Adams, Dominic Barnaby, 2022, Thesis, The continuous body: Emergence, authority and expiation in the oeuvre of Georges Bataille PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Berry, Josephine, 2022, Journal Article, The agency of (planetary) feeling e-flux, 2022 (127). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2164-1625
Biglino, Giovani, Layton, Sofie, Hamer, Alastair, Milano, Elena Giulia, Caputo, Massimo and Wray, Jo, 2022, Journal Article, Interdisciplinarity and patient engagement: New representations of cardiovascular anatomy Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 23 (11). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2153-8174
Blackshaw, Gemma, Baluch, Sohaila, Fraser, Marita, Heidorn, Nora and Hermon, Rosie, eds. 2022, Book, I care by... Research Communiqués . Royal College of Art, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-8383543-3-6
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Book Section, Another country: British documentary photography since 1945 In: Gerry, Badger, (ed.) Another country: British documentary photography since 1945. Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 9780500022177
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Book Section, Collage In: Ribbentrop, Isabelle and Fiona, Shields, (eds.) Collage: Women of the Prix Pictet Since 2008. Gestalten, Berlin Germany. ISBN 9783967040852
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, The world we live in: An Arts Council Collection touring exhibition
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, ed. 2022, Book, Future archive Folium Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9781914552984
Borowicz Richardson, Anja, 2022, Thesis, Sculpting with object-gestures: An everyday working gesture as an artistic proposition and a space to reimagine material resonances PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Boyd, Jonathan, 2022, Book Section, I can't even string a sentence together DIE MYSTERIEN DER ZEICHEN. Arnoldsche Publishing, Germany, pp. 176-193. ISBN ISBN 978-3-89790-670-9
Brachlow, Heike, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Colour Connections
Burkardt, Svetlana, 2022, Thesis, Value creation: Russian and Chinese oil painting markets 1980s-2018 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Cheang, Sarah, 2022, Book Section, Being Chiang Yee: Feeling difference and storytelling In: Bevan, Paul, Witchard, Anne and Zheng, Da, (eds.) Chiang Yee and his circle: Chinese artistic and intellectual life in Britain, 1930-1950. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9789888754137
Chiu, Pao-Chen, 2022, Thesis, Translating erasure: Proposing auto-theory as a practice for artistic enquiry and analysis while comprehending personal grief PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chong Kwan, Gayle, 2022, Thesis, Imaginal Travel: political and ecological positioning through fine art practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
de Cordova, Denise, Allen, Felicity, Derby, Moyra, Gifford, Jane, Jackson, Vanessa, Khatib, Reem, Matthews, Jenny and Williams, Chiara, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Disoeuvre household mix
de Cordova, Denise, Bealing, Nicola, Chapman, Jake and Dinos, Marsh, Simon, Scott, Rebecca, Woods, Mark and Francisco, Goya, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, A modern capricho
de Cordova, Denise, Cumber, Marice, MacCarthy, Kathy and Nguyen, Rosa, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Form and vessel
de Cordova, Denise, Pace, Kim L, Le Bas, Delaine, Thomas, Jennet, Treacy, Danny, Zits, Johannes, Kingston, Angela and Steventon, James, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Treewilder
Ferguson, Catherine, Coutts, Nicky, McLean, Wendy and Renshaw, Tim, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Flat
Garfield, Rachel
Garfield, Rachel
Golden, Pamela, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Phantom creeps
Jackson, Melanie, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Spekyng Rybawdy
Kawash, Ameera, 2022, Thesis, Digital aftercares: Digital retooling for agency, value, and co-vulnerability as artistic practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Item availability may be restricted.
Kirsten, Robin, 2022, Thesis, Museum of Infinite Relations: Artists’ spaces, worlds and models of the universe PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Klingler, Johanna, 2022, Thesis, The pre-material: Potentials of the infrastructural as applied form MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kollectiv, Pil and Kollectiv, Galia, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Dead - United!
Kollectiv, Pil and Kollectiv, Galia, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Do they owe us a living?
Murray, Liz, 2022, Thesis, Performing resistance: The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp as artwork PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Nash, Richard, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, Bookmarking book art – Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira l’Appropriation
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter and Lardeur, Rebecca, 2022, Printed Publication, SMICI case study 13: Urban forestry
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter, Mock, Roberta, Findley, Jules, Jansen, Itandehui, Bauer, Siobhan, Lardeur, Rebecca and Macdonald, Emily, 2022, Printed Publication, Sustainable materials in the creative industries: A scoping report for the AHRC (Redacted Version)
Offeh, Harold, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, We Came Here
Ram, Rosie, 2022, Thesis, Image as method: Nigel Henderson and the art of research PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rees, Alison, 2022, Thesis, Turning the page: A new dimension to the language of ceramics with reference to wayfaring, porcelain paperclay and the archetype of the paper page PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Rojkowska, Joanna, 2022, Thesis, An analysis of the motifs of light and shadow in Arabesque (Germaine Dulac, 1929), Pharmacy (Franciszka and Stefan Themerson, 1930) and Wavelength (Michael Snow, 1967) in the context of an associated practice-based research project PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Satz, Aura, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, She recalibrates
Satz, Aura
Singh, Charan, 2022, Thesis, Going sideways: The poetics of queer-becoming in India PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Smith, Bridget, 2022, Thesis, Realising the unreal: Swedenborg, photography and vision(s) PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Staton, Sarah, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, SupaVenezia from SupaStore: Between art, commerce, and spatial dynamics
Tatham, Joanne and O'Sullivan, Tom, 2022, Show, Exhibition or Event, The indirect exchange of uncertain value
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Book Section, As if it were a harp In: Valles Vilchez, Laura and Enguita, Nuria, (eds.) Teresa Lanceta. Weaving as Open Source. MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona and IVAM Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 15-270. ISBN 978-84-17593-21-6
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Thesis, ‘Curatela’: Towards an unhurried politics of attention in post-representational curating PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Valles Vilchez, Laura, 2022, Book Section, Outside witness. On the historical reception of the Potosí Principle In: Creischer, Alice and Siekmann, Andreas, (eds.) Potosí Principle Archive. Walther König, Köln. ISBN 9783753302096
Zacharopoulou, Despina, 2022, Thesis, SPATIUM MONSTRORUM: Performance-as-surface PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ådahl, Anna, 2022, Thesis, Inside the postdigital crowds: The aesthetics and politics of the mediation and governing of digitised crowds PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.