Ainley, Rosa, 2020, Journal Article, Looking back again and forward re: Review and reconstruction in writing and architecture Architecture and Culture, 8 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2050-7836
Armstrong, Dorothy, 2020, Thesis, What is an ‘oriental’ carpet? Reimagining, remaking, repossessing the patterned pile carpets of South, Central and West Asia since 1840 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Arun Kumar, Pranay, 2020, Thesis, EcoDesign for medical devices: Barriers and opportunities to eco effective design of medical devices MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Asadipour, Ali, Debattista, Kurt, Patel, Vinod and Chalmers, Alan, 2020, Journal Article, A technology-aided multi-modal training approach to assist abdominal palpation training and its assessment in medical education International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 137 (2020). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1071-5819
Ash, Jesse, 2020, Book, Avoidance-Avoidance Sternberg Press, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3956794285 Item availability may be restricted.
Atkinson, Elizabeth, 2020, Thesis, Animals and their artists: An exploration of impossible encounters PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Baurley, Sharon, Petreca, Bruna, Selinas, Paris, Selby, Mark and Flintham, Martin, 2020, Book Section, Modalities of expression: Capturing embodied knowledge in cooking TEI '20: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 785-797. ISBN 9781450361071
Benque, David, 2020, Thesis, Case board, traces, & chicanes: Diagrams for an archaeology of algorithmic prediction through critical design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bernardini, Sara, Jovan, Ferdian, Jiang, Zhengyi, Watson, Simon, Weightman, Andrew, Moradi, Peiman, Richardson, Tom, Sadeghian, Rasoul and Sareh, Sina
Berry, Josephine, 2020, Journal Article, On a walkway to Hell: Vantages on art and life's exhaustion 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual, 1 (1). pp. 181-201. ISSN 2701-1569
Biderman, Kevin, 2020, Thesis, Visual surveillance and direct action protest in the City of London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fortnum, Rebecca and Hunt, Andrew, eds. 2020, Book, A mind weighted with unpublished matter Slimvolume, London, UK. ISBN 9781910516133
Blair, Sarah
Bosy, Karen and Portugal, Cristina, 2020, Journal Article, Media language: Video practices Proceedings of EVA London 2020, 30. pp. 294-299. ISSN 1477-9358
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Vane, Olivia, 2020, Journal Article, Design as Externalization: enabling research Information Design Journal, 25 (1). pp. 28-42. ISSN 0142-5471
Brownie, Barbara
Buchan, Suzanne, 2020, Book Section, Memoria rerum: Animated materiality, memory, and amnesia In: van Gageldon, Maarten, Munteán, László and Shobeiri, Ali, (eds.) Animation and Memory. Palgrave Animation Series . Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3030348878 Item availability may be restricted.
Buchan, Suzanne, 2020, Book Section, Pervasive, disruptive and useful animation In: Zielinski, Siegfried and Merewehter, Charles, (eds.) Art in the 21st Century. Reflections and Provocations. Osage Publications, Hong Kong, pp. 112-134. ISBN 978-9887728139
Bueti, Federica, 2020, Thesis, Poetics of negation: The personal in the writings of Carla Lonzi, Hélène Cixous, Moyra Davey, Frances Stark, and Anne Boyer PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Candela, Emily and Cavallo, Francesca, 2020, Conference or Workshop, How not to return to normal at College Art Association 109th Annual Conference, online, 10-13 Feb 2021.
Cano Piniero, Almudena, 2020, Thesis, The potential of design in neighbourhood planning: A design-led reconstruction of the Kentish Town case PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cheang, Sarah and Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2020, Journal Article, Decolonizing the curriculum? Transformation, emotion and positionality in teaching Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 24 (6). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1751-7419
Chen, Yang
Chessa, Maria, 2020, Thesis, A silent evolution: Material engagement and knowledge behind the rise of paper technology across Italy and England (1590-1800) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Choi, Yoon Jung, 2020, Thesis, Design to Let Things Go: Towards an understanding of user detachment from hibernating or accumulated objects at end of use and the promotion of object longevity and material circulation through care practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shorpening, Kelly and Fortnum, Rebecca, eds. 2020, Book, A companion to contemporary drawing Blackwell Companions to Art History . Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-119-19454-5 Item availability may be restricted.
