Aylieff, Felicity, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Qatar installation (In Press)
Baker, Camille
Baker, Camille C
Blackshaw, Gemma, Teichmann, Esther and Stewart, Christopher, 2021, Other, On constellations or seeing stars Constellations, Online.
Blackshaw, Gemma
Blackshaw, Gemma, Baluch, Sohaila, Fraser, Marita, Heidorn, Nora and Hermon, Rosie, eds. 2022, Book, I care by... Research Communiqués . Royal College of Art, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-8383543-3-6
Brachlow, Heike, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Colour Connections
Brass, Clare and Mazzarella, Francesco, 2015, Journal Article, Are we asking the right questions? Rethinking post-graduate design education towards sustainable visions for the future Proceedings of DRS 2016, 00 (00). 00-00. ISSN 0000-0000
Brass, Clare, Scott, Carly, Bright, Ashleigh and Rayner, Annie Catherine, 2015, Journal Article, Chicken Run: A Chicken-Centred Design Research Project The Virtuous Circle, 00 (00). 00-00. ISSN 9788838694059
Briscoe, Gerard, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Technology futures roadmap for ageing societies at 4th World Ageing & Rejuvenation Conference (ARC) 2022, Rome, Italy, 15-16 Sep 2022.
Brody, Neville, 2010, Other, Anti-Design Festival, 2010 UNSPECIFIED.
Brown, Steve R, 2024, Journal Article, All that shimmers: Metals & printmaking Printmaking Today, 33 (130). pp. 31-33. ISSN 0960-9253
Brown, Steve R, 2024, Journal Article, From bureau to micro-industry: A new studio model for digitally printed ceramic enamels IMPACT Printmaking Journal, 3 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2732-5490
Brown, Steve R and Vones, Katharina, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Colour made manifest
Button, Victoria, 2013, Thesis, The portrait drawings of Hans Holbein the Younger: function and use explored through materials and techniques PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Candela, Emily, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Reflections on and in virtual space: Book test unit 2020 at the Royal College of Art at Teaching and Learning, Design History and Practice in the Virtual Space: Student-centred Learning Strategies, online, 04 Jun 2021.
Candela, Emily and Cavallo, Francesca, 2020, Conference or Workshop, How not to return to normal at College Art Association 109th Annual Conference, online, 10-13 Feb 2021.
Castan Cabrero, Marina and Tomico Plasencia, Oscar, 2017, Conference or Workshop, When does clothing become textile architecture? Creating dynamic qualities in architecture through the power of embodied ideation techniques at NORDES 2017 DESIGN + POWER, Oslo, 15-17 June 2017. Item availability may be restricted.
Choi, Yoon Jung and Stevens, John, 2018, Journal Article, Carative Factors in the Design Development Process: Towards Understanding Owner–Object Detachment and Promoting Object Longevity The Design Journal, 21 (4). pp. 477-497. ISSN 1460-6925
Cook, Duncan, 2014, Thesis, Art, Agency and Eco-Politics: Rethinking Urban Subjects and Environment(s) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cooper, Rachel, Williams, Alex, Sun, Qian and Bohemia, Erik, 2016, Journal Article, Introduction: Design Innovation Management Proceedings of DRS 2016, 5 (11). pp. 1701-1708. ISSN 2398-3132
Curran, Fiona, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Cannibalising Nature: Resituating Hélio Oiticica’s Tropicália as ethical-environmental practice at Reading and Exhibiting Nature, University of Westminster, London, 7 - 9 Feb 2014.
Curran, Fiona, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Satellite's Gone: Materialities of the Space Race, Atmospheric Politics, Drifting Clouds at Speeding and Braking: Navigating Acceleration, Goldsmiths University of London, 12-15 May 2016.
Dare, Eleanor, 2018, Conference or Workshop, AI/VR: situated animation in the Library of Babel at ANIVAE-2018, Germany, 18-22-Mar 2018. (In Press)
Dare, Eleanor, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Head on Fire: Burning down memory at Buildings on Fire: Towards a New Approach to Urban Memory, London, 30 Oct 2014.
Dare, Eleanor, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Rendlesham 360 at Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA 2019), London, 08-10 September 2019.
Dare, Eleanor, 2019, Journal Article, Turpin’s Cave: choice and deception in a virtual realm International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15 (1). pp. 227-237. ISSN 1479-4713
Dare, Eleanor and Antonopoulou, Alexandra, 2019, Conference or Workshop, The riverine Archive: preserving the contingency of digital heritage at DCAC 2019: Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology, Greece, 10-11 May 2019.
