Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2010, Book Section, Geography and the environment A Cultural History of Childhood and Family in the Early Modern Age (V.3). Berg. ISBN 9781847887962
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2011, Book Section, The global Renaissance: Cross-cultural objects in the early modern period Global Design History. Routledge. ISBN 9780415572859
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta, 2010, Book Section, “The spirit is ready, but the flesh is tired”: Erotic objects and marriage in early modern Italy The Erotic Cultures of Renaissance Italy. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754662143
Ash, Jesse, 2020, Book, Avoidance-Avoidance Sternberg Press, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3956794285 Item availability may be restricted.
Ash, Jesse, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, Avoidance-Avoidance (performance -script 10)
Ash, Jesse, 2009, Book Section, Networks of Voices And the Quietness of Tunnels In: Holder, Will, (ed.) F.R.David. De Appel, Amsterdam, pp. 181-196. ISBN 1874026X
Ash, Jesse, 2012, Book Section, Noise of Placards - The Proximity of Protest In: Holder, Will and Gibson, Beatrice, (eds.) The Tiger's Mind by Beatrice Gibson (Ed.). Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783943365504
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice
Butler, Alice
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Butler, Alice Elisabeth
Coutts, Nicky, 2015, Art or design object, All Rise
Coutts, Nicky, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Animal Copies at Visualising the Animal, Cumbria University, 18-19 June 2015.
Coutts, Nicky, 2018, Book Section, Animal Print Suicide In: Pelzer-Montada, Ruth, (ed.) Perspectives on contemporary printmaking: Critical writing since 1986. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-1-5261-2575-0
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Conference or Workshop, The Bound Woman at Potatoes & Stones (Un)wanted proximity event), Goldsmiths University of London, 24 November 2016.
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Book Section, 'A Distance of Stones' In: Damiani, Giulia and Goldberg, Keren, (eds.) Coated in Pre-existence. Elizabeth XI Bauer: A platform for Art and Criticism, London, pp. 24-31. ISBN N/A
Coutts, Nicky, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, My Previous Life as an Ape
Coutts, Nicky, 2011, Book Section, Pedagogies, (notes) In: Katherine, Meynell, (ed.) Mutual Dependencies. Artwords Press, London, pp. 86-87. ISBN 978 1 906441 25 8
Coutts, Nicky, 2010, Journal Article, ‘Postcards’ Image Damage Parallax, 16 (2). pp. 48-56. ISSN 1353-4645
Coutts, Nicky, 2016, Printed Publication, Vertigo Rising
Dare, Eleanor and Antonopoulou, Alexandra, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The Phi Books: Borders, Doors and Walls as a Collaboration Methodology at Somewhere In Between: Borders and Borderlands, London, 29th April 2017.
Dillon, Brian, 2014, Book, Objects in This Mirror Sternberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 978-1-934105-79-5 Item availability may be restricted.
Dillon, Brian, 2011, Book, Sanctuary Sternberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 9781933128870
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Haptic Aesthetics at Transimage Conference, Plymouth, UK, 1-3 July 2016.
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Haptic Aesthetics: Don't Stand So Close to Me at Transimage Conference, Plymouth, UK, 1-3 July 2016.
Faust, Chantal, 2014, Printed Publication, Here's Jonny
Faust, Chantal, 2017, Book Section, 'The Masochistic Pulse' in DARK HABITS In: O'Callaghan, Bren and Perks, Sarah, (eds.) DARK HABITS. HOME Publications, Manchester, UK, pp. 59-67. ISBN 978-0-9935912-3-5
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Journal Article, The Masochistic Pulse SALT. Feminism and Contemporary Art, 8. pp. 42-45. ISSN 978-3-945247-18-1
Faust, Chantal, LaBarge, Emily and Trivedi, Nina, eds. 2014, Book, Prova 2 Royal College of Art, London. ISBN 9781910642030
Kevin, Biderman, Miranda, Clow, Luci, Eldridge and Nina, Trivedi, eds. 2016, Book, Prova 3 Prova, 3 . Royal College of Art, London. ISBN 978-1-910642-13-9
Faust, Chantal, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The Scan, The Touch and The Surface: Swimming in the Shallows at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Pre-Conference Symposium, London, UIK, 10 July 2017.
Faust, Chantal, 2014, Printed Publication, Subjects in Motion
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Swimming in the shallows at Surfaces: Friction, Translation, Corruption, Royal College of Art, 29 Jun 2016.
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Printed Publication, What's black and white and pink all over?
Forrester, Shannon
Game, Amanda, 2016, Thesis, Intimate Ecologies: An exploration of the languages of contemporary exhibitions and making in museums and related cultural spaces in the UK MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Residency, Radical Matter in Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences
Golding, Johnny, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Sensuous Entanglement: Fine Art After Metaphysics at Matter Matters, University of Leeds, UK, 12-13 Nov 2015.
Golding, Johnny and Reinhart, Martin, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Data Loam: Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft - Uber die Zunkunft der Wissens-systeme und die Stofflichkeit von Information
Golding, Johnny, Reinhart, Martin and Paganelli, Mattia, eds. 2020, Book, Data Loam: Sometimes hard, usually soft. The future of knowledge systems Edition Angewandte . De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3110697841
Kaasa, Adam, 2023, Show, Exhibition or Event, Andromeda's howl
Klimowski, Andrzej and Schejbal, Danusia, 2011, Book, Robot Self Made Hero. ISBN 9781906838409
Lee, Chang Hee, 2018, Thesis, Synaesthesia Materialisation: Approaches to Applying Synaesthesia as a Provocation for Generating Creative Ideas Within the Context of Design PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Leister, Wiebke, 2016, Book, Echoes & Afterlives Fieldstudy, 22 . Photography and the Archive Research Centre, University of the Arts London.
