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Hall, Jane, 2019, Thesis, Spaces of transcultural resistance: alterity in the design practices of Lina Bo Bardi and Alison and Peter Smithson PhD thesis, Royal College of Art.
Higgins, Ian, 2019, Journal Article, Identities: An RCA Project Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture, 9 (2). pp. 232-248. ISSN 2041-9112
Hong, Soon Min, 2019, Thesis, A design guideline for school shelters: disaster-resilient communities in the Lao People's Democratic Republic MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Jacoby, Sam, 2019, Journal Article, Collective Forms and Collective Spaces: A Discussion of Urban Design Thinking and Practice Based on Research in Chinese Cities China City Planning Review, 4 (28). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1002-8447
Kaasa, Adam, 2019, Journal Article, Unequal ideas: Reflections on designing politics, an urban ideas competition in Rio de Janeiro Design Issues, 35 (4). pp. 52-60. ISSN 0747-9360
Lastrucci, Vanessa, 2019, Journal Article, The salt flat that protects itself. A case for the Rights of Nature Ri-Vista, 17 (1). pp. 128-147. ISSN 1724-6768
Ma, Weiyin, 2019, Thesis, Pop-up Home: Evidencing an urban nomad’s distributed domestic intimacy beyond a sedentary home MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.
Sakellariou, Angeliki, 2019, Thesis, The architecture of distributed social care: the case of Athens MPhil thesis, Royal College of Art.