Ainley, Rosa, 2020, Journal Article, Looking back again and forward re: Review and reconstruction in writing and architecture Architecture and Culture, 8 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2050-7836
Ainley, Rosa, 2016, Thesis, Writing Alexandra Palace: plurivocity as a methods of cultural recovery of buildings PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Avilla Royo, Raul, 2022, Thesis, Collaborative architecture Barcelona: The architect as enabler PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Avilla-Royo, Raül, Jacoby, Sam and Bilbao, Ibon, 2021, Journal Article, The building as a home: Housing cooperatives in Barcelona Buildings, 11 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2075-5309
Aydemir, Ayse Zeynep
Aydemir, Ayse Zeynep
Aydemir, Ayşe Zeynep and Jacoby, Sam, 2021, Book Section, Design research and a shift in architectural education and practice In: Cabrera i Fausto, Ivan, Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto, Mas Tomás, Ángeles, Barrera Puigdollers, José Manuel, Bosch Roig, Lluís, Higón Calvet, José, Llorca Ponce, Alicia, Palomares Figueres, María Teresa, Portalés Mañanós, Ana and Songel González, Juan María, (eds.) The Architect and the City. EAAE-ARCC International Conference, 2 . Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, València, pp. 1426-1436. ISBN 978-8490489826
Barton, Gemma, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Queering the body of architectural education at AHRA 21st International Conference - Body Matters, Norwich, UK, 21-23 Nov 2024.
Barton, Gemma, 2017, Book Section, Architecture 2.0 In: Benedict Brown, James, Harriss, Harriet, soane, james and morrow, Ruth, (eds.) A Gendered Profession: The Question of Representation in Space Making. RIBA Publishing, pp. 192-197. ISBN 9781859469972
Barton, Gemma, 2016, Book, Don't get a job...make a job: How to make it as a creative graduate Laurence King Publishing. ISBN 9781780677460 Item availability may be restricted.
Barton, Gemma, 2022, Book Section, Equitable and desirable futures In: Barton, Gemma, (ed.) Design Studio Vol. 5: Experimental Realism: (Design) Fictions and Futures. Design Studio Series . RIBA Publishing, London, pp. 32-39. ISBN 9781914124099
Barton, Gemma, 2023, Book Section, [Spatial] Pedagogic readings of Queer Theory: Experimental Realism and opportunities for teaching and learning In: Stead, Naomi and Jobst, Marko, (eds.) Queering Architecture Methods, Practices, Spaces, Pedagogies. Bloomsbury Visual Arts . Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 221-235. ISBN 9781350267053
Barton, Gemma, 2016, Book Section, The grey area between reality and representation: The practices of architects and film-makers In: Clift, Edward, Guaralda, Mirko and Mattes, Ari, (eds.) Filming the City: Urban Documents, Design Practices and Social Criticism through the Lens. Mediated Cities . Intellect, pp. 165-181. ISBN 9781783205547
Beals, Alejandro, 2012, Thesis, Blurring Boundaries: Strategies for the Creation of Ambiguity in Architecture MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Berry, Josephine, 2020, Journal Article, On a walkway to Hell: Vantages on art and life's exhaustion 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual, 1 (1). pp. 181-201. ISSN 2701-1569
Beyer, Bastian, 2019, Thesis, Between duck and tree: metabolism-informed composite tectonics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Bichard, Jo-Anne and Knight, Gail, 2011, Printed Publication, The Toilet Paper Research Newsletter
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2024, Conference or Workshop, Silver forest, from Beijing to Westminster at Silver Forest, From Beijing to Westminster, CAFA, BEIJING, CHINA, 30 Oct 2024.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2018, Art or design object, The lesson of the vine
Blees Luxemburg, Rut and , 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Cities of the night
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The Artist and the City: How does architecture and urban space inspire the work of contemporary artists? at Festival of the Future City, Bath, England, 21 Oct 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2019, Book, The Lesson of the Vine : Die Lektion Der Rebe The Lesson of the Vine series . Everyday Press, London. ISBN 9781912458073
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2018, Conference or Workshop, A Manifesto for Darkness by Rut Blees Luxemburg at Ten ideas for the London Public Space Charter in the Night Time, London, 23-24 January 2018.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, A Question of Colour - What colour is aesthetically, socially, technically for photography at The Platform, Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 9 Nov 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Rut Blees Luxemburg on Public Art and Public Space at The Exchange Floor, Croydon, London, 22 Nov 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2019, Residency, The dark intestine of Nicolas Ledoux
