the dead: The afterlives of collective bodies In: Lahoud, Adrian and Andrea, Bagnato, (eds.) Rights of Future Generations: Conditions. Hatje Cantz, Sharjah, pp. 36-40. ISBN 978-3775747035
Pereira, Godofredo, 2020, Book Section, Ecologies of existence: The architecture of collective equipment In: Witzgall, Susanne, Kesting, Marietta, Muhle, Maria and Nachtigall, Jenny, (eds.) Hybrid Ecologies. Diaphanes, Zurich, pp. 285-294. ISBN 978-3035801293 Item availability may be restricted.
Pereira, Godofredo, 2014, Book Section, Geoforensics: Underground Conflicts in the Atacama Desert In: Forensic Architecture, FA, (ed.) Forensis: The Architecture of Public Truth. Sternberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 9783956790119
Peter, Childs and Pennington, Miles, 2016, Book Section, Industrial, and Innovation Design Engineering Impact of Design Research on Industrial Practice. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 133-149. ISBN 978-3-319-19449-3
Petreca, Bruna, 2017, Book Section, Giving Body to Digital Fashion Tools In: Broadhurst, Susan and Price, Sara, (eds.) Digital Bodies. Literature, Cultural and Media Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 191-204. ISBN 978-1-349-95241-0
Petreca, Bruna, Atkinson, Douglas, Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia, Furniss, Dominic and Baurley, Sharon, 2014, Book Section, The future of textiles sourcing: exploring the potential for digital tools Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2014: The Colors of Care. Ediciones Uniandes, Bogota, Colombia, pp. 366-377. ISBN 9789587740707
Petreca, Bruna, Baurley, Sharon, Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia and Tajadura-Jiménez, Ana, 2016, Book Section, Investigating nuanced sensory experiences in textiles selection Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. ACM, New York, pp. 989-994. ISBN 978-1-4503-4462-3
Petreca, Bruna
Phillips, Robert, Alexander, John, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2024, Book Section, Beyond co-production: Design as a means of evoking agency through ecological citizenship Cumulus 2024. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest., TBC-TBC. ISBN 978-952-7549-02-5, 978-952-7549-03-2 (Submitted)
Phillips, Robert
Pope, Nina, 2010, Book Section, Searching for Art's New Publics In: Walwin, Jeni, (ed.) Searching for Art's New Publics. intellect, Bristol, UK, pp. 187-199. ISBN 978-1-84150-311-0
Postlethwaite, Susan, Hoete, Ruby, Ten Bhomer, Marloes, Thiel, Kat and Pollman, Alexa, 2017, Book Section, Breaking the Script - Fashion Critiques and Conversations Conference proceedings: everything and everybody as material: beyond fashion design methods. RMIT university and University of Boras, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-88269-79-9
Pourshahrokhi, Narges, Sun, Yitong and Asadipour, Ali, 2024, Book Section, Commercial and research-based wearable devices in spinal postural analysis: A systematic review In: Ferraro, Venere, Covarrubias, Mario, Zdravevski, Eftim, Pires, Ivan Miguel, de Almeida, José Manuel Marques Martins and Gonçalves, Norberto Jorge, (eds.) IoT Technologies and Wearables for HealthCare: 10th EAI International Conference, HealthyIoT 2023, and 4th EAI International Conference, HealthWear 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, October 24–26, 2023, Proceedings. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-71911-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Power, Nina, 2013, Book Section, Film The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199644650
Power, Nina, 2010, Book Section, Towards a cybernetic communism: The technology of the anti-family Further Adventures of The Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230100299
Prendeville, Sharon, Hartung, Grit, Purvis, Erica, Brass, Clare and Hall, Ashley, 2016, Book Section, Makespaces: From Redistributed Manufacturing to a Circular Economy In: Setchi, Rossi, Howlett, Robert, Liu, Ying and Theobald, Peter, (eds.) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 52, 1 (1). Springer, Germany, pp. 577-588. ISBN 978-3-319-32096-0
Prendeville, Sharon, Hartung, Grit, Purvis, Erica, Brass, Clare and Hall, Ashley, 2016, Book Section, Makespaces: From Redistributed Manufacturing to a Circular Economy Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Springer, pp. 577-588. ISBN 978-3-319-32096-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Raby, Elizabeth, Alwani, Ralf, West, Jonathan, Bichard, Jo-Anne and Spencer, Jak, 2018, Book Section, Foyle Reeds: How can design reduce suicide attempts at a specific place whilst at the same time improving the experience for all? In: Barron, Dierdre and Seemann, Kurt, (eds.) Design4Health, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design4Health 2017, 4 - 7 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sheffield Hallam University, Swinburne University of Technology, pp. 219-222. ISBN 978-0-6480892-1-6
Ramanathan, Rathna, 2018, Book Section, From Vishnu to Vegas In: Blamey, David and Haylock, Brad, (eds.) Distributed. Occasional Table . Open Editions, London. ISBN 9790949004093 Item availability may be restricted.
