Aboim, Mariana, 2024, Thesis, Material intangibilities PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Ai, Wenbo, 2019, Journal Article, Participatory action research into low literates’ medical needs in rural communities SciMedicine Journal, 1 (4). pp. 176-188. ISSN 2704-9833
Amaral, Carla
Ashworth, Joan, 2010, Other, Animation Therapy N/A, London, UK.
Atkinson, Elizabeth, 2020, Thesis, Animals and their artists: An exploration of impossible encounters PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Baker, Camille
Baker, Camille
Barfield, Naren, 2008, Book Section, The Research:Creativity nexus The Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: Drivers for Change. GLAD/Jill Rogers Associates Limited. ISBN 0954711173
Barton, Gemma, 2016, Book, Don't get a job...make a job: How to make it as a creative graduate Laurence King Publishing. ISBN 9781780677460 Item availability may be restricted.
Barton, Gemma, 2022, Book Section, Equitable and desirable futures In: Barton, Gemma, (ed.) Design Studio Vol. 5: Experimental Realism: (Design) Fictions and Futures. Design Studio Series . RIBA Publishing, London, pp. 32-39. ISBN 9781914124099
Baurley, Sharon, Petreca, Bruna, Selinas, Paris, Selby, Mark and Flintham, Martin, 2020, Book Section, Modalities of expression: Capturing embodied knowledge in cooking TEI '20: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 785-797. ISBN 9781450361071
Benson, Margaret, 1994, Thesis, How is holography art? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Biderman, Kevin, 2020, Thesis, Visual surveillance and direct action protest in the City of London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Biglino, Giovani, Layton, Sofie, Hamer, Alastair, Milano, Elena Giulia, Caputo, Massimo and Wray, Jo, 2022, Journal Article, Interdisciplinarity and patient engagement: New representations of cardiovascular anatomy Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 23 (11). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2153-8174
Bingham-Hall, John and Kaasa, Adam, 2017, Printed Publication, Making cultural infrastructure
Blackshaw, Gemma, 2014, Book Section, The modernist offence: Schiele and the naked female body In: Vergo, Peter and Wright, Barnaby, (eds.) Egon Schiele: The Radical Nude. Courtauld Institute, London. ISBN 9781907372698 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2008, Printed Publication, 'Scratch' locative audio drama - report to BBC executives on trial at BBC FreeThinking 2008 (Unpublished)
Brachlow, Heike, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Colour Connections
Briscoe, Gerard, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Material futures past: Digital materiality of The Internet of Things at 4th Future of Materials Science and Research Conference, Las Vegas, US, 08-09 Nov 2022.
Briscoe, Gerard, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Technology futures roadmap for the longevity economy at 11th Inclusive Design (INCLUDE) Conference, London, UK, 22-23 Sep 2022.
Briscoe, Gerard and Blom, Jeroen, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Touchscreen thimbles: Enabling intuitive interaction at SPWID 2016, The Second International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems, Valencia, Spain, 22-26 May 2016.
Briscoe, Gerard, Gadzheva, Ivelina and Nazerali, Imran, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Beyond ageing stereotypes: Imagery & iconography at 11th Inclusive Design (INCLUDE) Conference, London, UK, 22-23 Sep 2022.
Briscoe, Gerard and Ramster, Gail, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Future health challenges for cities at 6th Healthy City Design 2022 Conference, London, UK, 10-11 Oct 2022.
Broach, Zowie, 2017, Journal Article, Part Rabbit, Part girl, Part Hole The September Issues, 1 (1). pp. 140-143. ISSN 2514-6947
Brooker, Graeme, 2024, Book Section, The street: Disposition and the urban interior In: Marinic, Greg, (ed.) The Interior Urbanism Reader. Routledge, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781138336315
Browner, Davin, Sareh, Sina
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Journal Article, Die Quay Brothers oder: «Die Produktivität des Fehlers» Montage AV. Zeitschrift fur Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation, 22 (2). pp. 17-31. ISSN 0942-4954
Buchan, Suzanne, 2011, Book Section, Ghosts in the machine: experiencing animation In: Hilty, Greg, (ed.) Watch Me Move: The Animation Show. Merrell, London, pp. 28-38. ISBN 9781858945583
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, Pervasive animation : an introduction In: Buchan, Suzanne, Branigan, Edward and Wolfe, Charles, (eds.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780415807241
Buchan, Suzanne, 1998, Journal Article, The Quay brothers: choreographed chiaroscuro, enigmatic and sublime Film Quarterly, 51 (3). pp. 2-15. ISSN 0015-1386
Buchan, Suzanne, 2019, Book Section, (Re)Claiming cultural identity: Aboriginal animation from Cape Dorset to Quickdraw In: Straw, Will and Marchessault, Janine, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190229108 Item availability may be restricted.
