Balint, Tibor and Hall, Ashley, 2015, Journal Article, Humanly space objects — Perception and connection with the observer Acta Astronautica, 110 (2015). pp. 129-144. ISSN 0094-5765
Bamford, Roderick, 2016, Journal Article, Accident, determinism and hermeneutics: relationships between analogue and digital fabrication Making Futures, 4 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2042-1664
Bichard, Jo-Anne and Knight, Gail, 2012, Journal Article, Improving public services through open data: public toilets Municipal Engineer, 165 (ME3). pp. 157-165. ISSN 09650903
Bichard, Jo-Anne, van den Heuvel, E, Jowitt, F, Gilhooly, M, Parker, S.G., Long, A, Ratcliffe, N.M, McKee, K and Gaydecki, P, 2012, Journal Article, Tackling Ageing Continence through Theory, Tools & Technology Ageing & Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1 (2). pp. 83-96. ISSN 2160-1909
Bisset, Fergus and Lockton, Dan, 2010, Journal Article, Designing motivation or motivating design? Exploring Service Design, motivation and behavioural change Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 1868-6052
Choi, Christina Youngmi
Choi, Yoon Jung and Stevens, John, 2018, Journal Article, Carative Factors in the Design Development Process: Towards Understanding Owner–Object Detachment and Promoting Object Longevity The Design Journal, 21 (4). pp. 477-497. ISSN 1460-6925
Corvin, Tim, Miles, Pennington, Celine, Mougenot, Francoise, Detienne and Michael J., Baker, 2020, Journal Article, Argumentation, Eureka and emotion: An analysis of group projects in creative design training Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26 (100436). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2210-6561
Diels, Cyriel and Bos, Jelte E, 2015, Journal Article, Self-driving carsickness Applied Ergonomics, 53 (Part B). pp. 374-382. ISSN 0003-6870
Gaudion, Katie, Hall, Ashley, Myerson, Jeremy and Pellicano, Liz, 2015, Journal Article, A designer's approach: How can autistic adults with learning disabilities be involved in the design process? CoDesign, 11 (1). pp. 46-69. ISSN 1745-3755
Hall, Ashley, 2019, Journal Article, Design thinking: Governing inter-domain thinking for tackling the Anthropocene The Design Journal, 23 (1). pp. 71-89. ISSN 1460-6925
Hall, Ashley, 2011, Journal Article, Experimental Design: Design Experimentation Design Issues, 27 (2). pp. 17-26. ISSN 07479360
Hall, Ashley, 2014, Journal Article, The Future of Making ADF Series, 3 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN N/A (Unpublished)
Hall, Ashley, 2015, Journal Article, Ubiquitous Tendencies: Cultural Inspirations and the Future of Industrial Design for a Global Mass Market Archives of Design Research, 28 (4). pp. 5-17. ISSN 1226-8046
Hall, Ashley and Barker, T, 2010, Journal Article, Design collectives in education: evaluating the atelier format and the use of teaching narrative for collective cultural and creative learning, and the subsequent impact on professional practice Alternative Practices in design: past present and future, 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN N/A
Hall, Ashley and Barker, Tom, 2011, Journal Article, Design and Geographically Liberated Difference Design Principles and Practice: An International Journal, 5 (3). pp. 507-516.