Dare, Eleanor, Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Digital Directions: AVR stortyelling at Crossing Physical and Virtual Worlds in Kid's VBR, Leeds, 27 March 2018.
Dare, Eleanor and Heaney, Libby, 2018, Conference or Workshop, MA Digital Direction, MA Information Experience Design at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London, UK, 9-13 July 2018.
Dare, Eleanor and Lewis, Matt, 2019, Conference or Workshop, The Other Voice, RCA MA Digital Direction Elective with the British Library Oral History Collection at Oral History Society Regional Network Event, London, 23-11-2019.
Dare, Eleanor and Papadaki, Elena, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Mycorrhizal Curation: minimal cognition for maximal cooperation at ISEA2020 International Symposium on Electronic Art, Montreal, 13-18 Oct 2020.
Dare, Eleanor, Ramanathan, Rathna, Simmons, Tom and Pochodzaj, Joseph, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Mediating tacit knowledges: a visual and sonic essay at UNCONFERENCE 2020, Reading (Virtual), 26 June 2020.
Dare, Eleanor, Yamada-Rice, Dylan and Main, Angus, 2019, Other, Reflections on the UK network week/ Eleanor Dare RCA, London, UK.
Davis, Kate and Moore, David, 2017, Other, Lodestar (Space Odyssey) 2017 The Lodestar Project, Blackburn UK.
de Leon, Nick, 2017, Printed Publication, A New Design for Work - ICON MAGAZINE OPINION PIECE
de Leon, Nick, Coutts, Nicholas and Stone, Neal, 2014, Printed Publication, Business to Business Strategy: B2B 3.0 - Make it Meaningful for Business Item availability may be restricted.
de Stael, Josephine, 2020, Thesis, The role of the model in Parisian fine jewellery knowledge PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fernández López, Olga, 2011, Thesis, Dissenting Exhibitions by Artists (1968-1998). Reframing Marxist Exhibition Legacy. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ferrarello, Laura, 2014, Conference or Workshop, The Illusion of Truth in the Latent Flatness Age at The Digital in Depth, Warwick, United Kingdom, 30 May 2014.
Ferrarello, Laura, Fiadeiro, Rute, Mazzon, Riccardo and Cavallaro, Andrea, 2022, Journal Article, Reframing the narrative of privacy through system-thinking design DRS2022: Bilbao, 2022. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2398-3132
Fried, Lauren, 2019, Thesis, A material history of trans identities in UK performance (1967-1990) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Optimising user engagement in highly automated virtual assistants to improve energy management and consumption at Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B, Boston, USA, 22-24 May 2019.
Garfield, Rachel
Gheerawo, Rama and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Digital Barriers: Making Technology Work for People at 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu, Japan, 30 October - 3 November 2010.
Gheerawo, Rama, Harrow, Dale, Ramster, Gail and Saunders, Mike, 2016, Book Section, Using public views on autonomous vehicles to shape the design of our future cities The 6th International Conference for Universal Design. International Association of Universal Design, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 127-136. ISBN 978-4-9908179-2-3 Item availability may be restricted.
Golden, Pamela, 2023, Art or design object, Commission - Stella Villares for the wedding of José Manuel Barroso
Golden, Pamela, 2024, Book Section, Hello we were talking about Hudson Hello We Were Talking about Hudson. Soberscove Press, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 33-37. ISBN 978-1-940190-34-1
Golding, Johnny, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Artificial and distributive intelligence for a better lifestyle at AiDesign Lab Innovation in Design Summit 2023: Ai Design for Lifestyle and a Better Future, Hong Kong, 19 Apr 2023.
Golding, Johnny, 2018, Conference or Workshop, From Drone-Truth to Radical Empathy: Consciousness in the Zero Zones of Time at ‘Sliced-up ghettos of thought’? Science, art and society - 20 years from now, London, UK, 31 Jan 2018.
Golding, Johnny, 2023, Conference or Workshop, In the wake of emergence at Speaking to Ancestors and the Meaning of Rituals, Berlin, Germany, 28 Jun 2023.
Hackney, Fiona
Hamlyn, Nicky, 2024, Book Section, Unframing The Palgrave Handbook of Experimental Cinema. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK., pp. 93-106. ISBN 978-3-031-55255-7 Item availability may be restricted.