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, #the lesson of the vine by Rut Blees Luxemburg at #the lesson of the vine, Antwerpen, Belgium, 7 Dec 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, ed. 2022, Book, Future archive Folium Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9781914552984
Borsi, Katharina, Finney, Tarsha and Philippou, Pavlos, 2018, Journal Article, Architectural type and the discourse of urbanism The Journal of Architecture, 23 (7-8). pp. 1093-1103. ISSN 1466-4410
Borsi, Katharina, Finney, Tarsha and Philippou, Pavlos, 2018, Journal Article, Conversations on type, architecture and urbanism The Journal of Architecture, 23 (7-8). pp. 1301-1315. ISSN 1466-4410
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Bremner, Lindsay
Brooker, Graeme, 2022, Book Section, Inner-propriations: Degrowing the interior In: Schneiderman, Deborah, Lasc, Anca and Tehve, Karin, (eds.) Appropriated Interiors. Routledge, pp. 183-205. ISBN 9780367675196
Brooker, Graeme, 2022, Book Section, Site: An inventories approach to practice-led research In: Vear, Craig, Candy, Linda and Edmonds, Ernest, (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Practice Based Research. Routledge, oxford uk, pp. 398-415. ISBN 9781032182209
Brooker, Graeme, 2024, Book Section, The street: Disposition and the urban interior In: Marinic, Greg, (ed.) The Interior Urbanism Reader. Routledge, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781138336315
Campbell, Mark, 2016, Book, Paradise Lost Architectural Association Press, London, UK. ISBN 9781907896699
Cano Piniero, Almudena, 2020, Thesis, The potential of design in neighbourhood planning: A design-led reconstruction of the Kentish Town case PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Carolin, Clare, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Protest as Performance: The Grave Beneath the Street at Margins: Walking Between Worlds, First Site, Colchester, 5 November 2011. (Unpublished)
Carroll, Sidse
Carroll, Sidse
Castan Cabrero, Marina and Suarez Zamora, Daniel, 2017, Book Section, Textile Choreographies: Bridging Physical and Digital Design in the Context of Architectural Design In: Karana, Elvin, Giaccardi, Elisa, Nimkulrat, Nithikul, Niedderer, Kristina and Camere, Serena, (eds.) International Conference 2017 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG): Conference Proceedings. TU Delft Open, Netherlands, pp. 249-260. ISBN 978-87-90775-90-2
Castán Cabrero, Marina, 2019, Thesis, ‘Soft embodied architectures’: towards a hybrid embodied design ideation method for soft embodied architectural design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cheng, Jingru, 2023, Journal Article, Rippling: Towards untamed domesticity The Journal of Architecture, 27 (7-8). pp. 949-978. ISSN 1360-2365
Coutts, Nicky, 2008, Art or design object, A Tower in the Minds of Others
Coutts, Nicky, 2014, Art or design object, Under the Weather
Curtis, Barry, 2018, Book Section, The irrational home In: Sterhoffer, Eszter and McGuirk, Justin, (eds.) Home Futures: Living in Yesterday’s Tomorrow. Home Futures . Design Museum, London, pp. 285-291. ISBN 978 1 872005 42 3 Item availability may be restricted.
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Hernan, Luis, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Bio-materialism: Experiments in biological material computation at 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 22-24 March 2017.
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Zhang, Carolina, 2014, Journal Article, Radical Vernacular: Bacterial Architecture on Mars Journal of the British Interplanetary Studies, 67 (1). pp. 346-353. ISSN 0007-084X Item availability may be restricted.
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Zhang, Meng, 2014, Journal Article, Material ecologies for synthetic biology: Biomineralization and the state space of design Computer-Aided Design, 60 (1). pp. 28-39. ISSN 00104485
Dell'Aglio, Francesca, 2024, Thesis, London in-between: Ritual, habit, and collective space PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Denicke, Sandra
Distretti, Emilio, 2023, Journal Article, The coloniality of Italian fascist architecture The Journal of Architecture, 28 (4). pp. 577-597. ISSN 1360-2365
Dutson, Claude
Dutson, Claudia, 2015, Journal Article, Private Passions at work in the Silicon Valley E.R.O.S. Journal, 7. pp. 225-232. ISSN 2048-8352
Dutson, Claudia, 2017, Book Section, The entrepreneurial self In: Frichot, Hélène, Gabrielsson, Catharina and Runting, Helen, (eds.) Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, Economies, Technologies. Critiques: Critical studies in architectural humanities, 13 . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 292-302. ISBN 9780203729717 Item availability may be restricted.