Buchan, Suzanne, 2014, Book Section, Visual heteronym and animation as process in Frank Geßner’s Alias Yederbeck In: Gessner, Frank, (ed.) Alias Yederbeck. Expanded Animation Cinema. HFF "Konrad Wolf / RE-Voir, Potsdam-Babelsberg/ Paris, pp. 225-247. ISBN 9783000440809
Buchan, Suzanne, 2007, Book Section, The animation fulcrum In: Hertz, Betti-Sue, (ed.) Animated painting. San Diego Museum of Art, pp. 28-35. ISBN 9780937108376
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, A cinema of apprehension: a third entelechy of the vitalist machine In: Buchan, Suzanne, (ed.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 143-171. ISBN 9780415807241
Buchan, Suzanne and Janser, Andres, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Animated Wonderworlds / Animierte Wunderwelten Exhibition
Buchan, Suzanne and Janser, Andres, eds. 2015, Book, Animierte Wunderwelten / Animated Wonderworlds Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. ISBN 9783907265062
Buckle, Peter, 2009, Journal Article, Care homes’ use of medicines study: Prevalence, causes and potential harm of medication errors in care homes for older people Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 18. p. 341. ISSN 20445415
Buckle, Peter, 2010, Journal Article, Designing packaging to support the safe use of medicines at home Applied Ergonomics, 41 (5). p. 682. ISSN 00036870
Buckle, Peter, 2010, Journal Article, Systems mapping workshops and their role in understanding medication errors in healthcare Applied Ergonomics, 41 (5). p. 645. ISSN 00036870
Buckle, Peter, 2012, Journal Article, A strategy for human factors/ergonomics: Developing the discipline and profession Ergonomics, 55 (4). p. 377. ISSN 00140139
Burkardt, Svetlana, 2022, Thesis, Value creation: Russian and Chinese oil painting markets 1980s-2018 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Cagol, Stefano, 2013, Thesis, Towards a Genealogy of the Thematic Contemporary Art Exhibition: Italian Exhibition Culture from the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista (1932) to the Palazzo Grassi’s Ciclo della Vitalità (1959 – 1961) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Campagna, Federico, 2021, Thesis, Metaphysics and metaethics in the design of strategy video games PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Carolin, Clare and Fernandez, Olga, eds. 2012, Book, Coloniality, Curating and Contemporary Art UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Chang, Ban-Yuan, 2023, Thesis, The shamanic condition of becoming posthuman: Being embedded in scattered landscapes PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cheang, Sarah, 2018, Book Section, Fashion, Chinoiserie, and the Transnational: Material Translations between China, Japan and Britain In: ten-Doesschate Chu, Petra and Milam, Jennifer, (eds.) Beyond Chinoiserie: Artistic Exchange between China and the West during the Late Qing Dynasty (1796-1911). East and West, 4 . Brill, Leiden, NL, pp. 235-267. ISBN 978-90-04-38782-9 Item availability may be restricted.
Cheang, Sarah, Irani, Katie, Rezende, Livia
Chen, Yang
Chiu, Pao-Chen, 2022, Thesis, Translating erasure: Proposing auto-theory as a practice for artistic enquiry and analysis while comprehending personal grief PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ciaunica, Anna, Roepstorff, Andreas, Fotopoulou, Aikaterina Katerina and Petreca, Bruna
Connolly, Brigit, 2018, Thesis, Translating practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cranfield, Ben
Cranfield, Ben and Mulvey, Marianne, 2023, Journal Article, More than a meeting: Performing the workshop in the art institution Performance Research, 28 (2). pp. 4-13. ISSN 1352-8165
Cridford, Thomas
Cridford, Thomas
Curran, Fiona, 2019, Book Section, Cloud ecologies: weather, pollution, time and data In: Alonso, Cristian, (ed.) Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art. University of Barcelona Editions, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 141-148. ISBN 9788491681557
Curran, Fiona, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, Those Lights We Call Stars
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Hernan, Luis, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Bio-materialism: Experiments in biological material computation at 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 22-24 March 2017.