Ramanathan, Rathna, 2017, Book Section, London's Little Presses In: Hinks, John and Armstrong, Catherine, (eds.) Text and Image in the City: Manuscript, Print and Visual Culture in Urban Space. Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-4438-4388-1 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Rankin, Qona, 2022, Book Section, Has art and design education become more accessible for dyslexic students? A retrospective look In: Goodsall, Helen, (ed.) The Dyslexia Handbook 2022. The Dyslexia handbook . The British Dyslexia Association, Great Britain, pp. 266-270. ISBN 978-1872653808
Raskob, Evan, 2018, Book Section, Datawalking DATAWALKING. Ravensbourne, Greenwich, UK. ISBN tbc
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Rees, Al, 2011, Book Section, Expanded Cinema: Art, Performance and Film In: Rees, A.L., Curtis, David, White, Duncan and Ball, Steven, (eds.) Expanded Cinema: Art Performance Film. Tate Publications, London, pp. 12-21. ISBN 978-1-85437-974-0
Rees, Al, 2009, Book Section, Movements in art 1912–40’; ‘Movements in art 1941–79 In: Comer, Stuart, (ed.) Film and Video Art. Tate Publications, London, pp. 26-65. ISBN 978-1-85437-607-7
Rees, Al, 2009, Book Section, Tim Macmillan and the time-slice camera In: St George, Paul, (ed.) Sequences: Studies in Chronophotography. Imagetime . Wallflower, London, pp. 142-148. ISBN 978-1-905674-65-7
Rezende, Livia, 2014, Book Section, Beyond natural beauty, bounty and national boundaries: actualising the debate on the “Brazilian Contemporary” in art, architecture and design In: Faust, Chantal, (ed.) Prova 2. Royal College of Art, London, pp. 26-30. ISBN 9781910642030
Rezende, Livia, 2016, Book Section, Of Coffee, Nature and Exclusion: Designing Brazilian National Identity at International Exhibitions 1867 & 1904 In: Fallan, Kjetil and Lees-Maffei, Grace, (eds.) DESIGNING WORLD: National Design Histories in an Age of Globalization. Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 259-273. ISBN 978-1-78533-155-8
Richards, Jennifer, 2023, Book Section, Material afterlives: Fashioning menswear in the Blade Runner films In: Abrams, Nathan, Miller, Elizabeth and Robinson, Christopher, (eds.) "More Human than Human": The Cultural Heritage of Blade Runner. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool UK. ISBN Awaiting ISBN (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Richards, Jennifer, 2021, Book Section, “You’re a dangerous Girl”: The fashioning of satanic liberation in The VVitch (2015), The Neon Demon (2017), and Midsommar (2020) In: Ollett, Robyn, (ed.) Satanism and Feminism in Popular Culture. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN Not available yet (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Richards, Jennifer, 2020, Book Section, The Influence of the genre in high fashion In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 1063-1074. ISBN 978-3030331368 Item availability may be restricted.