de Rijke, Alex, 2012, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Dutch Way
de Rijke, Alex, 2009, Art or design object, Sliding House
de Rijke, Alex, 2012, Art or design object, Tower Festival Headland, 2012
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2016, Thesis, IdIOT: second-order cybernetics in the 'smart' home PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina, 2019, Book Section, The IdIoT in the smart home In: Figueiredo, Sergio M.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina and Broach, Zowie, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, M by Madonna
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina and Roach, Lee, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Silence
Fernandez Pascual, Daniel and Schwabe, Alon, 2024, Journal Article, CLIMAVORE: Divesting from fish farms towards the tidal commons Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 37 (2). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1187-7863
Fernandez Pascual, Daniel and Schwabe, Alon, 2018, Book, The empire remains shop Columbia University Press, USA. ISBN 9781941332375 Item availability may be restricted.
Ferrarello, Laura, 2016, Book Section, The Tectonic of the Hybrid Real: Data Manipulation, Oxymoron Materiality and Creative Human–Machine Collaboration In: Velikov, Kathy, Manninger, Sandra, del Campo, Matias, Ahlquist, Sean and Thün, Geoffrey, (eds.) Acadia 2016 Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines: Projects Catalog of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. ACADIA . Acadia Publishing Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 124-129. ISBN 978-0692770955 Item availability may be restricted.
Ferreira Montuori, Bruna, 2024, Thesis, Practices of narration: A plural (re)imagination of Maré PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Finney, Tarsha, 2018, Journal Article, The housing project, spatial experimentation and legal transformation in mid-twentieth century New York City The Journal of Architecture, 23 (7-8). pp. 1181-1202. ISSN 1466-4410
Forlini, Francesca, 2022, Thesis, From within: Uncovering cultural domesticity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
French, Hilary, 2012, Book Section, Entries on 39 housing projects 20th-Century World Architecture: The Phaidon Atlas. Phaidon, London. ISBN 9780714857060
French, Hilary, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Making plans: Architecture begins and ends in pictures at Spaces of History/Histories of Spaces: Emerging Approaches to the Study of the Built Environment, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, 01 Apr 2010. (Unpublished)
Galdon, Fernando
Rodgers, Paul, Galdon, Fernando and Bremner, Jonathan Craig, eds. 2020, Book, A design history of the COVID-19 virus Design research for change . AHRC, UK. ISBN 978-1862203907
Gheerawo, Rama and Vavik, Tom, 2009, Book Section, The Challenges in Universal Design In: Vavik, Tom, (ed.) Inclusive Buildings, Products & Services: Challenges in Universal Design. Tapir Academic Press, Norway, pp. 4-24. ISBN 9788251923446
Giudici, Maria, 2018, Journal Article, Counter-planning from the kitchen: for a feminist critique of type The Journal of Architecture, 23 (7-8). pp. 1203-1229. ISSN 1466-4410
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2008, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Money Plot
Golchehr, Saba, 2019, Thesis, Data for design: Adopting data-driven approaches for long term citizen participation and social sustainability in design for the public realm PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Goodbun, Jon, 2017, Printed Publication, The Labyrinth of the Immaterials
Goodbun, Jon, 2012, Journal Article, Themes of scarcity Architectural Design, 4 (8). p. 1. ISSN 00038504
Goodbun, Jon, 2022, Book Section, There isn't one Green New Deal Making Futures. Spector Books, Leipzig, pp. 74-79. ISBN 9783959056250
Goodbun, Jon, Klein, Michael, Rumpfhuber, Andreas and Till, Jeremy, 2014, Book, The design of scarcity Strelka Press, Moscow. ISBN 978-5-906264-28-2 Item availability may be restricted.
Goodbun, Jon and Sweeting, Ben, 2021, Journal Article, The dialogical, the ecological and beyond Footprint, 15 (1). pp. 155-166. ISSN 1875-1504
Goodbun, Jon, Watson, Victoria and Field, Francis, 2014, Journal Article, Space-Time and Architecture Journal of the British Interplanetary Studies, 67 (2014). pp. 322-331. ISSN 0007-084X Item availability may be restricted.