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Zhang, Meng, 2014, Journal Article, Material ecologies for synthetic biology: Biomineralization and the state space of design Computer-Aided Design, 60 (1). pp. 28-39. ISSN 00104485
Dare, Eleanor, 2021, Journal Article, Online learning platforms and the confessional subject Architecture and Culture, - (-). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2050-7836
Dare, Eleanor, Yamada-Rice, Dylan and Main, Angus, 2019, Other, Reflections on the UK network week/ Eleanor Dare RCA, London, UK.
Doyle, Shaun, 2023, Thesis, The kynic impulse: Kynismus as contemporary art practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
de Leon, Nick, Sun, Qian, Utriainen, Tuuli and Nordberg, Markus, 2018, Journal Article, Future states: design and science for sustainability Journal of Experimental Innovation, 2 (2). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2413-9505
Esfahani, Bahar Khayamian and Sareh, Pooya
Etzkowitz, Henry, Kehl, Leila Maria and Schofield, Tatiana
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, Thiermann, Alfredo and Cruz, Sebastian, 2023, Book Section, A not too comfortable future In: Rodgers, Paul, Bremner, Jonathan Craig and Innella, Giovanni, (eds.) Design for the Unthinkable World. Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom. (Submitted) Item availability may be restricted.
Fass, John, Yamada-Rice, Dylan, James, Shelley, Lewis, Matt and Pappas, Grace, 2022, Journal Article, Editorial: Information is ugly Visual Communication, 21 (3). pp. 377-383. ISSN 1741-3214
Ferguson, Catherine, 2017, Journal Article, The façade and the picture plane Journal of Contemporary Painting, 3 (1-2). pp. 101-117. ISSN 2052-6695
Ferrarello, Laura, Fiadeiro, Rute, Mazzon, Riccardo and Cavallaro, Andrea, 2022, Journal Article, Reframing the narrative of privacy through system-thinking design DRS2022: Bilbao, 2022. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2398-3132
Ferrarello, Laura, Fiadero, Rute, Hall, Ashley
Fiadeiro, Rute, Bichard, Jo-Anne and Stevens, John
Fitzsimons, Paula, 2023, Thesis, Up against the wall: A journey in culture, from resistant to dynamic, encountering the limit in the process PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fraser, Inga, 2024, Thesis, Artists’ moving image: Film and modern art in Britain 1900-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
French, Michaela, 2020, Thesis, Taking the long view: Cultivating an ecological worldview through the attentive observation of light PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gao, Chang, 2023, Thesis, Using supernormal stimuli and eroticism to create artworks: An experiment in countering cultural hegemony and the complexity of postcoloniality in Chinese public space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel S.
Geros, Christina Leigh
Gheerawo, Rama, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, #liveinclusive
Giudici, Paolo, 2023, Thesis, Ophelia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Glover, Hugo, 2020, Thesis, Animatory thinking: An enquiry into tacit knowledge within animation practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2008, Show, Exhibition or Event, Captive Bird Society
Gokcek, Emine, 2020, Thesis, Co-incidental animation: Framing chance occurrences of illusion of movement as animation events MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Golden, Pamela, 2024, Book Section, Hello we were talking about Hudson Hello We Were Talking about Hudson. Soberscove Press, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 33-37. ISBN 978-1-940190-34-1
Golding, Johnny, 2023, Conference or Workshop, In the wake of emergence at Speaking to Ancestors and the Meaning of Rituals, Berlin, Germany, 28 Jun 2023.
Gouet, Adrian, 2025, Thesis, Resonant passages: Painting as an allegorical machine PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gough, Phillip, Forman, Jack, Pataranutaporn, Pat, Hepburn, Leigh-Anne, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, Cooper, Clare, Vujic, Angela, Kong, David Sun, Kim, Raphael, Maes, Pattie, Ishii, Hiroshi, Sra, Misha and Ahmadpour, Naseem, 2021, Book Section, Speculating on biodesign in the future home CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781450380959
Grinyer, Clive, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Designing Blockchain based services at ServDes 2020, Melbourne, Australia, 2-5 Feb 2021.
Grinyer, Clive, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Designing Blockchain enabled customer experiences for new digital services at 22nd DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Impact The Future By Design, Toronto, Canada, 5-6 August 2020.
