  • Drawing the Island II

de Cordova, Denise, 2024, Residency, Drawing the Island II

Abstract or Description:

A second privately sponsored residency on Bowen Island BC Canada as part of a continuing project where solitary waling is part of a research project that examines the notion of 'place portraits' . At the mid point of the walk , drawings are made to capture the essence of that place. Some sites are revisited, new ones captured . It provides an opportunity to engage with the inhabitants of the island in some circumstances, in others , the drawings are made in a state of aloneness. The island is home to a great number of artists, makers and writers - one of the highest concentrations in Canada, which has facilitated ongoing conversations and encounters with the community, where discussions about how place is captured visually . Drawings and embroideries where made during the residency that map the idea of place. Folded drawings are a feature of this process, to facilitate transport. Drawings are selected from both residencies to be shown together. the project will continue with further residencies in the future.

Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W100 Fine Art
School or Centre: School of Arts & Humanities
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2025 11:17
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2025 11:17
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/6342
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