Baseman, Jordan, 2017, Residency, DisObey
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2019, Residency, The dark intestine of Nicolas Ledoux
Britton, Alison, 2010, Residency, Residency as Guest Artist at Shigaraki Cultural Ceramic Park, Shigaraki, Japan.
Crimmin, Michaela, 2018, Residency, 4Cs Artist Residency
de Cordova, Denise, 2024, Residency, Pauper's Press print residency
de Cordova, Denise, 2015, Residency, Garage Editions Print
Golding, Johnny, 2017, Residency, Friendship in [at/of/by] the Technosphere: 1948 Unbound
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Residency, Radical Matter in Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences
Hashemi-Nezhad, Bahbak, 2017, Residency, Learning with Sumida – A New Collaborative Model
Hashemi-Nezhad, Bahbak, 2016, Residency, V&A Museum of Childhood Resident
Jackson, Mel, 2016, Residency, Back-To-Front Space
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2013, Residency, Coventry Guidebook
Postlethwaite, Susan, 2015, Residency, Autoethnography and the Museum
Rayson, David, 2015, Residency, Out of Jeddah
Roth, Bine, 2024, Residency, Shapeshifters
Shani, Tai, 2017, Residency, Wysing Summer Residency
Stockham, Jo, 2010, Residency, 2010 Xi'an International Print Workshop and Exhibition