Richards, Jennifer, 2018, Book Section, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all?” The Elderly as “Other” in Countess Dracula Elder Horror: Essay's on Film's Frightening Images of Ageing. McFarlane, United States of America, pp. 128-137. ISBN 978-1-4766-7537-4 Item availability may be restricted.
Richards, Jennifer, 2018, Book Section, Transcending the traditional: Fashion as performance In: Carlotto, Federica and McCreesh, Natalie, (eds.) Engaging with Fashion: Perspectives on Communication, Education and Business. At the Interface / Probing the Boundaries, 112 . Brill, pp. 249-257. ISBN 978-9004382428
Richon, Olivier, 2009, Book Section, Artists talk about teaching In: Reardon, John, (ed.) ch-ch-ch-changes. Ridinghouse, London, pp. 302-311. ISBN 978-1-905464-13-5
Richon, Olivier, 2010, Book Section, Ellipsis In: Olivares, Rosa, (ed.) Mirada interior. Sociedad Estatal de Commemoraciones Culturales, Madrid, Spain, pp. 165-191. ISBN 978-84-92827-34-3
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Book Section, Mimetism and the Mouth In: Luxemburg, Rut Blees, (ed.) Hardcover. Black Dog, London, pp. 66-73. ISBN 978 1 907317 415
Robins, Freddie, 2017, Book Section, Bad Mother In: Hughes Miller, Michelle, Hager, Tamar and Jaremko Bromwich, Rebecca, (eds.) Bad Mothers: Regulations, Representations, and Resistance. Demeter Press, Bradford, Ontario, Canada. ISBN 978-1-77258-103-4
Robins, Freddie, 2010, Book Section, The Perfect In: Hemmings, Jessica, (ed.) In the Loop: Knitting Now. Black Dog Publishing, London, pp. 18-23. ISBN 978 1 906155 96 4
Rodgers, Paul, Bremner, Jonathan Craig and Galdon, Fernando, 2024, Book Section, The usefulness of imperfect design In: Cooper, Rachel and Mullagh, Louise, (eds.) Design and Covid-19: From Reaction to Resilience. Social Design . Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781350266735 (In Press)
Rosen, David W. and Choi, Christina, 2023, Book Section, A design framework for cyber-physical-human-systems In: Koomsap, Pisut, Cooper, Adam and Stjepandić, Josip, (eds.) Leveraging Transdisciplinary Engineering in a Changing and Connected World. IOS Press, pp. 23-32. ISBN 978-1-64368-441-3
Santamaria, Laura
Santamaria, Laura
Sareh, Sina, Siddall, Robert, Alhinai, Talib and Kovac, Mirko, 2016, Book Section, Bio-inspired soft aerial robots: adaptive morphology for high-performance flight Soft Robotics: Trends, Applications and Challenges. Biosystems & Biorobotics book series (BIOSYSROB), 17 . Springer, pp. 65-74. ISBN 978-3-319-46460-2 Item availability may be restricted.