Gálik, Györgyi, 2021, Thesis, Design for the change before behaviour PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hadjilouca, Marina, 2021, Thesis, The social turn: The performance designer as trigger for active co-existence PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hall, Hugo
Halperin Ben Zvi, Michal, Briscoe, Gerard and Sidse, Carroll, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Age inclusive digital platforms at 11th Inclusive Design (INCLUDE) Conference, London, UK, 22-23 Sep 2022.
Hammonds, Kit, 2008, Show, Exhibition or Event, Games & Theory
Hammonds, Kit, 2011, Book Section, Games People Play In: Williams, Francis, (ed.) The Cat Came as a Tomato: Conversations on Contemporary Art and Play. South London Gallery, london. ISBN 978-1-898461-39-5
Hardy, Amy, Wojdecka, Anna, West, Jonathan
Harriss, Harriet, 2017, Other, Arts and Social Housing Baring Foundation, London, UK.
Harriss, Harriet, 2017, Other, Arts and Social Housing, Baring Foundation, London, UK.
He, Yifei, 2020, Thesis, Contemporary Chinese painting and the studio: When and where does a painting practice begin and end? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Head, Raymond, 1982, Thesis, Sezincote: A paradigm of the Indian style Other thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Domesticity and digital eugenics: design cultures of Silicon Valley at Design Culture(s) Cumulus Rome 2021, Rome, 8-11 Jun 2021.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2018, Conference or Workshop, The technological invisible — image making and dynamics of power at 5th Biennial Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2018, Edinburgh, UK, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Hodson, Elise
Hughes, Anna, 2024, Thesis, Sickness in cyberspace: Sensual encounters in digital media towards a radically embodied future PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hughes, Beth, Issaias, Platon and Drakoulidis, Yannis, 2018, Journal Article, Leros: Island of exile Movements: Journal for Critical Immigration and Border Regime Studies, 4 (2). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2364-8732
Hughes, Julian C., Baseman, Jordan, Hearne, Catherine, Leng Sim Lee, Mabel, Smith, Dominic and Woods, Simon, 2021, Journal Article, Art, authenticity and citizenship for people living with dementia in a care home Ageing & Society. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1469-1779
Ikoniadou, Eleni, 2017, Journal Article, A sonic theory unsuitable for human consumption Parallax, 23 (3). pp. 252-265. ISSN 1353-4645
Irani, Katherine, 2025, Thesis, ‘Discontinuous interruptions’: Bodiliness and pluralities in histories of the Indian Army, 1914-1918 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ivanova, Ninela, 2019, Art or design object, Creative Leadership
Izzard, Georgina, 2024, Thesis, Tools, skill & identity: The work of Birmingham’s manufacturing jewellers, 1940-1960 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, Klein, Norman, King, Simon and Edwards, Harriet, 2018, Journal Article, Parallel Urbanisms: London–Los Angeles Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (2). pp. 187-192. ISSN 1753-5190
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar and Klein, Norman M., 2018, Journal Article, Venice, Venice Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (2). pp. 227-247. ISSN 1753-5190
Kargar, Seyed Mohamad
Kawash, Ameera, 2022, Thesis, Digital aftercares: Digital retooling for agency, value, and co-vulnerability as artistic practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Kelly, Sarah, 2020, Thesis, Warm like ice: Radical empathies for glacial times PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, At Earth exhibition at Raven Row, London
Kennard, Peter, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, Embedded Art
Kexin, Wang, Ivy, He, Jinke, Li, Ali, Asadipour and Sun, Yitong, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Exploring fungal morphology simulation and dynamic light containment from a graphics generation perspective at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024, Tokyo, Japan, 3-6 Dec 2024.