Chun, Yongkeun, 2020, Thesis, Displayed modernity: Advertising and commercial art in colonial Korea, 1920-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Clow, Miranda, 2020, Thesis, The design of trust, past and present: A dialogue between ‘design for trust’ in contemporary design practice and the fire insurance industry in England 1680–1914 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Corvin, Tim, Miles, Pennington, Celine, Mougenot, Francoise, Detienne and Michael J., Baker, 2020, Journal Article, Argumentation, Eureka and emotion: An analysis of group projects in creative design training Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26 (100436). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2210-6561
Costa, Silgia A.
Cridford, Thomas
Cridford, Thomas
Crimmin, Michaela and Oakley, Peter, 2020, Printed Publication, This is no longer that place
Dalton, Ben, 2020, Thesis, Taking on the network: Making space for the identity play of networked publics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dare, Eleanor, 2020, Book Section, Locked down in the neoliberal Smart City: a-systemic technologies in crisis In: Flynn, Susan, (ed.) Equality in the City. Intellect, London. ISBN not known yet (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Dare, Eleanor, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Teaching Machines: Platforms, pedagogies and the wicked problem of design thinking at Building the Post-Pandemic University, Cambridge, 18 Sep 2020.
Dare, Eleanor, 2020, Journal Article, Teaching Machines: Platforms, pedagogies and the wicked problem of design thinking The Post-Pandemic University, 1 (1). p. 1. ISSN xxxx-xxxx
Dare, Eleanor and Antonopoulou, Alexandra, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Non-immersive media: collaborating in an ‘immertical’ Virtual world at Besides the Screen 2020, Porto, Online, 24-July-2020.
Dare, Eleanor and Papadaki, Elena, 2020, Book Section, Empathy for the Devil: VR installation and screen capture In: Papadaki, Elena, (ed.) Exhibiting the analogue / exhibiting the digital: Aftethoughts on an exhibition. University of Greenwich Galleries / Incandescent Square, 2020, London, pp. 20-23. ISBN 9780957343047
Dare, Eleanor and Papadaki, Elena, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Mycorrhizal Curation: minimal cognition for maximal cooperation at ISEA2020 International Symposium on Electronic Art, Montreal, 13-18 Oct 2020.
Dare, Eleanor, Ramanathan, Rathna, Simmons, Tom and Pochodzaj, Joseph, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Mediating tacit knowledges: a visual and sonic essay at UNCONFERENCE 2020, Reading (Virtual), 26 June 2020.
Deo, Nandita
Dormor, Catherine, 2020, Book, A philosophy of textile: Between practice and theory Bloomsbury, London, UK. ISBN 9781472525659 Item availability may be restricted.
Ergoktas, M. Said, Bakan, Gokhan, Steiner, Pietro, Bartlam, Cian, Malevich, Yury, Ozden Yenigun, Elif, He, Guanliang, Karim, Nazmul, Cataldi, Pietro, Bissett, Mark A., Kinloch, Ian A., Novoselov, Kostya S. and Kocabas, Coskun, 2020, Journal Article, Graphene-enabled adaptive infrared textiles Nano Letters, 20 (7). pp. 5346-5352. ISSN 1530-6984
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2020, Book Section, #103 A Smart Theory of Design[ing] In: Rodgers, Paul Anthony
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2020, Book Section, # 104 A 1.5°C Theory of Design[ing] In: Rodgers, Paul Anthony
Fernando, Galdon and Hall, Ashley
Ferrarello, Laura, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Fostering a learning experience that improves knowledge exchange between academia and industry at International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 10-11 September 2020, via Design University College, Herning, Denmark, Herning, Denmark, 10-11 September 2020.
Ferrarello, Laura and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book, Flight of the future Royal College of Art . Royal College of Art, London. ISBN 9780956136442
Ferrarello, Laura, Hall, Ashley
Forrester, Shannon
French, Michaela, 2020, Thesis, Taking the long view: Cultivating an ecological worldview through the attentive observation of light PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Friedrichs, Marcel, Shoshi, Alban, Chmura, Piotr Jaroslaw, Ison, Jon, Schwämmle, Veit, Schreiber, Falk, Hofestädt, Ralf and Sommer, Bjorn, 2020, Journal Article, 2.0 – A Bioinformatics Registry for Journal Published Tools with Interoperability to Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 16 (4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1613-4516
Fusari, Gianpaolo
Galdon, Fernando
Galdon, Fernando and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book Section, Synthetic consequential reasoning: Facilitating the design of synthetic morality in highly automated systems via a multidimensional-scalar framework In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Gremeaux-Bader, Vincent and Aminian, Kamiar, (eds.) Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications II. IHIET 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1152 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 501-506. ISBN 978-3-030-44266-8
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley and Ferrarello, Laura, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Futuring and trust; A prospective approach to designing trusted futures via a comparative study among design future models at Design Culture Symposium 2020 Scenarios Speculation Strategies, Online, 23-24 Nov 2020.