Satz, Aura and Parikka, Jussi, 2016, Book Section, 'Impulsive Synchronisation: A Conversation on Military Technologies and Audiovisual Arts' In: Beck, John and Bishop, Ryan, (eds.) Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics. Technicities . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 70-82. ISBN 9781474409483
Shani, Tai, 2016, Book Section, May Day: Teenage Feels the Happy Hypocrite-#ACCUMULATOR_PLUS. Book Works, pp. 50-52. ISBN 9781906012779
Shaughnessy, Adrian, 2016, Book Section, Graphic Design: History and Practice One-day conference and publication Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Essay and lecture: Adrian Shaughnessy Graphic Design: History and Practice. Unbiz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, pp. 133-149. ISBN 978-88-6046-090-5
Slyce, John, 2009, Book Section, Adventures close to home Elixir: The Video Organism of Pipilotti Rist. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningnen. ISBN 9789069182377
Slyce, John, 2014, Book Section, Contemporary Art UK (Art World Series) Contemporary Art UK. Artworld . Blackdog, London. ISBN 978-1907317682
Slyce, John, 2009, Book Section, Something out of the ordinary Allen Ruppersberg: You and Me or The Art of Give and Take. Camden Publications, Camden Arts Centre. ISBN 978-3-03764-064-7
Slyce, John, 2018, Book Section, Three interviews In: Bickers, Patricia, (ed.) Talking Art 2. Art Monthly Interviews with Artists Since 2007 . Ridinghouse and Art Monthly, London. ISBN 9781909932425
Slyce, John, 2009, Book Section, The Travelling Scholar in British Weathervanes by R. Graham British Weathervanes by Rodney Graham. Whitechapel Art Gallery and Christine Burgin, London and New York. ISBN 9780692002186
Slyce, John, 2016, Book Section, Vitamin P3 – Oscar Murillo; Yelena Popova Vitamin P3: New Perspectives in Painting. Vitamin P (3). Phaidon, London, UK. ISBN 9780 7148 7145 5
Slyce, John, 2018, Book Section, We Have the Technology: The Conditions of Art and its Experience in a Would-be Age of the Technological Sublime In: Birnbaum, Daniel and Kuo, Michelle, (eds.) More than Real: Art in the Digital Age. Koenig Books, London, pp. 166-179. ISBN 978-3-96098-380-4
Slyce, John, 2016, Book Section, Werner Büttner and the Melodic Tactics of Subversive Affirmation: an Introduction Werner Büttner: Coincidence in Splendour. Black Dog Publishing Limited, London, UK, London, UK, pp. 241-243. ISBN 978-1-910433-75-1
Slyce, John, 2014, Book Section, A World Drawn: An Introduction to the art of Julian Opie (for a Polish Audience) Julian Opie - Sculptures, Paintings, Films. MOCAK, Krakow, Poland, pp. 8-14. ISBN 978-83-62435-42
Slyce, John, 2011, Book Section, The travelling scholar British Weathervanes. Christine Burgin/Donald Young. ISBN 9780692992186
Sommer, Bjorn, Wang, Stephen Jia, Xu, Lifeng, Chen, Ming and Schreiber, Falk, 2015, Book Section, Hybrid-Dimensional Visualization and Interaction - Integrating 2D and 3D Visualization with Semi-Immersive Navigation Techniques 2015 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA). IEEE, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-1-4673-7343-2
Song, Yang
Spurr, Sam and Burns, David, 2018, Book Section, How to be a good witness: The architecture curator In: Brisbin, Chris and Thiessen, Myra, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Criticality in Art, Architecture, and Design. Routledge, London, pp. 71-91. ISBN 9781315623412 Item availability may be restricted.
Srouji, Dima, 2023, Book Section, Maternal exhumations In: Semaan, Celine, (ed.) Planet Justice: Collective Liberation. The Slow Factory.
