Brownie, Barbara
Brownie, Barbara
Coutts, Nicky, 2010, Journal Article, ‘Postcards’ Image Damage Parallax, 16 (2). pp. 48-56. ISSN 1353-4645
Ferrarello, Laura, Fiadeiro, Rute, Mazzon, Riccardo and Cavallaro, Andrea, 2022, Journal Article, Reframing the narrative of privacy through system-thinking design DRS2022: Bilbao, 2022. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2398-3132
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, Klein, Norman, King, Simon and Edwards, Harriet, 2018, Journal Article, Parallel Urbanisms: London–Los Angeles Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (2). pp. 187-192. ISSN 1753-5190
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar and Klein, Norman M., 2018, Journal Article, Venice, Venice Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (2). pp. 227-247. ISSN 1753-5190
Pacteau, Francette, 2017, Journal Article, Autour de Bambi - la violence dans l'image Retour d'y voir (9/10). ISSN 1662-954X (In Press)
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Journal Article, Walker Evans: Carey Ross's Bedroom Photographies, 4 (1). pp. 117-133. ISSN 1754-0763
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2002, Thesis, Media Space: an analysis of spatial practices in planar pictorial media. PhD thesis, Middlesex University.
Coombes, Justin, 2012, Thesis, Photography, Memory and Ekphrasis PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Costa, José Filipe, 2012, Thesis, Cinema forges the event Filmmaking and the case of Thomas Harlan’s Torre Bela PhD thesis, The Royal College of Art.
Richardson, Emily, 2019, Thesis, Articulating space: the translation of modern architectural space into filmic space through artists' film and moving image practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Stehlikova, Tereza, 2012, Thesis, Tangible Territory Inviting the Body into the Experience of Moving Image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Barton, Gemma, 2016, Book Section, The grey area between reality and representation: The practices of architects and film-makers In: Clift, Edward, Guaralda, Mirko and Mattes, Ari, (eds.) Filming the City: Urban Documents, Design Practices and Social Criticism through the Lens. Mediated Cities . Intellect, pp. 165-181. ISBN 9781783205547
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Book Section, Collage In: Ribbentrop, Isabelle and Fiona, Shields, (eds.) Collage: Women of the Prix Pictet Since 2008. Gestalten, Berlin Germany. ISBN 9783967040852
Blees Luxemburg, Rut and Ebbensgaard, Caspar, 2021, Book Section, Manifestos for the night In: Martha, Michalowska and Andrea, Cetrulo, (eds.) Interior Realms. Theatrum Mundi, London, UK. ISBN 978-1916-186439
Buchan, Suzanne, 2018, Book Section, The animated female body, feminism(s) and ‘mushi’ In: Hamlyn, Nicky and Smith, Vicky, (eds.) Experimental and Expanded Animation. New Perspectives and Practices. Experimental Film and Artists’ Moving Image . Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 203-229. ISBN 978-3-319-73872-7 Item availability may be restricted.
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Cozic, Laurent, Boyd Davis, Stephen and Jones, Huw, 2004, Book Section, Interaction and Expressivity in Video Games: Harnessing the Rhetoric of Film In: Göbel, Stefan, Spierling, Ulrike, Hoffmann, Anja, Iurgel, Ido, Schneider, Oliver, Dechau, Johanna and Feix, Axel, (eds.) Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3105 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 232-239. ISBN 978-3-540-22283-5
Hosea, Birgitta, 2016, Book Section, Creative Actuality: Modes of Animated Documentary Animation in the Age of Crossover: the First China Animation Studies Conference Proceedings. Sichuan Press, ChengDu University, China, 009-016. ISBN 978-7-5410-7431-8
Pacteau, Francette, 2013, Book Section, Seeing Through On Perfection: An Artists’ Symposium. Intellect Ltd. ISBN 9781841507101
Rees, Al, 2009, Book Section, Tim Macmillan and the time-slice camera In: St George, Paul, (ed.) Sequences: Studies in Chronophotography. Imagetime . Wallflower, London, pp. 142-148. ISBN 978-1-905674-65-7
Richards, Jennifer, 2018, Book Section, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all?” The Elderly as “Other” in Countess Dracula Elder Horror: Essay's on Film's Frightening Images of Ageing. McFarlane, United States of America, pp. 128-137. ISBN 978-1-4766-7537-4 Item availability may be restricted.