Kim, Stephanie, 2021, Thesis, How can historical amnesia be brought to the surface? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Vicky, 2021, Thesis, The production of the subject through space, architecture and image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
King, Simon, 2018, Journal Article, Elephant memory Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (2). pp. 249-266. ISSN 1753-5190
Kirschner, Anja, 2023, Thesis, Anamersion: Toward a postcinematic poetics of immersion PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Klein, Karsten, Aichem, Michael, Zhang, Ying, Erk, Stefan, Sommer, Bjorn and Schreiber, Falk, 2021, Journal Article, TEAMwISE: synchronised immersive environments for exploration and analysis of animal behaviour Journal of Visualization, 2021. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1875-8975
Knight, Indira, West, Jonathan
Kocak, Can, Gulbaba, Melodi, Ozden Yenigun, Elif, Ozsoy Sagnak, Oyku and Tutuncuoglu Demir, Melda, eds. 2023, Book, Thinking through making: Crafting technology for textiles Ofset Matbaa, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 9789756167908
Kuiper, Ouren X, Bos, Jelte E, Schmidt, Eike A, Diels, Cyriel and Wolter, Stefan, 2019, Journal Article, Knowing what's coming: Unpredictable motion causes more motion sickness Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 62 (8). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1547-8181
Kulkarni, Nayan Deepak, 2020, Thesis, Night moves: A mise-en-scene of a luminous economy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kwon, Hyukgue, 2017, Thesis, Curating beyond representation: the paradox of curating as a site of dialogics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Lamahewa, Kethakie, Griffin, Sally, Seward, Nadine, Temmerman, Marleen, West, Jonathan
Lass, Julian, 2020, Thesis, A witness's gesture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Chang Hee, Lockton, Dan, Stevens, John, Wang, Stephen Jia and Ahn, SungHee, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Synaesthetic-Translation Tool: Synaesthesia as an Interactive Material for Ideation at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, 4 - 9th May 2019.
Lee, Yeseung, 2012, Thesis, The Ambiguity of Seamlessness: The Poetic Function of Making PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee-Potter, Charlotte, 2025, Thesis, Out of the scriptorium: De-writing the journeywoman, re-wilding the domestic and making space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Leister, Wiebke
Leon, Josh, 2023, Thesis, The Sitting: (after) If this is a Man PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Li, Yushi, 2024, Thesis, The drifting gaze: Sexuality and spectatorship in the Internet age PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lockton, Dan, Ricketts, Delanie, Chowdhury, Shruti Aditya and Lee, Chang Hee, 2017, Book Section, Exploring Qualitative Displays and Interfaces CHI EA '17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, USA, pp. 1844-1852. ISBN 9781450346566
Mackinnon, Carla, 2022, Journal Article, A new language of truth: the role of animation in a fast changing world Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 14 (3). pp. 78-82. ISSN 2183-0088
Main, Angus and Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2022, Journal Article, Evading Big Brother: Using visual methods to understand children’s perception of sensors and interest in subverting digital surveillance Visual Communication, 21 (3). pp. 1-34. ISSN 1741-3214
Mamakos, Christina, 2019, Thesis, A Sense of Meaning: Applications of Embodied Cognition to Art Models PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mancke, Carol, 2021, Thesis, Thinking in public: The affordances of hopeless spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Marin, Carola Ureta, 2022, Book, Calling lights: The sounds of an awakening Independent. ISBN -
Marin, Carola Ureta, 2020, Book, The city as text Invierno. ISBN 2020-A-4022
McLeer, Brigid, 2020, Thesis, Withholding 'us': Images in the space of appearance PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mehigan, Benjamin, Lahoud, Adrian and Jacoby, Sam
Meng, Chunhui, 2016, Thesis, Redefining Nymph of the Luo River: A Practice-based investigation into a feminist reinterpretation of a traditional Chinese painting through the creation of animations MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Millar, Jeremy, 2010, Book, Every Day is a Good Day: The Visual Art of John Cage Hayward Gallery Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1853322839
Miyoshi, Kensho, 2019, Thesis, Objects in Motion: Exploring Kinaesthetic Empathy in Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Morgan, Catrin, 2014, Thesis, A Taxonomy of Deception PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Morgan, Frances, 2021, Thesis, Electronic Music Studios London Ltd (EMS), the Synthi 100 synthesizer and the construction of electronic music histories PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mottram, Judith, 2015, Conference or Workshop, System, data and method in creative disciplines at EPSRC Workshop: "Change 2015", Coventry University London, 13-14 July 2015.
