Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Journal Article, On your marks...Whether you heard it or not last month, a starting gun has been fired for architectural schools. RIBA Journal, 2015 (April). pp. 13-14. ISSN 0953-6973
Harriss, Harriet and Froud, Daisy, 2015, Journal Article, Essay: So you want to be an architect... The Architects Journal, 242 (3-4). pp. 28-29. ISSN 0003-8466
Troiani, Igea
Amaral, Carla
Lee, Yan Ki, 2011, Book Section, DESIGN ACT Socially and politically engaged design today � critical roles and emerging tactics In: Ericson, Magnus and Mazé, Ramia, (eds.) DESIGN ACT Socially and politically engaged design today � critical roles and emerging tactics. Sternberg Press, Sweden. ISBN 1934105619
Harriss, Harriet and Froud, Daisy, 2015, Book, Radical Pedagogies: Architectural Education & the British Tradition RIBA Publications, UK. ISBN 9781859465837
Harriss, Harriet and Widder, Lynnette, eds. 2014, Book, Architecture Live projects: pedagogy into practice’ Routledge, UK. ISBN 9780415733526
Harriss, Harriet, Anderson, Jane and Godiksen, Christina, 2016, Printed Publication, Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching. Live projects across the disciplines; Vol. 8, Issue 1; ISSN 1744-7747
Oakley, Peter, 2019, Printed Publication, Material Disciplines in the Shanghai Art World
Harriss, Harriet, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Architectures pedagogies: talk in KADK Symposium and keynote at evening event. at Architectures Pedagogies: keynote speaker, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3 Dec 2015.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Kansas University Scholarship of social engagement symposium at Kansas University Scholarship of social engagement, Kansas, USA, 20-21 October 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Keynote in New Schools of Thought, challenging the frontiers of architectural education at Venice Biennale 2016, Venice, Italy, 28 May 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Keynote speech at 'Are you a radical pedagogue?' at TEDx Talk, New York, USA, 9 Oct 2014.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, PAPER presentation: The Latent Pedagogy Of The Archizine. at ASK conference: Education for Research, research for creativity, Warsaw, Poland, 26-28 February 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Panel speaker at The Bedford Tapes: Recording the Emerging Generation, London, UK, 5 Dec 2016.
Harriss, Harriet, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Speaker at Self Made City at Caravanserai symposium on self-build, London, UK, 18-21 May 2014.
Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Conference or Workshop, A radical rethinking: the future of Architectural Education at Rethinking Architectural Education: towards a better practice, Beirut, Lebanon, 9-11 March 2016.
Harriss, Harriet and Widder, Lynnette, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Interdisciplinary Architecture Live Projects: Civic Engagement Project Partners Workshops at Interdisciplinary Architecture Live Projects: Civic Engagement Project Partners Workshops, New York, US; Oxford, UK, 1 Jan - 28 Feb 2014.
Ozden Yenigun, Elif, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Reshaping teaching strategies for innovative materials in art and design at 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 12-14 Nov 2018.
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2018, Conference or Workshop, Using makerspaces as an opportunity for involving children in the development of Virtual Reality content and play at international conference Researching Multimodal Childhood: Methodological Challenges and Innovations, Odense, Denmark, 13/08/18 & 14/08/18.
Harriss, Harriet, 2014, Other, International Conference Unspoken Issues In Architectural Education Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Architecture, Cyprus. (Submitted)