Richon, Olivier, 2010, Book Section, Ellipsis In: Olivares, Rosa, (ed.) Mirada interior. Sociedad Estatal de Commemoraciones Culturales, Madrid, Spain, pp. 165-191. ISBN 978-84-92827-34-3
Campbell, Mark, 2016, Book, Paradise Lost Architectural Association Press, London, UK. ISBN 9781907896699
Carolin, Clare and Fernandez, Olga, eds. 2012, Book, Coloniality, Curating and Contemporary Art UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Curtis, Barry, 2008, Book, Dark Places: The Haunted House in Film Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781861893895
Garfield, Rachel
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Book, Avenue des Gobelins Paradise Row Gallery. ISBN n
Jewell, Dick, 2015, Book, four thousand threads Self published, England. ISBN 978-1-5272-0396-9
Leister, Wiebke
Lomax, Yve, 2013, Book, Pure Means: writing, photographs and an insurrection of being Paraclete . Copy Press, London. ISBN 978-0-9553792-9-1
Smith, Vicky and Hamlyn, Nicky, eds. 2018, Book, Experimental and expanded animation: New perspectives and practices Experimental Film and Artists’ Moving Image . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK. ISBN 978-3-319-73872-7 Item availability may be restricted.
Wozencroft, Jon, 2015, Book, Joséphine Michel/Mika Vainio: Halfway to White Touch Music, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-974104-01-8
Wozencroft, Jon, 2017, Book, Touch Movements Touch Music, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-874104-02-5
Faust, Chantal, 2014, Printed Publication, Here's Jonny
Frayling, Christopher, 1994, Printed Publication, Research in Art and Design (Royal College of Art Research Papers, Vol 1, No 1, 1993/4)
Oakley, Peter, Mock, Roberta, Findley, Jules, Jansen, Itandehui, Bauer, Siobhan, Lardeur, Rebecca and Macdonald, Emily, 2022, Printed Publication, Sustainable materials in the creative industries: A scoping report for the AHRC (Redacted Version)
Satz, Aura, Chris, Stults, Genevieve, Yue, Mary Helena, Clark and Sandra, Kogut, 2017, Printed Publication, Roundtable: Wild Sounds and Women’s Voices
Toran, Noam, 2010, Printed Publication, Things Uncommon
Toran, Noam and Kular, Onkar, 2011, Printed Publication, I Cling to Virtue - Publication
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2024, Conference or Workshop, The fourth "IMAGE(S)" international photographic art forum and exhibition at The Fourth "IMAGE(S)" International Photographic Art Forum and Exhibition, China Art Academy, Hangzhou, China, 06-08 Nov 2024.
Coutts, Nicky, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Animal Copies at Visualising the Animal, Cumbria University, 18-19 June 2015.
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Conference or Workshop, The Bound Woman at Potatoes & Stones (Un)wanted proximity event), Goldsmiths University of London, 24 November 2016.
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Future Print Story at Tokyo University of the Arts, Kyoto City University of the Arts, Japan, 14-24 April 2016. (Unpublished)
Dare, Eleanor and Antonopoulou, Alexandra, 2020, Conference or Workshop, Non-immersive media: collaborating in an ‘immertical’ Virtual world at Besides the Screen 2020, Porto, Online, 24-July-2020.
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Swimming in the shallows at Surfaces: Friction, Translation, Corruption, Royal College of Art, 29 Jun 2016.
Hannibal, Carmen and Robertson, Cole, 2022, Conference or Workshop, TIMES OF METAPHOR: A symposium on the temporal, metaphorical, and the still and moving image at Royal College of Art, one-day international research symposium, London, UK and online, 8 Jul 2022.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2018, Conference or Workshop, The technological invisible — image making and dynamics of power at 5th Biennial Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2018, Edinburgh, UK, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Leister, Wiebke
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, W, Boucher, Andy, Orvalle, Liliana, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Matsuda, Naho and Vanis, Mike, 2019, Conference or Workshop, Encouraging Young People to Engage In Their (Immediate Backdoor Nature), Through Cinemas at Depot Cinema Lewes, Lewes, 08-20 Apr 2019.