Galdon, Fernando, Rodgers, Paul and Bremner, Jonathan Craig, 2020, Journal Article, Design research-in-the-moment: Eliciting evolutive traces during the Covid-19 crisis Strategic Design Research Journal, 13 (3). pp. 312-326. ISSN 1084-2988
Rodgers, Paul, Galdon, Fernando and Bremner, Jonathan Craig, eds. 2020, Book, A design history of the COVID-19 virus Design research for change . AHRC, UK. ISBN 978-1862203907
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Optimising user engagement in highly automated virtual assistants to improve energy management and consumption at Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B, Boston, USA, 22-24 May 2019.
Garfield, Rachel
Gheerawo, Rama, Flory, Melanie and Ivanova, Ninela, 2020, Journal Article, Creative Leadership: Design meets neuroscience to transform leadership The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings, 2020 (1). pp. 679-692. ISSN 2640-4702
Giuliari, Beatrice, Kösters, Manuel, Zhou, Jan, Dingersen, Tim, Heissmann, André, Rotzoll, Ralf, Krüger, Jens, Giorgetti, Alejandro and Sommer, Bjorn
Glover, Hugo, 2020, Thesis, Animatory thinking: An enquiry into tacit knowledge within animation practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gokcek, Emine, 2020, Thesis, Co-incidental animation: Framing chance occurrences of illusion of movement as animation events MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Golding, Johnny, 2020, Teaching Resource, RADiCAL mATTER: Two Thirds Wild Imagination, Three Fifths logic of Sense and Nineteen Twentieths Courage of Quantum
Golding, Johnny, Reinhart, Martin and Paganelli, Mattia, eds. 2020, Book, Data Loam: Sometimes hard, usually soft. The future of knowledge systems Edition Angewandte . De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3110697841
Goldsworthy, Simon
Gong, Weilun, Xiao, Lan, Wang, Xiaohui and Lee, Chang Hee, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Dots — An inclusive natural user interfaces (NUI) for spatial computing at ACM SIGCHI Conference on Mobile Human Computer Interaction.2020 (MobileHCI2020), Oldenburg, Germany, 05-08 Oct 2020.
Goodbun, Jon, 2020, Journal Article, Architecture and environmentalism beyond the pandemic Caliper Journal, 1 (7).
Gough, Philip, Pschetz, Larissa, Ahmadpour, Naseem, Hepburn, Leigh-Anne, Cooper, Claire, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Catts, Oron, 2020, Conference or Workshop, The Nature of biodesigned systems: Directions for HCI at Designing Interactive Systems 2020, UK-Australia, 17 Jul 2020.
Grinyer, Clive, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Designing Blockchain based services at ServDes 2020, Melbourne, Australia, 2-5 Feb 2021.
Grinyer, Clive, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Designing Blockchain enabled customer experiences for new digital services at 22nd DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Impact The Future By Design, Toronto, Canada, 5-6 August 2020.
Gundry, Lucy, 2020, Thesis, Haptic aesthetics of dress in the contemporary exhibition space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Harrow, Dale, Gheerawo, Rama, Boyd Davis, Stephen
He, Yifei, 2020, Thesis, Contemporary Chinese painting and the studio: When and where does a painting practice begin and end? PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Held, Isabelle, 2020, Thesis, Designing the bombshell: Military-industrial materials and the shaping of women’s bodies in the United States, 1939–1976 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Huang, Tsai-Chun, 2020, Thesis, In-between pleats: Pleats, pleating and 'pliable logic' PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ibanez-Labiano, Isidoro, Ergoktas, M. Said, Kocabas, Coskun, Toomey, Anne, Alomainy, Akram and Ozden Yenigun, Elif, 2020, Journal Article, Graphene-based soft wearable antennas Applied Materials Today, 20 (Sept). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2352-9407
Ivanova, Ninela, Gheerawo, Rama, Poggi, Juliette, Gadzheva, Ivelina and Ramster, Gail, 2020, Journal Article, Towards a Gold Standard Operations Control Centre (OCC): Applying Creative Leadership principles in the re-design of an OCC at a leading international airline The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings, 2020 (1). pp. 273-291. ISSN 2640-4702
Jackson, Melanie, 2020, Book, Spekyng Rybawdy Procreate Project, London, UK. ISBN 9781838262914
Jackson, Melanie, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spekyng Rybawdy
Jackson, Melanie, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, The undersides of practice
Johannesson, Asa, 2020, Thesis, The queering of photography: A generative encounter PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jones, Carl
Jones, Carl
Jones, Carl
Jones, Carl. W.
