Ash, Jesse, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Composing A Battle for Narrative
Ash, Jesse and Spooner, Cally, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Moveable Column, episode 2
Ash, Jesse and Spooner, Cally, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Moveable Column, episode 3
Aylieff, Felicity, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Contemporary Craft comes to Number 10
Baker, Daniel, 2011, Thesis, Gypsy Visuality: Alfred Gell's art nexus and its potential for artists PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Baseman, Jordan, 2011, Art or design object, Green Lady
Baseman, Jordan, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, ‘The Most Powerful Weapon in this World’
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, New Narrative
Coutts, Nicky, 2011, Book Section, Pedagogies, (notes) In: Katherine, Meynell, (ed.) Mutual Dependencies. Artwords Press, London, pp. 86-87. ISBN 978 1 906441 25 8
Coutts, Nicky, 2011, Art or design object, Reminiszenzen der Erinnerung
Croft, Stuart, 2011, Art or design object, Comma 39
Croft, Stuart, 2011, Art or design object, Palace
Dillon, Brian, 2011, Book, Ruins MIT Press / Whitechapel Gallery. ISBN 9780854881932
de Quin, Rebecca, 2011, Art or design object, Mindful of Silver
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Avenue des Gobelins
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Book, Avenue des Gobelins Paradise Row Gallery. ISBN n
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Consumystic Lecture (Unpublished)
Golding, Johnny, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Synthetic Life: The Thinking Bot's Guide to the Universe at Invited Lecture, Philosophy Dept, Northwestern University, USA, May 27 2011.
Illner, Antje, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Momentum
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Art for Whom?
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, At Earth exhibition at Raven Row, London
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Big Society
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Forms of Resistance: Artists and the Desire for Social Change from 1871 to the present
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Art or design object, PETER KENNARD POSTERS
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Transformed: Artists' Books and Bookworks
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Transmitter Receiver
Kennard, Peter, 2011, Book, @earth Tate Publishing, London. ISBN 9781854379849
Lomax, Yve, 2011, Journal Article, Michel Tournier, Giorgio Agamben and a golden droplet Photographies, 4 (1). pp. 81-88. ISSN 1754 0763
Millar, Jeremy and Farmer, Geoffrey, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Mondegreen
O'Riley, Tim and Mäkelä, Maarit, eds. 2011, Book, The Art of Research II Aalto University Press, Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-60-4863-5
O'Riley, Tim, 2011, Journal Article, Chance and Improbability Flusser Studies, 12. ISSN 16615719
O'Riley, Tim, 2011, Book, A Farmer’s Almanac Ponsonby Press, London. ISBN 9780956228697
O'Riley, Tim, 2011, Journal Article, A discrete continuity Journal of Research Practice, 7 (1). ISSN 1712851X
Oakley, Peter, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Containing Gold: institutional attempts to define and constrict the values of gold objects at Itineraries of the Material, Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main, 7-8 Oct 2011.
Pacteau, Francette, 2011, Journal Article, Out of the Past (Dr Selwyn) Photographies, 4 (1). pp. 17-26. ISSN 1754 0763
Pajaczkowska, Claire, Goodden, Henrietta and Curtis, Barry, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Lion and The Unicorn
Palmer, Katrina, 2011, Thesis, Reality flickers: Writing with found objects and imagined sculpture PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pope, Nina and Guthrie, Karen, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Floating Cinema
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Conference or Workshop, The Animal's Eye at The Animal Gaze returned Symposium, London Metropolitan University, 27-28 Oct 2011. (Unpublished)
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Art and Science - Perspectives for Art Academies at Vorsicht Wagnis (beware: risk), Hochschule für bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany, 9-11 Nov 2011. (Unpublished)
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Fetish, Relic and Memory at Yingxiang Today (Shadow-Image today), Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, 13 - 14 October 2011. (In Press)
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Journal Article, ‘Introduction: On literary images’ Photographies, 4 (3). pp. 5-15. ISSN 17540771
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Book Section, Mimetism and the Mouth In: Luxemburg, Rut Blees, (ed.) Hardcover. Black Dog, London, pp. 66-73. ISBN 978 1 907317 415
Richon, Olivier, 2011, Journal Article, Walker Evans: Carey Ross's Bedroom Photographies, 4 (1). pp. 117-133. ISSN 1754-0763
Rolfe, Nigel, 2011, Art or design object, Into The Mire
Satz, Aura, 2011, Art or design object, Oramics: Atlantis Anew
Slyce, John, 2011, Book Section, The travelling scholar British Weathervanes. Christine Burgin/Donald Young. ISBN 9780692992186
Stockham, Jo, Lambert, Nick, Ferran, Bronac and O'Riley, Tim, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Event One Rematerialised (Unpublished)
Strutton, John, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Strutton, J. (2011) No Epitaph Needed. Caroline Gardens Chapel, London. 4-6 November 2011.
Strutton, John, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Strutton, J. (2011) The Tyranny of Grammar. Fishmarket Gallery, Northampton. 12 March – 20 April 2011.
Adamson, Glenn, Riello, Giorgio and Teasley, Sarah, eds. 2011, Book, Global design history Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-57287-3
Teichmann, Esther, 2011, Thesis, Falling into photography on loss desire and the photographic PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wilson, Jane, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, Atomgrad Nature Abhors a Vacuum