Stevens, John, Corvin, Tim, Townsend, Hermione, Coppen, Daniel, Sepulveda Camposano, Florencia and Josef, Ralf, 2017, Book Section, Engage: redoing how we talk about depression REDO Cumulus Conference Proceedings. Design School Kolding and Design International, Denmark, p. 435. ISBN 978-97-93416-15-4
Stevens, John
Stevens, John and Townsend, Hermione, 2017, Book Section, Building cross-border communities: trans-national innovation design students create trans-cultural innovations and a global network of practice In: Berg, Arild, Bohemia, Erik, Buck, Lyndon, Gulden, Tore, Kovacevic, Ahmed and Pavel, Nenad, (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17). Design Society, pp. 531-536. ISBN 978-1-904670-84-1
Stockham, Jo, 2016, Book Section, Docked and Parked In: Joseph-Lester, J, King, S, Bottazzi, R and Blier-Carruthers, A, (eds.) Walking Cities. Camberwell Press, London, pp. 177-191. ISBN 978-1-908971-49-4 (In Press)
Stockham, Jo, 2018, Book Section, Image Capture, an exercise in self thinging In: Chance, Veronique and Ganley, Duncan, (eds.) re:PRINT. visual theory . Marmalade Publishers of Visual Theory, Cambridge, UK, pp. 24-35. ISBN 9780993337321
Stockham, Jo, 2015, Book Section, Negligent Eye Proceedings of the International Printmaking Conference. China Academy of Art Press, pp. 291-300. ISBN 978-7-5503-0957-9
Stockham, Jo, 2016, Book Section, An Open Field In: Manner, Boris and Besant, Derek Michael, (eds.) Michael Wegerer. Bouncing Borders: Daten, Skulptur und Grafik / Data, Sculpture and Graphic. Edition Angewandte . De Gruyter, Vienna, pp. 12-45. ISBN 978-3-11-048658-2
Stockham, Jo, 2016, Book Section, Please interrupt me: copy, cut, paste, share International Print Biennale 2016. Northern Print, Newcastle, pp. 12-15. ISBN 978-0-9927842-1-8
Stofer, Hans, 2009, Book Section, Desirable Objects for Undesirable Subjects Indian Rat Traps. Tony Hayward Publishing, London. ISBN 9780955495120
Sun, Qian, 2009, Book Section, 2020 Vision - The UK Design Industry Ten Years On Designing for the 21st Century: Volume 2: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings. Gower Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4094-0240-4
Sun, Qian and Lowe, David, 2014, Book Section, Cultural Criminals: How Social Media Facilitated the Dilution of Subculture In: Bohemia, Erik, Rieple, Alison, Liedtka, Jeanne and Cooper, Rachel, (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference. DMI, pp. 1989-2014. ISBN 978-0-615-99152-8
Sun, Qian and Mary, Loveday, 2023, Book Section, Design for social imagination In: De Sainz Molestina, D, Galluzzo, L, Rizzo, F and Spallazzo, D, (eds.) Proceedings of IASDR 2023: Life-changing Design. DRS, online. ISBN 978-1-912294-59-6
Sun, Yitong
Sun, Yuqian, Ying, Xu, Chenhang, Cheng, Yihua, Li, Chang Hee, Lee and Ali, Asadipour, 2023, Book Section, Explore the future Earth with Wander 2.0: AI chatbot driven by knowledge-base story generation and text-to-image model In: Schmidt, Albrecht, Väänänen, Kaisa, Goyal, Tesh, Kristensson, Per Ola and Peters, Anicia, (eds.) Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4503-9422-2
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Book Section, From punk to the hijab: Women’s embodied dress as performative resistance, 1970s to the present Oral History in the Visual Arts. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9780857851970
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2017, Book Section, Smart-ening up the hijab: the materiality of contemporary British Muslim veiling in the physical and the digital In: Almila, Anna-Mari and Inglis, David, (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion to Veils and Veiling Practices. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Farnham, England, pp. 222-228. ISBN 9781315613734
Teasley, Sarah, 2019, Book Section, Contemporary Design History In: Massey, Anne, (ed.) A Companion to Contemporary Design since 1945. Blackwell Companions to Art History . Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 9-31. ISBN 978-1-119-11118-4 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, 2018, Book Section, Design recycle meets the product introduction hall: Craft, locality and agency in northern Japan In: Luckman, Susan and Thomas, Nicola, (eds.) Craft Economies. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 162-172. ISBN 9781474259569
Teasley, Sarah, 2013, Book Section, Japan: 1750-2000 History of Design: Decorative Arts and Material Culture, 1400-2000. Bard Graduate Center and Yale University Press, New York and New Haven. ISBN 9780300196146
