Aishman, Steven, 2019, Thesis, The Intersection of Digital Practice and Everyday Life PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Auger, James, Loizeau, Jimmy and Zivanovic, Alex, 2009, Art or design object, Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots
Baker, Camille
Balint, Tibor and Lee, Chang Hee, 2019, Journal Article, Pillow talk: Curating delight for astronauts Acta Astronautica, 159. pp. 228-237. ISSN 0094-5765
Bamford, Roderick, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, Digital Bamboo
Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle, 2023, Teaching Resource, MA Information Experience Design (MAIED) methodologies
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Chatting, David, Yurman, Paulina and Kirk, David, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Family Rituals @.0 Ritual Machine 'Anticipation'
Bichard, Jo-Anne and Yurman, Paulina, 2015, Conference or Workshop, The Ethnography of Absence: Mapping Emotions. Interactive exhibition at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Yurman, Paulina, Kirk, David, Chatting, David, Ladkin, Adele, Jain, Juliet, Clayton, William and Marouda, Marina, 2015, Book, Family Rituals 2.0 Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, London.
Bisset, Fergus and Lockton, Dan, 2010, Journal Article, Designing motivation or motivating design? Exploring Service Design, motivation and behavioural change Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 1868-6052
Black, Jazzy
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Brody, Neville, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Freedom Space
Campagna, Federico, 2021, Thesis, Metaphysics and metaethics in the design of strategy video games PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Choi, Christina
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Zhang, Meng, 2014, Journal Article, Material ecologies for synthetic biology: Biomineralization and the state space of design Computer-Aided Design, 60 (1). pp. 28-39. ISSN 00104485
Dare, Eleanor, Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Digital Directions: AVR stortyelling at Crossing Physical and Virtual Worlds in Kid's VBR, Leeds, 27 March 2018.
Deo, Nandita
Diels, Cyriel and Bos, Jelte, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Great expectations: On the design of predictive motion cues to alleviate carsickness at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2021: HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems, Washington DC, USA, 24-29 Jul 2021.
Dong, Jiayuan, Nadri, Chihab, Alvarez, Ignacio, Diels, Cyriel, Lee, Myeongkyu, Li, Jingyi, Liao, Pei Hsuan, Manger, Carina, Sadeghian, Shadan, Schuß, Martina, Walker, Bruce N., Walker, Francesco, Wang, Yiyuan and Jeon, Myounghoon, 2023, Conference or Workshop, “Play Your Anger”: A report on the empathic in-vehicle interface workshop at AutomotiveUI '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Ingolstadt, Germany, 18-22 Sep 2023.
Dunne, Anthony, 1997, Thesis, Hertzian tales: An investigation into the critical and aesthetic potential of the electronic product as a post-optimal object PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, Afterlife (2009-10)
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Book Section, Between Reality and the Impossible Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étiennne 2010. Cité du Design Éditions, Saint-Étienne, France, pp. 129-153. ISBN 978-2-912808-40-0
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, EM Listeners (2010)
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2013, Book, Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming The MIT Press, USA. ISBN 9780262019842
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, Stop & Scan (2010)
Dutson, Claudia, 2019, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Model Worker
Fass, John, 2018, Thesis, Representing experiences of digital systems: the design and use of externalising models PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ferrarello, Laura and Fairbrother, William, 2015, Book Section, Processes of Artefact Creation in the Hybrid-Reality Engaging with Materials through Material Oxymorons In: Anne Louise, Anne Louise, Buur, Jacob, Lønne, Irene Alma and Nimkulrat, Nithikul, (eds.) Tangible Means Experiential Knowledge Through Materials. Conference Proceedings - International Conference 2015 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge. Design School Kolding, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark, pp. 368-379. ISBN 978-87-90775-90-2
Fong, Vicki and Thomas, David, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, England Good Future : A Designed Memory
Fusari, Gianpaolo, Matthews, Ed and Harrow, Dale, 2011, Art or design object, “Digital Diagnostics and Communication (DDC) system” Redesigning the Emergency Ambulance
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen, 2019, Book Section, From apology to compensation: A multi-level taxonomy of trust reparation for highly automated virtual assistants In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Colson, Serge and Choplin, Arnaud, (eds.) Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1018 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 42-46. ISBN 978-3-030-25628-9
Galdon, Fernando and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2019, Book Section, Addressing accountability in highly autonomous virtual assistants In: Ahram, Tareq, Taiar, Redha, Colson, Serge and Choplin, Arnaud, (eds.) Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1018 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 10-14. ISBN 978-3-030-25628-9
Gaudion, Katie, 2015, Thesis, A Designer’s Approach: Exploring how Autistic Adults with Additional Learning Disabilities Experience their Home Environment PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gaver, Bill, Boucher, Andy, Brown, Dean, Matsuda, Naho, Molinera, Jen, Ovalle, Liliana, Sheen, Andy, Vanis, Mike, Phillips, Robert
Gaver, William, Boucher, Andy, Vanis, Michail, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Ovalle, Liliana, Matsuda, Naho, Abbas-Nazari, Amina and Phillips, Robert, 2019, Conference or Workshop, My Naturewatch Camera Disseminating Practice Research with a Cheap and Easy DIY Design at CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4–9, 2019.