Hall, Ashley and Childs, Peter, 2009, Journal Article, Innovation Design Engineering: Non-linear Progressive Education for Diverse Intakes Engineering and Product Design Education 2009, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN N/A
Hall, Ashley, Childs, Peter, Wuggetzer, Ingo and Mayer, Tobias, 2013, Journal Article, Future aircraft cabins and design thinking: optimisation vs. win-win scenarios Propulsion and Power Research, 2 (2). pp. 85-95. ISSN 2212540X
Hall, Ashley, Prendeville, Sharon, Hartung, Grit, Brass, Clare and Purvis, Erica, 2017, Journal Article, Circular Makerspaces: the founder’s view International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 10 (4-5). pp. 272-288. ISSN 1939-7038
Hall, Ashley, Rogers, Paul, Winton, Euan, Land, Ellie and Aurisicchio, Marco, 2013, Journal Article, Are We All Designers? Engineering & Product Design Education 2013, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN N/A
Hall, Ashley and Torrisi, Savina, 2013, Journal Article, Missing Miscommunication in Interdisciplinary Design Practice Engineering and Product Design Education 2013, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN N/A
Hall, Ashley
Hodson, Elise
Lawson, Glyn, Brown, Michael, Coughlan, Tim, Floyde, Anne, Baurley, Sharon, Elliott, Meretta and Tsai, Allen, 2016, Journal Article, Enhancing the design process with drama-related methods Design Journal, 19 (4). pp. 605-623. ISSN 1756-3062
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J, Cain, Rebecca, Stanton, Neville A and Jennings, Paul, 2013, Journal Article, Exploring problem-framing through behavioural heuristics International Journal of Design, 7 (1). pp. 37-53. ISSN 1994-036X
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2010, Journal Article, The Design with Intent Method: a design tool for influencing user behaviour Applied Ergonomics, 41 (3). pp. 382-392. ISSN 0003-6870
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2014, Journal Article, Exploring design patterns for sustainable behaviour The Design Journal, 17 (1). 00-00. ISSN 1460-6925 (In Press)
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2008, Journal Article, Making the user more efficient: Design for sustainable behaviour International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1939-7038
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J and Stanton, Neville A, 2012, Journal Article, Models of the user: designers’ perspectives on influencing sustainable behaviour Journal of Design Research, 10 (1/2). pp. 7-27. ISSN 1569-1551
Marsh, Nick and Lockton, Dan, 2010, Journal Article, Research in practice: Bringing behavioural change from lab to studio Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2 (1). pp. 26-29. ISSN 1868-6052
Pau, Stephanie and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Journal Article, New spaces for healthcare futures studies: Connecting existing theory to deeper participatory practice Futures, 126. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0016-3287
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, 2021, Journal Article, Communal response(s): Designing a socially engaged nature recovery network Disegno, 22 (32). pp. 110-143. ISSN 2064-7778
Phillips, Robert, 2019, Journal Article, Design insights for Socially-led interventions Journal of Design, Business & Society, 5 (1). pp. 7-33. ISSN 2055-2106
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Dexter, Matt, Baurley, Sharon and Atkinson, Paul, 2016, Journal Article, Standard Deviation: standardization and quality control in the mash-up era Disegno, 111 (01). pp. 96-117. ISSN 2416-156X
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Journal Article, Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise, x (xx). pp. 74-80. ISSN x
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan, Baurley, Sharon and Silve, Sarah, 2013, Journal Article, Making instructions for others: exploring mental models through a simple exercise Interactions, 20 (5). 00-00. ISSN 1072-5520 (In Press)
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Michael, Brown and Sharon, Baurley, 2016, Journal Article, Social Responses to Nature; Citizen Empowerment through Design Journal of Design, Business & Society, 2 (2). pp. 197-215. ISSN 2055-2106
Rosen, David and Choi, Christina
Stewart, Hannah and Tooze, James, 2015, Journal Article, Future Makespaces and redistributed manufacturing Making Futures, IV. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2042-1664
Terzioglu, Nazli
Toomey, Anne, 2015, Journal Article, A Design-Led, Materials Based Approach to Human Centered Applications Using Modified Dielectric Electroactive Polymer Sensors Sensor Systems and Software, 143 (1). pp. 11-19. ISSN 1867-8211
Tooze, James, Baurley, Sharon, Phillips, Robert, Smith, Paul, Foote, Edwin and Silve, Sarah, 2015, Journal Article, Open Design: Contributions, Solutions, Processes and Projects Design Journal, 17 (4). pp. 538-559. ISSN 1756-3062
Watkins, Clara, Gill, Steve, Loudon, Gareth
West, Jonathan
West, Jonathan, Davey, Grace, Anderson, Oliver, Norris, Beverley, Brodie, Andrea and Myerson, Jeremy, 2015, Journal Article, Designing out Medical Error: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Design of Healthcare Equipment The Design Journal, 17 (2). pp. 238-266. ISSN 1460-6925
Yanliuxing, Yan, Childs, Peter and Hall, Ashley, 2013, Journal Article, An Assessment of Personality Traits and Their Implication for Creativity Amongst Innovation Design Engineering Masters Students Using the MBTI and KTS Instruments International Conference on Engineering Design, 1 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN N/A
Candela, Emily, 2015, Thesis, Mid-Century Molecular: The Material Culture of X-ray Crystallographic Visualisation across Postwar British Science and Industrial Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art in collaboration with the Science Museum.