Kaasa, Adam, 2020, Book Section, The matter of erasure: making room for utopia at Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, Mexico City In: Schorch, Philipp, Saxer, Martin and Elders, Marlen, (eds.) Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 214-227. ISBN 978-1-78735-748-8
Kaynan, Ozge, Yildiz, Alptekin, Bozkurt, Yunus Emre, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Cebeci, Hulya, 2020, Journal Article, Electrically conductive high–performance thermoplastic filaments for fused filament fabrication Composite Structures, 237. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0263-8223
Kelly, Sarah, 2020, Thesis, Warm like ice: Radical empathies for glacial times PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kontis, Georgios, 2020, Thesis, Authenticity: Painting ontologies & the threatening image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kuiper, Ouren X, Bos, Jelte E, Diels, Cyriel and Schmidt, Eike A, 2020, Journal Article, Knowing what's coming: Anticipatory audio cues can mitigate motion sickness Applied Ergonomics, 85 (2020). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0003-6870
Kulkarni, Nayan Deepak, 2020, Thesis, Night moves: A mise-en-scene of a luminous economy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kullmann, Isabella, 2020, Thesis, Treading lightly between the analogue and digital to transform float glass: An alternative glass practice? MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lambe, Sinead, Knight, Indira, Kabir, Thomas, West, Jonathan, Patel, Riana, Lister, Rachel, Rosebrock, Laina, Rovira, Aitor, Garnish, Benn, Freeman, Jason, Clark, David M., Waite, Felicity and Freeman, Daniel, 2020, Journal Article, Developing an automated VR cognitive treatment for psychosis: GameChange VR therapy Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, 30 (1). pp. 33-40. ISSN 2589-9791
Lass, Julian, 2020, Thesis, A witness's gesture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lean, Marion, 2020, Thesis, Materialising data experience through textile thinking PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Cecilia, 2020, Journal Article, Olfactory sense as an object of design practice: designing for an emotional experience in the smart technology sector The Design Journal, 23 (3). pp. 463-474. ISSN 1460-6925
Lee, Chang Hee and Balint, Tibor, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Martian delight: Exploring qualitative contact for decoupled communications at 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, 12 - 14 Oct 2020.
Lorway, Norah, Powley, Edward, Wilson, Arthur, Speakman, John A. and Jarvis, Matthew, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Autopia: An AI Collaborator for Live Coding Music Performances at ICLC 2020: International Conference on Live Coding, Limerick, Ireland, 5-7 Feb 2020.
Machin, James, 2020, Book Section, Aleister Crowley and occult meaning In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Gothic Handbook Series, 1 . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 321-335. ISBN 978-3030331368
Machin, James, 2020, Book Section, Lovecraft, decadence, and aestheticism In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Gothic Handbook Series, 1 . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1223-1237. ISBN 978-3030331351
Mancke, Carol, 2020, Journal Article, Experiments in Interfaces Archnet-ijar, 13 (3). pp. 670-682. ISSN 2631-6862
Marin, Carola Ureta, 2020, Book, The city as text Invierno. ISBN 2020-A-4022
Mausbach, Artur
McLeer, Brigid, 2020, Thesis, Withholding 'us': Images in the space of appearance PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Netter, Louis, 2020, Thesis, The graphic construct of the contemporary reportage artist: Vison, experience and drawing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter and Siriphon, Wuthigrai, 2020, Conference or Workshop, The value(s) of Thai craft textiles in the 21st century at AAS-in-Asia 2020, Kobe, Japan, 31 Aug - 04 Sept 2020.
