Roth, Bine, 2024, Residency, Shapeshifters
Blees Luxemburg, Rut, 2019, Residency, The dark intestine of Nicolas Ledoux
Crimmin, Michaela, 2018, Residency, 4Cs Artist Residency
Baseman, Jordan, 2017, Residency, DisObey
Golding, Johnny, 2017, Residency, Friendship in [at/of/by] the Technosphere: 1948 Unbound
Hashemi-Nezhad, Bahbak, 2017, Residency, Learning with Sumida – A New Collaborative Model
Shani, Tai, 2017, Residency, Wysing Summer Residency
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Residency, Radical Matter in Art, Philosophy and the Wild Sciences
Hashemi-Nezhad, Bahbak, 2016, Residency, V&A Museum of Childhood Resident
Jackson, Mel, 2016, Residency, Back-To-Front Space
Postlethwaite, Susan, 2015, Residency, Autoethnography and the Museum
Rayson, David, 2015, Residency, Out of Jeddah
de Cordova, Denise, 2015, Residency, Garage Editions Print
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, 2013, Residency, Coventry Guidebook
Britton, Alison, 2010, Residency, Residency as Guest Artist at Shigaraki Cultural Ceramic Park, Shigaraki, Japan.
Stockham, Jo, 2010, Residency, 2010 Xi'an International Print Workshop and Exhibition