Leister, Wiebke
Leister, Wiebke
Leister, Wiebke
Lomax, Yve, 2011, Journal Article, Michel Tournier, Giorgio Agamben and a golden droplet Photographies, 4 (1). pp. 81-88. ISSN 1754 0763
Lomax, Yve, 2013, Book, Pure Means: writing, photographs and an insurrection of being Paraclete . Copy Press, London. ISBN 978-0-9553792-9-1
Lomax, Yve, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, A spoken performance — example, species and figure: presupposition in trouble
Miles, Jonathan, 2017, Book, Enrico David: Corporeal Interiority - Vital Vibrancy Michael Werner, London, UK. ISBN 9781938809354 Item availability may be restricted.
Miles, Jonathan, 2015, Printed Publication, Enrico “La Caduta” David (Conversation) Item availability may be restricted.
Miles, Jonathan, 2018, Journal Article, La logica del limite -The Logic of the Limit Flash Art (341). pp. 53-54. ISSN 0394-1493 Item availability may be restricted.
Miles, Jonathan, 2014, Book Section, The Leaping Bones of Enrico David Enrico David Life Sentences. Michael Werner Kunsthandel, Koln/New York/London. ISBN 978-1-938809-13-2 Item availability may be restricted.
Miles, Jonathan, 2018, Other, Writing as a curator Lychee One Gallery, London, UK.
Mu, Ruidi, 2019, Thesis, Strange phantoms and fictitious dreamlands: art, life and me PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
O'Riley, Tim, 2012, Book, The Art of Research II, Process, Results and Contribution Aalto University Press. ISBN 9789526048635
Pendrell, Luke, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, THE CONCRETE ACID ECHO TAPES
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Out of office (OOO)
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, A common treasury
Pendrell, Luke and Branagan, Ben, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, The path
Pendrell, Luke, Madden, Caleb, Cieciura, Grant and De Souza, Tiago, 2024, Show, Exhibition or Event, Haunted karaoke (in the paravilion)
Pendrell, Luke and Pollard, Alexander James, 2022, Book, Aleister Crowley and Charles Dawson: The order of the Dawn Man Cut it out press, Hastings, UK. ISBN 978-0-9553168-3-8
Pendrell, Luke and Pollard, Alexander James, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Aleister Crowley and Charles Dawson: The order of the dawn man
Power, Nina, 2009, Journal Article, Non-reproductive futurism: Rancière’s rational equality against Edelman’s body apolitic Borderlands: Jacques Rancière on the Shores of Queer Theory, 8 (2). p. 6. ISSN 14470810
Power, Nina, 2009, Book, One-Dimensional Woman Zero Books. ISBN 9781846942419
Power, Nina, 2010, Book Section, Towards a cybernetic communism: The technology of the anti-family Further Adventures of The Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230100299
Raskob, Evan and Salinas, Paris, 2018, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spoke: A game for creating interesting and rigorous stories about the future of computerised manufacturing
Slyce, John, 2014, Book Section, Contemporary Art UK (Art World Series) Contemporary Art UK. Artworld . Blackdog, London. ISBN 978-1907317682
Slyce, John, 2018, Book Section, Three interviews In: Bickers, Patricia, (ed.) Talking Art 2. Art Monthly Interviews with Artists Since 2007 . Ridinghouse and Art Monthly, London. ISBN 9781909932425
Slyce, John, 2009, Book Section, The Travelling Scholar in British Weathervanes by R. Graham British Weathervanes by Rodney Graham. Whitechapel Art Gallery and Christine Burgin, London and New York. ISBN 9780692002186
Slyce, John, 2016, Book Section, Vitamin P3 – Oscar Murillo; Yelena Popova Vitamin P3: New Perspectives in Painting. Vitamin P (3). Phaidon, London, UK. ISBN 9780 7148 7145 5
Slyce, John, 2018, Book Section, We Have the Technology: The Conditions of Art and its Experience in a Would-be Age of the Technological Sublime In: Birnbaum, Daniel and Kuo, Michelle, (eds.) More than Real: Art in the Digital Age. Koenig Books, London, pp. 166-179. ISBN 978-3-96098-380-4
Slyce, John, 2014, Book Section, A World Drawn: An Introduction to the art of Julian Opie (for a Polish Audience) Julian Opie - Sculptures, Paintings, Films. MOCAK, Krakow, Poland, pp. 8-14. ISBN 978-83-62435-42
Strutton, John, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Strutton, J. (2011) No Epitaph Needed. Caroline Gardens Chapel, London. 4-6 November 2011.
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Journal Article, Cut, layer, break, fold: Fashioning gendered difference, 1970s to the present Women’s Studies Quarterly, 41 (1). p. 267. ISSN 9781558619244
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2013, Book Section, From punk to the hijab: Women’s embodied dress as performative resistance, 1970s to the present Oral History in the Visual Arts. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9780857851970
Toran, Noam, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Noam Toran - Things Uncommon
Toran, Noam and Kular, Onkar, 2011, Printed Publication, I Cling to Virtue - Publication
Broom, Jenny, ed. 2015, Book, The School of Art Wide Eyed Editions, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-84780-611-6 Item availability may be restricted.
Triming, Lee, 2015, Thesis, In the Meantime, Examples of the Same Lily (a temporary androgyne for Lynda Benglis and Richard Tuttle) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Walsh, Victoria, 2013, Book, Post-Critical Museology: Theory and Practice in the Art Museum Routledge. ISBN 9780415606004
Wilson, Conor J R, 2016, Thesis, Writing_Making: Object as body, language and material PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.