Brownie, Barbara
Dare, Eleanor and Aslam, Shabina, 2015, Journal Article, Skype, code and shouting: a digitally mediated drama between Egypt and Scotland Leonardo, 48 (3). pp. 284-285. ISSN 0024-094X
Dutson, Claudia, 2015, Journal Article, Private Passions at work in the Silicon Valley E.R.O.S. Journal, 7. pp. 225-232. ISSN 2048-8352
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Journal Article, Ventriloquial acts: Critical reflections on the art of Foley The New Soundtrack, 5 (2). pp. 103-120. ISSN 2042-8855 Item availability may be restricted.
Polmeer, Gareth, 2015, Thesis, Motion to Becoming: Nature and the Image in Time PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Ferrarello, Laura and Fairbrother, William, 2015, Book Section, Processes of Artefact Creation in the Hybrid-Reality Engaging with Materials through Material Oxymorons In: Anne Louise, Anne Louise, Buur, Jacob, Lønne, Irene Alma and Nimkulrat, Nithikul, (eds.) Tangible Means Experiential Knowledge Through Materials. Conference Proceedings - International Conference 2015 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge. Design School Kolding, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark, pp. 368-379. ISBN 978-87-90775-90-2
Triggs, Teal, 2015, Book Section, Mapping Futures for Graphic Design Education In: Cerne Oven, Petra and Predan, Barbara, (eds.) Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it? University of Ljubljana, Ljublana, Slovenia, pp. 92-111. ISBN 978-961-93514-6-8
Buchan, Suzanne and Janser, Andres, eds. 2015, Book, Animierte Wunderwelten / Animated Wonderworlds Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. ISBN 9783907265062
Shaughnessy, Adrian, 2015, Book, Herb Lubalin: Typographer Editor, writer and publisher: Adrian Shaughnessy Unit Editions, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-9932316-5-0
Shaughnessy, Adrian, ed. 2015, Book, Lance Wyman: The Monograph Editor, author and publisher: Adrian Shaughnessy Unit Editions, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-9575114-9-1
Shaughnessy, Adrian, 2015, Book, Typojanchi 2015: Six images. Six texts. One remix. The urban typographic apotheosis. Typojanchi, Seoul, South Korea. ISBN NA
Broom, Jenny, ed. 2015, Book, The School of Art Wide Eyed Editions, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-84780-611-6 Item availability may be restricted.
Wozencroft, Jon, 2015, Book, Joséphine Michel/Mika Vainio: Halfway to White Touch Music, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-974104-01-8
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Printed Publication, Sound Project Report for Sense
Marsh, Jackie, Plowman, Lydia, Yamada-Rice, Dylan, Bishop, Julia, Lahmar, Jamel, Scott, Fiona, Davenport, Andrew, Davis, S, French, K, Piras, M, Thornhill, S, Robinson, Peter and Winter, Peter, 2015, Printed Publication, Exploring Play and Creativity in Pre-schooler's use of apps: Final Project Report
Hosea, Birgitta and Barton, Graham, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Animation as Mindful Practice at 'The Cosmos of Animation': Society for Animation Studies (SAS) 28th Annual Conference, Singapore, 26-30 June 2016.
Murer, Martin, Fass, John, Walker, Kevin, Vallgarda, Anna, Fuchsberger, Verena and Tscheligi, Manfred, 2015, Conference or Workshop, Critical Ways of Making: Design Artefacts, De-Computation and Un-Crafting at Critical Alternatives, Aarhus, Denmark, 17-21 August 2015.
Walker, Kevin and Fass, John, 2015, Conference or Workshop, De-computation: Programming the world through design at NORDES, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-10 June 2015.
Main, Angus, 2015, Art or design object, The Language of Things
Main, Angus, 2015, Art or design object, Pair Painting App
Ramanathan, Rathna, 2015, Art or design object, Bright Labyrinth: Sex, Death and Design in the Digital Regime
Buchan, Suzanne and Janser, Andres, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Animated Wonderworlds / Animierte Wunderwelten Exhibition
Howeson, Anne, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Present in the past
Pendrell, Luke, 2015, Show, Exhibition or Event, Ghost Light: Ignis Fatuus
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Other, No Such Thing as Empty Space Self, London.
Lewis, Matt, 2015, Other, No Such Thing as Empty Space Excerpt with Audio Description Matt Lewis, London.