  • Causing Chaos

Stofer, Hans, 2010, Show, Exhibition or Event, Causing Chaos

Abstract or Description:

Causing Chaos was curated by the sculptor Claire Barclay. In her introduction in the catalog she says;' as a sculptor who makes objects from a varied range of processes and materials, I have for a long time been interested in the relationship between thinking and making, which underlies the creation of three-dimensional work'. she continues to say that ' this is something that becomes more elusive to explain the more she delves into this subject in an attempt to make sense she does'. she endeavors to understand how meaning comes about through sculpture, form and their materiality. How these work both physically and psychologically affects the viewer is central to her practice.
She says that, 'It is for this reason that I have brought together the work of a number of makers from different artistic backgrounds whose work seems to share something of the same enquiry, and to make visible some crossovers and common concerns which inspire our work. The resulting exhibition aims to provide an opportunity for dialogue about artistic practices which focus on hand making, while avoiding the use of unhelpful categorisation or hirarchies. The selcted artists work across a number of disciplines...,yet approach their work with similar attention to detail and a subversive attitude towards materials.

Causing ChaosFife Contemporary Art & Craft11 September - 31 October 2010Mixed show
Subjects: Creative Arts and Design > W100 Fine Art
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2011 13:44
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2019 15:24
URI: https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/id/eprint/584
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