Teasley, Sarah, 2018, Book Section, 'Methods of Reasoning and Imagination': History’s failures and capacities in Anglophone design research In: Kelly, Michael J. and Rose, Arthur, (eds.) Theories of History: History Read across the Humanities. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 183-206. ISBN 9781474271301 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, 2012, Book Section, Tange Kenzo and industrial design in postwar Japan In: Kuan, Seng and Lippit, Yukio, (eds.) Kenzō Tange Architecture for the World. Lars Müller Publishers in cooperation with Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Baden, pp. 157-175. ISBN 978-3-03778-310-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, 2009, Book Section, Travel-writing the design industry in modern Japan, 1905-25 In: Traganou, Jilly and Mitrasinovic, Miodrag, (eds.) Travel, Space, Architecture. Ashgate, London, pp. 103-124. ISBN 978-0-7546-4827-7
Teasley, Sarah, 2014, Book Section, When local industry meets global forces, or what we might learn from furniture manufacturing in Shizuoka, Japan In: Kaner, Jake, (ed.) Current Issues in Global Furniture: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Furniture Research Group Conference. Furniture Research Group, National School of Furniture, pp. 41-64. ISBN 978-0-948314-66-7
Teasley, Sarah, 2012, Book Section, The gender of beauty in architectural and interior design discourse in modern Japan In: Yuen Wong, Aida, (ed.) Visualizing Beauty: Gender and Ideology in Modern East Asia. University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, pp. 113-130. ISBN 9789888083909 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, Lupo, Eleanora and Volonte, Paolo, 2015, Book Section, Nurturing Culture, Nurturing Design In: Colina, Luisa, Galluzzo, Laura and Meroni, Anna, (eds.) The Virtuous Circle: Design Culture and Experimentation, Proceedings of the Cumulus Conference, Milano 2015,. McGraw-Hill Education, Milan. ISBN 9788838694059
Toomey, Anne, 2014, Book Section, D-STEM: a Design led approach to STEM innovation A Matter of Design: Making Society Through Science and Technology (Proceedings of the 5th STS Italia Conference). STS Italia Publishing, Milan, Italy, pp. 425-437. ISBN 978-90-78146-05-6
Toomey, Anne, 2011, Book Section, A Physical Basis for Ambient Intelligence: The Convergence of Biology, Polymers and Electronics Enabling New Design Approaches to Assistive Living In: Gabrielli, Silvia, Elias, Dirk and Kahol, Kanav, (eds.) Ambient Media and Systems: Second International ICST Conference, AMBI-SYS 2011, Porto, Portugal, March 24-25, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 70 . Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-3-642-23901-4
Toomey, Anne, Kaspali, Veronika, Raymond, Oliver and Tandler, Lynn, 2013, Book Section, Biomimetic Spatial and Temporal (4D) Design and Fabrication In: Lepora, N F, Mura, A, Krapp, H G, Verschure, P F M J and Prescott, T J, (eds.) Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013, London, UK, July 29 -- August 2, 2013, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 8064 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 387-389. ISBN 978-3-642-39801-8
Triggs, Teal, 2019, Book Section, Commentary: Image-centric practices as global design strategies In: Stöckl, Hartmut, Caple, Helen and Pflaeging, Jana, (eds.) Shifts towards Image-centricity in Contemporary Multimodal Practices. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 297-301. ISBN 9781138596085
Triggs, Teal, 2016, Book Section, Curating Graphic Design and its History In: Lzicar, Robert and Fornari, Davide, (eds.) Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland. Triest Verlag fur Architektur, Design und Typografie, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 18-44. ISBN 978-3-03863-009-8
Triggs, Teal, 2016, Book Section, Designing Education for Business In: Junginger, Sabine and Faust, Jurgen, (eds.) Designing Business and Management. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 167-174. ISBN 978-0-8578-5553-4
Triggs, Teal, 2016, Book Section, From Mapping to Data Visualisation: Re-evaluating Design Education at the Royal College of Art In: Souto, Virgina, Spinillo, Carla, Portugal, Cristina and Fadal, Luciane, (eds.) Selected Readings of the 7th Information Design International Conference. SBDI: The Brazilian Society of Information Design, Brasilia, pp. 109-127. ISBN 978-8589879-11-8
Triggs, Teal, 2015, Book Section, Mapping Futures for Graphic Design Education In: Cerne Oven, Petra and Predan, Barbara, (eds.) Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it? University of Ljubljana, Ljublana, Slovenia, pp. 92-111. ISBN 978-961-93514-6-8
Triggs, Teal, 2011, Book Section, Riot grrrl punk: a case study in the personal politics of British riot grrrl fanzines In: Atzmon, Leslie, (ed.) Visual Rhetoric and the Eloquence of Design. Visual Rhetoric Series . Parlor Press, USA, pp. 63-97. ISBN 9781602351912
Triggs, Teal, 2022, Book Section, Signs of the everyday, every day In: Dyer, James and Deakin, Nick, (eds.) Graphic Events: A Realist Account of Graphic Design. Onomatopee number 223 . Onomatopee, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 129-145. ISBN 978-9493148666 Item availability may be restricted.