Gooding, Luke, Gant, Nicholas and Phillips, Robert
Hagan, Susannah, 2013, Book Section, Climate and Identity In: Fraser, Murray and Golzari, Nasser, (eds.) Architecture and Globalisation in the Persian Gulf Region. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 347-359. ISBN 978-1-4094-4314-8
Hall, Jane, 2019, Thesis, Spaces of transcultural resistance: alterity in the design practices of Lina Bo Bardi and Alison and Peter Smithson PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Han, Eleni, 2024, Thesis, The predominant image: Architecture recaptured by the emancipation of photography PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Architectures pedagogies: talk in KADK Symposium and keynote at evening event. at Architectures Pedagogies: keynote speaker, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3 Dec 2015.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Journal Article, ‘Bulldozing brutalism’s bad boys to balance the books won't work’ The Architects Journal, online. ISSN 0003-8466
Harriss, Harriet, 2018, Book Section, A Comparative History of Live Projects Within the United States and the UK: Key Characteristics and Contemporary Implications In: Farhan, Karim, (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement. Routledge, USA, pp. 233-242. ISBN 9781138889699
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Conscious Cities: Neuroscience Architecture conference at Museum of Architecture and THECUBE, London, UK, 1 March 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Keynote in New Schools of Thought, challenging the frontiers of architectural education at Venice Biennale 2016, Venice, Italy, 28 May 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Keynote in Technical innovations in humanitarian action: Lessons learnt (Innovations techniques dans l’action humanitaire : Retours d’expériences) at 9th Convergences World Forum, Paris, France, 5-7 Sept 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Keynote speech at 'Are you a radical pedagogue?' at TEDx Talk, New York, USA, 9 Oct 2014.
Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Journal Article, On your marks...Whether you heard it or not last month, a starting gun has been fired for architectural schools. RIBA Journal, 2015 (April). pp. 13-14. ISSN 0953-6973
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, PAPER presentation: The Latent Pedagogy Of The Archizine. at ASK conference: Education for Research, research for creativity, Warsaw, Poland, 26-28 February 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Panel speaker at Qalandiya International London Symposium 'Moments of Possibilities: Air, Land and Sea', London, UK, 29 Oct 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Panel speaker at INTBAU Congress ‘Tomorrow’s Cities: Building the Future', London, UK, 14-15 Nov 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Panel speaker at The Bedford Tapes: Recording the Emerging Generation, London, UK, 5 Dec 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Panel speaker: Pret A Habiter at AAGORA, Architectural Association School Debate, London, UK, 4 March 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Radical Pedagogies: the future of architectural education keynote presentation at European Association for Architectural Education, Milan, Italy, 28-31 Aug 2015. Item availability may be restricted.
Harriss, Harriet, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Speaker at Self Made City at Caravanserai symposium on self-build, London, UK, 18-21 May 2014.
Harriss, Harriet, 2018, Other, Vocational careers in construction curriculum design (National policy making for the UK Department of Education). UK Department for Education, UK.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, A radical rethinking: the future of Architectural Education at Rethinking Architectural Education: towards a better practice, Beirut, Lebanon, 9-11 March 2016.
Harriss, Harriet and Froud, Daisy, 2015, Journal Article, Essay: So you want to be an architect... The Architects Journal, 242 (3-4). pp. 28-29. ISSN 0003-8466
Harriss, Harriet and Froud, Daisy, 2015, Book, Radical Pedagogies: Architectural Education & the British Tradition RIBA Publications, UK. ISBN 9781859465837
Harriss, Harriet, Morrow, Ruth, Brown, James and Soane, James, 2016, Book, A gendered Profession, the question of representation in placemaking RIBA Publications, London, UK. ISBN 9781859469972
Harriss, Harriet and Widder, Lynnette, eds. 2014, Book, Architecture Live projects: pedagogy into practice’ Routledge, UK. ISBN 9780415733526
Harriss, Harriet and Widder, Lynnette, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Interdisciplinary Architecture Live Projects: Civic Engagement Project Partners Workshops at Interdisciplinary Architecture Live Projects: Civic Engagement Project Partners Workshops, New York, US; Oxford, UK, 1 Jan - 28 Feb 2014.
