Brody, Neville
Brody, Neville and Wozencroft, Jon, 2012, Book, Fuse 1-20 Taschen Press, Cologne and New York. ISBN ISBN-10: 3836525011 and ISBN-13: 978-3836525015
Brody, Neville and Wozencroft, Jon, 2012, Book, FUSE 1-20 Taschen Press, Köln. ISBN 978-3-8365-2501-5
Brody, Neville, 2013, Conference or Workshop, Digital Public Space and the Creative Exchange: a Human-centred Approach to the Common Good at 5th International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 3-15 June 2013.
Brody, Neville, 2009, Show, Exhibition or Event, The Freedom Space
Brody, Neville, 2010, Other, Anti-Design Festival, 2010 UNSPECIFIED.