Triggs, Teal, 2020, Book Section, The critical turn: Education of a design writer In: Wood, Luke and Haylock, Brad, (eds.) One and Many Mirrors: Perspectives on Graphic Design Education. Occassional Papers, London, UK, pp. 42-61. ISBN 978-0995473010
Triggs, Teal, Dalton, Ben and Simmons, Tom, 2017, Book Section, Knowledge Exchange through the Design PhD In: Vaughan, Laurene, (ed.) Practiced-Based Design Research. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781474267816 (In Press)
Turgut, Firat, Koycu, Arda, Neje, Ghanshyam, Behera, Bijoy, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Cebeci, Hulya, 2020, Book Section, Hierarchical CNTs grown multifunctional 3D woven composite beams for aerospace applications AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum. AIAA. ISBN 978-1-62410-595-1
Valeriani, Simona, 2011, Book Section, ‘Facts and Building Artefacts: What Travels in Material Objects?’ How Well Do Facts Travel? Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521159586
Valeriani, Simona, 2012, Book Section, ‘Floors and ceilings in early Christian basilicas in Rome’ L’architrave le plancher la plate-forme. EPFL Press. ISBN 9782880748937
Valeriani, Simona, 2012, Book Section, Three-dimensional Models as ‘in-between-objects’ - the creation of in-between knowledge in early modern architectural practice In: Inkster, Ian, (ed.) History of Technology: Conceptualising the Production and Diffusion of Useful and Reliable Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441152794
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Book Section, As if it were a harp In: Valles Vilchez, Laura and Enguita, Nuria, (eds.) Teresa Lanceta. Weaving as Open Source. MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona and IVAM Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 15-270. ISBN 978-84-17593-21-6
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Book Section, Outside witness. On the historical reception of the Potosí Principle In: Creischer, Alice and Siekmann, Andreas, (eds.) Potosí Principle Archive. Walther König, Köln. ISBN 9783753302096
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2021, Book Section, A story within a story - A world of many worlds In: Gavaldon, Sabel, Khalil, Adam and Sweitzer, Bayley, (eds.) Nosferasta: The book. Gasworks, London, UK. ISBN 9781739844806
Vane, Olivia, 2018, Book Section, Text Visualisation Tool for Exploring Digitised Historical Documents In: Koskinen, Ilpo and Lim, Youn-kyung, (eds.) DIS '18 Companion Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM Press, NY, USA, pp. 153-158. ISBN 978-1-4503-5631-2
van Kranenburg, Rob, Anania, Loretta, Le Gars, Gaëlle, Arniani, Marta, Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
van der Drift, Mijke and Raha, Nat, 2025, Book Section, A conversation about transfeminism with Mijke van der Drift and Nat Raha In: Pillai, Tripthi and Seethaler, Ina, (eds.) Global Women's Writing. Taylor and Francis. ISBN 1032431059 Item availability may be restricted.