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, Hernan, Luis and Pei-Ying, Lin, 2018, Conference or Workshop, The biological unseen: producing and mediating imaginaries of protocells at 5th Biennial Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2018, United Kingdom, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Fetish, Relic and Memory at Yingxiang Today (Shadow-Image today), Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, 13 - 14 October 2011. (In Press)
Stevens, John, 2023, Conference or Workshop, Story/no story: A narrative design exercise for shared ways of seeing at 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), Valencia, Spain, 20-22 Jun 2023.
Coutts, Nicky, 2015, Art or design object, All Rise
Coutts, Nicky, 2017, Art or design object, Canal Opera
Coutts, Nicky, 2009, Art or design object, Passing Place
Coutts, Nicky, 2011, Art or design object, Reminiszenzen der Erinnerung
Croft, Stuart, 2008, Art or design object, The Death Waltz
Croft, Stuart, 2011, Art or design object, Palace
Leister, Wiebke, 2019, Art or design object, Echoes & Callings
Millar, Jeremy, 2013, Art or design object, Belated Again
Rolfe, Nigel, 2011, Art or design object, Into The Mire
Satz, Aura, 2014, Art or design object, Chromatic Aberration
Satz, Aura, 2013, Art or design object, Doorway for Natalie Kalmus
Satz, Aura, 2012, Art or design object, In and Out of Synch
Satz, Aura, 2011, Art or design object, Oramics: Atlantis Anew
Satz, Aura, 2010, Art or design object, Sound Seam
Satz, Aura, 2015, Art or design object, The Trembling Line
Toran, Noam, 2005, Art or design object, Desire Management
Wilson, Jane, 2014, Art or design object, Undead Sun
Wilson, Jane and Wilson, Louise, 2012, Art or design object, The Toxic Camera
van der Drift, Mijke, 2024, Art or design object, Chernobyl exclusion zone
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2021, Show, Exhibition or Event, The dark intestine of Nicolas Ledoux exhibition
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, New Narrative
Broach, Zowie and Kirkby, Brian, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, She_ Quantum Wave
Carolin, Clare and Galindo, Regina Jose, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, Regina Jose Galindo: The Body of Others
Coutts, Nicky, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Eastern
Coutts, Nicky, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, My Previous Life as an Ape
Faust, Chantal, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, We Come From The Water: Esther Teichmann, Carol Mavor and Chantal Faust
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Avenue des Gobelins
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Consumystic Lecture (Unpublished)
Issaias, Platon, Hughes, Beth and Drakoulidis, Yannis, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Islands of Exile: The Case of Leros
Jones, Sarah, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Implosion 20
Jones, Sarah, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Solo show, Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Leister, Wiebke
Leister, Wiebke, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Echoes and Afterlives
Pendrell, Luke, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ghost Light: Ignis Fatuus
Pendrell, Luke, 2021, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ghosts of a people yet to come
Pendrell, Luke, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, New rendezvous street: An archeology of the future
Pendrell, Luke, Branagan, Ben and Verhoeven, Eva, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Submerged Territories
Pereira, Godofredo, Patatas, Tiago, Del Giudice, Antonio, Li, Mingxin and Bolton, Jacob, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Montanha invertida / inverted mountain: Green extractivism in Barroso
Phillips, Robert, Abbas-Nazari, Amina, Gaver, William, Boucher, Andy, Vanis, Michail, Sheen, Andy, Brown, Dean, Ovalle, Liliana and Matsuda, Naho, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Wakehurst workshop, My Naturewatch
Richon, Olivier, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Teaching Photography
Toran, Noam, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Noam Toran - Things Uncommon
Wilson, Jane, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Atomgrad Nature Abhors a Vacuum
Wilson, Jane and Wilson, Louise, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spiteful of Dream
Dawson, Gordon and Lyons, Trish, 2009, Teaching Resource, Sharing Science : Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, Dundee University
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Residency, Radical Matter in Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences