  • Time After Time, Petra Rinck Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Talbot, Emma, 2016, Show, Exhibition or Event, Time After Time, Petra Rinck Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Abstract or Description:

A one person exhibition presenting new painted silk hangings and 3-dimensional pieces. The works included single and double sided painted hangings, which incorporate image, text , pattern and gesture to offer associative readings of personal narratives and internal thoughts, single drawings and 3 dimensional tableaux.
The title refers to song lyrics used in one of the works in the exhibition: 'If you're lost, you can look and you will find me..if you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting..Time After Time'
'The Mountain', a double sided hanging, revealed the collapsing of time between a single mother's (Talbot's) recollections of her son as a baby and toddler and his presence in her life as a teenager. The piece references contemporary scenes of daily life and imagery of climbing walls, as well as ancient rites (such as the Xhosa African rituals, where boys are taken to a mountain hideaway to go through secret initiations to become men, while their mothers wait at home). In this work, the mountain operates as a metaphor for the youth's independent climb towards independence. 'Open Up To You' , another double sided hanging, told a contemporary love story and much of the 2D work ('Grey Scale', 'Sunset')'focused on different types of personal love stories, in the loosest sense.
The three dimensional work extended out the themes of the painted works, both being tableaux of a woman longing (for her son, or for a lover).
The exhibition was referenced in a feature interview between Magdalena Kroner and Emma Talbot in Kunstforum, (bande 243) and related work was featured in two artists pages in Art Review, September 2016.

Time After Time, Petra Rinck Galerie,Düsseldorf, Germany3 Sept - 22 Oct 2016One person show
Official URL: http://www.petrarinckgalerie.de/exhibitions/2016/t...
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W100 Fine Art
School or Centre: School of Arts & Humanities
Funders: Petra Rinck Galerie
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2018 15:40
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2019 15:27
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/3312
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