Mulvey, Marianne, 2021, Thesis, Becoming public(s): Practising the public programme in the contemporary art institution PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Murray, Liz, 2022, Thesis, Performing resistance: The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp as artwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Nash, Richard, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Bookmarking book art – Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira l’Appropriation
Nash, Richard, Clough, Gary, Beel, Anna, Haslam, Susannah, Knight, Adam, Parmar, Alkesh, Shon, Kyung Hwa and Young, Isabel, 2024, Journal Article, Artists’ books as a qualitative research methodology in multidisciplinary contexts Visual Communication. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1741-3214
Netter, Louis, 2020, Thesis, The graphic construct of the contemporary reportage artist: Vison, experience and drawing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Nie, Xiaoyi, 2023, Thesis, From curating to Cedong: Long March: A walking visual display and the emergence of contemporary Chinese curating PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Norris-Reeves, Suzie, 2014, Thesis, Constructing a Narrative of Fashion Practice as Inquiry PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Oakley, Peter, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Immanence vs. provenance at IAFOR European Conference on the Social Sciences, Brighton, 4 – 7 July 2013.
Oakley, Peter
Ozden Yenigun, Elif, Dumanli, Ahu, Ren, Hongning, Zhang, Han and Tan, Xiao, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Colour that lasts
Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Toomey, Anne, 2019, Show, Exhibition or Event, GRAPHENE BASED SOFT ANTENNAS
Ozkaramanli, Deger, Nagenborg, Michael, Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Palmberger-Suesse, Clara, 2024, Thesis, Ambivalent surfaces: An encounter with Rococo paintings MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pendrell, Luke, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Cathode ghosts
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Peripheral visions
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, The path
Pereira, Godofredo, Geros, Christina and Goodbun, Jon, 2022, Journal Article, Take back the land Architectural Design, 92 (1). pp. 54-61. ISSN 1554-2769
Pereira, Joana, 2021, Thesis, Mute legacies: Silent practices of resilience PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Petreca, Bruna, Baurley, Sharon, Hesseldahl, Katrine, Pollmann, Alexa and Obrist, Marianna, 2022, Journal Article, The Compositor Tool: Investigating consumer experiences in the Circular Economy Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6 (4). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2414-4088
Phillips, Robert, 2019, Book, FutureKind: Design by and for the People Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 9780500519790 Item availability may be restricted.
Phillips, Robert, Baurley, Sharon and Silve, Sarah, 2014, Journal Article, Citizen Science and Open Design: Workshop Findings Design Issues, 30 (4). pp. 52-66. ISSN 0747-9360
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Journal Article, Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise, x (xx). pp. 74-80. ISSN x
Pineyro Irazabal, Ana, 2020, Dataset, Materials accompanying the thesis "Animating matter: A material-led exploration into the kinetic potential of nylon monofilament"
Playford, Vanda, 2004, Thesis, Reconfiguring the consultation: Rituals and storytelling in General Practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Postlethwaite, Susan, 2020, Journal Article, Investigating creative processes and pedagogy in the UK: Fashion thinking Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process and the Fashion Industry, 14 (1). pp. 151-163. ISSN 1756-9370
Pulley, Robert, 2022, Journal Article, Life below water: How can creative practice nurture personal agency and global citizenship in primary education? International Journal of Art & Design Education, 41 (2). pp. 195-213. ISSN 1476-8070
Pulley, Robert, 2022, Journal Article, Theatre of the imagination: A blueprint for design and making in primary education Craft Research, 13 (1). pp. 59-87. ISSN 2040-4689
Purcell, Freya, 2023, Journal Article, Time and space in a dish: Examining the relationship between materiality and space in the early modern saloop stall History of Retailing and Consumption, 8 (3). pp. 280-300. ISSN 2373-5171
Querol, Núria, 2014, Thesis, The impact of globalisation on curating contemporary art in India, 1990-2012 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ram, Rosie, 2022, Thesis, Image as method: Nigel Henderson and the art of research PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ram, Rosie, 2023, Journal Article, An exhibition in negative: Nigel Henderson, Parallel of Life and Art and the photographic image Art History, 46 (4). pp. 668-696. ISSN 1467-8365
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, Hernan, Luis and Pei-Ying, Lin, 2018, Conference or Workshop, The biological unseen: producing and mediating imaginaries of protocells at 5th Biennial Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2018, United Kingdom, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Rankin, Qona and RIley, Howard, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Would interventions/accommodations in the strategies for teaching drawing be useful for pupils with dyslexia who have drawing difficulties? at BDA 11th International Conference, Telford, UK, 12-14 April 2018.
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Recoules Quang, Sabrina, 2025, Thesis, Storytelling and material interferences: Practice-led research between puppetry and textiles PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Richards, Jennifer, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Lee and Tinks: The fairytale as muse in the works of Alexander McQueen at ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic encounters with enchantment and the Faerie realm in literature and culture, University of Hertfordshire, UK, 8-11 Apr 2021.