Gheerawo, Rama and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Digital Barriers: Making Technology Work for People at 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu, Japan, 30 October - 3 November 2010.
Gheerawo, Rama and Vavik, Tom, 2009, Book Section, The Challenges in Universal Design In: Vavik, Tom, (ed.) Inclusive Buildings, Products & Services: Challenges in Universal Design. Tapir Academic Press, Norway, pp. 4-24. ISBN 9788251923446
Gong, Weilun, Xiao, Lan, Wang, Xiaohui and Lee, Chang Hee, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Dots — An inclusive natural user interfaces (NUI) for spatial computing at ACM SIGCHI Conference on Mobile Human Computer Interaction.2020 (MobileHCI2020), Oldenburg, Germany, 05-08 Oct 2020.
Gooding, Luke, Gant, Nicholas and Phillips, Robert
Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Boxall, Emily, Phillips, Robert
Gooding, Luke, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Phillips, Robert, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2024, Conference or Workshop, What do we mean: the language of design for sustainable practices at Preferences of Design, Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 May 2024. (Submitted)
Gough, Philip, Pschetz, Larissa, Ahmadpour, Naseem, Hepburn, Leigh-Anne, Cooper, Claire, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Catts, Oron, 2020, Conference or Workshop, The Nature of biodesigned systems: Directions for HCI at Designing Interactive Systems 2020, UK-Australia, 17 Jul 2020.
Greene, Catherine, 2012, Art or design object, Sustainable Cultures Engagement Toolkit
Hall, Ashley
Harriss, Harriet, Penin, Lara and Eduardo, Stazowski, 2014, Journal Article, Amplify Soundview: Reflecting on the Use of Digital Tools for Promoting Community Engagement & Stewardship in the Development and Care of the Soundview Park in New York City The Electronic Journal of Communication, 24 (1&2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1183-5656
Hillner, Matthias, 2019, Thesis, Dynamic IP Strategies for Design-led Start-ups PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hinton, Kathryn, 2010, Thesis, The Craft of Digital Tooling MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hodson, Elise
Humphries, Matthew, 2008, Art or design object, Morgan LIFECar
Ivanova, Ninela, Gheerawo, Rama, Poggi, Juliette, Gadzheva, Ivelina and Ramster, Gail, 2020, Journal Article, Towards a Gold Standard Operations Control Centre (OCC): Applying Creative Leadership principles in the re-design of an OCC at a leading international airline The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings, 2020 (1). pp. 273-291. ISSN 2640-4702
Jason, Naveen N., Wang, Stephen Jia, Bhanushali, Sushrut and Cheng, Wenlong, 2016, Journal Article, Skin Inspired Fractal Strain Sensors Using a Copper Nanowires and Graphite Microflakes Hybrid Conductive Network, Nanoscales Nanoscale, 8 (37). pp. 16596-16605. ISSN 2040-3372
Jones, Carl
Kang, Yiyun, 2018, Thesis, The spatiality of projection mapping: a practice-based research on projected moving-image installation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kirk, David, Chatting, David, Yurman, Paulina and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Ritual Machines I & II: Making Technology at Home at CHI 2016: CHI4Good, California, USA, 7-12 May 2016.
Kräutli, Florian, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Challenges for time as digital data at (Digital) Humanities Revisited, Hanover, Germany, 5-7 Dec 2013.
Kräutli, Florian and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Digital Humanities Research Through Design at DH Early Career Conference 2016 "Mapping the Scope & Reach of the Digital Humanities", King's College London, 20 May 2016.