Ozguner, Artun, 2020, Thesis, Inheritance / disavowal: Commemorating and representing the nation-state in Turkey from empire to republic, 1908-1940s PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Park, Hyunyim, 2020, Thesis, Service (eco)system in digital mapping platform: Developing a value co-creation framework and contribution of service design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pau, Stephanie and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book Section, Beyond speculation: Using imperfect experts for designing the collective futures of healthcare for space In: Christer, Kirsty, Craig, Claire and Chamberlain, Paul, (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. Lab4Living, Sheffield, UK, pp. 45-54. ISBN 978-1-8381117-0-0
Pau, Stephanie and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Journal Article, New spaces for healthcare futures studies: Connecting existing theory to deeper participatory practice Futures, 126. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0016-3287
Pereira, Godofredo, 2020, Book Section, Caring for the dead: The afterlives of collective bodies In: Lahoud, Adrian and Andrea, Bagnato, (eds.) Rights of Future Generations: Conditions. Hatje Cantz, Sharjah, pp. 36-40. ISBN 978-3775747035
Pereira, Godofredo, 2020, Book Section, Ecologies of existence: The architecture of collective equipment In: Witzgall, Susanne, Kesting, Marietta, Muhle, Maria and Nachtigall, Jenny, (eds.) Hybrid Ecologies. Diaphanes, Zurich, pp. 285-294. ISBN 978-3035801293 Item availability may be restricted.
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Anderson, Rosie, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, Bill and Boucher, Andy, 2020, Journal Article, 'Urban & suburban nature interactions', impacts and serendipitous narratives of the My Naturewatch project Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1 (2020). pp. 2109-2118. ISSN 2633-7762
Phillips, Robert
Pineyro Irazabal, Ana, 2020, Thesis, Animating matter: A material-led exploration into the kinetic potential of nylon monofilament PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pineyro Irazabal, Ana, 2020, Dataset, Materials accompanying the thesis "Animating matter: A material-led exploration into the kinetic potential of nylon monofilament"
Postlethwaite, Susan, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Design cultures of making: Fashion thinking as creative process and pedagogy at CUMULUS ROMA 2020, Rome, Italy, 8-11 Jun 2021.
Postlethwaite, Susan, 2020, Journal Article, Investigating creative processes and pedagogy in the UK: Fashion thinking Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process and the Fashion Industry, 14 (1). pp. 151-163. ISSN 1756-9370
Postlethwaite, Susan, Thiel, Kat and Lean, Marion, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Discourse: Debating the future of fashion design at Fashion Colloquium, Sub-theme: Disruption & Innovation, ARCH College of Design & Business, Jaipur, India, 26th – 30th. January 2020.
Privett, Imogen, 2020, Thesis, Experience unbound: The effects of coworking on workplace design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Beckett, Richard, 2020, Journal Article, Living with buildings, living with microbes: Probiosis and architecture arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 24 (2). pp. 155-168. ISSN 1359-1355
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Ramster, Gail
Rankin, Qona, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Supporting post-graduate art and design students with dyslexia and dyspraxia at International Conference on Neurodiversity: A paradigm Shift in Higher Education & Employment, Ireland, 03-04 Dec 2020.
Rankin, Qona, 2020, Other, The bigger picture with amazing dyslexics : Episode 3, a conversation on divergent thinking across industries Gershoni Creative, San Fransisco USA.
Rebolledo-Bustamante, Nicolas
Richards, Jennifer, 2020, Book Section, The Influence of the genre in high fashion In: Bloom, Clive, (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 1063-1074. ISBN 978-3030331368 Item availability may be restricted.
David Roux-Fouillet, 2020, Patent, US Patent for “KeyStone“, innovation in stone setting and production methods for jewellery . Item availability may be restricted.
Rufo, Raffaele, Ben-David, Anat, Cary, Catherine Anne, Borland-Sentinella, Deanna, Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, Owen, Alice, Fari, Nathalie S. and Creative, AmberBecky, 2020, Journal Article, Embodiment and social distancing: Practices Journal of Embodied Research, 3 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2513-8421
Sahoo, Shalini and Schmidt, Stefan W., 2020, Conference or Workshop, The method of Immersive Behavioural Observation (IBO) — a conversation between theory and practice at Synergy - DRS International Conference 2020, Online, 11-14 Aug 2020.