Walker, Kevin, 2013, Book Section, Design for Museum Learning: Visitor-Constructed Trails Using Mobile Technologies Handbook of Design in Educational Technology. Routledge, pp. 322-336. ISBN 9780415807357
Walker, Kevin and Fróes, Isabel, 2011, Book Section, Exploring the Roles of Technology and Social Play in Art Museums Museums at Play: Games, Interaction and Learning. Museums Etc. ISBN 9781907697135
Walsh, Victoria, 2008, Book Section, Francis Bacon: ‘Real imagination is technical imagination’ Francis Bacon. TATE. ISBN 9781854377388
Walsh, Victoria, 2015, Book Section, Lawrence Alloway: Pedagogy, Practice and the Recognition of Audience 1948-59 In: Bradnock, Lucy, Martin, Courtney J. and Peabody, Rebecca, (eds.) Lawrence Alloway: Critic and Curator. Issues and Debates . Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, US. ISBN 978-1-60606-442-9
Walsh, Victoria, 2014, Book Section, Seahorses, grids and calypso : Richard Hamilton's exhibition-making in the 1950s Richard Hamilton. Tate Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 978 1 84976 259 5 Item availability may be restricted.
West, Jonathan, Fusari, Gianpaolo, Raby, Elizabeth, Alwani, Ralf, Meldaikyte, Gabriele, Wojdecka, Anna and Matthews, Ed, 2018, Book Section, Developing the Double Diamond Process for Implementation In: Barron, Dierdre and Seemann, Kurt, (eds.) Design4Health, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design4Health 2017, 4 - 7 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sheffield Hallam University and Swinburne University of Technology, pp. 310-312. ISBN 978-0-6480892-1-6
West, Jonathan, Wojdecka, Anna and Matthews, Ed, 2018, Book Section, SlowMo / Mo - digital technology to provide support in coping with daily life. In: Barron, Dierdre and Seemann, Kurt, (eds.) Design4Health, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design4Health 2017, 4 - 7 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sheffield Hallam University and Swinburne University of Technology, pp. 314-316. ISBN 978-0-6480892-1-6
Whiles, Virginia and Stockham, Jo, 2010, Book Section, 'under the skin' In: Whiles, Virginia, (ed.) 'La Cabinet de Curiosities de Mademoiselle Cluett'. N/A, N/A (N/A). The Shelagh Cluett Trust, London, pp. 18-20. ISBN 978-0-9567307-0-1
Williams, Gareth, 2013, Book Section, Curating emerging design practice In: Boddington, Anne, (ed.) Museums and Higher Education Working Together: Challenges and Opportunities. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472406422
Wiltshire, Hermione, 2016, Book Section, A note on the photographs Birth in Focus: Stories and photos to inform, educate and inspire. Pinter & Martin, London, UK, p. 15. ISBN 978-1-78066-235-0
Wojdecka, Anna
Wu, Jiayu, Yipei, Shen and Zhiyong, Fu, 2015, Book Section, Design driven user study workshop for Chinese startup innovation Proceedings of the 6th IASDR (The International Association of Societies of Design Research Congress). IASDR, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 2255-2268. ISBN 9780646943183
Xue, Jing
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2019, Book Section, Including children in the design of the internet of toys In: Mascheroni, Giovanna and Holloway, Donell, (eds.) The Internet of Toys: Practices, Affordances and the Political Economy of Children’s Smart Play. Studies in Childhood and Youth . Palgrave. ISBN 978-3-030-10897-7
Yildiz, Kaan, Bozali, Beyza, Cebeci, Hulya and Ozden Yenigun, Elif, 2020, Book Section, Controlling the meso-scale assembly of CNTs/PBI interlayers for toughening of thermoplastic composites AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum. AIAA. ISBN 978-1-62410-595-1
Yu, Chuang, Liu, Yifu, Petreca, Bruna, Baurley, Sharon and Berthouze, Nadia, 2024, Book Section, T2GR2: Textile touch gesture recognition with graph representation of EMG 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). IEEE, pp. 1-5. ISBN 979-8-3503-2745-8
Zecca, Cecilia
Zecca, Cecilia
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zohar, Hadas, Binyamini Ben Meir, Nirit, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina