Adamson, Glenn, 2013, Book, The Invention of Craft Bloomsbury Academic/V&A Publishing. ISBN 9780857850669
Adamson, Glenn, 2013, Book, Surface Tensions: Surface, Finish and the Meaning of Objects Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719087516
Anderson, Paul, Ma, Minhua, Beverage, Erin, Bale, Kim and Rea, Paul, 2013, Journal Article, ‘3D Visualisation for Education, Diagnosis and Treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome’Anatomy Teaching’ 2013 International Conference on Computer Medical Applications (ICCMA), 2013 (2013). pp. 1-6. ISSN 978-1-4673-5214-7
Anderson, Paul, Rea, Paul, Chapman, Paul and Ma, Minhua, 2013, Journal Article, Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 9 (4). pp. 298-308. ISSN 1573-4056
Anjum, Maham, 2013, Thesis, Artisanal craft pottery in South Asia (and Ethiopia) and the potential for expanding markets locally and globally MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ash, Jesse, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Avoidance-Avoidance (script 6 repeated)
Ash, Jesse, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Avoidance-Avoidance (script 6)
Ash, Jesse, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Scripts 1-5
Ashworth, Joan, 2013, Other, Locating Sylvia Pankhurst: Unfreezing time in the paintings and texts of Sylvia Pankhurst using documentary animation UNSPECIFIED.
Aylieff, Felicity, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Qatar installation (In Press)
Aynsley, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, Graphic and interior design in the Viennese coffeehouse around 1900: Experience and identity The Viennese Café and Fin-de-Siècle Culture. Berghahn. ISBN 9780857457646
Aynsley, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, L’Allemagne et la Suisse L’Art du Design. Citadelles & Mazenod. ISBN 9782850885624
Barfield, Naren, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, geographies1
Baseman, Jordan, 2013, Art or design object, deadness
Behseta, Julie, 2013, Thesis, Synthetic and Natural Polymers Recycled to Make Matter with New Functionality and Aesthetics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Scharf Belichted – Objects of Desire in an Ethnographic Collection
Boyd Davis, Stephen, Bevan, Emma and Kudikov, Aleksei, 2013, Book Section, Just In Time: defining historical chronographics In: Bowen, Jonathan, Keene, Suzanne and Ng, Kia, (eds.) Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture. Springer Series on Cultural Computing . Springer, pp. 243-257. ISBN 9781447154051 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Kräutli, Florian, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Time in Perspective: a visual approach to models of time at Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI, CHI 2013, Palais de Congrès de Paris, Paris, 27 April - 2 May 2013.
Brass, Clare, 2013, Printed Publication, Food Loop: Technical Report: Final Report (Submitted)
Brody, Neville, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Digital Public Space and the Creative Exchange: a Human-centred Approach to the Common Good at 5th International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 3-15 June 2013.
Brooker, Graeme, 2013, Book, Key Interiors Since 1900 Laurence King. ISBN 978-1847887450
Brooker, Graeme and Stone, Sally, 2013, Book, From Organisation to Decoration: An Interiors Reader Routledge. ISBN 978-0-4154-3-6199
Brooker, Graeme and Weinthal, Lois, 2013, Book, The Handbook of Interior Architecture + Design Bloomsbury. ISBN 978-1847887450
Brown, Steve R, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Material matrixes: Building on a history of improvisational developments in print technology at Impact 8, Borders & Crossings: The Artist as Explorer, University of Dundee, 28 August–1 September 2013.
Brown, Steve R, 2013, Conference or Workshop, New Technologies for Restoration: The Meissen fountain project at Making Futures III, Plymouth College of Art, 26–27 September 2013.
Brown, Steve R, 2013, Book Section, The materiality of print: Issues of artifice and integrity relating to the printed ceramic surface Surface Tensions: Surface, Finish and the Meaning of Objects. Manchester University Press.. ISBN 9780719087516
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Journal Article, Die Quay Brothers oder: «Die Produktivität des Fehlers» Montage AV. Zeitschrift fur Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation, 22 (2). pp. 17-31. ISSN 0942-4954
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, Pervasive animation : an introduction In: Buchan, Suzanne, Branigan, Edward and Wolfe, Charles, (eds.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780415807241
Buchan, Suzanne, 2013, Book Section, A cinema of apprehension: a third entelechy of the vitalist machine In: Buchan, Suzanne, (ed.) Pervasive Animation. AFI Film Readers . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 143-171. ISBN 9780415807241
Button, Victoria, 2013, Thesis, The portrait drawings of Hans Holbein the Younger: function and use explored through materials and techniques PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cagol, Stefano, 2013, Thesis, Towards a Genealogy of the Thematic Contemporary Art Exhibition: Italian Exhibition Culture from the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista (1932) to the Palazzo Grassi’s Ciclo della Vitalità (1959 – 1961) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cheang, Sarah, 2013, Book Section, To the Ends of the Earth: Fashion and Ethnicity in the Vogue Fashion Shoot In: Bartlett, Djurdja, Cole, Shaun and Rocamora, Agnes, (eds.) Fashion Media. Berg, London. ISBN 9780857853703
Cojanu, Cristina, 2013, Thesis, Arabesque: Recovered Fragments of What Could Have Been a Novel of Manners PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Curtis, Barry, 2013, Journal Article, Tomorrow Journal of Visual Culture, 12 (2). p. 279. ISSN 1470-4129
Dagworthy, Wendy, 2013, Book Section, 'Foreword’ and ‘Designer statement: Womenswear' 80s Fashion: From Club to Catwalk. V&A Publishing. ISBN 9781851777259 Item availability may be restricted.
Dillon, Brian, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Curiosity: Art, Wonder and the Pleasures of Knowing
Dunne, Anthony and Raby, Fiona, 2013, Book, Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming The MIT Press, USA. ISBN 9780262019842
de Cordova, Denise, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Congregation
French, Hilary and Lee, Yanki, 2013, Book, Patterns of Living: Hong Kong’s High Rise Communities Hong Kong Design Institute New Talents Press, Hong Kong. ISBN 978988123441
Garfield, Rachel
Giudici, Maria Sheherazade, 2013, Book Section, Education, Consumption, Reproduction: Three Cautionary Tales architektur + analyse 3: Is there (anti)neoliberal Architecture? Jovis Verlag. ISBN 978-3868592177 Item availability may be restricted.
Giudici, Maria Sheherazade, 2013, Journal Article, Indifference and Absorption of Architectural Form: Notes on Le Corbusier's La Tourette Monastery San Rocco, 1 (7). pp. 111-118. ISSN 2038-4912
Giudici, Maria Sheherazade, 2013, Book Section, Specific Spaces: Government and the Emergence of architecture d’accompagnement, 1584–1765 The City as a Project. Ruby Press. ISBN 978-3-944074-06-1 Item availability may be restricted.
Golden, Pamela, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Pamela Golden Auction Paintings
Golden, Pamela, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Participation in Group Exhibition 'Works with Paper: More Than I Dare to Think About'
Golden, Pamela, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Participation in group exhibition 'Cowboy Style'
Golding, Johnny, 2013, Book Section, The 9th Technology of Otherness: a certain kind of debt The Cruelty of the Classical Canon. ARTicle Press, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9
Golding, Johnny, 2013, Journal Article, Ana-Materialism & the Pineal Eye: Becoming Mouth-Breast Visual Arts in the Age of Algorithmic Reproduction Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 19 (4). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1071-4391
Rubinstein, Daniel, Golding, Johnny and Fisher, Andy, eds. 2013, Book, On the Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation ARTicle Press, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 978-1-873352-02-1
Golding, Johnny, ed. 2013, Book, Zētēsis, Vol 1, No. 1: The Cruelty of the Classical Canon ARTicle Press, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9
Gray, Ros, 2013, Book Section, Haven’t you heard of internationalism?: The Socialist friendships of Mozambican cinema Postcommunist Film – Russia, Eastern Europe and World Culture: Moving Images of Postcommunism. Routledge. ISBN 9780415671644
Hagan, Susannah, 2013, Book Section, Climate and Identity In: Fraser, Murray and Golzari, Nasser, (eds.) Architecture and Globalisation in the Persian Gulf Region. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 347-359. ISBN 978-1-4094-4314-8
Hagan, Susannah, 2013, Journal Article, Urban Design in a Time of Climate Change Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 6 (NA). pp. 73-96. ISSN 18331874
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Appendix: Translocated making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Hall, Ashley, 2013, Thesis, PhD Thesis: Translocated Making in Experimental Collaborative Design Projects PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Hall, Ashley, Childs, Peter, Wuggetzer, Ingo and Mayer, Tobias, 2013, Journal Article, Future aircraft cabins and design thinking: optimisation vs. win-win scenarios Propulsion and Power Research, 2 (2). pp. 85-95. ISSN 2212540X
Hall, Ashley and Jin-Nam, Tek, 2013, Book, Designing Social City Experiences MKC, S. Korea. ISBN 9-788996-869733
Hall, Ashley, Rogers, Paul, Winton, Euan, Land, Ellie and Aurisicchio, Marco, 2013, Journal Article, Are We All Designers? Engineering & Product Design Education 2013, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN N/A
Hall, Ashley and Torrisi, Savina, 2013, Journal Article, Missing Miscommunication in Interdisciplinary Design Practice Engineering and Product Design Education 2013, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN N/A
Hammonds, Kit, 2013, Book, The Nordic Model Publish And Be Damned.
Igoe, Elaine, 2013, Thesis, IN TEXTASIS: MATRIXIAL NARRATIVES OF TEXTILE DESIGN PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Issaias, Platon, 2013, Book Section, The Absence of Plan as a Project In: Aureli, Pier Vittorio, (ed.) The City as a Project. Ruby Press, Berlin, pp. 292-331. ISBN 978-3-944074-06-1
Jones, Sarah, 2013, Book, Sarah Jones (monograph) Violette Editions, London, UK. ISBN 9781900828437
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2013, Residency, Coventry Guidebook
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar and Corris, Michael, eds. 2013, Book, The Dallas Pavilion The Free Museum of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. ISBN N/A
Lomax, Yve, ed. 2013, Book, Revisiting the Bonaventure Hotel The Common Intellectual (3). Copy Press, London. ISBN 9780955379253
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2013, Book Section, Spirit In: Kivland, Sharon and Segal, Naomi, (eds.) Vicissitudes Histories & Destinies of Psychoanalysis’. Igrs Books, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London), pp. 189-198. ISBN 9780854572342
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, Prinz, Susanne and Westerman, Julie, eds. 2013, Book, Tegel: Speculations and Propositions Greenbox, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-941644-59-5
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar and Kivland, Sharon, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Modern Interiors
Kennard, Peter, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, War on War Room Workshop
Kiaer, Ian, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ian Kiaer
Kilburn-Toppin, Jasmine, 2013, Thesis, Crafting Artisanal Identities in Early Modern London: The Spatial, Material and Social Practices of Guild Communities c.1560-1640 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Korallo, Liliya, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Foreman, Nigel and Moar, Magnus, 2013, Book Section, Human-Centric Chronographics:Making Historical Time Memorable In: Huang, Weidong, (ed.) Handbook of Human Centric Visualization. Springer, New York, pp. 473-512. ISBN 978-1-4614-7484-5
Kräutli, Florian, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Challenges for time as digital data at (Digital) Humanities Revisited, Hanover, Germany, 5-7 Dec 2013.
