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Harriss, Harriet, 2016, Journal Article, ‘Bulldozing brutalism’s bad boys to balance the books won't work’ The Architects Journal, online. ISSN 0003-8466
Kane, Josie, 2015, Journal Article, Dream city: London's pleasurescapes LA+ Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture, 2. pp. 38-45. ISSN 2376-4171
Kane, Josie, 2017, Book Section, Mechanical pleasures: The appeal of British amusement parks 1900-1914 In: Woods, Jason, (ed.) The Amusement Park: History, Culture and Heritage. Heritage, Culture and Identity . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 31-57. ISBN 9781472423726 Item availability may be restricted.
Kane, Josie and Beyts, Johanna, 2018, Journal Article, Sick in the City: A clinician's perspective Emotion, Space and Society, 28. pp. 84-88. ISSN 1755-4586
Kane, Josie and Deriu, Davide, 2018, Journal Article, Guest Editors' Introduction: Towards a Vertigology of Contemporary Cities Emotion, Space and Society, 28. pp. 79-83. ISSN 1755-4586
Montuori, Bruna and Kaasa, Adam, 2023, Book Section, A note on the door: Symbolic erasure and representational resistance in Rio de Janeiro In: Karunaratne, Gihan, (ed.) Informal Settlements of the Global South. Architectural Borders and Territories . Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781032043074 Item availability may be restricted.
Pajaczkowska, Claire and White, Luke, eds. 2009, Book, The Sublime Now Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN (10) 4488 1302-8 ISBN (13) 9781 443813020 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, 2017, Journal Article, Design and Society in Modern Japan: An Introduction Review of Japanese Culture and Society, 28 (none). pp. 1-50. ISSN 0913-4700
Teasley, Sarah, 2013, Book Section, Japan: 1750-2000 History of Design: Decorative Arts and Material Culture, 1400-2000. Bard Graduate Center and Yale University Press, New York and New Haven. ISBN 9780300196146
Teasley, Sarah, 2018, Book Section, 'Methods of Reasoning and Imagination': History’s failures and capacities in Anglophone design research In: Kelly, Michael J. and Rose, Arthur, (eds.) Theories of History: History Read across the Humanities. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 183-206. ISBN 9781474271301 Item availability may be restricted.
Teasley, Sarah, 2009, Book Section, Travel-writing the design industry in modern Japan, 1905-25 In: Traganou, Jilly and Mitrasinovic, Miodrag, (eds.) Travel, Space, Architecture. Ashgate, London, pp. 103-124. ISBN 978-0-7546-4827-7