Kräutli, Florian and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Revealing Cultural Collections Over Time at EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, London, 16-17 Sep 2015.
Lalioti, Vali, 2019, Conference or Workshop, RethinkAI: Designing the human and AI relationship in the future of work at International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, 02-05 Sept. 2019.
Lee, Chang Hee, 2018, Printed Publication, Silent Scene
Lee, Chang Hee, 2018, Thesis, Synaesthesia Materialisation: Approaches to Applying Synaesthesia as a Provocation for Generating Creative Ideas Within the Context of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Chang Hee, 2017, Printed Publication, Three Studies of Synaesthesia
Lee, Chang Hee and Balint, Tibor, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Martian delight: Exploring qualitative contact for decoupled communications at 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, 12 - 14 Oct 2020.
Lee, Chang Hee, Lockton, Dan, Stevens, John, Wang, Stephen Jia and Ahn, SungHee, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Synaesthetic-Translation Tool: Synaesthesia as an Interactive Material for Ideation at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, 4 - 9th May 2019.
Leon, Nick, 2008, Journal Article, The Managed Service Paradox IBM Systems Journal, 47 (1). p. 153.
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J, Cain, Rebecca, Stanton, Neville A and Jennings, Paul, 2013, Journal Article, Exploring problem-framing through behavioural heuristics International Journal of Design, 7 (1). pp. 37-53. ISSN 1994-036X
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2010, Journal Article, The Design with Intent Method: a design tool for influencing user behaviour Applied Ergonomics, 41 (3). pp. 382-392. ISSN 0003-6870
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2014, Journal Article, Exploring design patterns for sustainable behaviour The Design Journal, 17 (1). 00-00. ISSN 1460-6925 (In Press)
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2008, Journal Article, Making the user more efficient: Design for sustainable behaviour International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1939-7038
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2012, Journal Article, Models of the user: designers’ perspectives on influencing sustainable behaviour Journal of Design Research, 10 (1/2). pp. 7-27. ISSN 1569-1551
Lockton, Dan, Ricketts, Delanie, Chowdhury, Shruti Aditya and Lee, Chang Hee, 2017, Book Section, Exploring Qualitative Displays and Interfaces CHI EA '17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, USA, pp. 1844-1852. ISBN 9781450346566
Main, Angus, 2023, Printed Publication, Conosciamo i sensori e i dati che raccolgono. Kit per bambini e genitori
Main, Angus, 2019, Book Section, Countermeasures: Learning to Lie to Objects CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781450359719
Main, Angus, 2015, Art or design object, The Language of Things
Main, Angus, 2015, Art or design object, Pair Painting App
Marsh, Nick and Lockton, Dan, 2010, Journal Article, Research in practice: Bringing behavioural change from lab to studio Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2 (1). pp. 26-29. ISSN 1868-6052
Mcginley, Chris, Grover, Shruti and Atkin, Ross, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Certainty as a Provocation: The Design and Analysis of 2 Quant-Qual Tool Dyads for a Qualified Self Technology Project at Research Through Design Conference 2015, Cambridge, UK, 25-27 Mar 2015.
Moriarty, Patrick and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2017, Journal Article, Can Electric Vehicles Deliver Energy and Carbon Reductions? Energy Procedia, 105 (1). pp. 2983-2988. ISSN 1876-6102
Moriarty, Patrick and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2015, Journal Article, Eco-efficiency indicators for urban transport Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 3 (2). pp. 183-195. ISSN 1848-9257
Murer, Martin, Fass, John, Walker, Kevin, Vallgarda, Anna, Fuchsberger, Verena and Tscheligi, Manfred, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Critical Ways of Making: Design Artefacts, De-Computation and Un-Crafting at Critical Alternatives, Aarhus, Denmark, 17-21 August 2015.
Pao, David, Stevens, John and Lockton, Dan, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Together in electric screams: the frustrations of GUM electronic patient records at BASHH, Belfast, UK, 18-20 June 2017.
Pao, David, Stevens, John, Lockton, Dan and Weinstein, Netta, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Electronic Medical Records: Provotype visualisation maximises clinical usability at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018), London, 9 - 13 July 2018.