Hammonds, Kit, 2011, Printed Publication, Three Letter Words: OMG
Harriss, Harriet, Penin, Lara and Eduardo, Stazowski, 2014, Journal Article, Amplify Soundview: Reflecting on the Use of Digital Tools for Promoting Community Engagement & Stewardship in the Development and Care of the Soundview Park in New York City The Electronic Journal of Communication, 24 (1&2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1183-5656
Haslam, Susannah E., 2018, Thesis, After the educational turn: alternatives to the alternative art school PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
He, Yichao, Jorgensen, Anna, Sun, Qian
Heaney, Libby, 2019, Journal Article, Quantum computing and complexity in art Leonardo, 52 (3). pp. 230-235. ISSN 0024-094X
Hodson, Elise
Hosea, Birgitta and Barton, Graham, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Animation as Mindful Practice at 'The Cosmos of Animation': Society for Animation Studies (SAS) 28th Annual Conference, Singapore, 26-30 June 2016.
Jamieson, Claire, 2015, Thesis, NATØ: Exploring architecture as a narrative medium in postmodern London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jenkins, Jessica, 2014, Thesis, Visual arts in the urban environment in the German Democratic Republic. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jones, Carl
Jones, Sarah, 2016, Other, An Aside to On Stage (convenor of the symposium) Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK. Item availability may be restricted.
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2017, Book Section, (Re)Turning to the image In: Aßman, S. at al., (ed.) Wenden: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Phänomen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-14804-1
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, Kivland, Sharon and Corris, Michael, 2014, Book, Transmission Annual: Labour, Work, Action Transmission Annual, 4 . Artwords Press, London. ISBN 9781906441319
Kapelouzou, Iris Stavroula, 2010, Thesis, HARMING WORKS OF ART The challenges of contemporary conceptions of the artwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Keenan, Jeremy, 2023, Other, Dither - Tremble - Leap - Continue Angewandte, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Keenan, Jeremy, Roberts, Margaret and Bernaciak, Sonia, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Polymorph prototype
Klingler, Johanna, 2022, Thesis, The pre-material: Potentials of the infrastructural as applied form MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Leister, Wiebke
Lewis, Matt, 2018, Other, Audio Tour for Southbank Metal, London.
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Other, No Such Thing as Empty Space Self, London.
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Printed Publication, Sound Project Report for Sense
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2012, Journal Article, Models of the user: designers’ perspectives on influencing sustainable behaviour Journal of Design Research, 10 (1/2). pp. 7-27. ISSN 1569-1551
Lomax, Yve, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, A spoken performance — example, species and figure: presupposition in trouble
McInally, FInlay, 2019, Thesis, The patient is performing as unexpected MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
McLean, Flora, 2017, Journal Article, The New Beautiful SODA: State of Design Affairs, Jan (1). pp. 1-2.
Mclean, Flora, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Can Music Stimulate Creative Performance? Multi Sensory Research
Mottram, Judith, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Research and its Practice in Creative Disciplines at Research and Innovation Conference 2016, Practice-Related Research, Southampton Solent University, 19-20 May 2016. (Unpublished)
Nash, Richard
Nash, Richard
Nash, Richard
Nash, Richard
Ooi, Jemma, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Prototypes and Experiments VIII
Pajaczkowska, Claire, 2008, Book Section, On Humming : Reflections on Marion Milner's Contribution to Psychoanalysis In: Caldwell, Lesley, (ed.) Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition. Karnac, London, pp. 33-49. ISBN 13 978 1 85575 467 6
Pedder-Smith, Rachel, 2011, Thesis, The Glow of Significance: Narrating stories using natural history specimens PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Above us the waves
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Peripheral visions
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, The spectral transmissions research unit: Transmission #01
Pendrell, Luke, Madden, Caleb, Cieciura, Grant, Sav, Chris, Warren, Ellis, Malinder, Stephen, Seki, Yumino and De Souza, Tiago, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spam jam: Antivoid alliance
Pulley, Robert, 2019, Thesis, Theatre of the imagination: exploring a pedagogic toolkit for creative development and global learning in primary education PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rana, Mah
Rankin, Qona, 2022, Book Section, Has art and design education become more accessible for dyslexic students? A retrospective look In: Goodsall, Helen, (ed.) The Dyslexia Handbook 2022. The Dyslexia handbook . The British Dyslexia Association, Great Britain, pp. 266-270. ISBN 978-1872653808
Rankin, Qona, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Supporting post-graduate art and design students with dyslexia and dyspraxia at International Conference on Neurodiversity: A paradigm Shift in Higher Education & Employment, Ireland, 03-04 Dec 2020.