Kräutli, Florian and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2013, Book Section, Known Unknowns: representing uncertainty in historical time In: Ng, K, Bowen, JP and McDaid, S, (eds.) Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2013. British Computer Society, London, pp. 61-68. ISBN 978-1-780172-15-6
Kular, Onkar, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Arkitekturmuseet Risk Centre
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David J, Cain, Rebecca, Stanton, Neville A and Jennings, Paul, 2013, Journal Article, Exploring problem-framing through behavioural heuristics International Journal of Design, 7 (1). pp. 37-53. ISSN 1994-036X
Lomax, Yve, 2013, Book, Pure Means: writing, photographs and an insurrection of being Paraclete . Copy Press, London. ISBN 978-0-9553792-9-1
Millar, Jeremy, 2013, Art or design object, Belated Again
Myerson, Jeremy, 2013, Book Section, The Evolution of Workspace Design: from the Machine to the Network In: Brooker, Graeme and Weinthal, Lois, (eds.) The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design. Berg. ISBN 9781847887450
Myerson, Jeremy and Gee, Emily, 2013, Book, Time & Motion: Redefining Working Life Liverpool University Press. ISBN 978-1846319662
O'Riley, Tim, 2013, Book, Twenty-Seven Kilometres Revolver, Berlin. ISBN 9783868952940
Oakley, Peter, 2013, Book Section, Containing precious metals: hallmarking, minting and the materiality of gold and silver in medieval and modern England. In: Hahn, Hans Peter and Hadas, Weiss, (eds.) Mobility, Meaning and Transformations of Things: shifting contexts of material culture through time and space. Oxbow Books, Oxford. ISBN 9781842175255
Oakley, Peter, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Contrived Dereliction: employing an aesthetic of decay at mining heritage sites at Tourism and the Shifting Values of Cultural Heritage: visiting pasts, developing futures, Taipei, 5-9 April 2013. (Submitted)
Oakley, Peter, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Immanence vs. provenance at IAFOR European Conference on the Social Sciences, Brighton, 4 – 7 July 2013.
Ozden Yenigun, Elif, Simsek, Eren, Menceloglu, Yusuf and Atilgan, Canan, 2013, Journal Article, Molecular basis for solvent dependent morphologies observed on electrosprayed surfaces Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (41). pp. 17862-17872. ISSN ISSN 1463-9076
Pacteau, Francette, 2013, Book Section, Seeing Through On Perfection: An Artists’ Symposium. Intellect Ltd. ISBN 9781841507101
Pasidi, Antigoni, 2013, Thesis, staging the Encounter: The Work of Art as a Stage PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Peasnall, Eve, 2013, Thesis, PAINTING BACKWARDS or how my fool encountered the melancholic PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Journal Article, Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise Making Instructions for Others: Exploring Mental Models Through a Simple Exercise, x (xx). pp. 74-80. ISSN x
Phillips, Robert, Lockton, Dan, Baurley, Sharon and Silve, Sarah, 2013, Journal Article, Making instructions for others: exploring mental models through a simple exercise Interactions, 20 (5). 00-00. ISSN 1072-5520 (In Press)
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Open design: non‐professional user‐designers creating products for citizen science, a case study of beekeepers. at HCI, Las Vegas, 21-26 Jul 2013.
Phillips, Robert, silve, sarah and Baurley, Sharon, 2013, Conference or Workshop, The practical maker: investigating the definitions and requirements of and exploring the motivations behind bespoke making. at Crafting the Future, Gothernburg, 17-19 Apr 2013.
Potter, Jessica, 2013, Thesis, The Photograph as a Site of Writing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Power, Nina, 2013, Book Section, Film The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199644650
Rayson, David, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Out of Kuwait
Richon, Olivier and Knorr, Karen, 2013, Book, Punks GostBooks, London. ISBN 978-0-9574272-6-6
Roberts, Julian, 2013, Book, Free Cutting Julian Roberts, United Kingdom. ISBN N/A
Robins, Freddie, 2013, Conference or Workshop, The Fiction of Function at In the Loop 3.5: Making Connections, Shetland Museum, Lerwick, Shetland, 31 July - 2 August 2013. (Unpublished)
Robins, Freddie, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Out on a Limb, The Project Space, COLLECT 2013
Rolfe, Nigel, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Four Mountains
Satz, Aura, 2013, Art or design object, Doorway for Natalie Kalmus
Simmons, Tom, Hanna, Suzie and Bayley, Sally, 2013, Art or design object, Proem
Soutter, Lucy, 2013, Book, Why Art Photography? Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415577342
Stevens, John, 2013, Journal Article, Design as Communication in Microstrategy: strategic sensemaking and sensegiving mediated through designed artifacts Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM ), 27 (2).