Robertson, Sara and Taylor, Sarah, 2014, Art or design object, Digital Lace Item availability may be restricted.
Robins, Freddie, 2018, Journal Article, Do not touch Surface Design Journal, 2018 (Fall). pp. 12-17. ISSN 0197-4483
Rocco, Linda, 2024, Thesis, Future arts ecology: A curatorial proposal for industry 5.0 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Rome, Nolan, Symons, David, West, Jonathan, Ramster, Gail and Briscoe, Gerard, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Workshop: How prepared is healthcare for the future? at European Healthcare Design 2018, London, UK, 11-13 Jun 2018.
Roseta Vaz Monteiro, Filipa, 2009, Thesis, The modern avenue: Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Regent Street and Avenida da Liberdade PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Roth, Bine
Roth, Bine
Rufo, Raffaele, Ben-David, Anat, Cary, Catherine Anne, Borland-Sentinella, Deanna, Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, Owen, Alice, Fari, Nathalie S. and Creative, AmberBecky, 2020, Journal Article, Embodiment and social distancing: Practices Journal of Embodied Research, 3 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2513-8421
Sahoo, Shalini and Schmidt, Stefan W., 2020, Conference or Workshop, The method of Immersive Behavioural Observation (IBO) — a conversation between theory and practice at Synergy - DRS International Conference 2020, Online, 11-14 Aug 2020.
Satz, Aura
Sayuti, Nurul 'Ayn Ahmad, Sommer, Bjorn and Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema, 2020, Journal Article, Identifying the purposes of biological materials in everyday designs Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5 (15). pp. 29-37. ISSN 2398-4287
Schreiber, Falk, Gleeson, Padraig, Golebiewski, Martin, Gorochowski, Thomas E., Hucka, Michael, Keating, Sarah M., König, Matthias
Scott, Kirsten, 2012, Thesis, Pidgin Plait: fashioning cross-cultural communication through craft PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Selby, Mark, 2021, Thesis, Machines at play: The attraction of automation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shallcross, Laura
Simmons, Tom, Hanna, Suzie and Bayley, Sally, 2010, Art or design object, Letter to the World
Simmons, Tom, Hanna, Suzie and Bayley, Sally, 2013, Art or design object, Proem
Simmons, Tom, Nettell, Michaela and Spiers, Hugo, 2010, Art or design object, Pattern Completion
Smith, Kirsty, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Blood, sweat and tears: How did skateboarding's thrasher t-shirt become the fashionista's 'off-duty' look? at IFFTI 2019, Manchester, UK, 08-11 Apr 2019.
Staton, Sarah, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, Century of the Bed, SupaStore
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Public Arts, and Arts Public at Artist's Talk, Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany, 25th October 2017.
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Sarah Staton' talk at The Exchange Floor, Artist Talks, Croydon Art Store, London, UK, 1 Nov 2017.
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The first and partial retrospective of 64-65 Guilford Street and early Milch
Staton, Sarah and Inzule, Egija, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, SupaStore Academy
Staton, Sarah and Inzule, Egija, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, SupaStore Air
Staunton, Claire, 2023, Thesis, The post-political curator: Critical curatorial practice in de-politicised enclosures PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stein, Amelia, 2023, Thesis, Metonymies: Four works by Julie Ault and Janette Laverrière PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stevens, John, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Story/no story: A narrative design exercise for shared ways of seeing at 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), Valencia, Spain, 20-22 Jun 2023.
Sun, Qian, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Service design in organisational change at DRS2022: Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, 25 Jun - 03 Jul 2022.
Sun, Qian, 2022, Journal Article, Service design in organisational change Proceedings of DRS2022: Bilbao. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2398-3132
Sun, Qian and Lowe, David, 2014, Book Section, Cultural Criminals: How Social Media Facilitated the Dilution of Subculture In: Bohemia, Erik, Rieple, Alison, Liedtka, Jeanne and Cooper, Rachel, (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference. DMI, pp. 1989-2014. ISBN 978-0-615-99152-8
Sun, Qian, Makepeace, John, Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Sun, Qian and Park, Hyunyim, 2017, Journal Article, The Map As An Object of Service Design Design Journal, 20 (Supp1). S4101-S4119. ISSN 1756-3062
Sun, Qian
Sun, Qian, Richard, Atkinson and Savithri, Bartlett, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Applying service design approaches to create a sustainable fashion retail future at Designing Retail & Service Futures Colloquium, London, 30-31 Mar 2023.