Pendrell, Luke, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Roadside picnic
Pennington, Miles, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Scenes Unseen - Takram Test Bed
Petreca, Bruna, 2017, Book Section, Giving Body to Digital Fashion Tools In: Broadhurst, Susan and Price, Sara, (eds.) Digital Bodies. Literature, Cultural and Media Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 191-204. ISBN 978-1-349-95241-0
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, 2021, Journal Article, Communal response(s): Designing a socially engaged nature recovery network Disegno, 22 (32). pp. 110-143. ISSN 2064-7778
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, Robert, Boucher, Andy, Vanis, Michail, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Ovalle, Liliana and Matsuda, Naho, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, "The Wildlife of Lewes" My Naturewatch Film Trailer, The Depot Cinema
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Tooze, Robert, Gaver, W, Boucher, Andy, Orville, Liliana, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Matsuda, Naho and Vanis, Mike, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Design and Deploying Tools to ‘Actively Engaging Nature’ at HCI International 2019, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6-31 July 2019.
Phillips, Robert, Alexander, John, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2024, Book Section, Beyond co-production: Design as a means of evoking agency through ecological citizenship Cumulus 2024. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest., TBC-TBC. ISBN 978-952-7549-02-5, 978-952-7549-03-2 (Submitted)
Phillips, Robert, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Pullen, Jude, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy, Simmons, Tom, Upton, Rebecca and West, Sarah, 2024, Art or design object, Ecological citizen(s) preferable futures deck
Phillips, Robert, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simmons, Tom, West, Sarah and Wright, Joanna, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Preferable, contextual and sustainable… climate futures for Ecological Citizen(s) at DRS 2024 Boston, Resistance, Recovery, Reflection, Reimagination, Boston, 24-28 Jun 2024.
Phillips, Robert, Baurley, Sharon and Silve, Sarah, 2014, Journal Article, Citizen Science and Open Design: Workshop Findings Design Issues, 30 (4). pp. 52-66. ISSN 0747-9360
Phillips, Robert, Dexter, Matt, Baurley, Sharon and Atkinson, Paul, 2016, Journal Article, Standard Deviation: standardization and quality control in the mash-up era Disegno, 111 (01). pp. 96-117. ISSN 2416-156X
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Journal Article, Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise, x (xx). pp. 74-80. ISSN x
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan, Baurley, Sharon and Silve, Sarah, 2013, Journal Article, Making instructions for others: exploring mental models through a simple exercise Interactions, 20 (5). 00-00. ISSN 1072-5520 (In Press)
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Wilshire, John, Hodson, Elise, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy and Simmons, Tom, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Design futures, ecological citizenship & public interest technologies = HCI regenerative interaction opportunities …? at 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Washington DC, USA, 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2024.
Phillips, Robert, brown, michael, Blum, Jesse and Baurley, Sharon, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Testing a Grassroots Citizen Science Venture Using Open Design, “the Bee Lab Project” at CHI, Toronto, 26 Apr - 01 May 2014.
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Open design: non‐professional user‐designers creating products for citizen science, a case study of beekeepers. at HCI, Las Vegas, 21-26 Jul 2013.
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, The practical maker: investigating the definitions and requirements of and exploring the motivations behind bespoke making. at Crafting the Future, Gothernburg, 17-19 Apr 2013.
Pochmann, Hans-Jörg, 2016, Thesis, The question concerning the sustaining support of digital objects MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Raby, Elizabeth and West, Jonathan, 2015, Art or design object, Drink Informed
Ramster, Gail, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Digital Toilets: for your convenience at OpenTech, London, 13 Jun 2015.
Ramster, Gail, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Excuse me, where is the toilet (data)? at Open Data Institute: Lunchtime Lecture, London, 5 Sep 2014.
Raskob, Evan, 2018, Book Section, Datawalking DATAWALKING. Ravensbourne, Greenwich, UK. ISBN tbc
Raskob, Evan, 2015, Book, Sound Spirals Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, 2015 . BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, London, UK. ISBN 9 781780 173160
Ribul, Miriam, Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle, Cainy, Yiru Yan, Rungta, Devanshi, Selby, Laura and Ren, Xinyi, 2022, Art or design object, Catalyst
Ribul, Miriam, Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle, Cainy, Yiru Yan, Rungta, Devanshi, Selby, Laura and Ren, Xinyi, 2022, Art or design object, Catalyst drum model design
Ribul, Miriam, Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle, Cainy, Yiru Yan, Rungta, Devanshi, Selby, Laura and Ren, Xinyi, 2022, Art or design object, Catalyst pattern
Ribul, Miriam, Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle, Cainy, Yiru Yan, Rungta, Devanshi, Selby, Laura and Ren, Xinyi, 2022, Art or design object, Catalyst sound
Roth, Bine
Roth, Bine and Ueda, Kaori, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Nishijin weaving and pleating to create textile sensors at Wearables Collective, Davis, USA, 25-26 Mar 2024.
