Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2015, Book Section, ExcLOOsion: How Design is Failing Sanitary Provision In: Tauke, Beth, Smith, Korydon and Davis, Charles, (eds.) Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences. Routledge, New York, pp. 243-259. ISBN 9781138023178 Item availability may be restricted.
Bichard, Jo-Anne, Chatting, David, Yurman, Paulina and Kirk, David, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Family Rituals @.0 Ritual Machine 'Anticipation'
Bichard, Jo-Anne and GHEERAWO, Rama, 2010, Book Section, The Designer as Ethnographer: Practical Projects from Industry In: Clarke, Alison, (ed.) Design Anthropology Object Culture in the 21st Century. Springer Wien, New York, USA, pp. 45-55. ISBN 978-3-7091-02336
Bichard, Jo-Anne and Yurman, Paulina, 2015, Conference or Workshop, The Ethnography of Absence: Mapping Emotions. Interactive exhibition at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.
Cheang, Sarah and Biddle-Perry, Geraldine, eds. 2008, Book, Hair: Styling, Culture and Fashion Berg, Oxford. ISBN 978-1184520-792-2
Emilie, Glazer, Bichard, Jo-Anne, Langdon, Patrick, Bradley, Michael, Kunar, Merih, Loeillet, Jean-Jaques and Woodridge, Ellie, 2015, Conference or Workshop, A vehicle for design futures: exploring the experience of driving in the here-and-now to inform an inclusive future’ at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.
Gera, Krity
Gera, Krity
Gera, Krity
Gera, Krity
Gera, Krity
Harriss, Harriet, 2018, Book Section, A Comparative History of Live Projects Within the United States and the UK: Key Characteristics and Contemporary Implications In: Farhan, Karim, (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement. Routledge, USA, pp. 233-242. ISBN 9781138889699
Kirk, David, Chatting, David, Yurman, Paulina and Bichard, Jo-Anne, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Ritual Machines I & II: Making Technology at Home at CHI 2016: CHI4Good, California, USA, 7-12 May 2016.
Oakley, Peter, 2018, Journal Article, After Mining: contrived dereliction, dualistic time and the moment of rupture in the presentation of mining heritage. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (2). pp. 274-280. ISSN 2214-790X
Oakley, Peter, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Containing Gold: institutional attempts to define and constrict the values of gold objects at Itineraries of the Material, Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main, 7-8 Oct 2011.
Oakley, Peter, 2014, Book Section, Contrived Dereliction: Employing an aesthetic of decay at mining heritage sites Cultural Heritage and Tourism Vol.2: Engagement and Experience. Farterng Culture CO, Taipei. ISBN 0000-0000
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Journal Article, Creating a brighter future? Responses to the commercialisation of a new ceramic print technology Making Futures, 5 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2042-1664
Oakley, Peter, 2014, Art or design object, Inside the Kennecott Processing Mill
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Book Section, Introducing Fairtrade and Fairmined Gold: An attempt to reconfigure the social identity of a substance In: Drazin, Adam and Kuechler, Susanne, (eds.) The Social Life of Materials. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472592668 Item availability may be restricted.
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Journal Article, Is gold jewelry money? Social Analysis, 61 (4). pp. 17-30. ISSN 0155-977X
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter, 2019, Printed Publication, Material Disciplines in the Shanghai Art World
Oakley, Peter, 2012, Art or design object, Observing the Dogon
Oakley, Peter, 2008, Book Section, Praxeological Subjectification: the hidden power of practical activities In: Hatton, Kate, (ed.) Design Pedagogy Research. Jeremy Mills Publishing Ltd., pp. 19-28. ISBN 978 1 906600 35 8
Oakley, Peter, 2014, Art or design object, The Processing Mill, Kennecott
Oakley, Peter, 2012, Journal Article, Reflections on Ethical Gold The Goldsmiths' Company Technical Journal, 1 (14). pp. 32-33. ISSN 2045 5313
Oakley, Peter
Oakley, Peter, 2017, Art or design object, Stonemason's Test Pieces (2013 Field Journal)
Oakley, Peter, 2015, Journal Article, Ticking Boxes: (re)constructing the wristwatch as a luxury object Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption, Vol.1, No.2, 1 (2). pp. 41-60. ISSN 2051-1817
Oakley, Peter, 2009, Art or design object, Tourists Panning for Gold, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2009
Oakley, Peter and Keuchler, Susanne, 2014, Book Section, New Materials and their impact on the material world Objects and Materials: a Routledge companion. Culture, Economy and the Social . Routledge, London and New York, pp. 82-91. ISBN 9780415678803
Oakley, Peter and Siriphon, Wuthigrai, 2020, Conference or Workshop, The value(s) of Thai craft textiles in the 21st century at AAS-in-Asia 2020, Kobe, Japan, 31 Aug - 04 Sept 2020.
Pajaczkowska, Claire and Ward, Ivan, eds. 2008, Book, Shame and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Visual Culture Routleedge, London and New York. ISBN 978 0 415 42011 2
Pereira, Godofredo, ed. 2012, Book, Savage Objects INCM, Lisboa. ISBN 9789722720717
Spragg, Katie, 2024, Journal Article, Making with: What I have learnt through making with clay, with people with dementia tbc. pp. 1-17. ISSN tbc (Unpublished) Item availability may be restricted.
Yurman, Paulina, Chatting, David, Bichard, Jo-Anne and Kirk, David, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Ritual Machines at Design Anthropological Futures, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 -14 Aug 2015.