  • Anima Animus

Boontje, Tord, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, Anima Animus

Abstract or Description:

Anima Animus is a collaborative exhibition with Emma Woffenden and Tord Boontje in the Glass Museum, Ebeltoft, Denmark. The exhibition explores the creative dialogue between the artist and the designer, who sometimes work in tandem yet always remain distinct from each other.

ArtistWoffenden, Emma
Anima AnimusGlass Museum, Ebeltoft, Denmark2 October 2009 to 14 March 2010Museum/exhibition
Official URL: http://www.glasmuseet.dk/en2010/exhibitions/past/a...
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W100 Fine Art > W130 Sculpture
Creative Arts and Design > W200 Design studies
School or Centre: School of Design
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2011 16:28
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2019 15:24
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/740
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