Rundle, Tim, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Only technology can save us from itself at 7th Future of Wireless International Conference, London, United Kingdom, 23-24 Jun 2015.
Shepley, Alec, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Heald, Karen, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Phillips, Robert, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2023, Conference or Workshop, People, place and purpose: Place-based approaches to ecological citizenship at Local Cultures – Global Spaces Communities, People and Place, New York, Hong Kong, Melbourne, 05-07 Dec 2023.
Sommer, Bjorn, Barnes, David G., Boyd, Sarah, Chandler, Thomas, Cordeil, Maxime, Czauderna, Tobias, lapperstück, Mathias, Klein, Karsten, Nguyen, Toan D., Nim, Hieu, Stephens, Kingsley, Vohl, Dany, Wang, Stephen Jia, Wilson, Elliott, Zhu, Yan, Li, Jian, Mccormack, Jon, Mariott, Kim and Schreiber, Falk, 2017, Journal Article, 3D-Stereoscopic Immersive Analytics Projects at Monash University and University of Konstanz Proceedings on IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017; Electronic Imaging, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, XXVIII. pp. 179-187. ISSN 2470-1173
Sommer, Bjorn, Lee, Chang Hee, Martin, Nat and Torrisi, Savina, 2020, Journal Article, Immersive design engineering Electronic Imaging, 2020 (XXXI). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2470-1173
Sommer, Bjorn, Wang, Stephen Jia, Xu, Lifeng, Chen, Ming and Schreiber, Falk, 2015, Book Section, Hybrid-Dimensional Visualization and Interaction - Integrating 2D and 3D Visualization with Semi-Immersive Navigation Techniques 2015 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA). IEEE, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-1-4673-7343-2
Stevens, John, 2015, Conference or Workshop, KE activity: Mind at Mind - Digital Wellbeing for London, London, UK, 27-31 Oct 2015.
Sun, Yuqian
Sun, Yuqian
Tan, Wilkioe, Wang, Stephen Jia and Janet, Jeffery, 2017, Journal Article, Pairing craft-making with Mandarin eBooks: An investigation into the use of craft for language learning by pre-schoolers EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 4 (12). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2409-9708
Tigas, Panagiotis, Selinas, Paris and Mylonaki, Dionysia, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Down to Earth: a framework for empathizing with scientific data and invisible threats at 66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 12-16 October 2015. (Unpublished)
Toomey, Anne, 2016, Journal Article, The Power of ‘Soft’ MRS Advances, 1 (01). pp. 69-80. ISSN 2059-8521
Walker, Kevin, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Resonance research: Sonic reverence, social relevance at Resonate, Belgrade, Serbia, 12-16 April 2016.
Walker, Kevin and Fass, John, 2015, Conference or Workshop, De-computation: Programming the world through design at NORDES, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-10 June 2015.
Walker, Kevin, Reynolds, Rebecca and Speight, Catherine, 2010, Journal Article, Web-based museum trails on PDAs for university-level design students: Design and evaluation Computers and Education, 55 (3). pp. 994-1003. ISSN 0360-1315
Walker, Kevin, Smith, Oliver and Tacchini, Francesco, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Sonic presence and spectral technology at The Power of Presence, Kyoto, Japan, 8 June 2016. Item availability may be restricted.
Walker, Kevin and Von Ompteda, Karin, 2014, Conference or Workshop, PhysicSpace: From Quantum to Human Scale at IEEE VIS, Paris, France, 9-14 November 2014.
Wang, Cenzi and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2017, Journal Article, Relevé: An at home ballet self-learning interactive system KnE Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 242-248. ISSN 2518-6841
Wang, Stephen Jia and Moriarty, Patrick, 2017, Journal Article, Strategies for household energy conservation Energy Procedia, 105 (1). pp. 2996-3002. ISSN 1876-6102
Wang, Stephen Jia, Moriarty, Patrick and Wu, Shi-Zhong, 2015, Journal Article, Tangible Interaction Design: Preparing Future Designers for The Needs of Industrial Innovation Procedia Technology, 20 (1). pp. 162-169. ISSN 2212-0173
Wang, Stephen Jia and Yu, Di, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Virtual-spine: The Collaboration Between Pervasive Environment Based Simulator, Game Engine (Mixed-Reality) and Pervasive Messaging at Conference: 2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops: PervasiveHealth 2013, Venice, Italy, 5-8, May 2013.