Chessa, Maria, 2020, Thesis, A silent evolution: Material engagement and knowledge behind the rise of paper technology across Italy and England (1590-1800) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Clark, Sheila, 2019, Thesis, The design and prototyping of innovative sustainable material solutions for automotive interiors PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ginsberg, Alexandra Daisy, 2018, Thesis, Better: navigating imaginaries in design and synthetic biology to question 'better' PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Appendix: Translocated making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Thesis: Translocated Making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Han, Eunju, 2012, Thesis, Locative Interaction In Urban Space: Programmatic Flexibility PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Houldsworth, Austin, 2018, Thesis, For money's sake:introducing Redefinition Design- a method to break out of the ubiquitous monetary paradigm; in the hope of finding genuine alternatives PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Imkampe-Cho, Young Eun, 2017, Thesis, Impactful by design: exploring a New Product Development (NPD) framework for socially responsible technology MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lee, Chang Hee, 2018, Thesis, Synaesthesia Materialisation: Approaches to Applying Synaesthesia as a Provocation for Generating Creative Ideas Within the Context of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lohmann, Julia, 2018, Thesis, The Department of Seaweed: co-speculative design in a museum residency PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Mausbach, Artur Grisanti, 2010, Thesis, Paradigm shift: the aesthetic of the automobile in the age of sustainability PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Paine, Helen, 2016, Thesis, Laser shaping: a method for controlling the elastic behaviour of stretch fabrics for a targeted and graduated compressive effect on the body. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Roe, Jae-seung, 2017, Thesis, Exploring an ideal car club design from a user's perspective PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Russell, Gillian, 2017, Thesis, Re/staging: critical design and the curatorial. An analysis of emerging product design and the museum as context PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shaw, Benjamin, 2007, Thesis, More than the Sum of the Parts: Shared Representations in Collaborative Design Interaction PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Shaw, Benjamin, 1997, Thesis, Speaking Different Languages: Metaphor, Discourse and Disciplinary Conflict in Product Development MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Terzioglu, Nazli, 2017, Thesis, Do-fix: creating deeper relationships between users and products through visible repair PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Yoshimoto, Hideki, 2015, Thesis, Pulse and Rhythm: Exploring the Value of Repetitive Motion as an Element of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Langdon, Patrick and Coleman, Roger, 2007, Book Section, Does My Stigma Look Big in This? Considering the acceptability and desirability in the inclusive design of technology products Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4554 . Springer, pp. 622-631. ISBN 9783540732785
Choi, Christina
Choi, Christina
Choi, Christina
Conti, Matteo, Putrus, Ghanim [,] and Kotter, Richard [], 2015, Book Section, Energy Efficiency in Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and its Impact on Total Cost of Ownership In: David, Beeton and Gereon, Meyer, (eds.) Electric Vehicle Business Models. Springer Lecture Notes in Mobility, VIII (1). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-12244-1
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Book Section, Between Reality and the Impossible Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étiennne 2010. Cité du Design Éditions, Saint-Étienne, France, pp. 129-153. ISBN 978-2-912808-40-0
Fernando, Galdon and Hall, Ashley
Galdon, Fernando and Hall, Ashley, 2019, Book Section, The ontological nature of design: Prospecting new futures through probabilistic knowledge In: Rodgers, Paul, (ed.) Design for Change. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, pp. 111-128. ISBN 978-1-86220-369-3
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley
Gaudion, Katie, Hall, Ashley, Myerson, Jeremy and Pellicano, Liz, 2014, Book Section, Design and wellbeing: Bridging the empathy gap between neurotypical designers and autistic adults Proceedings of the Conference 'Design for Sustainable Well-being and Empowerment' DfWnE-2014. Delft University of Technology, Indian Institute of Science, pp. 61-77. ISBN 978-93-392-1970-3
