Avilla-Royo, Raül, Jacoby, Sam and Bilbao, Ibon, 2021, Journal Article, The building as a home: Housing cooperatives in Barcelona Buildings, 11 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2075-5309
Aydemir, Ayşe Zeynep and Jacoby, Sam, 2021, Book Section, Design research and a shift in architectural education and practice In: Cabrera i Fausto, Ivan, Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto, Mas Tomás, Ángeles, Barrera Puigdollers, José Manuel, Bosch Roig, Lluís, Higón Calvet, José, Llorca Ponce, Alicia, Palomares Figueres, María Teresa, Portalés Mañanós, Ana and Songel González, Juan María, (eds.) The Architect and the City. EAAE-ARCC International Conference, 2 . Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, València, pp. 1426-1436. ISBN 978-8490489826
Forlini, Francesca Romana, 2021, Journal Article, Salotto buono: the “Art of Conservation” and the permanence of an Italian room Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture, 11 (2-3). pp. 157-182. ISSN 2041-9112
Geros, Christina Leigh
Goodbun, Jon and Sweeting, Ben, 2021, Journal Article, The dialogical, the ecological and beyond Footprint, 15 (1). pp. 155-166. ISSN 1875-1504
Hasa, Elisavet, 2021, Thesis, Infrastructures of solidarity and care in Athens (2010-2020): Social movements, prototypical designs, and protocol systems PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Hernan, Luis and Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina, 2021, Journal Article, Time is out of joint: Domesticity, desire and the future RJAE Journal of Architectural Education, 75 (2). pp. 184-191. ISSN 1046-4883
Jacoby, Sam
Ozer, Seyithan, 2021, Thesis, Interior complex: Design standardization in London’s housing PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Pereira, Godofredo, 2021, Book Section, Architecture and climate struggle In: Correia, Lucinda, (ed.) Counter-Architecture: Green Paper. EFABULA, Lisbon, pp. 84-87. ISBN 978-989-33-2025-9
Ramirez-Figueroa, Carolina and Hernan, Luis, 2021, Conference or Workshop, Bio-revolutions: radical change, design cultures and non-humans at Design culture(s) Cumulus Roma 2021, Rome, 08-11 June 2021.