Satz, Aura, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, Tone transmissions
Sayuti, Nurul 'Ayn Ahmad, Sommer, Bjorn and Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema, 2020, Journal Article, Identifying the purposes of biological materials in everyday designs Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5 (15). pp. 29-37. ISSN 2398-4287
Schmidt, Eike A., Kuiper, Ouren X., Wolter, Stefan, Diels, Cyriel and Bos, Jelte E., 2020, Journal Article, An international survey on the incidence and modulating factors of carsickness Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71 (2020). pp. 76-87. ISSN 1369-8478
Schreiber, Falk, Sommer, Bjorn, Czauderna, Tobias
Seher, Mirza, 2020, Thesis, Threads of the Indus: the subtle forms of power in craft development in Sindh, Pakistan PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shallcross, Laura
Simmons, Tom and Dare, Eleanor, 2020, Printed Publication, Crafting Futures Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan Pilot Project Report, Inter-Generational Craft Communication and Collective Craft Futures
Sommer, Bjorn, Lee, Chang Hee, Martin, Nat and Torrisi, Savina, 2020, Journal Article, Immersive design engineering Electronic Imaging, 2020 (XXXI). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2470-1173
Staton, Sarah, 2020, Book, SupaStore inventory The Everyday Press, London. ISBN 978-191-2458-110
Staton, Sarah and Inzule, Egija, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, SupaStore Academy
Staton, Sarah, Mouton, Claire and Desjardins, Arnaud, 2020, Book, Sarah Staton SupaStore Inventory 1993-2020 The Everyday Press, London. ISBN 978-1-912458-11-0
Stevens, John, Holm Larsen, Torben, White, Sian and Fong, Vicki, 2020, Printed Publication, SuperTowel, packaging and distribution kit design – refinement and (Unpublished)
Tatham, Joanne and O’Sullivan, Tom, 2020, Journal Article, A woman unknown to herself Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (1). pp. 98-113. ISSN 1471-4787
Thompson, Milly, 2020, Show, Exhibition or Event, 4 new paintings
Triggs, Teal, 2020, Book Section, The critical turn: Education of a design writer In: Wood, Luke and Haylock, Brad, (eds.) One and Many Mirrors: Perspectives on Graphic Design Education. Occassional Papers, London, UK, pp. 42-61. ISBN 978-0995473010
Turgut, Firat, Koycu, Arda, Neje, Ghanshyam, Behera, Bijoy, Ozden Yenigun, Elif and Cebeci, Hulya, 2020, Book Section, Hierarchical CNTs grown multifunctional 3D woven composite beams for aerospace applications AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum. AIAA. ISBN 978-1-62410-595-1
Valles Vilchez, Laura, ed. 2020, Book, Across the sand CentroCentro, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-18299-07-0
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2020, Journal Article, Mind the gap. Fissures and prospects of an impossible consensus. Archiving in Spain’s contemporary arena Photographies, 13 (1). pp. 137-151. ISSN 1754-0763
Vane, Olivia, 2020, Thesis, Timeline design for visualising cultural heritage data PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wang, Yun, 2020, Thesis, Rediscovery of autonomy: The history of contemporary Chinese graphic design in the context of globalisation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
West, Jonathan
Wu, Jiayu
Wu, Jiayu
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Dare, Eleanor and Main, Angus, 2020, Printed Publication, Location-based Virtual Reality experiences for children: Japan-UK knowledge exchange network final project report
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Marsh, J, Lahmar, J, Plowman, L, Bishop, J and Scott, F, 2020, Journal Article, Under threes' play with tablets Journal of Early Childhood Research, 19 (3). pp. 283-297. ISSN 1476-718X
Yildiz, Kaan, Bozali, Beyza, Cebeci, Hulya and Ozden Yenigun, Elif, 2020, Book Section, Controlling the meso-scale assembly of CNTs/PBI interlayers for toughening of thermoplastic composites AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum. AIAA. ISBN 978-1-62410-595-1
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zhu, Yan, Lu, Jing, Han, Mei-Ling, Jiang, Xukai, Azad, Mohammad A. K., Patil, Nitin A., Lin, Yu-Wei, Zhao, Jinxin, Hu, Yang, Yu, Heidi H., Chen, Ke, Boyce, John D., Dunstan, Rhys A., Lithgow, Trevor, Barlow, Christopher K., Li, Weifeng, Schneider-Futschik, Elena K., Wang, Jiping, Gong, Bin, Sommer, Bjorn, Creek, Darren J., Fu, Jing, Wang, Lushan, Schreiber, Falk, Velkov, Tony and Li, Jian, 2020, Journal Article, Polymyxins bind to the cell surface of unculturable Acinetobacter baumannii and cause unique dependent resistance Advanced Science, 7 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2198-3844
da Costa, Silgia Aparecida, Ribul, Miriam, Baurley, Sharon
de Stael, Josephine, 2020, Thesis, The role of the model in Parisian fine jewellery knowledge PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Dooren, Jeroen, 2020, Thesis, We are not ourselves all of the time and we are not all of ourselves at any time: Heteronyms, personas and contemporary art PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
van Kranenburg, Rob, Anania, Loretta, Le Gars, Gaëlle, Arniani, Marta, Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina