  • 50 words for reuse

Brooker, Graeme, 2022, Book, 50 words for reuse Canalside Press, London, UK. ISBN 9781399910095

Abstract or Description:

50|50 Words is a compilation of the dialects of reuse. It outlines a lexicon of language, is an expression of vocabularies, claims a glossary of terms all used to distinguish the transformation of the existing into something new. Its proposition is that an obsolete entity is not only a site of depredation, it is a condition for mediation and the location of research and design processes that will ensure that meaningful change through reuse will take place. In response to a world with finite resources and with the demise of extractivist approaches with which to remove them, the very-near future of the built environment will be focussed solely on the re-designation of all existing matter. New-build and single-use processes will be obsoleted distinctions for making cities, buildings, interiors and artefacts. 50|50 characterises centuries of these practices and it specifies their relevance to the 21st century, a time that can be characterised in its responses to the challenges of the climate emergency and social justices.

Official URL: https://canalsidepress.com/5050-words-for-reuse-a-...
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W200 Design studies > W250 Interior Design
School or Centre: School of Architecture
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2025 11:18
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025 11:18
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/6273
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