  • A Dance with Supports

Ash, Jesse, 2014, Show, Exhibition or Event, A Dance with Supports

Abstract or Description:

Solo event (script 7) as part of Avoidance-Avoidance project. Play performed in the Museo Mario Marini, with re-arranged plinths from Museum storage as set.
Avoidance—Avoidance combines a performed play staged amongst exhibited art works. Each presentation comprises a new edited site-specific script and a new body of accompanying artworks that act as both autonomous artworks and stage devices.
The play centres on two characters based on the film director Mary Ellen Bute and her real-life lover and cinematographer Ted Nemeth. The dialogue is a love story which comments on the methods of concealment that are used both in our personal intimate relationships and more broadly speaking in politics where ‘trust’ and ‘transparency’ are a valuable currency.

ActorFrani, Maria Caterina
ActorSteinegger, Benno
A Dance with SupportsFlorence, Italy.22 May 2014Museum/exhibition
Official URL: http://www.amaci.org/en/museums-events/jesse-ash
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W100 Fine Art > W130 Sculpture
Creative Arts and Design > W400 Drama > W410 Acting
Creative Arts and Design > W400 Drama > W420 Directing for Theatre
Creative Arts and Design > W800 Imaginative Writing > W810 Scriptwriting
School or Centre: School of Arts & Humanities
Date Deposited: 21 Nov 2016 14:27
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2020 12:00
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/2135
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