Tidey, Jimmy, 2019, Thesis, Designing social media analytics tools to support non-market institutions: Four case studies using Twitter data PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Toran, Noam, 2005, Art or design object, Desire Management
Toran, Noam, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Noam Toran - Things Uncommon
Triggs, Teal, 2010, Book, Fanzines Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 9780500288917
Triggs, Teal, Matsunaga, Celia and Lewis, Matt, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Critical ethics for communicating indigenous craft practices at Representing Craft/Crafting Representation: DHS Dialogues, United Kingdom, 03 Feb 2022.
Trivedi, Nina, 2021, Thesis, The externalisation of the object: A critical study of object categories in the work of Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Tony Oursler, Jason Rhoades and Ryan Trecartin from 1974 to 2010 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Troiani, Igea
Twemlow, Alice, 2013, Thesis, Purposes, Poetics, and Publics: The Shifting Dynamics of Design Criticism in the US and UK, 1955-2007 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Thesis, ‘Curatela’: Towards an unhurried politics of attention in post-representational curating PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vane, Olivia, 2018, Book Section, Text Visualisation Tool for Exploring Digitised Historical Documents In: Koskinen, Ilpo and Lim, Youn-kyung, (eds.) DIS '18 Companion Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM Press, NY, USA, pp. 153-158. ISBN 978-1-4503-5631-2
Vikulina, Natalia, 2017, Thesis, A sense of place. Narratives of memory and identity as told through image and place MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Dooren, Jeroen, 2020, Thesis, We are not ourselves all of the time and we are not all of ourselves at any time: Heteronyms, personas and contemporary art PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Hal, Marieke, 2010, Thesis, Rethinking the Biennial MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wachsmann, Shira, 2024, Thesis, Landscape, war trauma, explosion: re-membering the moment before PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walker, Adam, 2021, Thesis, Ways of being beyond the perpetuating inequalities of the technosphere: Textual artistic intervention as a vital strategy in enabling resistant agency or, Embodying a practice of radical care PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walker, Christie
Walsh, Victoria, 2008, Book Section, Francis Bacon: ‘Real imagination is technical imagination’ Francis Bacon. TATE. ISBN 9781854377388
Walsh, Victoria, 2015, Book Section, Lawrence Alloway: Pedagogy, Practice and the Recognition of Audience 1948-59 In: Bradnock, Lucy, Martin, Courtney J. and Peabody, Rebecca, (eds.) Lawrence Alloway: Critic and Curator. Issues and Debates . Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, US. ISBN 978-1-60606-442-9
Williams, Leon B. M., 2009, Thesis, The development of digital technologies for use in jewellery with medical applications PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Woodberry, Imogen, 2024, Thesis, Seeking a new world: Modernism and alternative spirituality PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wozencroft, Jon, 2012, Art or design object, Touch. 30 Years and Counting – (Double LP and CD)
Wozencroft, Jon and Devereux, Paul, 2012, Other, Landscape and Perception (Website) UNSPECIFIED, Preseli, Pembrokeshire; Avebury, Wiltshire..
Wray, Jo, Layton, Sofie and Biglino, Giovanni, 2021, Journal Article, My core: Conveying the everyday normality of living with congenital heart disease Cardiovascular Diagnosis & Therapy, 11 (6). pp. 1436-1438. ISSN 2223-3660
Wray, Jo
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Dare, Eleanor, Love, Steve, Main, Angus, Nash, Richard
Yoland, K, 2025, Thesis, Desert-mapping: Site-specific modes of resistance to territoriality and colonisation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Young, Sharon, 2023, Thesis, Once more with feeling: A reinvention of ‘hysteria’ using photography, performance, and autofiction PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yu, Christin, 2024, Thesis, Fragments and borders: (Re)constructing Korean womanhood through patchwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zacharopoulou, Despina, 2023, Journal Article, Contracts as Protocols of Governmentality in Performance Art Performance Research, 28 (2). pp. 70-79. ISSN 1352-8165
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zileli, Selin, Wu, Jiayu
Zohar, Hadas, Binyamini Ben Meir, Nirit, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Öhlund, Emily, 2024, Thesis, The lived experience of postgraduate craft students with dyspraxia PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.