Ash, Jesse, 2017, Book, Avoidance - Avoidance Museo Marino Marini. ISBN tbc (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
Baseman, Jordan, 2017, Residency, DisObey
Blackshaw, Gemma
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, Warner, Marina and Bohr, Marco, 2017, Journal Article, Billboard, banner, blackboard: Marina Warner's photographs of the Cultural Revolution Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 4 (2 & 3). pp. 303-314. ISSN 2051-7041
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The Artist and the City: How does architecture and urban space inspire the work of contemporary artists? at Festival of the Future City, Bath, England, 21 Oct 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Book Section, London Apex: Urbane Fotografie zwischen Konstruktion und Vision/ London Apex: Urban photography between Construction and Vision In: Harnack, Maren and Stollmann, Jorg, (eds.) Identifikationsraume. Universitaetsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin87, pp. 29-39. ISBN 978-3-7983-2924-9
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Book Section, London: A Modern Project Unseen London: The city through the eyes of contemporary photographers. Hoxton Mini Press, London, pp. 277-286. ISBN 978-1-910566-24-4
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Notes on the Index: Photograph, Trace, Subject at Notes on the Index: Photograph, Trace, Subject, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 17 June 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, A Question of Colour - What colour is aesthetically, socially, technically for photography at The Platform, Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 9 Nov 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Rut Blees Luxemburg on Public Art and Public Space at The Exchange Floor, Croydon, London, 22 Nov 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2017, Conference or Workshop, #the lesson of the vine by Rut Blees Luxemburg at #the lesson of the vine, Antwerpen, Belgium, 7 Dec 2017.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut and Campany, David, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, A Handful of Dust - A speculative history of the 20th century.
Blees Luxemburg, Rut and Madoff, Steven, 2017, Journal Article, Dr Steven Henry Madoff on Rut Blees Luxemburg Dear Dave, 25 (2). pp. 68-75. ISSN 2151-2639
Britton, Alison, 2017, Book Section, Preface : Circling In: Adamson, Glenn, Droth, Martina and Olding, Simon, (eds.) Things of beauty growing: British Studio Pottery. Yale University Press, pp. 12-17. ISBN 9780300227468
Britton, Alison, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Selected ceramic works for the exhibition Things of Beauty Growing : British Studio Pottery
Cheang, Sarah, 2017, Journal Article, Fashion and East Asia: Cultural translations and East Asian perspectives International Journal of Fashion Studies, 4 (2). pp. 145-155. ISSN 2051-7106
Cheang, Sarah, 2017, Book Section, ‘Specimens of Coiffures’: Hair, Fashion, Race and Ethnicity Studies in Textiel 5: Haar (Studies in textile 5: Hair). Textielcommissie, Netherlands, pp. 89-103. ISBN 9789082128840 Item availability may be restricted.
Coutts, Nicky, 2017, Art or design object, Canal Opera
Coutts, Nicky, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, My Previous Life as an Ape
Cranfield, Ben, 2017, Journal Article, Mind the Gap: unfolding the proximities of the curatorial Performance Research, 22 (3). pp. 118-126. ISSN 1352-8165
Cranfield, Ben and Owen, Louise, 2017, Journal Article, Editorial (On proximity) Performance Research, 22 (3). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1352-8165
Dade-Robertson, Martyn, Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Hernan, Luis, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Bio-materialism: Experiments in biological material computation at 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 22-24 March 2017.
Davis, Kate and Moore, David, 2017, Other, Lodestar (Space Odyssey) 2017 The Lodestar Project, Blackburn UK.
Dhillon, Kim, 2017, Thesis, More than words: text art since conceptualism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Dillon, Brian, 2017, Book, Essayism Fitzcarraldo Editions, London. ISBN 978-1-910695-41-8 Item availability may be restricted.
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Ferguson, Catherine, 2017, Journal Article, The façade and the picture plane Journal of Contemporary Painting, 3 (1-2). pp. 101-117. ISSN 2052-6695
Fortnum, Rebecca, 2017, Journal Article, Baggage Reclaim, some thoughts on feminism and painting Journal of Contemporary Painting, 3 (1&2). pp. 209-232. ISSN 2052-6695
Golden, Pamela, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Participation in Fazer Sentido/Making Sense
Golding, Johnny, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Friendship
Golding, Johnny, 2017, Residency, Friendship in [at/of/by] the Technosphere: 1948 Unbound
Golding, Johnny, 2017, Teaching Resource, The Radical Matter Lab
Golding, Johnny, Reinhart, Martin and Widrich, Virgil, 2017, Printed Publication, Data Loam: The Future of Knowledge Systems
Hudson, Graham, 2017, Art or design object, Body Building
Jackson, Melanie, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Flurry
Jackson, Melanie, 2017, Other, Hellmouth Arts catalyst, London, UK.