Rankin, Qona and RIley, Howard, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Would interventions/accommodations in the strategies for teaching drawing be useful for pupils with dyslexia who have drawing difficulties? at BDA 11th International Conference, Telford, UK, 12-14 April 2018.
Rankin, Qona and Riley, Howard, 2021, Book, Observational drawing for students with dyslexia Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, UK. ISBN 9781787751422
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Richon, Olivier, 2016, Journal Article, The Indifferent E.R.O.S. Self/Love, 8 (8). pp. 31-50. ISSN 2048-8352
Rogers, Catherine, 2014, Thesis, Film Outside Cinema MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rolfe, Nigel, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Dismal (working out and in)
Rolfe, Nigel, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Re-Run
Roth, Bine, 2024, Residency, Shapeshifters
Shaughnessy, Adrian, ed. 2015, Book, Lance Wyman: The Monograph Editor, author and publisher: Adrian Shaughnessy Unit Editions, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-9575114-9-1
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The first and partial retrospective of 64-65 Guilford Street and early Milch
Stevens, John, Corvin, Tim, Townsend, Hermione, Coppen, Daniel, Sepulveda Camposano, Florencia and Josef, Ralf, 2017, Book Section, Engage: redoing how we talk about depression REDO Cumulus Conference Proceedings. Design School Kolding and Design International, Denmark, p. 435. ISBN 978-97-93416-15-4
Stevens, John, Holm Larsen, Torben, White, Sian and Fong, Vicki, 2018, Printed Publication, SuperTowel (formerly Magic Towel) form, packaging and distribution kit design (Unpublished)
Stevens, John, Holm Larsen, Torben, White, Sian and Fong, Vicki, 2020, Printed Publication, SuperTowel, packaging and distribution kit design – refinement and (Unpublished)
Sun, Qian, 2016, Journal Article, Emerging Trends of Design Policy in the UK Proceedings of DRS 2016, 5 (11). pp. 1709-1724. ISSN 2398-3132
Sun, Qian, 2022, Conference or Workshop, Service design in organisational change at DRS2022: Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, 25 Jun - 03 Jul 2022.
Sun, Qian, 2022, Journal Article, Service design in organisational change Proceedings of DRS2022: Bilbao. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2398-3132
Sun, Qian, 2019, Journal Article, Towards a New Agenda for Service Design Research The Design Journal, 23 (1). pp. 49-70. ISSN 1460-6925
Sun, Qian and Mary, Loveday, 2023, Book Section, Design for social imagination In: De Sainz Molestina, D, Galluzzo, L, Rizzo, F and Spallazzo, D, (eds.) Proceedings of IASDR 2023: Life-changing Design. DRS, online. ISBN 978-1-912294-59-6
Sun, Qian
Sun, Qian, Richard, Atkinson and Savithri, Bartlett, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Applying service design approaches to create a sustainable fashion retail future at Designing Retail & Service Futures Colloquium, London, 30-31 Mar 2023.
Sun, Yuqian, Ying, Xu, Chenhang, Cheng, Yihua, Li, Chang Hee, Lee and Ali, Asadipour, 2023, Book Section, Explore the future Earth with Wander 2.0: AI chatbot driven by knowledge-base story generation and text-to-image model In: Schmidt, Albrecht, Väänänen, Kaisa, Goyal, Tesh, Kristensson, Per Ola and Peters, Anicia, (eds.) Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4503-9422-2
Tommencioni Pisapia, Chiara
van Hal, Marieke, 2010, Thesis, Rethinking the Biennial MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walker, Kevin and Claisse, Caroline, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Big Dada: From visualisation to experience at Death of the Desktop: Envisioning visualisation without desktop computing, Paris, France, 9-14 Nov 2014.
Wiltshire, Hermione and Pajaczkowska, Claire, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Participartion at Gender Generation: The creative process in art & design, RCA, London, UK, 8-9 Sep 2016.
Wozencroft, Jon, 2008, Other, Qwartz Awards 2008 (Designer of the Year) N/A.
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2017, Journal Article, Designing Play for Dark Times Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 18 (2). pp. 196-212. ISSN 1463-9491
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2019, Book Section, Including children in the design of the internet of toys In: Mascheroni, Giovanna and Holloway, Donell, (eds.) The Internet of Toys: Practices, Affordances and the Political Economy of Children’s Smart Play. Studies in Childhood and Youth . Palgrave. ISBN 978-3-030-10897-7
Zheng, Caroline Yan