  • Items where Subject is V500 Philosophy

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Number of items at this level: 43.


  • [thumbnail of MECA Póster .pdf]
Curran, Fiona, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Cloud Ecologies: Weather, Pollution, Time and Data at Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art, Barcelona, Spain, 1 Dec 2016.


  • [thumbnail of Brian Dillon, Sanctuary, Sternberg Press, 2011.jpeg]
Dillon, Brian, 2011, Book, Sanctuary Sternberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 9781933128870


  • [thumbnail of DARK HABITS: Book Cover]
Faust, Chantal, 2017, Book Section, 'The Masochistic Pulse' in DARK HABITS In: O'Callaghan, Bren and Perks, Sarah, (eds.) DARK HABITS. HOME Publications, Manchester, UK, pp. 59-67. ISBN 978-0-9935912-3-5

  • [thumbnail of Chantal_Faust_The_Masochistic_Pulse_2016.pdf]
Faust, Chantal, 2016, Journal Article, The Masochistic Pulse SALT. Feminism and Contemporary Art, 8. pp. 42-45. ISSN 978-3-945247-18-1

  • [thumbnail of EVA London Symposium.jpg]
Faust, Chantal, 2017, Conference or Workshop, The Scan, The Touch and The Surface: Swimming in the Shallows at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Pre-Conference Symposium, London, UIK, 10 July 2017.

  • [thumbnail of Nadine Feinson MPhil Thesis_Part 1.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of Nadine Feinson MPhil Thesis_Part 2_Appendix 1_FedEx Notebook_READ ONLY.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of Nadine Feinson MPhil Thesis_Part 3_Appendix 2_Hitch Op Notebook_READ ONLY.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of Nadine Feinson MPhil Thesis_Part 4_Appendices 3, 4, 5 & Bibliography.pdf]
Feinson, Nadine, 2011, Thesis, Blot: The Material Conditions of Appearance in Painting MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.

  • [thumbnail of franke_ phd_design_as_inquiry_redacted_version (2) copy.pdf]
Franke, Björn, 2016, Thesis, Design as Inquiry: Prospects for a Material Philosophy PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.


  • [thumbnail of Margarita_Gluzberg_The_Consumystic.xyz.jpg]
Gluzberg, Margarita, 2011, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Consumystic Lecture (Unpublished)

Gluzberg, Margarita, 2008, Conference or Workshop, Simultaneous Translation Through a Mouth Without Organs - Folie à Deux: Bacon and Deleuze at Folie à Deux: Bacon and Deleuze, Symposium, Tate Britain, 29 November 2008. Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_The_9th_Technology_of_Otherness_2013.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2013, Book Section, The 9th Technology of Otherness: a certain kind of debt The Cruelty of the Classical Canon. ARTicle Press, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9

  • [thumbnail of Golding_Ana-Materialism_and_the_Pineal_Eye_2013.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2013, Journal Article, Ana-Materialism & the Pineal Eye: Becoming Mouth-Breast Visual Arts in the Age of Algorithmic Reproduction Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 19 (4). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1071-4391

  • [thumbnail of Golding, Johnny - The Assassination of Time.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2006, Conference or Workshop, The Assassination of Time (or the Birth of zeta physics) at The Digital Arts Week, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Jul 2006.

  • [thumbnail of Golding, Johnny - The Assassination of Time.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2009, Book Section, The Assassination of Time (or the birth of zeta-physics) In: Berressem, Hanjo and Haferkamp, Leyla, (eds.) Deleuzian Events: writing | history. Lit Verlag, Berlin, pp. 132-145. ISBN 978-3-643-10174-7

  • [thumbnail of Golding_Conversion_on_the_road_to_Damascus_2008.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2008, Book Section, Conversion on the road to Damascus: minority report (1) In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) GEST: LABORATORY OF SYNTHESIS #1. BookWorks, London, UK. ISBN 9781870699969

Golding, Johnny, 2017, Conference or Workshop, Diffraction, Entanglement and the Sensuous Unnatural Act called Art at Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 20 Nov 2017. Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Ecce_Homo_Sexual_Ontology_and_Eros_in_th.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Ecce Homo Sexual: Eros and Ontology in the Age of incompleteness and entanglement at Inaugural Professorial Address, Birmingham, UK, 19 Feb 2014.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_Ecce_Homosexual_2014.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2014, Journal Article, Ecce Homo Sexual: Ontology and Eros in the Age of Incompleteness and Entanglement Parallax, 20 (3). pp. 217-230. ISSN 1460-700X

Golding, Johnny, 2010, Journal Article, Fractal Philosophy: Attunement as the Task of Art CTheory, 2010 (cds). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1190-9153 Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding, Johnny - Fractal Philosophy.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2010, Book Section, Fractal Philosophy: Attunement as the Task of Art In: Zepke, Stephen and O'Sullivan, Simon, (eds.) Deleuze and Contemporary Art. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 133-154. ISBN 9780748638383

Golding, Johnny, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Human Remains/Remaining Human: the exquisite problem of becoming-corpse at The Post-Human and the Future of Humanity Visual Cultures Lectures Series, London, 1 Nov 2016. Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_Foucault_The_9th_Technology_of_Otherness_.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2016, Book Section, Michel Foucault: Der Mut zur Wahrheit (1984): The 9th Technology of Otherness (a certain kind of debt) In: Stieglitz, Olaf and Martschukat, Jürgen, (eds.) race & sex: Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit. Neofelis Berlin, Berlin, pp. 94-103. ISBN 978-3958080348

  • [thumbnail of Golding_On_the_Verge_of_Photography_2013.pdf]
Rubinstein, Daniel, Golding, Johnny and Fisher, Andy, eds. 2013, Book, On the Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation ARTicle Press, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 978-1-873352-02-1

  • [thumbnail of Golding, Johnny - Synthetic Life - The Thinking Bot_s Guide to the Universe.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, 2011, Conference or Workshop, Synthetic Life: The Thinking Bot's Guide to the Universe at Invited Lecture, Philosophy Dept, Northwestern University, USA, May 27 2011.