Stockham, Jo, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Signs of Life
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Journal Article, Cut, layer, break, fold: Fashioning gendered difference, 1970s to the present Women’s Studies Quarterly, 41 (1). p. 267. ISSN 9781558619244
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Thesis, From Punk to the Hijab: British women’s embodied dress as performative resistance, 1970s to the present PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Book Section, From punk to the hijab: Women’s embodied dress as performative resistance, 1970s to the present Oral History in the Visual Arts. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9780857851970
Teasley, Sarah, 2013, Book Section, Japan: 1750-2000 History of Design: Decorative Arts and Material Culture, 1400-2000. Bard Graduate Center and Yale University Press, New York and New Haven. ISBN 9780300196146
Thompson, Milly, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Intreccio Mirage
Thompson, Milly, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ritual Volcanic
Toomey, Anne, Kaspali, Veronika, Raymond, Oliver and Tandler, Lynn, 2013, Book Section, Biomimetic Spatial and Temporal (4D) Design and Fabrication In: Lepora, N F, Mura, A, Krapp, H G, Verschure, P F M J and Prescott, T J, (eds.) Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013, London, UK, July 29 -- August 2, 2013, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 8064 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 387-389. ISBN 978-3-642-39801-8
Toran, Noam, 2013, Art or design object, Two Rivers and a Desert In Between
Twemlow, Alice, 2013, Thesis, Purposes, Poetics, and Publics: The Shifting Dynamics of Design Criticism in the US and UK, 1955-2007 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walker, Kevin, 2013, Book Section, Design for Museum Learning: Visitor-Constructed Trails Using Mobile Technologies Handbook of Design in Educational Technology. Routledge, pp. 322-336. ISBN 9780415807357
Walsh, Victoria, 2013, Book, Post-Critical Museology: Theory and Practice in the Art Museum Routledge. ISBN 9780415606004
Walsh, Victoria, 2013, Journal Article, Reordering and Redistributing the Visual: The expanded ‘field’ of pattern-making in Parallel of Life and Art and Hammer Prints’ Journal of Visual Culture, 12 (2). pp. 222-244. ISSN 1470-4129
Wang, Stephen Jia and Yu, Di, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Virtual-spine: The Collaboration Between Pervasive Environment Based Simulator, Game Engine (Mixed-Reality) and Pervasive Messaging at Conference: 2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops: PervasiveHealth 2013, Venice, Italy, 5-8, May 2013.
Webster, Shelley, 2013, Thesis, Stalking the illusion: space in glass PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wentworth, Richard, 2013, Art or design object, Centre of Gravitas
Wentworth, Richard, 2013, Show, Exhibition or Event, On Photography and the Contemporary Urban Landscape
Wentworth, Richard, 2013, Art or design object, A Room Full of Lovers
West, Jonathan, 2013, Journal Article, Taking ergonomics to the bedside – A multi-disciplinary approach to designing safer healthcare Applied Ergonomics (45). pp. 629-638. ISSN 00036870
Williams, Gareth, 2013, Book Section, Curating emerging design practice In: Boddington, Anne, (ed.) Museums and Higher Education Working Together: Challenges and Opportunities. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472406422
Wilson, Ben, 2013, Art or design object, Donky Bike
Yanliuxing, Yan, Childs, Peter and Hall, Ashley, 2013, Journal Article, An Assessment of Personality Traits and Their Implication for Creativity Amongst Innovation Design Engineering Masters Students Using the MBTI and KTS Instruments International Conference on Engineering Design, 1 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN N/A