Gheerawo, Rama and Vavik, Tom, 2009, Book Section, The Challenges in Universal Design In: Vavik, Tom, (ed.) Inclusive Buildings, Products & Services: Challenges in Universal Design. Tapir Academic Press, Norway, pp. 4-24. ISBN 9788251923446
Hall, Ashley, 2017, Book Section, Is Globalised Design Education Killing Design Variety? Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17). E&PDE . The Design Society, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978-1-904670-85-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Hall, Ashley, 2016, Book Section, Sports Innovation: New models and future potential In: Southgate, Dominic, Childs, Peter and Bull, Anthony, (eds.) Sports Innovation Technology and Research. World Scientific, United Kingdom, pp. 115-126. ISBN 978-1-78634-041-2
Hall, Ashley, 2017, Book Section, Translocation In Design In: Haruhiko, Fujita, (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Asian Design. Encyclopaedia of Asian Design, 4 (4). Bloomsbury, London UK. ISBN 978-0857853851 (In Press)
Hall, Ashley and Barker, Tom, 2011, Book Section, e-Artisans: Contemporary Design for the Global Market In: Adamson, Glenn, Riello, Giorgio and Teasley, Sarah, (eds.) Global Design History. Routledge, UK, pp. 180-188. ISBN 978-0-415-57287-3
Hall, Ashley, Ferrarello, Laura, Kann, Michael and Pulley, Robert, 2017, Book Section, Encouraging Creative Risk to Reduce Risk to Life Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE17). E&PDE . The Design Society, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978-1-904670-85-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Mausbach, Artur, 2015, Book Section, Inovação e mudança de paradigmas no design automotivo: Tesla e Google - Innovation and paradigm shift on automotive design: Tesla and Google In: Cosentino, Hélio Morrone, Morelli, Eduardo Zampar and Paterno, Francesco, (eds.) Inovação e mercado para o automóvel do futuro. Câmara Ítalo-brasileira de Comércio, Industria e Agricultura de São Paulo, São Paulo, pp. 204-208. ISBN TBC
Mausbach, Artur, Harmer, Luke and Cain, Rebecca, 2019, Book Section, ‘Joyful Journeys’: putting wellbeing at the centre of future travel In: Petermans, Ann and Cain, Rebecca, (eds.) Design For Wellbeing: An Applied Approach. Design for Social Responsibility . Routledge. ISBN 9781138562929
Mausbach, Artur
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Book Section, Digital Crafting: Re-evaluating Promises and Pitfalls In: Cho, Hyejoung, (ed.) Making Futures Korea. Cheongju International Craft Biennale Committee, Cheongju, pp. 167-174.
Oakley, Peter and Keuchler, Susanne, 2014, Book Section, New Materials and their impact on the material world Objects and Materials: a Routledge companion. Culture, Economy and the Social . Routledge, London and New York, pp. 82-91. ISBN 9780415678803
Pau, Stephanie and Hall, Ashley, 2020, Book Section, Beyond speculation: Using imperfect experts for designing the collective futures of healthcare for space In: Christer, Kirsty, Craig, Claire and Chamberlain, Paul, (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. Lab4Living, Sheffield, UK, pp. 45-54. ISBN 978-1-8381117-0-0
Peter, Childs and Pennington, Miles, 2016, Book Section, Industrial, and Innovation Design Engineering Impact of Design Research on Industrial Practice. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 133-149. ISBN 978-3-319-19449-3
Phillips, Robert, Alexander, John, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2024, Book Section, Beyond co-production: Design as a means of evoking agency through ecological citizenship Cumulus 2024. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest., TBC-TBC. ISBN 978-952-7549-02-5, 978-952-7549-03-2 (Submitted)
Phillips, Robert
Prendeville, Sharon, Hartung, Grit, Purvis, Erica, Brass, Clare and Hall, Ashley, 2016, Book Section, Makespaces: From Redistributed Manufacturing to a Circular Economy In: Setchi, Rossi, Howlett, Robert, Liu, Ying and Theobald, Peter, (eds.) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 52, 1 (1). Springer, Germany, pp. 577-588. ISBN 978-3-319-32096-0
Stevens, John
Williams, Gareth, 2013, Book Section, Curating emerging design practice In: Boddington, Anne, (ed.) Museums and Higher Education Working Together: Challenges and Opportunities. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472406422
Wojdecka, Anna
Cheng, Shuxin and Hall, Ashley, eds. 2019, Book, Designing Global Innovation: Silk Road, Belt and Road Initiative Transcultural Research Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China.
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2013, Book, Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming The MIT Press, USA. ISBN 9780262019842
Eikhaug, Onny and Gheerawo, Rama, eds. 2010, Book, Innovating With People - The Business of Inclusive Design Norwegian Design Council, Norway. ISBN 9788299185226
Gaver, Bill, Boucher, Andy, Brown, Dean, Matsuda, Naho, Molinera, Jen, Ovalle, Liliana, Sheen, Andy, Vanis, Mike, Phillips, Robert
Hall, Ashley and Bedini, Daniele, 2010, Book, Bin 2 Bin & Sustainable in and out IDE, London. ISBN N/A
Hall, Ashley, Childs, Peter, Zhao, Chao and Zhensheng, Liu, eds. 2012, Book, GoGlobal Rural-Urban Water Publication, Beijing, China. ISBN ISBN 978-7-5084-9423-4
Hall, Ashley and Jin-Nam, Tek, 2013, Book, Designing Social City Experiences MKC, S. Korea. ISBN 9-788996-869733
Nahar, Nahar and Hall, Ashley, eds. 2017, Book, GoGlobal Craftology: India Royal College of Art, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-0-9561364-1-1
Williams, Gareth, 2012, Book, 21 Twenty One, 21 designers for twenty-first century Britain V&A Publishing, London. ISBN 978 1 85177 678 8
Amadei, Gian Luca
Hall, Ashley, 2011, Printed Publication, Mars Rover
Hall, Ashley
Hall, Ashley, 2012, Printed Publication, On teaching design innovation: Interview with Ashley Hall
Hall, Ashley, 2011, Printed Publication, RCA and NASA collaboration leads to Mars rovers of the future
Hall, Ashley, Anderson, Paul, Ferrarello, Laura, Cooper, Rachel and Ross, Chris, 2018, Printed Publication, Design For Safety Foresight Review Item availability may be restricted.
Hall, Ashley
Hall, Ashley, Ferrarello, Laura and Kann, Michael, 2017, Printed Publication, Safety Grand Challenge: Safe Ship Boarding and Thames Safest River 2030
Hall, Ashley, Li, Weiyi and Soares, Marcos, 2017, Printed Publication, Extremely Inverted Commas: School of Design Student Research Conference 2017
Kular, Onkar, 2009, Printed Publication, Accept No Other Imitations
McNair, Stephen, Flynn, Matt, Myerson, Jeremy, Gheerawo, Rama and Ramster, Gail, 2012, Printed Publication, What are the supply (workforce) and demand (product) implications of an ageing workforce?
Nazerali, Imran, Ramster, Gail and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2021, Printed Publication, Publicly Accessible Toilets after COVID-19: A 2021 update to inclusive design guidance
Oakley, Peter
Togni, Reto, Pindeus, Maya, Slack, Andrew, Slingsby, Charlotte, Bahk, Yoonnyong and Pennington, Miles, 2016, Printed Publication, GoGlobal Cape Town - Impact Evaluation (Unpublished)
Tooze, James and Diez, Tomas, 2017, Printed Publication, Mass Distribution - A conceptual framework for imagining futures of retail (Unpublished)
Wu, Jiayu, Clark, Sheila and Kennard, Ashley, 2021, Printed Publication, MORPH: Mobility.Ownership.Relationship.Personalisation.Hospitality
Abbas-Nazari, Amina and Bengtsson, Lisa, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Brick by Brick at Growing with Design Conference, HDK, Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-15 Oct 2015.
Adeturinmo, Mary, Hall, Ashley
Balint, Tibor and Hall, Ashley, 2015, Conference or Workshop, How to Design and Fly your Humanly Space Object in Space? at 66th International Astronautics Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 12th October 2015.
Balint, Tibor and Hall, Ashley, 2015, Conference or Workshop, The Roles of Design and Cybernetics for Planetary Probe Missions at 12th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Cologne, Germany, June 19th 2015.
Choi, Christina
Choi, Yoon Jung, Stevens, John and Kim, Ji Hyun, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Care practice and product-service system: Design thinking towards user detachment from hibernating or accumulated clothing at end of use at Sustainable Innovation 2021, 23rd International Conference, Online, 15-21 Mar 2021.
Conti, Matteo, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Generic photovoltaic system emulator based on Lambert ω function at UPEC2011 46th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Soest, Germany: University of Applied Sciences, 5–8 September 2011.
Conti, Matteo, 2012, Conference or Workshop, Integrating thermodynamics and biology for sustainable product lifecycle design at Sustainable Innovation 2012 – Resource Efficiency, Innovation and Lifestyles; Towards Sustainable Product Design: 17th International Conference, Bonn, Germany: Alanus University, 29-30 Oct 2012.
Conti, Matteo, 2012, Conference or Workshop, Sustainable car lifecycle design taking inspiration from natural systems and thermodynamics at EFEA 2012: 2nd International Symposium on Environment-friendly Energies and Applications, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Northumbria University, 24–25 June 2012.
Conti, Matteo, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Ultra Low Carbon Vehicles: New Parameters for Automotive Design at Design Research Society Conference, Complexity and Design, Montréal: Université de Montréal, 7-9 July 2010.
Diels, Cyriel and Bos, Jelte, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Great expectations: On the design of predictive motion cues to alleviate carsickness at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2021: HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems, Washington DC, USA, 24-29 Jul 2021.
Dong, Jiayuan, Nadri, Chihab, Alvarez, Ignacio, Diels, Cyriel, Lee, Myeongkyu, Li, Jingyi, Liao, Pei Hsuan, Manger, Carina, Sadeghian, Shadan, Schuß, Martina, Walker, Bruce N., Walker, Francesco, Wang, Yiyuan and Jeon, Myounghoon, 2023, Conference or Workshop, “Play Your Anger”: A report on the empathic in-vehicle interface workshop at AutomotiveUI '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Ingolstadt, Germany, 18-22 Sep 2023.
Emilie, Glazer, Bichard, Jo-Anne, Langdon, Patrick, Bradley, Michael, Kunar, Merih, Loeillet, Jean-Jaques and Woodridge, Ellie, 2015, Conference or Workshop, A vehicle for design futures: exploring the experience of driving in the here-and-now to inform an inclusive future’ at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.
Ferrarello, Laura, Hall, Ashley, Kann, Michael and Lee, Chang Hee, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Collaborating Design Risk at IASDR 2017 Re: Research, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 31 Oct -3 Nov 2017.
Galdon, Fernando
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley and Ferrarello, Laura, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Futuring and trust; A prospective approach to designing trusted futures via a comparative study among design future models at Design Culture Symposium 2020 Scenarios Speculation Strategies, Online, 23-24 Nov 2020.
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley and Wang, Stephen, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Anticipatory design: A future-led mixed-methodology to mitigate unintended consequences at International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, 02-05 Sept. 2019.
Galdon, Fernando, Hall, Ashley and Wang, Stephen, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Prospective design: A future-led mixed-methodology to mitigate unintended consequences at International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, 02-05 Sept. 2019.
Gheerawo, Rama and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Digital Barriers: Making Technology Work for People at 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu, Japan, 30 October - 3 November 2010.
Hall, Ashley, 2009, Conference or Workshop, Context and cohabitation of linear and non-linear systems in design at IASDR 2009, Seoul, Korea, 01-30 Sep 2009.
Hall, Ashley, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Designing Creative Destruction at Design Research Society Conference, Brighton, 28-30 Jun 2016.
Hall, Ashley, Bahk, Yoonnyong, Gordon, Laura and Wright, James, 2016, Conference or Workshop, The Elastic Octopus: A Catalogue of Failures for Disrupting Design Eduction at Engineering and Product Design Education, Aalborg, Denmark, September 8th-9th 2016. (In Press)
Hall, Ashley and Barker, Tom, 2009, Conference or Workshop, GoGlobal: How can contemporary design collaboration and e-commerce models grow the creative industries in developing countries? at International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2009, Seoul, South Korea, 18-22 October 2009.
Hall, Ashley, Ferrarello, Laura, Anderson, Paul, Cooper, Rachel and Ross, Chris, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Designing Design for Safety: How emergent methods indicate new safer future design practices at International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, 02-05 Sept. 2019.
Hall, Ashley
Hall, Ashley and Galdon, Fernando, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Transferability: Exploring ontological properties for design knowing at CUMULUS CAFA Beijing 2023, Beijing, China, 22-24 Nov 2023.
Hall, Ashley
Hall, Ashley and Hohl, Michael, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Confidence and doubt in doctoral research: The temptation of certainty at IASDR 2023, Milan, Italy, 9-13 Oct 2023.
Hall, Ashley, Kulkarni, Amrita and Konate, Boukary, 2012, Conference or Workshop, Foroba Yelen: Portable Solar Lighting and Sustainable Strategies for Remote Malian Villages at Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, United Kingdom, September 6 - 7th 2012. (Submitted)
Hall, Ashley, Leff, Daniel Richard, Wojdecka, Anna, Kinross, James, Thompson, Paul and Darzi, Ara, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Beyond the healthcare paradigm: Co-creating a new model for collaborative transdisciplinary healthcare design education at Engineering and Product Design Education 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-13 Sep 2019.