Jackson, Melanie and Cameron, Angus, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Metallurgy, Demonology and Materiality
Jackson, Melanie and Leslie, Esther, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Atlantic Dialogue #4: Milk at Atlantic Dialogue #4, Plymouth, UK, 5 Dec 2017.
Jackson, Melanie and Leslie, Esther, 2017, Conference or Workshop, LUX Salon: Deeper in the Pyramid at LUX Salon, London, UK, 23 Oct 2017.
Jackson, Melanie and Leslie, Esther, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Queer Milk at Feminist Emergency - International Conference, London, UK, 22-24 June 2017.
Jackson, Melanie and Leslie, Esther, 2017, Book Section, Unreliable Matriarchs In: Cohen, Mathilde and Otomo, Yoriko, (eds.) Making MilkThe Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781350029965
Jewell, Dick, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Jazz Room, Kinky Gerlinky, Roundtable discussion
Jones, Sarah and Westwood, Martin, 2017, Journal Article, Discussion on 'Script for the playing of a 7' phonograph record prepared for readthrough’ Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15 (2-3). pp. 161-167. ISSN 1470-2029
Jordan, Mel, 2017, Journal Article, Art and the Public Sphere: From controversy to opinion formation in the making of contemporary art Art & the Public Sphere, 6 (1&2). pp. 7-18. ISSN 2042-793X
Jordan, Mel, 2017, Book Section, Dominic from Luton is Impossible In: Allan, Dominic, Chambers, Eddie, Horton, Derek and Leahy, Olivia, (eds.) Dominic From Luton. Sunridge Avenue Projects, Luton, pp. 10-15. ISBN 9780995762909
Jordan, Mel, 2017, Book Section, Towards Critical Practices: Art and Design as Socially Productive Practices In: King, Linda and Young, Oonagh, (eds.) Transdisciplinary Practice. Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 14-19. ISBN 9780992964139
Jordan, Mel, Beech, Dave and Hewitt, Andy, 2017, Book Section, The Carracci Institute Year Book In: Jordan, Mel, Beech, Dave and Hewitt, Andy, (eds.) The Carracci Institute Year Book. NN Contemporary, Northampton, pp. 1-63. ISBN 9780995700123
Jordan, Mel and Hewitt, Andrew, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The kiosks of the Freee art collective: Understanding social art practice and opinion formation for new models of collaboration. at ETHNOARTS - Ethnographic Explorations of the Arts and Education, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 June 2017.
Jordan, Mel, Hewitt, Andrew and Beech, DAVid, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, National Museum of Gallery Visitors and Museum Workers
Jordan, Mel, Hewitt, Andy and Beech, Dave, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, WORDS (& Pickers)
Jordan, Mel, Hewitt, Andy and Beech, David, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Citizen Ship
Jordan, Mel and Santomauro, Anna, 2017, Journal Article, The Very Small Public of Public Art Art & the Public Sphere, 6 (1-2). pp. 3-5. ISSN 2042-793X
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2017, Book Section, (Re)Turning to the image In: Aßman, S. at al., (ed.) Wenden: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Phänomen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-14804-1
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Sky Pool
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, King, Simon, Amy, Blier-Carruthers and Bottazzi, Roberto, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Launch/research event - Walking Cities: London
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, King, Simon, Blier-Carruthers, Amy and Bottazzi, Roberto, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Research Event - Walking Cities: London
Kane, Josie, 2017, Book Section, Mechanical pleasures: The appeal of British amusement parks 1900-1914 In: Woods, Jason, (ed.) The Amusement Park: History, Culture and Heritage. Heritage, Culture and Identity . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 31-57. ISBN 9781472423726 Item availability may be restricted.
Kennard, Peter and Phillipps, Cat, 2017, Journal Article, Visual Statement: Democracy Devoured Foreign Policy, 2017 (01/02). pp. 20-21. ISSN 0015-7228
Kollectiv, Pil and Kollectiv, Galia, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Immigrants
Kwon, Hyukgue, 2017, Thesis, Curating beyond representation: the paradox of curating as a site of dialogics PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Maclennan, Ruth, 2017, Thesis, From the White Sea to the North Sea: journeys in film, writing and ecological thought PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Matthews, Bob, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Arca Project
Matthews, Bob, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Gestures of Resistance Item availability may be restricted.
Matthews, Bob, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Studio Tan
Miles, Jonathan, 2017, Book, Enrico David: Corporeal Interiority - Vital Vibrancy Michael Werner, London, UK. ISBN 9781938809354 Item availability may be restricted.
Miles, Jonathan, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Painting and Spacing
Millar, Jeremy, Dean, Tacita, Nashashibi, Rosalind and Skaer, Lucy, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Other Dark: Tacita Dean, Jeremy Millar and Nashashibi/Skaer
Noronha Feio, Carlos, 2017, Thesis, Practices of everyday emancipation: an artists' toolkit PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
O'Riley, Tim, 2017, Journal Article, M.C Escher Print Quarterly, XXXIII (4). ISSN 0265-8305 (In Press)
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Journal Article, Creating a brighter future? Responses to the commercialisation of a new ceramic print technology Making Futures, 5 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2042-1664
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Journal Article, Is gold jewelry money? Social Analysis, 61 (4). pp. 17-30. ISSN 0155-977X
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Art or design object, Stonemason's Test Pieces (2013 Field Journal)
Oakley, Peter and Bamford, Rod, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, ILPEC: Work in Progress
Pacteau, Francette, 2017, Journal Article, Autour de Bambi - la violence dans l'image Retour d'y voir (9/10). ISSN 1662-954X (In Press)
Rezende, Livia, 2017, Journal Article, Manufacturing the raw in design pageantries: the commodification and gendering of Brazilian tropical nature at the 1867 Exposition Universelle Journal of Design History, 30 (2). pp. 122-138. ISSN 0952-4649
Richon, Olivier, 2017, Journal Article, Anima(l) After JBS Chardin Tierstudien, 11 (1). pp. 141-150. ISSN 2193-8504, ISBN 978-3-95808-129-1
Rock, Neal, 2017, Thesis, Herm as askesis: prosthetic conditions of painting PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rolfe, Nigel, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Dismal (working out and in)
Rolfe, Nigel, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Never Learn. Closing Performance.
Rolfe, Nigel, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spinning Bowls
David Roux-Fouillet, 2017, Patent, European Patent for “KeyStone“, innovation in stone setting and production methods for jewellery . Item availability may be restricted.
Satz, Aura, Chris, Stults, Genevieve, Yue, Mary Helena, Clark and Sandra, Kogut, 2017, Printed Publication, Roundtable: Wild Sounds and Women’s Voices
Shani, Tai, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Andromedan Sad Girl - Florence Peake & Tai Shani
Shani, Tai, 2017, Residency, Wysing Summer Residency
Slyce, John, 2017, Book, Size Matters! (De)Growth of the 21st Century Art Museum, Verbier Art Summit 2017 Stedelijk, Walther Koenig Books, London/Amsterdam. ISBN 978-3-96098-261-6 Item availability may be restricted.
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Art or design object, Embedded Artwork for the London Super Sewer
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Public Arts, and Arts Public at Artist's Talk, Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany, 25th October 2017.
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Sarah Staton' talk at The Exchange Floor, Artist Talks, Croydon Art Store, London, UK, 1 Nov 2017.
Staton, Sarah, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, The first and partial retrospective of 64-65 Guilford Street and early Milch
Stockham, Jo, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, 22 works included in 'In The Peaceful Dome'
Stockham, Jo, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Looking for a Nature She/he and Cannon
Stockham, Jo, Hall, Michael and Gilloch, Graeme, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ghost
Suterwalla, Shehnaz, 2017, Book Section, Smart-ening up the hijab: the materiality of contemporary British Muslim veiling in the physical and the digital In: Almila, Anna-Mari and Inglis, David, (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion to Veils and Veiling Practices. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Farnham, England, pp. 222-228. ISBN 9781315613734
Talbot, Emma, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Open Thoughts
Talbot, Emma, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Stained With Marks Of Love
Talbot, Emma, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, 'The World Blown Apart', 2017, One person exhibition at Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam
Tatham, Joanne, 2017, Journal Article, Dear Louise (April 2015) Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (1). pp. 95-99. ISSN 1753-5190
Tatham, Joanne, 2017, Journal Article, Dear Susannah (April 2017) Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (1). pp. 49-54. ISSN 1753-5190
Tatham, Joanne and O'Sullivan, Tom, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, DOES THE ITERATIVE FIT
Tatham, Joanne and O'Sullivan, Tom, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Is this what brings things into focus?
Taylor, Finlay and Johanknecht, Susan, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Large Blue
Taylor, Finlay, Raj Shah, Vaibhav and Miranda-Bilbao, Jasone, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Horizon: Against Nature. The great Grandmother: a rope as long as a wolf. Good work: a rope as long as a flying fish flight
Teasley, Sarah, 2017, Journal Article, Design and Society in Modern Japan: An Introduction Review of Japanese Culture and Society, 28 (none). pp. 1-50. ISSN 0913-4700
Thompson, Milly, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Hunter watching the beach
Thompson, Milly, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Merchandise & Accessories
Thompson, Milly, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Naming Rights at Thomas Dane
Watson, Grant, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, How We Behave: Just for the Record How We Behave: Anne - mie van Kerckhoven How We Behave: Elke van Campenhout
Woolley, Dawn, 2017, Thesis, Consumed: stilled lives and the pathologies of capitalism PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
de Cordova, Denise, 2017, Show, Exhibition or Event, Wunderkammer