Amadei, Gian Luca
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2015, Journal Article, Beholder of All Ages: The History of the World in a French Mappemonde Textimage: revue d'étude du dialogue text-image, 7 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1954-3840
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2012, Journal Article, History on the Line: time as dimension Design Issues, 28 (4). pp. 4-17. ISSN 0747-9360
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2011, Journal Article, Joseph Priestley: the man who drew time Postings From Priestley House, the Newsletter of The Friends of Joseph Priestley House (49). ISSN 570-473-9474
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2007, Journal Article, A schema for depiction. Visible Language, 41 (3). pp. 280-300. ISSN 0022-2224 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Kräutli, Florian, 2015, Journal Article, The Idea and Image of Historical Time: Interactions between Design and Digital Humanities Visible Language, 49 (3). pp. 100-119. ISSN 0022-2224
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Vane, Olivia, 2020, Journal Article, Design as Externalization: enabling research Information Design Journal, 25 (1). pp. 28-42. ISSN 0142-5471
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Fass, John, Yamada-Rice, Dylan, James, Shelley, Lewis, Matt and Pappas, Grace, 2022, Journal Article, Editorial: Information is ugly Visual Communication, 21 (3). pp. 377-383. ISSN 1741-3214
Jones, Carl
Korallo, Liliya, Foreman, Nigel, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Moar, Magnus and Coulson, Mark, 2012, Journal Article, Do challenge, task experience or computer familiarity influence the learning of historical chronology from virtual environments in 8–9 year old children? Computers and Education, 58 (4). pp. 1106-1116. ISSN 0360-1315 Item availability may be restricted.
Yamada-Rice, Dylan, 2018, Journal Article, Licking planets and stomping on buildings: children’s interactions with curated spaces in virtual reality Children's Geographies, online (online). pp. 529-538. ISSN 1473-3277
Alamoudi, Mallaa, 2024, Thesis, Design for Saudi public services: Integrating graphic design to improve the experience of Zamzam water services across the Umrah visitors’ journey PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Beier, Sofie, 2009, Thesis, Typeface legibility: Towards defining familiarity PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Benque, David, 2020, Thesis, Case board, traces, & chicanes: Diagrams for an archaeology of algorithmic prediction through critical design practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Chun, Yongkeun, 2020, Thesis, Displayed modernity: Advertising and commercial art in colonial Korea, 1920-1940 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Gokcek, Emine, 2020, Thesis, Co-incidental animation: Framing chance occurrences of illusion of movement as animation events MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Kirby-Ginns, Sarah, 2024, Thesis, With the Participatory Consumer Audience in mind: exploring and developing professional brand identity designers reflexive practice PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lek, Lawrence, 2022, Thesis, Cinematic assemblage: Sinofuturist worldbuilding and the smart city PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Lengersdorf, Charlotte, 2023, Thesis, Towards an uncausal practice of visual communication PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Moody, Paul, 2023, Thesis, Acts of resistance: Formulating critical humanist documentary practice by centralising activists and artefacts of the Committee of 100 and Solidarity, 1956-74 PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Polmeer, Gareth, 2015, Thesis, Motion to Becoming: Nature and the Image in Time PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Smith, Kirsty, 2024, Thesis, Hubbacouture: From embodied knowledge to meaningful representation: The role of documentary as method to explore Skateboard media production for fashion media communication PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Vane, Olivia, 2020, Thesis, Timeline design for visualising cultural heritage data PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Von Ompteda, Karin, 2022, Thesis, The influence of stroke width on legibility for low vision adults: Integrating scientific & design knowledge on typeface boldness PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wang, Yun, 2020, Thesis, Rediscovery of autonomy: The history of contemporary Chinese graphic design in the context of globalisation PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Wartena, Welmoet, 2024, Thesis, Entanglements of place: Exploring the Dutchness of contemporary typography in the Netherlands through a practical approach to discourse PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Borg, Erik and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2012, Book Section, The Thesis: texts and machines In: Andrews, Richard, Borg, Erik, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Domingo, Myrrh and England, Jude, (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. SAGE, London, pp. 13-30. ISBN 9780857027399
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2015, Book Section, May not duration be represented as distinctly as space? – geography and the visualisation of time in the early eighteenth century In: Beck, David, (ed.) Knowing Nature in Early Modern Europe. Warwick Series in the Humanities, 5 . Pickering and Chatto, London, pp. 119-137. ISBN 9781848935181 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2017, Book Section, ‘To see at one glance all the centuries that have passed’ - early visualisations of historical time In: Black, Alison, Luna, Paul, Lund, Ole and Walker, Sue, (eds.) Information design: research and practice. Routledge, London, pp. 3-22. ISBN 978-1-4724-3070-0 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, Bevan, Emma and Kudikov, Aleksei, 2013, Book Section, Just In Time: defining historical chronographics In: Bowen, Jonathan, Keene, Suzanne and Ng, Kia, (eds.) Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture. Springer Series on Cultural Computing . Springer, pp. 243-257. ISBN 9781447154051 Item availability may be restricted.