Hasa, Elisavet, 2021, Thesis, Infrastructures of solidarity and care in Athens (2010-2020): Social movements, prototypical designs, and protocol systems PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Head, Raymond, 1982, Thesis, Sezincote: A paradigm of the Indian style Other thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Domesticity and digital eugenics: design cultures of Silicon Valley at Design Culture(s) Cumulus Rome 2021, Rome, 8-11 Jun 2021.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2021, Journal Article, Time is out of joint: Domesticity, desire and the future RJAE Journal of Architectural Education, 75 (2). pp. 184-191. ISSN 1046-4883
Hong, Soon Min, 2019, Thesis, A design guideline for school shelters: disaster-resilient communities in the Lao People's Democratic Republic MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hughes, Beth and Issaias, Platon, 2018, Journal Article, Leros: Island of exile The Funambulist, 19. pp. 8-9. ISSN 2430-218X
Hughes, Beth
Jacoby, Sam
Jacoby, Sam
Jacoby, Sam, Cheng, Jingru, Tan, Gyangyi, Wang, Defu, Tang, Shikuang, Liang, Calvin Zhiyong, Xiao, Zuopeng, Feng, Lui and Wang, Yuwei, 2018, Printed Publication, Collective Forms in China: A Contemporary Review
Jamieson, Claire, 2015, Thesis, NATØ: Exploring architecture as a narrative medium in postmodern London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kaasa, Adam, 2023, Journal Article, How to relay relay; or, to follow Andromeda is to follow the world AA Files, 79 (1). pp. 103-115. ISSN 0261-6823
Kaasa, Adam
Kaasa, Adam, 2019, Journal Article, Unequal ideas: Reflections on designing politics, an urban ideas competition in Rio de Janeiro Design Issues, 35 (4). pp. 52-60. ISSN 0747-9360
Kaasa, Adam, 2020, Book Section, The matter of erasure: making room for utopia at Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, Mexico City In: Schorch, Philipp, Saxer, Martin and Elders, Marlen, (eds.) Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 214-227. ISBN 978-1-78735-748-8
Kei, Juliana, 2019, Thesis, Pessimist Utopia: Theo Crosby 1950-1990 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kim, Vicky, 2021, Thesis, The production of the subject through space, architecture and image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lastrucci, Vanessa, 2019, Journal Article, The salt flat that protects itself. A case for the Rights of Nature Ri-Vista, 17 (1). pp. 128-147. ISSN 1724-6768
Ma, Weiyin, 2019, Thesis, Pop-up Home: Evidencing an urban nomad’s distributed domestic intimacy beyond a sedentary home MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
McAllister, Jane and Denicke, Sandra
Mehigan, Benjamin, Lahoud, Adrian and Jacoby, Sam
Milev, Yakim, 2024, Thesis, Analysis and optimisation of modular stadium design with machine learning PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Ozer, Seyithan, 2021, Thesis, Interior complex: Design standardization in London’s housing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ozer, Seyithan and Jacoby, Sam, 2023, Dataset, Dataset for 'Space standards in affordable housing in England'
Ozer, Seyithan and Jacoby, Sam, 2023, Journal Article, Space standards in affordable housing in England Building Research & Information. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1466-4321
Ozer, Seyithan
Ozer, Seyithan
Pereira, Godofredo, 2021, Book Section, Architecture and climate struggle In: Correia, Lucinda, (ed.) Counter-Architecture: Green Paper. EFABULA, Lisbon, pp. 84-87. ISBN 978-989-33-2025-9
Pereira, Godofredo, 2023, Printed Publication, Futuros-outros
Pereira, Godofredo, 2023, Printed Publication, O elixir da eterna juventude
Pereira, Godofredo, 2023, Printed Publication, The puna is not a triangle
Pereira, Godofredo, 2016, Journal Article, The Project of a Collective Line Volume, 47 (1). pp. 32-37. ISSN 1574-9401
Pereira, Godofredo, 2015, Journal Article, The Underground Frontier Continent CC, 4 (4). pp. 4-10. ISSN 2159-9920
Pereira, Godofredo and Calo, Susana, 2017, Journal Article, CERFI: From the Hospital to the City London Journal of Critical Thought, 1 (2). pp. 83-100. ISSN 2398 - 662X
Pereira, Godofredo and Issaias, Platon, 2016, Teaching Resource, ADS7 Ecologies of Existence: Architecture and Modes of Living
Pereira, Godofredo and Pinto, Susana, 2017, Journal Article, The Semio-Pragmatics of Architecture Architectural Theory Review, 21 (1). pp. 62-72. ISSN 1326-4826
Petkova, Ioana, 2024, Thesis, In common: Housing coalitions for producing, owning and living in London PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Polwarth, Colin, 2025, Thesis, An environmental approach to connected autonomous renewable energy vehicles, associated semiotics and the synthetically intelligent city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pope, Nina and Guthrie, Karen, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Floating Cinema
Priest, Paul, 2024, Thesis, From compliance to care: Shaping modern slavery competency in architectural professional practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Quintana, Francisco, 2024, Thesis, Architectures of development and US housing aid in Cold War Latin America: Bolivia in the trajectory of inter-American housing operations PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Hernan, Luis, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Bio-revolutions: radical change, design cultures and non-humans at Design culture(s) Cumulus Roma 2021, Rome, 08-11 June 2021.