Hall, Ashley
Harrow, Dale, 2008, Conference or Workshop, ‘“Smart Pods”: New vehicles to take healthcare to the community’ at IPS2008 Improving Patient Safety 2008, ‘From Safe Design to Safe Practice’, The Ergonomics Society, 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2008.
Jackson, Kel and Choi, Christina
Lee, Chang Hee, Balint, Tibor, Ram Chim, Bo, Kumar, Manoj, Lee, Yoonji, Cho, Haena, Sun, Yuqian, Sommer, Bjorn
Lee, Chang Hee, Lockton, Dan, Stevens, John, Wang, Stephen Jia and Ahn, SungHee, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Synaesthetic-Translation Tool: Synaesthesia as an Interactive Material for Ideation at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, 4 - 9th May 2019.
Marina, Wachs and Hall, Ashley, 2019, Conference or Workshop, European driving range – innovative landscapes for a tangible, non-hierarchical learning space Within a material and immaterial togetherness at Engineering and Product Design Education 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, September 12th-13th 2019.
Mausbach, Artur, Harmer, Luke, Quinlan, Daniel and Johnson, Samuel, 2019, Conference or Workshop, How to share what we used to own at 2019 Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 8-10 May 2019.
Mausbach, Artur
Mausbach, Artur, Safa, Farhana, Diels, Cyriel, Harrow, Dale, Quinlan, Daniel and Evans, Steve, 2021, Conference or Workshop, A quadruple bottom line of sustainability analysis of ecofitting design concept at 2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 5-7 May 2021.
Mcginley, Chris, Grover, Shruti and Atkin, Ross, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Certainty as a Provocation: The Design and Analysis of 2 Quant-Qual Tool Dyads for a Qualified Self Technology Project at Research Through Design Conference 2015, Cambridge, UK, 25-27 Mar 2015.
Pennington, Miles, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Running Forward while Looking Back - DESIGN EDUCATION: Post-education and practice at Design 3.0 Forum, Daejeon, South Korea, 03-04 Nov 2016.
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Tooze, Robert, Gaver, W, Boucher, Andy, Orville, Liliana, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Matsuda, Naho and Vanis, Mike, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Design and Deploying Tools to ‘Actively Engaging Nature’ at HCI International 2019, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6-31 July 2019.
Phillips, Robert and Baurley, Sharon, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Exploring Open Design for the application of Citizen Science; a toolkit methodology at Design Research Society, Umea, 16-19 Jun 2014.
Phillips, Robert, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simmons, Tom, West, Sarah and Wright, Joanna, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Preferable, contextual and sustainable… climate futures for Ecological Citizen(s) at DRS 2024 Boston, Resistance, Recovery, Reflection, Reimagination, Boston, 24-28 Jun 2024.
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert and Roberto, Fraquelli, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Design Research in Professional Practice: Contextual Empathy, The Indian Train Network at Insight 2018, Ahmedabad, India, 1 - 2 November 2018.
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Robert, Wilshire, John, Hodson, Elise, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Shepley, Alec, Simpson, Tracy and Simmons, Tom, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Design futures, ecological citizenship & public interest technologies = HCI regenerative interaction opportunities …? at 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Washington DC, USA, 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2024.
Phillips, Robert, brown, michael, Blum, Jesse and Baurley, Sharon, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Testing a Grassroots Citizen Science Venture Using Open Design, “the Bee Lab Project” at CHI, Toronto, 26 Apr - 01 May 2014.
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Open design: non‐professional user‐designers creating products for citizen science, a case study of beekeepers. at HCI, Las Vegas, 21-26 Jul 2013.
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, The practical maker: investigating the definitions and requirements of and exploring the motivations behind bespoke making. at Crafting the Future, Gothernburg, 17-19 Apr 2013.
Pulley, Robert, Hall, Ashley and Burkitt, Esther, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Make your move: Exploring a pedagogic toolkit for creative development and global learning in primary education at Learn X Design, London, 27th-30th June 2017.
Pulley, Robert, Hall, Ashley
Rundle, Tim, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Only technology can save us from itself at 7th Future of Wireless International Conference, London, United Kingdom, 23-24 Jun 2015.