  • [thumbnail of Zetesis_Vol_1_No._1_The_Cruelty_of_the_C.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, ed. 2013, Book, Zētēsis, Vol 1, No. 1: The Cruelty of the Classical Canon ARTicle Press, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9

  • [thumbnail of Zetesis_Vol_2_no._3_Twice_Upon_a_Time_Ma.pdf]
Golding, Johnny, ed. 2015, Book, Zētēsis, Vol 2, no. 1: Twice Upon a Time: Magic, Alchemy and the Transubstantiation of the Senses ARTicle Press, Birmingham, UK. ISBN 978-1-873352-10-6

  • [thumbnail of PDF format]
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Golding, Johnny, Reinhart, Martin and Widrich, Virgil, 2017, Printed Publication, Data Loam: The Future of Knowledge Systems

Golding, Sue, 1999, Journal Article, Breaking the [Honour] Code Parallax, 5 (4). pp. 26-37. ISSN 1353-4645 Item not available from this repository.

Golding, Sue, ed. 1997, Book, The Eight Technologies of Otherness Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415145794 Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_The_Excess_An_added_remark_on_Sex_Rubber_1993.pdf]
Golding, Sue, 1992, Journal Article, The Excess: An added remark on Sex Rubber Ethics and other Impurities New Formations, 1993 (19). pp. 23-28. ISSN -

Golding, Sue, 1994, Journal Article, Pariah Bodies Critical Quarterly, 36 (1). pp. 28-36. ISSN 1467-8705 Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_Poiesis_and_Politics_as_Ecstatic_Fetish_1997.pdf]
Golding, Sue, 1997, Journal Article, Poiesis and Politics as Ecstatic Fetish: Foucault's Ethical Demand Filozofski vestnik, XVIII (2). pp. 17-31. ISSN 0353-4510

Golding, Sue, 2000, Book Section, Singular multiplicity: the a-radicality lecture – second meditation on identity, ethics, and aesthetics[or what does it mean to 'inhabit' technology? Issues in Contemporary Culture and Aesthetics: No. 10/11. Jan van Eyck Academy, Netherlands, pp. 286-292. ISBN 978-9072076137 Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Golding_The_University_Must_Be_Defended_Collater.pdf]
Golding, Sue, 2012, Journal Article, The University Must Be Defended: Collateral Damage No. 37 Angelaki:International Journal for the Theoretical Humanities, 17 (1). pp. 131-134. ISSN 1469-2899


  • [thumbnail of Hales_submitted_print_October07_2019.pdf]
Hales, Derek, 2019, Thesis, Assimilating the Deleuzian Objectile to a Pataphysical Clinamen: A pataphysical objectile for design research PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.

  • [thumbnail of Information about the symposium, such as the organisation and delivery of the event.]
Hannibal, Carmen and Robertson, Cole, 2022, Conference or Workshop, TIMES OF METAPHOR: A symposium on the temporal, metaphorical, and the still and moving image at Royal College of Art, one-day international research symposium, London, UK and online, 8 Jul 2022.


Kollectiv, Galia and Kollectiv, Pil, 2024, Book, Sound strategies: Music as ideological apparatus Strange Attractor / MIT, London. ISBN 978-1-917319-01-0 (In Press) Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of Some images in this thesis have been redacted for reasons of copyright]
Kontis, Georgios, 2020, Thesis, Authenticity: Painting ontologies & the threatening image PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.


Lomax, Yve, 2017, Book Section, Without remainder or residue: example, making use, transposition In: Schwab, Michael, (ed.) Transpositions: Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research. Orpheus Institute Series . Leuven University Press, Ghent. ISBN (forthcoming) (In Press) Item not available from this repository.

  • [thumbnail of pure-means-cover-8-approved.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of CP at Housmans copy.pdf]
Lomax, Yve, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, A spoken performance — example, species and figure: presupposition in trouble


  • [thumbnail of Tim-O'Riley-The-Unassimilable-Image-2016-5.jpg]
  • [thumbnail of Tim-O'Riley-The-Unassimilable-Image-2016-4.jpg]
  • [thumbnail of Tim-O'Riley-The-Unassimilable-Image-2016-3.jpg]
  • [thumbnail of o-riley-the-unassimilable-image.pdf]
O'Riley, Tim, 2016, Journal Article, The Unassimilable Image Flusser Studies, e-journal (22). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1661-5719


  • [thumbnail of Claire-Pajaczkowska_Sublime_Now_ch12_Ravishing_Noir.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of Kul-WantJournalofVisualCultureReviewSublimeNow.pdf]
  • [thumbnail of Pajaczkowska Sublime Now cover.jpg]
Pajaczkowska, Claire and White, Luke, eds. 2009, Book, The Sublime Now Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN (10) 4488 1302-8 ISBN (13) 9781 443813020 Item availability may be restricted.


  • [thumbnail of Kyung HWA Shon_Final PhD thesis_Library (redacted version).pdf]
Shon, Kyung Hwa, 2019, Thesis, Stillman: the surface of the city and the depths of the psyche PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.


  • [thumbnail of wilson_conor_thesis_phd_2016.pdf]
Wilson, Conor J R, 2016, Thesis, Writing_Making: Object as body, language and material PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.

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