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, Hernan, Luis, Guyet, Aurelie and Dade-Robertson, Martyn, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Bacterial Hygromorphs: Experiments into the Integration of Soft Technologies into Building Skins at ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines, Michigan, USA, 27-29 Oct 2016.
Renel, William, 2019, Thesis, Sonic inclusion: opposing auditory normalism in design through the lived experiences of d/deaf and disabled people in socially public spaces PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rogers, Ab, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, A Day in the Life of Ernesto Bones
Rogers, Ab, 2010, Art or design object, PizzaExpress, Richmond – Mass Market Interior Design
Rogers, Ab, 2010, Art or design object, ‘Science News Now’, Antenna Gallery, Science Museum – Exhibition design London, UK
Rogers, Ab, 2009, Art or design object, ‘Screen Worlds: The Story of Film, Television & Digital Culture’, Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) – Exhibition design
Roussel, Robin
Slyce, John, 2019, Journal Article, A conversation with Dan Graham Ocula, 3 (3). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2537-7884
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Charts for a resurrection
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Journal Article, Depth unknown: Archaeology of resistance Architectural Review, 16 (195). pp. 88-101. ISSN 0003-861X
Srouji, Dima, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Maintaining the sacred
Srouji, Dima, 2023, Book Section, Maternal exhumations In: Semaan, Celine, (ed.) Planet Justice: Collective Liberation. The Slow Factory.
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Maternal exhumations
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Revolutionary enclosures (until the apricots)
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, She still wears kohl & smells like roses
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Transparent histories
Srouji, Dima, 2022, Journal Article, Vignettes of subterranean Palestine The Avery Review, 56 (56). pp. 1-12.
Srouji, Dima, 2022, Journal Article, A century of subtrranean abuse in Sebastiya Jerusalem Quarterly, 90. pp. 58-75. ISSN 2521-9731
Srouji, Dima, 2023, Other, A journey of the displaced: Making sense of the reflections Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK.
Srouji, Dima, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, A recipe for happiness
Srouji, Dima and Puar, Jasbir, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Revolutionary enclosures (until the apricots)
Srouji, Dima and Puar, Jasbir, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Untitled (onion)
Srouji, Dima, Tabbarah, Faysal and Meitha, Almazrooei, 2023, Book, On foraging Kaph Books and 421, UAE. ISBN 978-614-8035-50-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Starzyńska-Grześ, Małgorzata
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Sarah Staton' talk at The Exchange Floor, Artist Talks, Croydon Art Store, London, UK, 1 Nov 2017.
Steierhoffer, Eszter, 2016, Thesis, The rise of the curator and architecture on display. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sun, Xinglin and Walker, Kevin, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Materials Story of Sir John Soane’s Life at NODEM, Warsaw, Poland, 1-3 December 2014.
Sun, Yitong
Tsimourdagkas, Chrysostomos, 2014, Thesis, Typotecture: Histories, Theories and Digital Futures of Typographic Elements in Architectural Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Valeriani, Simona, 2012, Book Section, ‘Floors and ceilings in early Christian basilicas in Rome’ L’architrave le plancher la plate-forme. EPFL Press. ISBN 9782880748937
Walsh, Victoria and Zimmerman, Claire, 2016, Journal Article, New Brutalist Image 1949–55: 'atlas to a new world' or, 'trying to look at things today' British Art Studies, 4 (4). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2058-5462
Wang, Lu, Cheng, Jingru (Cyan), Mazan, Wojciech and Jacoby, Sam, 2024, Journal Article, Standard block and modular dwelling designs in Hong Kong’s public housing Architecture, 4 (1). pp. 89-111. ISSN 2673-8945
Wang, Lu and Jacoby, Sam
Wells, Matthew James, 2019, Thesis, Architectural models and the professional practice of the architect, 1834-1916 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wurfbaum, Florian, 2015, Thesis, The Use of the Unused Space MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Zhang, John, 2018, Thesis, Towards a new normal: the changing relationship between foreign and Chinese architects in contemporary China PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.