Sanzeni, Filippo, Hall, Ashley and Anderson, Paul, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Future Forecasting Wicked Problems: A New Framework For Design at DesForm 2019 Beyond Intelligence, MiT, Boston, USA, 9-10 Oct 2019.
Severs, Robin, Wu, Jiayu
Shepley, Alec, Baurley, Sharon, Boxall, Emily, Gooding, Luke, Heald, Karen, Knox, Daniel, Nordmoen, Charlotte, Phillips, Robert, Simmons, Tom and West, Sarah, 2023, Conference or Workshop, People, place and purpose: Place-based approaches to ecological citizenship at Local Cultures – Global Spaces Communities, People and Place, New York, Hong Kong, Melbourne, 05-07 Dec 2023.
Stevens, John, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Boosting Lifestyle Migration to Kochi through its cultural and natural heritage at RCA / KUT Innovation Workshop 2016, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi, Japan, 19-21 March 2016. Item availability may be restricted.
Stevens, John, 2015, Conference or Workshop, KE activity: Mind at Mind - Digital Wellbeing for London, London, UK, 27-31 Oct 2015.
West, Jonathan
West, Jonathan
West, Jonathan
West, Jonathan
West, Jonathan and Mcginley, Chris, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Inclusive health at Include Conference, Detroit, 7-8 Nov 2019.
Barron, Neil, 2009, Art or design object, Boots ‘Smooth Skin’ Home-use IPL unit
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, Afterlife (2009-10)
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2009, Art or design object, Designs for an Over-populated Planet, No.1: Foragers
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, EM Listeners (2010)
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2010, Art or design object, Stop & Scan (2010)
Fusari, Gianpaolo, Matthews, Ed and Harrow, Dale, 2011, Art or design object, Ambulance Treatment Space Ergonomic Layout
Fusari, Gianpaolo and West, Jonathan, 2012, Art or design object, “Medical bag for General Practice” Just in Case: redesigning the doctor’s bag (2012)
Humphries, Matthew, 2010, Art or design object, Morgan 3 Wheeler
Humphries, Matthew, 2008, Art or design object, Morgan LIFECar
Mclean, Flora, 2009, Art or design object, The PVC Beret
Meron, Alon, 2014, Art or design object, The Right Trousers - Fixperts project one hand operated fly
Myerson, Jeremy, West, Jonathan and Matthews, Ed, 2011, Art or design object, Vital Signs Trolley, Designing Out Medical Error (DOME) - Prototype design (2008-2011)
Raby, Elizabeth and West, Jonathan, 2015, Art or design object, Drink Informed
Staton, Sarah, 2019, Art or design object, Bronze Tables
Tomos, Hawys and West, Jonathan, 2015, Art or design object, The 'Wee Wheel' - simple card product to aid nurse recognition of fluid balance to avoid sepsis
West, Jonathan, 2019, Art or design object, The Flomark, a redesign of the hospital drip
Hasan, Simon, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Vase Family 4, Tall Form presented at International Hokuriku Kogei Summit; Worlds Kogei 100, Japan, 16 Nov 2017-08 Jan 2018 Item availability may be restricted.
Myerson, Jeremy and Gheerawo, Rama, 2012, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Problem Comes First
Pennington, Miles, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Scenes Unseen - Takram Test Bed
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, Robert, Boucher, Andy, Vanis, Michail, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Ovalle, Liliana and Matsuda, Naho, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, "The Wildlife of Lewes" My Naturewatch Film Trailer, The Depot Cinema
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, William, Boucher, Andy, Vanis, Michail, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Ovalle, Liliana and Matsuda, Naho, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Wakehurst workshop, My Naturewatch
Raby, Fiona and Dunne, Anthony, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, What if ... (London)
Raskob, Evan and Salinas, Paris, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spoke: A game for creating interesting and rigorous stories about the future of computerised manufacturing
Hashemi-Nezhad, Bahbak, 2017, Residency, Learning with Sumida – A New Collaborative Model
Mausbach, Artur, Harmer, Luke, Johnson, Artur, Quinlan, Daniel and Kille-Speckter, Luka, 2019, Other, Joyful Journeys RCA, UK. (Unpublished)
Wilshire, John V, Phillips, Robert, Shupak,, Lizzie and Thornton, Andy, 2023, Other, Where the light gets in, Sussex.