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Bremner, Craig, Hall, Ashley
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Edelman, Jonathan Antonio and Watson, Tom, 2017, Printed Publication, THE FUTURE CONSUMER OF INSURANCE A design-based approach for reimagining insurance. Item availability may be restricted.
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Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
Fantini van Ditmar, Delfina
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Hall, Ashley
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Hall, Ashley, 2011, Printed Publication, RCA and NASA collaboration leads to Mars rovers of the future
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Hall, Ashley
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Marsh, Jackie, Plowman, Lydia, Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Bishop, Julia, Lahmar, Jamel, Scott, Fiona, Davenport, Andrew, Davis, S, French, K, Piras, M, Thornhill, S, Robinson, Peter and Winter, Peter, 2015, Printed Publication, Exploring Play and Creativity in Pre-schooler's use of apps: Final Project Report
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Oakley, Peter, 2019, Printed Publication, Material Disciplines in the Shanghai Art World
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter and Lardeur, Rebecca, 2022, Printed Publication, SMICI case study 13: Urban forestry
Oakley, Peter
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Phillips, Dan
Phillips, Dan
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Ramster, Gail
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Stevens, John, Holm Larsen, Torben, White, Sian and Fong, Vicki, 2020, Printed Publication, SuperTowel, packaging and distribution kit design – refinement and (Unpublished)
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Triggs, Teal
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