Wang, Yan, Gong, Shu, Wang, Stephen Jia, Yang, Xinyi, Ling, Yunzhi, Yap, Lim Wei, Dong, Da Sheng, Simon, George P. and Cheng, Wenlong, 2018, Journal Article, Standing Enokitake-like Nanowire Films for Highly Stretchable Elastronics ACS Nano, 2018 (12). pp. 9742-9749. ISSN 1936-086X
West, Jonathan, Knight, Indira and Eliasz, Paul, 2018, Other, 'gameChange' - virtual reality psychological treatment for people living with psychosis Oxford University, Oxford.
West, Jonathan, Wojdecka, Anna, Matthews, Ed, Gheerawo, Rama, Hardy, Amy and Garety, Philippa, 2016, Journal Article, SlowMo: Inclusive design to improve therapy for paranoid and suspicious thoughts International Conference on Universal Design. (Unpublished)
Williams, Gareth, 2012, Book, 21 Twenty One, 21 designers for twenty-first century Britain V&A Publishing, London. ISBN 978 1 85177 678 8
Wilshire, John V, Phillips, Robert, Shupak,, Lizzie and Thornton, Andy, 2023, Other, Where the light gets in, Sussex.
Wilson, Ben, 2013, Art or design object, Donky Bike
Wilson, Ben, 2008, Art or design object, Monowheel
Wilson, Ben, 2010, Art or design object, Scooterkit
Wojdecka, Anna
Wojdecka, Anna and West, Jonathan, 2016, Art or design object, SlowMo - digital design to aid therapy for people with paranoid and suspicious thoughts
Yamada-Rice, Dylan
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Dare, Eleanor, Main, Angus, Potter, John and Love, Steve, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Location-based Virtual Reality Experiences for Children:Japan-UK knowledge exchange network: London Workshop Programme at Location-based Virtual Reality Experiences for Children:Japan-UK knowledge exchange network: London Workshop, London, 30/4/19 -3/5/19.
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Dare, Eleanor, Main, Angus, Potter, John and Love, Steve, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Location-based Virtual Reality Experiences for Children:Japan-UK knowledge exchange network: Tokyo Workshop at Location-based Virtual Reality Experiences for Children:Japan-UK knowledge exchange network: Tokyo Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 24/6/19 - 28/6/19.
Yamada-Rice, Dylan and Love, Steve, 2019, Journal Article, Designing tech for health: Developing a mixed reality playkit to help children who need an MRI Scan RIAS Quarterly, 38 (38). p. 57. ISSN 9 772044 18500538
Yang, Chu Lin and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2017, Journal Article, Sandtime: A Tangible Interaction Featured Sensory Play Installation For Children To Increase Social Connection EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 4 (10). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2409-9708
Yang, Chulin and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2015, Journal Article, Seesaw: An Interactive Display To Facilitate Social Interaction Procedia Technology, 20 (1). pp. 104-110. ISSN 2212-0173
Yang, Xinyi and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2017, Journal Article, To Develop and Evaluate Children’s Cognitive Development through An AR-Playful-Learning Approach KnE Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 211-218. ISSN 2518-6841
Yao, Wenjin, 2015, Thesis, Approaching Chineseness:Investigating the cultural transfer of behavioural factors in and through Chinese industrial design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yurman, Paulina, Chatting, David, Bichard, Jo-Anne and Kirk, David, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Ritual Machines at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.
Zheng, Caroline Yan
Zhong, Shu, Gatti, Elia, Hardwick, James, Ribul, Miriam
Zhu, Yu Jie, Yang, Xin Yi and Wang, Stephen Jia, 2017, Journal Article, Augmented Reality Meets Tangibility: A New Approach for Early Childhood Education EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 4 (11). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2409-9708
Zileli, Selin, Boyd Davis, Stephen and Wu, Jiayu, 2019, Journal Article, Towards transparency between the autonomous vehicle and the pedestrian Design and Semantics of Form and Movement, DesForm 2019: Beyond Intelligence. pp. 96-104. ISSN 2706-6150