  • The Right Trousers - Fixperts project one hand operated fly

Meron, Alon, 2014, Art or design object, The Right Trousers - Fixperts project one hand operated fly

Abstract or Description:

The Right Trousers (June 2014)
- A working prototype for a one-hand operated trousers for John Cahill, a stroke survivor and wheelchair user developed under the framework of Fixperts (concept and format by Daniel Charny, From Now On).
Through a series of meetings in John’s house, a series of prototypes were developed, to allow for the opening and closing of a men’s trousers using only one hand and while seated. All prototypes and final product are self made.
The project was initiated and facilitated by the LBHF support worker Michael Hooker.
The project was winner of the Helen Hamlyn Fixperts award 2014
output: trousers (image)
- The project development was captured in a film by Henry Richards.
output: film - online resource (images, link)
- 3 lectures about the projects and Fixperts as a models followed:
Sheffield Hallam University (Oct 2014) (output: lecture + workshop)
Bath Spa University (Nov 2014) (output: lecture)
EyeFocus event at Imperial College (Feb 2016) (output: lecture)
- The Fixperts model was used as a part of the learning program:
Plymouth university (B.Des. Feb 2014)
RCA (MA. Oct 2017)
outcome: (To be assessed later) An iteration on the working / teaching model exploring further impact and compatibility as a part of a Pro-social design brief (Design Participation - theme project DP1 2017-18)

PhotographerRichards, Henry
Consultant to a projectHooker, Michael
ConceptorCharny, Daniel
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W200 Design studies > W230 Clothing/Fashion Design
Creative Arts and Design > W200 Design studies > W240 Industrial/Product Design
School or Centre: School of Design
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2018 11:52
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2018 14:31
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/3118
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