King, Simon and Noble, Corinne, 2024, Book Section, Court Circular SE11 In: Joseph-Lester, Jaspar, Kahane, Ahuvia, King, Simon and Leslie, Esther, (eds.) Walking in cities: Navigating post-pandemic urban environments. Routledge, London, pp. 268-284. ISBN 9781032412610 Item availability may be restricted.
Korallo, Liliya, Boyd Davis, Stephen, Foreman, Nigel and Moar, Magnus, 2013, Book Section, Human-Centric Chronographics:Making Historical Time Memorable In: Huang, Weidong, (ed.) Handbook of Human Centric Visualization. Springer, New York, pp. 473-512. ISBN 978-1-4614-7484-5
Kräutli, Florian and Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2013, Book Section, Known Unknowns: representing uncertainty in historical time In: Ng, K, Bowen, JP and McDaid, S, (eds.) Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2013. British Computer Society, London, pp. 61-68. ISBN 978-1-780172-15-6
Ramanathan, Rathna, 2018, Book Section, From Vishnu to Vegas In: Blamey, David and Haylock, Brad, (eds.) Distributed. Occasional Table . Open Editions, London. ISBN 9790949004093 Item availability may be restricted.
Triggs, Teal, 2022, Book Section, Signs of the everyday, every day In: Dyer, James and Deakin, Nick, (eds.) Graphic Events: A Realist Account of Graphic Design. Onomatopee number 223 . Onomatopee, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 129-145. ISBN 978-9493148666 Item availability may be restricted.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2010, Conference or Workshop, Time machines. at Technology and ‘the death of Art History’: Computers and the History of Art annual conference, The British Computer Society, London, 10-11 November 2010.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, 2007, Conference or Workshop, A Word about the Weather: depiction and visualisation at From Abstract Data Mapping to 3D Photorealism: Understanding Emerging Intersections in Visualisation Practices and Techniques, Birmingham Insitute of Art and Design, 19 Jun 2007.
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Kräutli, Florian, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Scholarly chronographics: can a timeline be useful in historiography? at European Social Science History Conference, Vienna University, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 April 2014. (Unpublished)
Boyd Davis, Stephen and Kräutli, Florian, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Time in Perspective: a visual approach to models of time at Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI, CHI 2013, Palais de Congrès de Paris, Paris, 27 April - 2 May 2013.
Boyd Davis, Stephen, Vane, Olivia and Kräutli, Florian, 2016, Conference or Workshop, Using Data Visualisation to tell Stories about Collections at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London, UK, 12 - 14 July 2016.
Phillips, Robert
Walker, Kevin and Claisse, Caroline, 2014, Conference or Workshop, Big Dada: From visualisation to experience at Death of the Desktop: Envisioning visualisation without desktop computing, Paris, France, 9-14 Nov 2014.
Candela, Emily, 2022, Other, Jarrett Fuller in conversation with Emily Candela Design History Society, Spotify.
Candela, Emily, 2022, Other, Picturing knowledge, episode 1: Coronavirus, crystallography and design with Emily Candela The Order of Multitudes, Yale University, New Haven, USA.